Tuesday 15 June 2021

UEFA EURO 2020 Match 12: France - Germany (discussion)

Carlos del Cerro Grande is about to referee France - Germany. Good luck! 

Group F
Munich, 15 June 2021 21:00 CET
Referee: Carlos del Cerro Grande (ESP)
Assistant Referee 1: Juan Carlos Yuste Jiménez (ESP)
Assistant Referee 2: Roberto Alonso Fernández (ESP)
Fourth Official: Srđan Jovanovic (SRB)
Fifth Official: Uroš Stojković (SRB)
Video Assistant Referee: Juan Martínez Munuera (ESP)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: José María Sánchez Martínez (ESP)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Íñigo Prieto López de Cerain (ESP)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 3: Alejandro José Hernández Hernández (ESP)
UEFA Referee Observer: Kyros Vassaras (GRE)
UEFA Delegate: Charles Schaack (LUX)


  1. It will be a tough game! Luck Carlos !
    Go Carlos (and Go France for my country) !

  2. In the meantime, UEFA published appointments for Preliminary Round of 2021/22 UEFA Champions League


    22/06/2021, 20:00 CET - Elbasan, ALB (Elbasan Arena)
    SS Folgore (SMR) - FC Prishtina (KOS)
    Referee: Joni Hyytiä (FIN)
    Assistant Referee 1: Mika Lamppu (FIN)
    Assistant Referee 2: Veli-Matti Leppänen (FIN)
    Fourth Official: Mattias Gestranius (FIN)
    UEFA Referee Observer: Sokol Jareci (ALB)
    UEFA Delegate: Vasko Dojčinovski (MKD)

    22/06/2021, 20:00 CET - Durrës, ALB (Stadiumi Niko Dovana)
    HB Tórshavn (FRO) - Inter Club d'Escaldes (AND)
    Referee: Joonas Jaanovits (EST)
    Assistant Referee 1: Aron Härsing (EST)
    Assistant Referee 2: Riivo Stolts (EST)
    Fourth Official: Karl Koppel (EST)
    UEFA Referee Observer: Albano Janku (ALB)
    UEFA Delegate: Kejdi Tomorri (ALB)


    25/06/2021, 20:00 CET - Elbasan, ALB (Elbasan Arena)
    SS Folgore (SMR) / FC Prishtina (KOS) - HB Tórshavn (FRO) / Inter Club d'Escaldes (AND)
    Referee: Adam Ladebäck (SWE)
    Assistant Referee 1: Niklas Nyberg (SWE)
    Assistant Referee 2: Daniel Yng (SWE)
    Fourth Official: Fredrik Klytte (SWE)
    UEFA Referee Observer: Sokol Jareci (ALB)
    UEFA Delegate: Vasko Dojčinovski (MKD)

    1. Thank you for having written down the appointments!

  3. Harsh YC against Kimmich. Not necessary.

  4. Correct YC for reckless challenge to GER6. Maybe room for a verbal warning (guidelines?) but okay to book IMO.

  5. For me rather harsh first yellow card. No warnigs before and after only 6 minutes...

  6. YC probably not wrong, but doesn't really fit to the line applied in the tournament so far. I would have preferred a verbal warning there

    1. Should a referee look at what happened in previous games or should he apply his style of refereeing?

    2. At Anonymous 21:11:
      Of course what happened in previous games. There hast to be a predicatble line.

  7. YC is Not wrong, but not the best decision from a FIFA-Referee

  8. Again a wrong foul call, preventing a promising attack. Not convinced so far.

  9. Clearly wrong freekick for france there

  10. If he continues this line it will be a challenging match for him!

  11. Strict approach so far. YC can be supported, but not mandatory, it could send a first signal to calm the players down. A first verbal warning would have been more appropriate.
    Foul detection is very harsh in the first 20 minutes, not so appropriate, players want to focus on football.

  12. I think Del Cerro needs to calm down or he's gonna enter a card festival, which actually shows lack of emotional control. Hopefully he will find his feet.

  13. Kante foul was tactical and should have been YC.

  14. no sure if the Konte foul was even a foul....
    I feel like as soon as someon is falling Del Cerro is giving a freekick

    1. Hard to see in real time, but replay showed he left his leg out long enough to make sure he snagged Gundogan's leg.

  15. Missed corner for Germany by AR2

  16. IMO missed foul and YC for FRA3 (studs on foot)

  17. IMO missed foul by Kimpembe against Müller

  18. That is the problem when you go for such a strict line, it is then really easy to become inconsistent and miss yellow cards for one team, which were given on the other side

  19. Not best evening for Del Cerro Grande.

  20. Lloris deserves a YC in my opinion.

  21. Now a clear YC in my opinion close to AR2. Should have been at least reckless. Accidental is not an argument, I'm in trouble to think that it was careless.

  22. Shameful reaction by Grande! Clear hit in the head and his gesture almost like there is a simulation, not even realizing what happens and asking if there is a need for medical help.

  23. His foul detection is a bit random in my opinion, not a clear line. Harsh YC but not incorrect. Furthermore, some minor mistakes like a missed corner, time wasting etc.

  24. After soft YC no second YC for reckless challenge.

  25. This is the first and last Game for Grande

  26. GER6 could've received SYC, this challenge is more reckless than the one he has been carded for. I think Del Cerro didn't booked him because it would have been a red then.
    I think the Spaniard lacks consistence in his calls, his line is not set.

  27. A bit aggressive reaction by Pogba against assistant referee, I think that a warning should have been issued by del Cerro, no YC is OK though.

    1. I disagree - for me, getting in the face of the AR like that is a near-mandatory YC for dissent.

  28. Such a shame that in one of the biggest games of this GS we have a referee who shows not to be up to the task! Pedantic and inconsistent fout detection. No clear line and no game flow at all. A pity.

  29. Possible violent conduct on Pogba!

  30. It looked like a bite on the replays broadcaster showed, not 100% sure, we need more angle to say.

  31. I believe Rosetti is already regretting his "bold" choice for the biggest game of the group stage...

  32. IMO interpretation of grandes decisions go way too far. There are problems in foul detection, but no situation which was worth showing a card.

  33. I hope Del Cerro Grande does more against time wasting in the second half

    1. That won’t be hard, he didn’t do anything so far

  34. Poor half for del Cerro Grande.

    But I cannot see a 2nd YC for Kimmich. He is fouled and has no change to control his behaviour afterwards.

    1. For me it was a foul by Hernandez first as well

  35. So far unfortunately the worst referee performance in the tournament so far. No clear line in foul detection and card management

    1. Especially card management which has been terrible.

  36. I think Ekberg would have been a better choice here! But even better idea was to appoint top class referee. I wonder how this performance and Karasev tomorrow potentially (I hope not though but I expect a challenging clash) will affect overall impression of refereeing on tje tournament so far.

  37. I hope Del Cerro is able to enjoy Spain from tomorrow onwards, cause he won’t be anywhere else this summer

  38. Tough 1MT for Del Cerro. Physically he was good.
    About fouls and disciplinary control, not convincing for this 1MT

    1. Only condition wont bring you anywhere. If this was the case we would have had Nijhuis whistling this EC instead of Makkelie. ;-)

  39. In my opinion Del Cerro Grande was in trouble to open a channel of communication with players, this even before talking about technical decisions, the most distant referee from players so far.
    Technically one can discuss about the possible YC he didn't issue, but clearly the early YC caused some issues in the rest of first half, he must do by far better in second half.

  40. At leat YC missed for Kimmich but even RC wouldn´t be shocking. If one thinks of that very soft YC at the beginning of the game... well this is not good at all for Del Cerro Grande. He just can´t follow a straight line when it comes to cards.

    1. 40'... kick in the face.

    2. This cannot be a YC as Kimmich is first fouled and has no control afterwards

    3. Actually it seemed deliberate.

    4. I agree with JR, I'm fine with no YC here.

  41. I'm not so negative about the first half. Some mistakes in foul detection and a harsh YC in the early minutes put him under unnecassary pressure, as he didn't follow that harsh line enough throughout the first 45 minutes.
    No SYC is okay for me, GER player is pulled back and then cannot avoid the contact.
    In the bigger picture however, this isn't a catastrophical performance - that doesn't mean that there isn't room for improvement.

    1. I fully agree

    2. Its not a catastrophical performance I agree. However it is surely below par/ what should be expected for this kind of match and if this is a test for bigger KO matches for me he has definaltely failed it so far unfortunately.

  42. Those making comparisons with the other performances seen so far should take the difficulty of the game into account. So far we have seen almost all the top referees involved in fairly easy matches. Tonight's performance is not amazing, but far from a disaster.

    1. I wouldn't really consider this game to be more difficult. I think the referee just made it more difficult for him with his approach.

    2. Well then Rosetti needs to ask himself why he didn't appoint a top referee for the top clash of MD 1?!

    3. Yes, a swap with Lahoz would had been very logical and the easiest mode to choose. I guess uefa had pretty big plans for Del Cerro and wanted to see how is he doing. Unfortunately it seems a bad decision.

  43. Carlos exposed himself but giving an unnecessary yellow card so early

  44. Maybe it's a hat too big for Del Cerro. First majour deception. Maybe he can do a little bit better in second half

  45. I have seen him much better, but Del Cerro Grande often shows no consistent line in foul detection and card management. But normally he communicates more and better. I am really disappointed about 1st half and hope that it's not getting even worse.

  46. In his defence, its not easy when the evening starts with this :) https://twitter.com/MaxMerrill_/status/1404876755685552131?s=20

  47. Red Card for Rüdiger?

    And hey no var?

  48. Wrong offside call by AR2

  49. Mistake by AR2 at 50'

  50. This is digression, but some in a YouTube discussion have said Rudiger's foul in the CL final should have been a red card. It was a simple obstruction, stepping in the way of De Bruyne, but with De Bruyne getting facial fractures as a result, shouldn't a red card be considered as a way to protect the players by dissuading future fouls like Rudiger's?

  51. https://streamable.com/b3jlu4
    Not a clear evidence, I think nothing happened otherwise Pogba would have reacted in a very different way. Correct NO VAR intervention.

  52. Missed YC against Gosens

  53. It should have been a YC at least, isn't it? min. 58 That's my opinion.

    1. Very late challenge indeed, Del Cerro misjudged the intensity of this foul: a YC (at least) must follow.

  54. Knee against head... Even if not intended: Clear YC Goosens

  55. Min 56 referee clearly missed reckless manner.

  56. G20 should be given a YC for reckless play, not enough for RC under dangerous play for me. But no card given by referee.

  57. After tonight it’s clear that Cerro is the weakest referee so far. This high level of football is too much for him. There is no management, preventive or proactive approach at all. Besides this he looks arrogant in his body language. Too much mistakes in foul detection and disciplinary action. He looks restless and nervous. I think after this match he will not receive another match or one unimportant in group stage.

  58. Correct offside call from AR2 in 66’ to deny a France goal.

  59. Great call by AR2!

    1. Clear offside: 2 metres. Delay flag not even needed.

    2. Come on Markus don’t behave this way, that was a great call by the AR2, we have been saying a lot bad about the performance and rightly so, but when something good happens we should also give credit!!! Don’t come saying clear offside because it wasn’t, many assistants would have missed it

    3. Everything perfect IMO. Since there was another player closer in deeper offside, it might have influenced ARs perception.

    4. Great call but really! Why the delayed flag? Surely the flag could have went up the minute he touched the ball!

    5. Hi Chiagozie. I am one of the most positive writers here. I always try to support the referee. But in this case it wasn’t a close call. For that reason a delay flag wasn’t needed. The call was correct of course.

  60. Clear RC for DOGSO missed. This would have been a very easy decision!

    1. Hum hum. Very hard decision. But replays clearly show that german defensor touches twice Mbappé legs before takes the ball…

    2. Not so clear, 50/50 decision, I think we could find arguments for penalty and for play on

    3. Disagree to what Chefren said, no penalty for me

    4. I don't agree. Maybe we can talk is it PK or not, but for me no way it's RC because there was attempt to play the ball.

    5. Penalty and YC should have been the right decision. He touched Mbappe first an then the ball.

    6. Why red . Clearly attempt to play the Ball. If PK yeallow

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Brilliant decision no PK, Hummels played ball first. Del Cerro's 2nd half much better than 1st!

  63. Possible penalty call. While it looks like he won the ball, he seems to hook his leg around Mbappe first before winning it. For me I would not have been unhappy to see a penalty called here.

  64. Clear foul by Hummells in my opinion, the tackle is straight from behind and he makes contact with (and trips) both of the attacker's legs before making contact with the ball.

  65. Second VAR intervention of the tournament, offside and disallowed goal.

  66. Incorrect call by AR2, but good intervention by VAR to give offside.

  67. It should have been a penalty IMO, First contact to Mbappe's right leg, then he touched the ball.

  68. No YC for Rabiot for handball close to the box? Again, lost in cards. I don't get the criterion.

    1. According to latest rules changes it is not YC. That was not SPA situation.

  69. It was no goalkick. So no YC

  70. Rgearding the previous incident for me penalty but it is now clear how VAR works in this tournament, if there ia a minimum chance to support referee, he will be always supported. In this case, rewatching video, del Cerro would have whistled penalty in my opinion. The contact made afterwards with ball, a very slight touch, is not enough (but it is for VAR) to justify such challenge.
    I said YC because I perceived the tackle from behind as very dangerous on the opponent, with the only aim to bring down him, however, given the subsequent soft contact with ball one could still talk about a genuine foul and so YC...
    But in this case the expected decision is penalty for me.

    1. Expected decision should be OFR here. Don’t understand what VAR supported ref with a very difficult perception to assess in live. That’s here exactly VAR stuff ! Ununderstandable !

    2. We are back to initial PL VAR idea :D

    3. If we observe this situation in comparison to the general line of EC referees, it's more no penalty than it's one.
      Small contact before the ball was played, but nothing which affected Mpappe.
      In comparison to Cerro Grandes line it should have been a penalty.

    4. But isn't it the same, that has been done in CL all season?
      If you read the comments here, some say clear penalty, some say 50/50, some say no penalty. Yes, the majority seems to prefer penalty, but you still can see that it is not a clear situation.
      VAR should be used for situations, where nearly everybody thinks, that the referee's decision was wrong.

  71. And the question of new handball rules maybe? Is it punishable?

  72. Sure. So blatant.

  73. A tight decision but with the standard of the officiating in this tournament so high, I fear that VAR intervention no matter how tight the decision might be committee will use that to discount performances especially as all reffed matches so far has been top notch but Carlos has been really poor tonight, he has been sure of his decision and not proactive at all like most refs have been even as little as indicating a goal kick or Corner

  74. Regarding the penalty incident - for me that was clear penalty and YC. But I agree with Chefren on how will VAR work on this EURO. If there is even a minimum reason to support referee's original decision it will be the case, just like here. But IMO missed penalty.

  75. Good, expected level performance (8,3 level) in one of the hardest (most dynamic!) matches so far - sorry, simply don't understand these comments describing a "poor" performance.

    1. Expected level with a PK and YC missed ? Hum…

    2. For sure not a poor performance, but that penalty situation is very, very doubtful and I think for majority this was a clear penalty. But all together, solid performance by Del Cerro, as usual great fitness.

    3. He literally hasn’t done ANYTHING against time wasting by the French. This performance has rewarded negative football and will be rightfully perceived as awful by all neutral fans. Even if he didn’t make many mistakes from a refereeing point of view (which he did, but that is another discussion), this simply was a bad performance and should be his last.

    4. 8,1 - 8,2 (7,8-7,9) IMO. PK situation, 2ndYC missed, unbalanced approach. Not poor but very obviously below standard of the tournament so far.

    5. Fitness was the only positive.

    6. Yes, I think so too. The match contained of a high level of dynamics (Grande's fittness level helped him here). There is room for improvement (foul detection; player connection/warnings), but in a bigger picture he performed well, also supportable at least to reject the penalty appeal and I think that he did very well in keeping a good insight to the situation, although Mbappe runs unbelievably fast.

    7. Missed PK nad YC and dont understand why var not interveen

    8. And the match was super easy to handle. Nothing to do with Cakir's mission in Budapest.

    9. Agree with you, Mikael W, this match was the most challenging so far, and Del Cerro did a good job, despite some issues in first half. I think, second appointment should come for him.

    10. Completely agree. Maybe a harsh YC, but I don't think he ever got close to loosing control of the game, let alone having to give too many cards. No PK supportable and IMO the more pragmatic decision to not give a penalty if it's not a 100% foul and there are arguments for playing on. While there is room for improvement, I don't think there will be much talk about the overall performance (outside of this blog).

    11. I slightly disagree about the mark. IMO, it's 8.2 level. A clearly missed YC, no consistency in foul detection and not the best management of players.

  76. It was a cross no y c is correct , never a shot on goal this action

  77. Cerro with the first clear 7.8 performance for me. 2-0 with a clear missed offside corrected by VAR means a Crucial mistake for me. No consistent foul detection. The only YC was very cheap compaired to all the possible YCs not given. Cerro showed that the real top clashes this EURO should not go to him. Failed the test.

  78. Very poor and inconsistent display from Del Cerro Grande, especially card management which was really off. Rosetti risked too much and totally blundered. Now GER-POR next Saturday.... another big match-up... will he play it safe this time around?

  79. Regarding Del Cerro's performance today, despite some negative comments and issues with possible missed YCs,I would say, that overall picture of refereeing was far from bad, yes, penalty decision is debatable, but in general, the match was always under control.

  80. Let's analyse it like this. Correct performance by del Cerro (7.9). Nobody will speak about officiating(exclude officiating experts from no speaking). Very big problem for Del Cerro is becouse we have great officiating at this Euro, maybe best ever, and his colleagues set high bar and showed great performances. In conditions like this, performance like this, even is correct, can and I think it will cost him knock out phase. There was some experienced referees for this game, but ok. Rosseti continiue to do great job. Del Cerro is not loser, but he also is not a winner.

    1. Agree with the comments - the standard of officiating his been top notch in this tournament.
      Once again, I support the decision for VAR not to interject in this as this wasn't a clear and obvious error.
      Rosetti should be extremely pleased with the performances of all of his officials across all 12 games and let's hope this standards continues.

  81. I am impressed by so many negative comments about Del Cerro. It is true that there have been some mistakes, but I think he has gotten a good game from a difficult game, with a frenetic pace.
    For me there was no penalty on that play by Mbappe. By the way, the VAR very fast when deciding.
    It was not the best game for Del Cerro, who I think performs better in La Liga than in UEFA, but I think he can be satisfied.

  82. In general Del Cerro for me did a good job, we must not forget that he has to descide in a few seconds and he doesn’t have a tv screen to show him close ups, like we have on tv! Another thing wich me irritates…. People here are saying… Cerro is nervous….i think iff i have to referee this “big” match i would be also… aren’t we al human????
    I think it shows real passion, and actually referees are no robots!!! For me referees are “great” when they referee on their own style, and personality, and not just like Uefa/Fifa wants them to do, this way fifa/uefa creates robots not referees!

  83. Surprising that no further card followed after the early first caution. But after the first ca. 15 minutes, the referee followed the more lenient approach, that most referees use in the tournament. Both in disclipinary management and foul selection. Foul detection was not completely consistent throughout the match, but was also a difficult task due to the style of both teams.
    Then we have several individual situations, where opinions understandably differ. Of course, the final assessment will therefore be quite different among readers depending on those situations.

  84. For the first time in his tournament, a referee underperformed IMO.
    The appointment failed, simply. For a debut in a major tournament, Germany-France (a clash involving the last two WC winners !) was just too much for del Cerro.

    His line, card management and foul detection were not at EC level in my book. He missed the occasion to set the tone at 6', where he showed a YC where - given the nature of the foul and the instructions/ way of officiating we saw since the beginning of the competition - a verbal warning was the better choice.
    After that, with such a strict line set, I have the feeling he lacked consistence.
    Four or five YC missed (some of them not even deemed as fouls), and he didn't communicated enough for me.
    Prevention regarding time wasting was also a problem tonight.

    Then we have the penalty call, where I first liked the play on decision, then based on replay it looked more penalty (a contact with the opponent occurred before the one with the ball).
    Therefore, given the trend in this EURO concerning VAR interventions and the fact committee wants OFR for very clear mistakes, I'll back the Spaniard for this one.

    All in all not a catastrophical performance, but clearly a sub-par display, referee was not in shape.
    Del Cerro Grande has been appointed in a game where he was simply not ready.

  85. As usual, superb athletic condition (probably the reason why Rosetti choosed him for such a challenging match). As usual, problems with foul selection and card management. Better in the second half and good at never losing control, but misses a fairly obvious penalty. Overall, not a poor performance, but not a good one either: 7.9 (8,1) IMO.

  86. French television shows replays with Rudiger clearly bited violently Pogba. Another VAR stuff missed…Not a good night for Munuera ! Clear RC and OFR needed !

    1. What minute? Do you have a link?

  87. I didn't watch too much of the match because I was focused a lot on the Saudi Arabia - Uzbekistan World Cup Qualifier, but from what I read here, is it fair to say this: the match was maybe the most challenging so far, but also had more mistakes than the other matches? So perhaps it was an unlucky match for del Cerro Grande.

    1. May I reverse the question? :D

      How was Ko in that match? I stream-recorded the game from Al Kass's site, so let me know if there are any interesting scenes and I will cut clips. :)

    2. First of all I must premise this by saying that my attention was split between both matches so I can't say much about the overall performance of either. I don't think this was a very interesting match for a referee because Saudi Arabia were far superior and the game got away from Uzbekistan quite quickly. There were some hot moments which always resulted in cautions, especially (surprisingly) towards the end of the match from Saudi Arabia. One that stands out in my mind was a reckless (possibly retaliation) foul from Saudi Arabia where he put himself right in the middle of a crowd of players to show the yellow card. It was surprising to see Saudi Arabia so seemingly frustrated when the match was always in their control. And I think Uzbekistan may have had a penalty shout in the first half when the score was 2-0 but didn't really see it. Sorry I can't provide more specifics than that!

    3. Oh and I should also mention that the 2-0 goal was in my opinion an excellent onside decision by AR1 (Kwang Yeol Yoon). Very close decision but I think he's spot on here. https://imgur.com/BRZztSe

  88. I am very curious to see the referees that are yet to blow the whistle on this tournament, then we will be able to make the final "ranking". However, I would say that with this performance Del Cerro Grande has to absolutely impress next time in order to be a candidate for KO part.

  89. Despite a shaky start, especially with the early booking, I think Grande's overall performance was commendable in a VERY challenging & tricky game.
    For those talking about poor card management, I do NOT understand what you are talking about. The referee only gave one SINGLE booking ALL GAME.

    Given the fiesty nature of the game, I think Grande's overall performance was EXCELLENT (aside from the shaky start in the opening 20-30mins).

  90. It is curious that Mateu is by far better than Del Cerro in UEFA matches, while in Spain the latter is much better considered. I think Del Cerro's style, serious, sober, distant with the players, is better suited to La Liga.

  91. Believe my words. He will not be appointed again. Some referees will do one match only in GS and Cerro will be one of them. We are talking about EURO level. This is not expected level of refereeing.

    1. I don't agree. I think we will see Del Cerro again

    2. "believe my words". He has already been re appointed on friday.

  92. To be honest, not that bad performance by Del Cerro. But compared to other referees who already had chance to perform, Del Cerro's performance is indeed the least convincing. A lot of improvement can be made, IMO not a good option to give him the hottest game.

  93. I think some people were quick to criticise from the start, as they didn’t think he was the right appointment in the first place!

    Early YC: harsh (on replay) but mustn’t over emphasise the importance in the bigger picture. Perhaps showed players he meant business?

    Penalty: Certainly not a clear decision (as many have said) - he was right up with play and, in real time, it looked like defender played the ball. Any foul contact was clear only on repeated slow-motion replays.

    VAR/offside: a very close decision and only offside because of a bent knee - actual bodies were level. An AR cannot be criticised for not spotting that in real time … surely that type of ‘corrected’ decision cannot lead to marks deducted?

    Dissent: considering officials were expected to ‘clamp down’ on this, thought Pogba should have had a YC for finger wagging in ARs face (actually an excellent decision too)

    Overall, I think this will be seen as ‘expected level’ (depending on how penalty is viewed). No one, outside referee debating, will be taking about this referee; if anything, TV coverage was very positive. I’ll bet now, Grande gets at least 1 more game.

    1. Biting: forgot about this. I think RC but no blame attached to referee surely. Key is how quickly this was noticeable (available replay to VAR)? Once play restarted, can’t go back.

    2. They can go back to violent conducyts if I remember correctly.

    3. The offside situation was quite clear for me in real time.

  94. True. People here go to extremes very easily. It's excellent performance when the referee is not challenged and offers a simple good, expected level performance. It's catastrophic when the match is going feisty and there are some (unavoidable) mistakes.

    The overall approach of the referee or some technical/managerial nuances are rarely seen here. Examples: very poor Ekberg in AUTMKD was even praised by some users, the same like Grinfeld after Rangers-Slavia. They both lost the plot in their games, were unable to identify trouble makers who destroyed the games. Lack of communication and managerial skills plus many mistakes in disciplinary control were not detected. Those were performances worth of a (maximum) 7.7 mark. But they were somehow positively received on here.

    Del Cerro was technically poor today. Missed some mandatory cautions while the first one was simply wrong. The German player should have been sent off for the kick in head. The movement was initially a consequence of a foul that was missed, yes, but I got the impression it was deliberately extended. Even the former player on TV in my country said that it was a deliberate action and the German player wanted to behave like this. The penalty incident is a very tricky one, technically it should have been a penalty as it was the contact with player that occurred at first.

    But given that all, I think Del Cerro didn't lose control like Ekberg or Grinfeld. He simply made some (too many) mistakes. But as they are visible to not experienced refereeing people (don't get me wrong, I say it with all the respect), we can read comments pointing out those mistakes and OK. My point is that sometimes we miss something more than just making the calls - control, management, soft skills, etc.

  95. OT: Where i can find a pre-list referees for WC 2022? I try a actual version, not from 2018/19

  96. Del Cerro doesn’t look mature in his presence despite his age.

  97. At least he has best haircut from all referees :D

  98. I don't want to write too much because I obviously support Germany, but for me del Cerro Grande was performing below average. He was better in second half, although he missed a crystal clear YC for Gosens (knee hit Pavard's face). I definitely disagree with some of you saying it should have been a penalty for France (plus even a RC). Hummels clearly played the ball as you could see in real speed and after that, there is something like a collision as a result of the fair tackle. Del Cerro Grande had the whistle in his mouth, probably he wanted to whistle but decided to play on. Close offside missed by AR2, VAR had to overrule. Not impossible to detect it in real speed. I was really surprised that AR2 kept his flag down when the goal was shot. Second half was okay.

    The more important half was the first one, first half was the reason for an overall unconvincing impression. And it began with the first and only YC in 6' for Kimmich which I found very unnecessary. Noone expected a YC, he could have spoken to Kimmich easily, but even that would not have been necessary. It was definitely too much and it did not help him with the remaining minutes in first half. There were a lot of minor mistakes, as a result, German commentators were not happy with his decisions already after ten minutes (after Kimmich's YC and a wrong foul decision for France). If we compare del Cerro Grande's line with all the other referees, it simply did not fit and it was not expected.

    I am a bit surprised that noone mentioned that Pogba was actually bitten by Rüdiger. We cannot blame del Cerro Grande that he missed it but – saying that as a German –
    it was a mandatory RC for VC. VAR did not help although it would have been necessary. For me the biggest mistake of the refereeing team today!

    Having said that, with a missed RC for Rüdiger in first half and a lot of mistakes in first half, not really doing something against France's time play, it was not the refereeing I would have expected for a big match like this. Unfortunately.

    1. +1

      I also cannot find any reasons for peoble claiming there should be a second YC against Kimmich, as by law and common sense there is absolutly no logical reason for.

    2. Right, I did not mention it. For me, it was even a foul by the defender and therefore free-kick for Germany. I am very, very surprised how different all the opinions are. Call me biased but I definitely did not expect so many people talking about a clear penalty while there are almost no comments about the clear VC by Rüdiger. In half-time, at least in Germany, there were clear pictures. Kramer – maybe you know him from the WC final 2014 – said Rüdiger was very lucky, and Mertesacker also did not understand why Rüdiger did that.
      I really cannot explain that everyone saw a different match... ;)

  99. "Referee expert Mario Strahonja did not have words of praise for the referee of the match France - Germany.

    - He had absolutely no control over the match, he gave a yellow card to Kimmich in the 7th minute, and he didn't need it. Kimmich withdrew his leg and it is absolutely a violation for verbal warning and showing everyone to rule the situation. This is a difficult match, you don't need to go for a card right away. Later, Kimpembe was supposed to get one for foul over Mueller, open foot. Then came Hernandez's foul on Kimmich, he didn't play, he played for Hernandez. Later, in inertia, he hit him. It’s absolutely not for a card and a foul for Kimmich. Later we saw Pogba in unsportsmanlike conduct towards the assistant referee ...

    In the 78th minute the most controversial situation. Hummels started on Mbappe, who also scored an own goal for the victory of France.

    - The first impression looks like a penalty kick, however, chronologically if you look, the biggest contact happened outside the penalty area, which ordered the coordination of Mbappe's movements. Later Hummels had the intention to go for the ball and the back of his foot was a little touched, definitely the intention was the ball. If you have minimal contacts, this is a situation where you have given support to the referee. It is definitely not a clear and obvious mistake. There will be discussions about that now. The tendency is not to whistle penalty kicks lightly. For me, it was not a penalty kick, he pointed out."

    1. Ex-FIFA Mario Strahonja in his analysis for Croatian television.




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