Sunday 12 May 2024

Who will officiate UEFA finals?

Please find below a (short) analysis about the candidates for 2023-24 UEFA CL, EL and ECL finals.

After semifinals' second legs played on this week, it's now time to make an analysis about the candidates for the three cups' finals.

Differently from previous seasons, there has been a very detailed discussion on the blog about the current situation, and some very good points have been highlighted by our readers. The first and maybe most interesting is about the policy of appointments. All EURO selected referees have got at least an appearance as either main referee or fourth official starting from semifinals. The only three missing names are: Slavko Vinčić, Artur Dias and István Kovács. This fact puts in a different shadow the analysis because one could draw the conclusion that the missing names could be surely the appointed referees for the finals.

Nevertheless, we have learnt from the past that we can always expect the unexpected, so trying to write something could have a certain value as well. 

Starting from the pool of candidates for CL finals, we can say that the referees for this year's Wembley masterpiece should be the following: Anthony Taylor, Danny Makkelie,Slavko Vinčić and maybe  István Kovács. Personally, I would have added Felix Zwayer, but now with a German team in final, it's sure he will not handle this game. 

The Romanian referee showed an excellent performance in Barcelona - PSG game, but it is more likely to expect him as referee for Europa League final, following a very clear devleopment path, after having officiated Conference League final two years ago, and waiting for bigger appointments in future. For this reason, I think he will officiate Atalanta - Leverkusen.

If we go back at a few weeks ago, the CL final looked to be planned for the Taylor, who could have officiated the final at home, without English and Italian (still a problem for him) teams. But suddenly he was appointed to the semifinal between Borussia Dortmund and PSG (in which he had a regular performance).  This should rule him out from the game in Wembley, we can't be sure but in the contrary case, Rosetti and the committee would repeat what had already happened in 2016 with an English referee, Clattenburg, who got both a semifinal and the finals. But in my opinion now we are in very different times and this event seems to be hard to happen again (nevertheless, it can't be excluded). Taylor for sure has not the level of Clattenburg The performances of the English have turned into better displays in the last appearances, but the overall season at UEFA level has been rather below expectations. To summarize, the strong argument against the English is that when committee was sure he could have directly handled the final, he was appointed for a semifinal (they would have never made something like that).

To follow, before knowing the appointment for Leverkusen - Roma, my idea was that committee had two candidates to be tested in semifinals, but only one of them, Makkelie, got a game. As said above, this could be a signal that the Slovenian has been kept without an appointment to be saved as referee for the final, while the Dutch has been exposed to a very challenging game like the one in Germany, in which he did well for sure. It was not only a question of performance, but also about how both teams would have reacted after the game. It was the perfect outcome for the referee, without any single complaint. Let's remember, to talk again about Taylor, how things ended one year ago following the Europa League final whistle. So, under this point of view, committee can't have different feelings than being absolutely content. The question is only whether the decision about the final referee for Wembley has been taken before (with the referees left out from assignments) or not. 

Another element is surely the PSG elimination against Borussia Dortmund, something that you wouldn't have expected,. After the famous PSG - Real game involving the Dutch referee two years ago,  he never met again the French side and this could have been a problem in case of final appointment. Now, there isn't this case. 

So, all in all, to make it short: the final referee should be one between the Slovenian and the Dutch. While the management by committee seems to say the Slovenian without doubts (but this rather because they expected PSG in final, at least in my opinion), I think that one must be ready to expect to read the name of the Dutch, this would be quite deserved.

About the Conference League final, I have my doubts about Soares Dias, because the Portuguese referee was never in focus this season. On the other hand, there would have been some candidates, with names like Letexier and Zwayer among them, and why not Meler after the excellent season? But maybe the last assignment for this game, one year ago, with Del Cerro Grande, can suggest us that this final is used for rewarding rather aged referees for their career, not having the glamour of the other two competitions under the eyes of committee, or, in the case of first edition, to reward a promising star (and indeed it was for sure the case) like the Romanian. But maybe not the same attraction for a referee in the middle of career who has done very good things. Still, the Portuguese should have handled something more during the season to justify this call and this would be a very strange choice. Also in this case, I'm open to read different names, but then the question would be: why those three referees didn't get games?

Hopefully we will get anwers soon, as the first final of the three is planned on Wednesday 22 May, the names will be surely released on next week, from tomorrow onwards, and my idea is that referees will be informed during the EURO course in Germany personally by committee (the best management under this point of view).  

And you? What are your opinions about the referees who will be in charge of UEFA finals? Write a comment and discuss with us. 


  1. Well,my prediction are:
    I would add that If somehow UEFA appoinit Vincic, it sould be also top option, but I prefer Danny.

  2. My predictions.

    UCL final- Danny Makkelie
    UELfinal- Istvan Kovacs
    UECL final- Felix Zwayer

  3. My prediction :
    CL Danny Makkelie
    EL Istvan Kovacs
    ECL Artur Dias

  4. My prediction:

    Ucl Makkelie
    EL Kovacs
    ECL Nyberg

    But the uefa thinks different;
    UCL Vincic (not deserved)
    EL Kovacs
    ECL Soares

  5. Thanks Chefren. I wrote the long analysis in the previous blogpost this morning. I won’t post the same analysis again, just the conclusion :)

    Vincic out in the semi suggests that he is planned for something. However, with BVB in the final and Makkelie raising up to the occasions, and ‘unscratched’ after challenging games, impossible to completely ignore him (again).

    Probably the best alternative is: one of Makkelie/Vincic in the Champions League final and the other in the Conference League final. Olympiacos vs Fiorentina needs an experienced (and in form) referee. I don’t think the nature of this match is suitable for a young and talented referee. Don’t risk the biscuit. Although Letexier should be able to handle it, but already had the Supercup… Soares Dias doesn’t deserve it after this season imho.
    Kovacs and a new VAR pairing - I’m not a fan, but don’t see the alternative.

    What I hope:
    -CL: Makkelie
    -UEL: Kovacs
    -UECL: Vincic

    What I fear:
    -CL: Vincic
    -UECL: Soares Dias

  6. There is one detail that makes me suspect if Slavko Vincic will be nominated for the Champions League final: he has never refereed a Real Madrid match! It was a surprising fact when I saw it, why didn't he ever have this opportunity before? In recent years, the referees chosen for this decision already had experience at both clubs. I don't know if UEFA would risk putting Vincic in this type of match for the spanish club for the first time. This makes me believe that the choice will be between Anthony Taylor and Danny Makkelie, both of whom have refereed matches for both Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund in the past.

    1. Yes, I noticed the same. Honestly, it can be an advantage but also a disadvantage. On one hand, the referee has a clean history with the team. On the other hand, when a team doesn’t know the referee (Vincic) and his management, he has to earn the respect of the players during the game. Whereas Makkelie or Taylor had the opportunity to already earn that respect before the kick-off.

      Marciniak officiated the France NT and Argentina NT before his final in Qatar and I believe this really helped him.

  7. Could Oliver get something?

    1. Conference league is possible. But very unlikely as he did a semi

    2. Champions League: too early

      Europa League: not after Taylor had the last edition

      Conference League: not likely after a semi-final in the same competition, not impossible though

  8. Any predictions who could work as 4th official in the finals?

    If I had to predict some options:
    - Letexier (reward)
    - Meler (reward)
    - Soares Dias (consolidation)

  9. Interesting, that no alternatives to Kovacs is mentioned - and I agree, it’s hard to find one.
    And there still is the Leverkusen-Porto game, which might be a problem…

    1. The only alternative is Letexier (quick rise) or a referee who has already done the UEL final, e.g. Turpin.

    2. If not Kovacs, I think the two candidates would be Oliver and Letexier. Oliver unlikely because he would be second referee for this game one year after Taylor (I agree with the remark above), while Letexier would get a very deserved call, but the feeling is that committee doesn't want to give him a big final so early and I can agree for some aspects.
      True that choice is very limited, mostly because we have teams from two big federations and some referees from other big federations out for various reasons (Spaniards above all...).

    3. Actually without Wednesday's offside decision, Marciniak could have been an option for the EL final as well.
      If they really don't find anybody else, they could use Turpin again (same treatment as Kuipers), but I agree, that Letexier and Oliver would be more logical.
      So let's hope that simply Leverkusen doesn't have a problem with Kovacs.

  10. Makkelie UCL
    Vincic EL
    Soares Dias or Letexier UConfL

  11. Could Ivan Kruzliak be an option for the Conference League final? He has never refereed a match in the knockout phase of the Champions League and just one single semi-final in the Conference League last season. With this CV one could hardly justify his nomination for the EURO or would almost be forced to hold him back for a meaningless game on the last matchday of the group stage.

    1. I think based on the achievements the answer is rather "yes", but what gives me doubts (I thought about him for ECL final as well) is the managemenet by committee, no CL KO stage game, then a final appointment would be quite unexpected. But surely possible on paper!

  12. Normally get a call but now all the euro referees are three days together in Germany for the euro24. Its make it personal when they announce it these days at the trainingsession.

    1. Do you know more about the exact dates of the course in Germany? I ask also other readers if they know. Only three days? Starting from tomorrow?

    2. I've read both the information Tuesday to Thursday and Wednesday to Friday - so seems to be three days.
      Location should be Frankfurt.

    3. @Chefren i read 13 till 16 May in Frankfurt

    4. @Chefren .. in this article and then in the blue page


  14. Real Madrid # Broussia Dortmund
    Referee: Danny Makkelie NED
    Assistant Referee 1: Hessel Steegstra NED
    Assistant Referee 2: Jan de Vries NED

    1. Possible d'avoir surprise ,
      M.OLIVER la finale.

      Je le souhaite .


    Referee: Artur Manuel Ribeiro Soares Dias POR
    Assistant Referee 1: Paulo Alexandre dos Santos Soares POR
    Assistant Referee 2: Pedro Ricardo Ferreira Ribeiro POR

    Referee: Sandro Schärer SUI

    Assistant Referee 1: Stéphane De Almeida SUI

    Assistant Referee 2: Bekim Zogaj SUI 

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I agree, the second paragraph explains all very clear. My predictions are also Vincic, Kovacs and Dias; I don't expect any surprises this time.
    It would be simply unfair to keep Vincic without a game in the semifinals in any competition if you don't appoint him to the final. More than it is unfair to Makkelie, who still has years ahead. One point that could motivate the Dutch: maybe it is better for him if he gets the final right before the WC 2026, this could help him enter that competition with a big profile more than would help him now, considering that he reached SF at the last EURO and his compatriot had the final. Vincic had a decent season, not the most difficult games necesarally but also there were not problems in his matches. There is a small doubt if Kajtazovic is trusted for the UCL final but I would rather say yes, he proved himself a very good VAR.
    Kovacs in UEL is by far the most expected appointing and the easiest to predict. Fully deserved, just look at the games he had this season in UCL. Sonorous teams, very solid season, good performances. He was paired quite a lot with his European ARs also in the domestic competition. I mean he had 18 games so far this season in Romanian First League, in half of them he worked with both Marinescu and Artene. In other 8 with one of them, and only 1 game with two other ARs and that was in MD1 in mid July. It must be Vassaras's strategy to consolidate the trio for EURO. About the VAR: there is no way Popa will be trusted for this one. Kovacs works usually with Marco Fritz but this time no Italians or Germans. Despite the fact that sometimes he worked with Dutch VARs I think Kwiatkowski will be chosed this time.
    Dias to UECL may not be the most deserved appointment, some of the users even doubt about his attendance at the EURO. However, there are not many other option tbh, maybe Letexier but it feels like he is a name too big for this one and he had the Supercup already. Artur Dias's season was pretty unsatisfing in terms of appointments at least, only 3 games in UCL and 2 in UEL, not enough. On the other hand, he has experience at 44 yo and a UCL SF in CV. Tiago Martins is a reliable VAR in my opinion, there should be no doubts here.
    Abot the 4th officials, I was thinking about Letexier in UCL, Meler in UEL and Nyberg in UECL, all 3 young referees than can achieve great in the future. Ok, Letexier already is a certitude but looking in the past years the referees chosen for this role were already trusted names and more than hopes for the future.

    1. I was thinking that as well, would a powerful Slovenian delegation accept a different role for Vincic, for example 4O in UCL (or even better: 4O in the EURO final with Orsato).

      In the end it’s about keeping the stakeholders happy, which is more a thing now after Marciniak and his team made a bad impression in the end of their game. And I certainly think that Makkelie is a more sound name than Vincic - the latter isn’t really tested in big games IMO. In 2022 he was kept away from risky games in order to give him the UEL final. 2023 he had a poor season and not a great World
      Cup. This season back to shielding again.

      The remark about Vincic VAR is interesting. How can we be sure the VAR is trusted if Vincic barely had any “box” incidents? The only thing I remember is that Kajtazovic didnt intervene in Obrenovic game for a crystal clear penalty, just saying.

  19. My prediction:
    UCL Anthony Taylor
    Even with SF appointment, big FA factor, the referee itself, and host country representative (as we know rarely seen very poor performance from all English club in all competitions in single season) could be more impactful as cumulative, and if Turpin could done UCL final in his home country, why Taylor couldn't do?
    UEL Istvan Kovacs
    No need more comment, per curiam
    UECL Francois Letexier
    Similar with Kovacs path

  20. The rumors in Slovenia in last day, Vincic will do a final. As a slovenian we are of course very happy.

  21. For me i will go with Vincic in CL, Kovacs in EL and Soares Dias in Conference Final. Olympiakos and Fiorentina will play in Athens, and will be a hot game there. For Makelie why not the Euro 2024 final, also with Orsato, but Italy national team could make surprise. I exclude Turpin because France is a favourite team for the final.

    1. Makkelie in the Euro24 final is very unlikely, Kuipers did the last Euro-final. Two finals in a row to a Dutch ref would be a big surprise.

  22. Olympiakos vs Fiorentina is played in Athens? I didn’t know that. That game is potentially more difficult than the UEL final tbh.

    I call it now: Big name expected in Greece.

    1. Given the expected high difficulty of the game, maybe it would have been better if Dias was appointed in the SFs and give Zwayer the UECL final, isn't it?

  23. Would be a shame if Vincic gets UCL final because he hasn't been referee in any knock-out match, I know it happened earlier in 2018 with Milorad Mazic
    But I hope UEFA will give UCL final to Makkelie or Kovacs, they really deserve it
    I also think Ivan Kruzliak or Soares Dias would be a great candidates for Conference League final because they are doing such a great season
    And also Letexier who is showing to be one of the greatest talents of the moment should get an appointment in my opinion, Europa League final

    1. Your first statement is wrong: Vincic did the Bayern-Lazio and Dortmund-Atletico second legs this season.

    2. The way Vincic has been appointed was particular. Why send him to Poland vs Estonia, while non-WC referees Zwayer and Kovacs had more difficult games.

      It’s an awful management if that is his path to a final.
      I don’t mind shielding the “alternative”, but when your main (and better) candidate has delivered in more challenging games without complaints, you can’t overlook Makkelie.

      I agree with Peter.

    3. Perhaps Makkelie should take a sabbatical until he’s 44-45 years old or so. There is always a reason to ignore him, if not politics or age, it could be external circumstances.

      Tell Roberto Rosetti to find another capable referee/scapegoat for the most challenging games, without rewarding them. :/

  24. What about U17 and U19 finals?

  25. Bastian Dankert will handle German Cup Final (DFB-Pokal) between Kaiserslautern and Bayer Leverkusen.

    Full team:
    Referee: Bastian Dankert
    Assistant Referee 1: René Rohde
    Assistant Referee 2: Marcel Unger
    Fourth Official: Florian Badstübner
    Fifth Official: Stefan Lupp
    Video Assistant Referee: Harm Osmers
    Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Holger Henschel

  26. UCL - Makkelie, UEL - Oliver, UECL - Zwayer.

    1. can't be Oliver, because Taylor was last year in Europa League final. two english in the same competition final, is not what UEFA want.

  27. Borussia Dortmund-Real Madrid

    Referee observer: Roberto Rosetti ITA
    UEFA Delegate: Lukasz Wachowski POL

    1. In all previous years, all observers and delegates for the finals had been appointed after the announcement by committee about referees, this time the contrary!

  28. Vincic confirmed. Tomorrow public by uefa at seminar for EURO2024 preparation.

    1. Confirmed for UCL final? Source?

    2. Indeed better if you don't write "confirmed", if you can't reveal the source, oteherwise report it. Thanks.

  29. Europa League
    Referee observer: Vladimir Šajn SVN

    Conference League
    Referee observer: Carlos Velasco Carballo ESP

    Women's Champions League:
    Referee observer: Dagmar Damkova CZE

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. 024 UEFA Champions League Final refereeing team, Real Madrid vs. Borussia Dortmund:

    Referee: Slavko Vinčić (Slovenia)

    Assistants: Tomaž Klančnik and Andraž Kovačič (Slovenia)

    4th Official: François Letexier (France)

    VAR: Nejc Kajtazovic (Slovenia)

  32. UCL final: Slavko Vinčić
    UWCL final: Rebecca Welch
    UEL final: Istvan Kovacs
    UECL final: Artur Soares Dias

  33. Absolute nonsense, Politics wins. Bang average referee being appointed to a champions league final, and why? Simply because he is the same nationality as the UEFA president and he hasn't had controversy as he is hidden in appointments.

    1. +1

      I haven’t seen him in a serious test.

    2. Politics is everywhere...thats life...he is good referee, but of course it is sure that without Ceferin he would never get final. Just remember his big skandal in Bosnia...drugs, guns, women. He was very luck to escape that. No other referee could get out without consequences.

  34. Artur Soares Dias confirmed by FPF to referee the UECL final:

  35. Van Boekel VAR in the UEL final?

    What a joke.

  36. Kovacs will whistle in the UEL Final !

  37. Champions League

    Referee: Slavko Vinčič 🇸🇮
    AR1: Tomaž Klančnik 🇸🇮
    AR2: Andraž Kovačič 🇸🇮
    FO: François Letexier 🇨🇵
    VAR: Nejc Kajtazovič 🇸🇮
    AVAR1: Rade Obrenovič 🇸🇮
    AVAR2: Massimiliano Irrati 🇮🇹

    Europa League

    Referee: István Kovács 🇷🇴
    AR1: Vasile Marinescu 🇷🇴
    AR2: Mihai Artene 🇷🇴
    FO: Ivan Kružliak 🇸🇰
    VAR: Pol van Boekel 🇳🇱
    AVAR1: Catalin Popa 🇷🇴
    AVAR2: Rob Dieperink 🇳🇱


    Referee: Artur Dias 🇵🇹
    AR1: Paulo Soares 🇵🇹
    AR2: Pedro Ribeiro 🇵🇹
    FO: Glenn Nyberg 🇸🇪
    VAR: Tiago Martins 🇵🇹
    AVAR1: Christian Dingert 🇩🇪
    AVAR2: Marco Fritz 🇩🇪

  38. Fully deserved for Kovacs; very generous with Soares Dias who didn't perform in the way to deserve a final match; concerning CL we talked a lot and even more: Saying that Taylor, Vincic and Makkelie was the pool of candidates means that the appointment of Vincic is deserved and consistent. I'm really regretted for Makkelie, my warmest sympathy and nethertheless he still miss this recognition, he is considered for sure one of the nest referee in the world. Congratulation to all appointed referees, good luck and a special think to Danny M.

  39. Interesting situations from Croatian league game Dinamo-Osijek, Patrik Kolaric (UEFA 2nd) was the referee:

    DOGSO or SPA?

    PK or not?

    RC for DOGSO after OFR


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