Sunday 7 July 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 - Referee appointments - 9 July 2024

Referee assignment for the first semifinal of EURO 2024, to be played on 9 July 2024.

Game 49, Semifinals
Munich, 9 July 2024 21:00 CET
Referee: Slavko Vinčić SVN
Assistant Referee 1: Tomaž Klančnik SVN
Assistant Referee 2: Andraž Kovačič SVN
Fourth Official: Ivan Kružliak SVK
Reserve Assistant Referee: Branislav Hancko SVK
Video Assistant Referee: Nejc Kajtazović SVN
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Paolo Valeri ITA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Massimiliano Irrati ITA 
UEFA Referee Observer: Björn Kuipers NED
UEFA Delegate: Arturs Gaidels LVA 


  1. Predictions 9 July:
    Spain- France: Marciniak

    1. If you want to "burn" Daniele Orsato in a similar way to Felix Brych three years ago, you could theoretically also use him for Spain - France. In addition, he has not yet refereed either team in the course of this tournament. However, the recovery period between his quarter-final appearance and the first semi-final match would then be extremely short for him. For this reason, too, it is probably more a combinatorially than a practically interesting constellation.

    2. From RefCom everything can be expected.....However, we are betting on some logic.

  2. My prediction ESP - FRA Marciniak FO Oliver

    1. Oliver is no option, since England reached the semi final al English officials have been sent home

    2. Proença did QF in 2012 and after Portugal was eliminated at SF, Proença was appointed for the Final. I honestly could see Oliver appointed for the final if England is kicked out

    3. Yes Rom. ESP - NED in final, referee Oliver and referee observer Webb. :-)

  3. Felix Zwayer Espanha x França

  4. Marciniak- Spain France, Vincic- England Netherlands, IG Schiedricshter is source!

    1. Not the best source to be honest. They said: Marciniak and Orsato are gone after the GS.

    2. Yes, and they also said that Taylor is for Spain-Germany.

    3. According to IG Referee : Orsato for the final. Zwayer as fouth official

    4. So once again IG Schiedricshter is wrong... They swapped the appointments. No surprise...

  5. Also, same source said that Orsato will officiate final, with Zwayer as 4th official.

    1. On the one hand, I'm not sure if RefCom isn't still analyzing yesterday's performances. Secondly, I don't know if RefCom actually publishes both assignments (as well as those for the final) or if they don't want to coordinate them with the possible teams in advance. And thirdly, I'm not sure if Zwayer is an option as fourth official as long as Englang could reach the final.

  6. One can already say that the performance principle is Not given enough in this tournament.
    Referees who performed consistently well were sent home.

  7. Now a Polish newspaper is already referring to information from this platform, which in turn was taken from IG Schiedsrichter:

    1. this website refers to Chefren

    2. I just wrote a prediction, nothing more, dear Paweł Zurek (if you are reading again here).

    3. but it is written that Chefren is well informed in matters of casting

    4. I'm not, I just write and I always wrote my opinion based on how committee works, my opinions are not that important.

    5. :) Polish news portal says so

    6. But i think you are a ”Ekspert” anyway Chefren ;)

    7. I can't deny that, for sure. But you know what? :)
      Sometimes I think that what I observe, would be easy to say also for other people, but I make the mistake thinking that all people follows UEFA refereeing like me and that's of course wrong.

  8. Long wait and then the expected name comes out, Vincic.
    Don't know why committee takes so long if they are already on that idea :)

    1. only that Vincic was expected in the second semi-final :)

    2. They probably switched Vincic and Marciniak last minute after the IG Referee leak! Would fit the way of appointing of this referee committee 😂

    3. No, be sure this is original assignment. I predicted this one.
      They would never appoint Marciniak for a game like this one after the CL semifinal facts. Very likely he will get ENG - NED, yes, a sonorous one, but less than ESP - FRA. All other names for ENG - NED unless Marciniak would be a real surprise. I also think it's hard to see Zwayer due to Bellingham.

    4. Chefren, the CL semi-final has no significance here, and the nomination for Marciniak will not be a surprise.

    5. I didn't say that Marciniak appointment would be a surprise, I said all other names if not Marciniak for the other semifinal, would be all surprises. But not him.
      And about the other argument, for me the management of the Polish at this competition (never appointed in a "very easy" way), is a clear signal that committee was still very disappointed about the incidents, but yes, having to add more, maybe not all committee members were disappointed "at the same level"....

  9. Ok, mine expectations go in way of Marciniak in this game,but probably he is saved for hot clash in Dortmund. Good job Chefren, Vincic was expected in the semifinals.

    1. and my expectations go in a completely different direction :)

  10. how about Zwayer in the second semi-final

  11. has not released VAR team

  12. how about Zwayer in the second semi-final

  13. How could you assign Vinčić to ESPFRA SF directly after terrible ESPITA? Is this the meritocracy and quality Rosetti talked about? And Soares Dias is sent home after the best performance of the tournament... Gil Manzano sent home after one game and decent performance. Kovacs sent home for applying guidelines. Shame on this RefCom...

    1. +1

      The final 3 names have been pre-decided before the whole shit show started.

    2. This Euro has been as horribly managed as the last one three years ago (Hategan and Cakir scandalous treatments, Brych appointed in QF and SF after his disaster in BELPOR, Lahoz's sacrificial 3rd GS game to protect Kuipers at all costs). The less said, the better.
      Being a fantastic referee doesn't make you a good RefCom chief, this should be clear for everyone now.

    3. La même chose en 2010 avec Massimo Busacca

  14. Straight to the semi-final after a MD2 game. What a joke.

    It was pre-determined that Vincic should handle a semi-final at all costs. I wonder who made that case for him. :’)

  15. VAR Kajtazovic - Valeri - Irrati

  16. I expected more Vincic for NED-ENG, a more football-focused game, than ESP-FRA.
    Anyway, assuming both english and french ref teams are out, we have just three referees left for SF2 and F: Marciniak, Orsato, Zwayer. The Polish have to get another match imo , so i can see 4 ways:

    1. Zwayer SF2, Marciniak Final: I dont really like cutting Orsato out after 2 good performance in R16 and QF, but still 5 games are too much for him. Zwayer as #1 home referee would get a deserved SF.

    2. Marciniak SF2, Zwayer Final: Fantasy scenario. I can't see Zwayer with such a big game as Euro Final without any european Final in his career...

    3. Orsato SF2, Marciniak Final: a Brych treatment for Italian ref. Final to the most experienced ref. Pretty good choice, but still I couldnt get why assign to 47 yo Orsato 5 games in 3 weeks

    4. Marciniak SF2, Orsato Final: the most political scenario, hence the most likely to happens :)

  17. This committee doesn't seem to care too much about the certain way of playing of a national team, but rather they mostly care only about the name of the team and the expected relevance of the game.

  18. So at the end the Slovenian VAR was the only one never appointed again in KO stage, but with Vincic now part of the semifinal.
    Which conclusions should we draw about this management?
    Still expected to get a semifinal, but, differently from other referees, they absolutely wants that the Slovenian crew never gets into trouble with discussions after rather controversial performances.
    Not all referees, to say it kindly, have this courtesy treatment!

    1. One explanation could be, that Vincic or Kajtazovic were unavailable (sick?) in between.
      Otherwise there is at least no explanation not to use Kajtazovic as AVAR somewhere.

    2. It's really disappointing to see the appointments handled in this manner. It could backfire spectacularly!

  19. Surely one must also underline the path of Kružliak as fourth official in KO stage, ended with two games as main referee in group stage, but then got two very good (for him, of course) assignments close to benches in KO. I think committee is overall quite satisfied with his tournament, I think by far more than Guida, if one wants to compare them as the "weakest" among the selected EURO referees.

    1. Yes, he can be happy with his tournament. Already NED-AUT was quite a good appointment for him.
      I also liked his performances overall and therefore would not have been surprised about a KO game, but I realize, that others assessed him worse.

      Maybe Siebert can have a similar result with a 4O appointment in ENG-NED - which seems quite likely, if Zwayer is planned for this role in the final (or if Zwayer referees that game).

  20. Euro 2024 in a nutshell

    - Marciniak: outrageous management. The Polish was not one of the final favorites after he already officiated a World Cup final. Undermined by his referee boss in front of his colleagues. And wasn’t appointed to big games where he could show his strong quality.
    - Gil Manzano just one game in groupstage is criminal, after what… One or two missed corners in a hyper-dynamic game. Really? I have seen worse referees. And to be fair, Orsato would have ended the FRA-AUT game with cramps.
    - Vinčić, after a shielded path to the Champions League final. His limit was obviously a semi-final this Euro and should get that AT ALL COSTS. Straight to the semi-final after a MD2 game that he couldn’t control. Wrapped up in cotton wool. I’m sorry to say it, but Vinčić is nowhere near the qualities of Skomina. However, the latter was never managed like Vinčić. I don’t understand how Vinčić has earned this “treatment”, and that leaves me to highlighting the friendship between him the president (again).
    - Makkelie, not a final candidate as well after Kuipers handled it in 2021. Left an uninspired impression in GER-HUN. They could have rejected him, however decided to “support” him and appointed him to a sacrificial CRO-ITA (someone had to do the dirty job…). Satisfying performance in a challenging game. Not sure how they can reject a referee after controlling that shitshow, really.
    - Instead, a few referees with easy GS games were appointed to R16.
    - Soares Dias sent home after a good QF-performance.
    - Stuart Atwell appointed to Germany in R16 + QF. Avoidable.
    - Once again, other referees were burned in order to “pave the way” for Vincic (SF) and Orsato (F).
    - The performance principle does not matter at all.

    Some final words, with respect to Orsato. I respect him a lot. It’s clear he should get the final. But you know what: I almost felt asleep during that game yesterday. He can’t keep up with the play anymore and is slowing down the game where he can (soft fouls, slow re-starts etc). I enjoyed Turpin’s performance a lot more tbh. A pity that France are still in, really.

  21. Even if we take Vincic in SF as a "must", it would have been more sensible to give him a R16 game (instead of Oliver or Orsato) to keep up his match sharpness and give him the chance for a better game after ESP-ITA.

  22. OT:
    How will Rosetti treat Irrati post Orsato? He's still probably viewed as number 1 VAR, top 3 at worst. He deserves much bigger appointments than what Guida and co. will get. Which non Italians has he been paired up with the most?

    1. Kovacs (with Fritz retiring) and Meler look like good options for that.

    2. Irrati will retire as VAR after this tournament for following a position inside FIFA with Collina (I think VAR instructor, but still no clear details about).

  23. The AVARs could be a further small hint for Marciniak in ENG-NED, because Kajtazovic worked with Frankowski and Kwiatkowski before. So the two Polish might be needed on Wednesday.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.


  25. Would Vinčić be here if he was not Slovenian? Never.

  26. At the end of the day, as always, it pretty much comes down to politics I'm afraid. The 3 names slated for the semi's and final way before the tournament started will be there at the end!
    What's quite ridiculous is how each 3 have been handled in this tournament.

    1. I wouldn't be so sure about your final conclusion. You're right politics will have played a huge role. But I don't think you're right about the three names.

    2. The 2024 Champions League Final referee along with a World Cup & CL Final referee plus the hope that the retiring referee were not UEFA's top 3 choices before the start?

      I think my conclusions are pretty spot on!

    3. I'd also be curious to see what names you think UEFA would have wanted?
      Considering the Slovenian and Italian have huge political advantages.

    4. I agree with Alfie here. Before the EURO started, I have predicted these three names in the final 3.

      F: Orsato (farewell). The final alternative was Turpin, given the observations by Rosetti.

      SF 1: Vincic. Politics. He was never considered for the grand final, otherwise we would have seen him in R16/QF. The SF was his limit and that route has been paved carefully.

      SF 2: Marciniak. You can almost call it consolidation price, because he wasn’t considered for the final after the WC final. The offside flag didn’t change that.

    5. So - dear Alfie - you agree with me in the end ;)

    6. You might THINK your conclusions are spot on. But they are not.

    7. And it's not what I or UEFA necessarily wanted. It's what's going to happen with an assignment tomorrow. Think about what would be the most political appointment tomorrow now that it's available. That is what will happen.

    8. @ Dear Marco - Not sure what you mean I agree with you?
      My comments to you were about being consistent in your approach with regards to referee performances - praising the good as well as be able to critique the bad - still haven't seen any comments by you praising Oliver & can't see your comment on the Orsato thread btw!!

      @ Usaref: Well, you seem to be extremely confident with your reply. It will be interesting to see then if the most political appointment isn't Orsato or Marciniak - the only other political choice would German. I may be wrong and I'd be gobsmacked if Marciniak and Orsato are not appointed to the last two games

    9. Well @ usaref - I stand corrected, you seem to be 'In the know" here.
      Still gobsmacked with this appointment

    10. No problem. I only feel comfortable hinting at things but, yes, I might be well sourced at the moment. I can hint again that there is another big surprise coming soon. But given the options are limited, perhaps nothing will surprise anymore.

    11. In a way I love it lol!!
      Reading between the lines, I'm not sure if Marciniak has the backing for the final - the way he has been managed may indicate 1 final appearance. Otherwise, with the words of a big surprise, can mean someone we didn't think stands a chance like an Oliver/Turpin/ Letexier!!

    12. My "big surprise" language is aimed at who is NOT the referee and not who is. To my understanding, that has not been decided. But if it's England-France, it appears there is only one option remaining unless a semifinal official was re-used, which seems quite unlikely.

  27. I just realized that there are several similarities to WC 22 appointing:
    - Orsato had MD1&2 and then nothing at all until the SF, so the same thing as Vincic now
    - Turpin had MD1&3 and a KO game
    - Marciniak had MD2 & R16
    - Tello had MD1&3
    - Siebert had MD2&3 and not more
    - Taylor had MD2&3
    - Makkelie had MD2&3 and not more

    Or in other words, only Oliver (copying the Sampaio path), Orsato and Vincic (treated like Orsato) had a different appointment pattern among the referees in both tournaments.
    Coincidence or not?

    1. To me, it seems as if UEFA suspends top referees for ONE game only in the event of poor performances, but then reinstates them as if nothing had happened. Szymon Marciniak missed the start of the European Championship after the Champions League semi-finals and only handled ONE group stage match before he was fully rehabilitated afterwards. Slavko Vincic may have missed the round of 16 after ESP-ITA, but is now good enough again for a semifinal.


    Letexier und Turpin stay in Germany

    1. So for me that's means one of them may do a semi final and maybe the final if france lost.

    2. I suppouse that Letexier can be 4th official in other semifinal/final. Nothing more than that. About Turpin, not so big chances in comparing with Orsato.

  29. Marcinak SF2 Orsato final -last game of a great career and i'm sure Rosetti will give it to his mate

  30. The last comment is very interesting, Rosetti will give, it means it is not a committe since 2009!

  31. Off-topic: as Vincic is hidden in a small domestic league (PRVA) and nobody ever posts clips of him, I found two interesting handball situations.

    Minute 1:50 - Is it unnatural / punishable in your opinion?

    Minute 2:40 - penalty whistled after OFR. Not sure it is whistled in England/Germany, quite sure it is punished in Italy. However, looking at his position it can be spotted on the pitch.

    1. The handling violation in the first clip is a terrible call. the defender turned to protect himself out of pure instinct, self preservation. His arm was in a completely natural position for that.

  32. La finale ,
    Oliver . Letexier . Zwayer 60%
    Orsato 40%

  33. Analysis of performance does not matter. Orsato will be given the final as a 'thank you'.

  34. FAR FAR too many people on here seem completely incapable of understanding the politics of these appointments.

    OK, yes Vincic is a good referee but he referees in Slovenia. A third or fourth rate league. There are no games in this league which test a referee and his consistency.

    The pressure is minimal.

    Vincic is in the position he is in because he is Slovenian.

    Have you seen who runs UEFA?

  35. One more curiosity from Euro Championships, final referee is never appointed as 4th official through championship group/knock out stage. On this championship its only Orsato.

    1. Oliver an Vincic also haven't been appointed as 4th official.

  36. If Skomina had the same treatment just like Vincic had today ,then his career would have been much more richer.

    Of course,half of Skomina's Elite career certain somebody was not Uefa's president so he did not have an advantage that Vincic had.

    Let's go back to that ESP-ITA game just a bit.

    The level of physicality and level of leniency shown by Vincic was unaccaptable.
    4-5 serious mandatory cards missed is something that is not being talked about more.

    I saw comments that praise Taylor,I saw comments that are downgrading Taylor's performance.

    What if Vincic had that ESP-GER game?

    I am sure that we would see many examples like Pedri's,cause that's how he handles his matches.

    3-4 cards,6 if he is being pushed to.

    But that's what these comitee's want whether they are UEFA,CONCACAF, CONMEBOL ,AFC,OFC or FIFA.

    To not have refs being the talking points,not if situation is where you cant control players.

    Him and Kovacs are 2 totally opposites refs with one having serious advantage in his countryman being the head of European football.

    But a shame that after 1 okayish and 1 mediocre,maybe even bad perfromance he gets that easy path to SF.

    No wonder why so many other refs lose motivation and are not the same after some big tournament's when they have injustice being done to them,a.k.a. Cakir 2021.,Hategan 2021.,maybe even Kassai 2016.

  37. Preditions
    ENG X NED: Zwayer

    Final: Marciniak.

    1. I highly doubt Zwayer in a SF with England or F with Spain / England.

      England = Bellingham controversy, he has not had a Dortmund game at all since that happened, even though Bellingham is not playing there anymore. And no Real Madrid game as well. I am sure they will try to keep them separated at all costs

      Spain = Lots of controversy in the GER - ESP Game, no need to bring a German Referee into a game where it can be perceived by media that the referee will "punish" Spain for what happened to his home country (which of course is completely idiotic, but that's just how narratives and media work).

    2. Personally I would see a SF for Zwayer as derserved, but because of the arguments named, I don't think that UEFA appoints him. And I don't think Zwayer has the reputatipn to lead a final, so tournament should be over. A pity because he was good and had no controversies if I remember correctly.

  38. Predictions 10 July:
    Netherlands - England: Marciniak

    With the clarification that the chaos in this committee is huge and nothing can be taken as a surprise anymore......

  39. Yellow card - 3 minutes 17 seconds.

    Just the way Rossetti wants it.

  40. Euro 2024 final referee ...👉👉👉DANIELE ORSATO FROM ITALY


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