Sunday 11 July 2021

UEFA EURO 2020 Match 51: Italy - England (discussion)

Björn Kuipers is about to officiate the last game of EURO 2020, the final between Italy and England. Let's discuss his performance here. 

London, 11 July 2021 21:00 CET
Referee: Björn Kuipers (NED)
Assistant Referee 1: Sander van Roekel (NED)
Assistant Referee 2: Erwin E. J. Zeinstra (NED)
Fourth Official: Carlos del Cerro Grande (ESP)
Fifth Official: Juan Carlos Yuste Jiménez (ESP)
Video Assistant Referee: Bastian Dankert (GER)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1:Pol van Boekel (NED)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Christian Gittelmann (GER)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 3: Marco Fritz (GER)
UEFA Referee Observer: Hugh Dallas (SCO)
UEFA Delegate: Myrsini Psarropoulou (GRE)


  1. Good luck to Kuipers, Dankert and the moderators. Let’s all be respectful tonight and not make comments in which you tell how much better another referee would have been, we already have the page of the announcement for that. This might be his last ever game and he deserves a respectful discussion (still critical if necessary of course).

    1. Who is another referee?,must be cakir i think.if Kuipers make mistake we ll compare them of course.and this situation not about Kuipers we respect him always.

    2. I’m guessing Cakir will be the main ‘substitute’, yes. What I mean to say is: if you think another referee should have been here, you can bring that up in the announcement post. There’s no need to say: Kuipers makes a mistake, this is why Cakir should be here. We can just say what we think of the performance (good or bad) and leave other referees out of it: everyone already had their opportunity to show their (dis)satisfaction with the appointment, no need to bring it up here as well.

  2. Dutch media are already celebrating for the big star tonight:

  3. Total digression, but someone is dressed as the Pope in the pre-game video at Another digression is that I only saw the last ten minutes of Brazil-Argentina, but I loved the confidence of the ref's body language. The match was getting very physical, and he was showing cards very sternly but without getting emotional. Also, at about the 88th minute, he actually pushed a player back who was going after another player after a foul. That may not be something to emulate, but in the game's context it said, "I'm in control here," and the players totally respected him and the game didn't get out control. Great job!

  4. Good luck to Kuipers and his team 😃

    1. Good luck indeed! I hope we will see a good performance by Kuipers, an excellent match and no talk about the referee.

  5. So, Kuipers today represents all referees of tournament, not to blame for mistake in last match. I wish him best of luck.

  6. I wish Mr Bjorn Kuipers the very very best tonight.
    A good performance tonight from the Dutch referee will be a befitting end for a great Euro which has generally had great officiating.

  7. Kit Summary
    2 black
    32 blue
    8 pink
    9 yellow

  8. Not a foul by Shaw but can understand AR2 offering it.

  9. At about 5:30, Kuipers signalled strongly that that was the second foul and to cut it out. Not giving cards like Brych and Makkelie, but with a more no nonsense approach. I think it is possible to be lenient with cards but strict with one's body language, which makes a difference.

    1. Sorry, but why you think Brych or Makkelie would give a card here?

    2. He means that just like them he doesn’t show cards but he takes a different approach combined with it

  10. You can see Kuipers getting impatient with Shaw’s slow throw-ins. Just before 11:00, puts the whistle in his mouth to show his impatience, and immediately after at the foul takes the opportunity to warn Shaw. Well done.

  11. 13:48 corner called but replay showed it should have been goal kick.

  12. Intense first 15 minutes, Kuipers in full control and also aware of possible time play by ENG. His fitness is not the best, he knows that. But he is clever in anticipating where the ball is about to be in some seconds. So, his chance/task is to be there early. Otherwise it could be hard for him to follow the match.

    1. 15'-30' was easy for Kuipers. Italy is not in the match, some fouls but nothing to jump in.

    2. For crying out loud! How can you make conclusions about Kuipers's fitness in such an easy way? If he wasn't fit enough, he would not had been on the euro in the first place!

    3. I am and was watching his matches, see his agility and speed and I compare it with other referees. It is normal as he is not the youngest referee at EURO and until now, his anticipation compensates the issues.

  13. Too many England players are falling over easily and Kuipers is not strong enough to deny them.

  14. It would be very interesting to see if Kuipers is presented with a possible diving situation in the penalty box later in the match. One would think he would be less likely to point to the spot with Sterling's penalty call in mind.

  15. 38' Similar challenge to Oliver RC in Switzerland - France?
    But I can agree with Kuipers to whistle without YC!
    Good positioning and also nice gestures when detecting such foul!

    1. I personally think it would have been a great moment to give the first caution. He should have shown the yellow in my opinion.

    2. I agree, thought it was the only tackle of first half worthy of a YC. Otherwise the first caution is going to be for timewasting

    3. Interesting indeed, because it is somehow a two-leg-challenge, so I guess, some people want a RC here.
      For me, this would be reckless, if he doesn't get the ball, but with the prior contact of the ball, a "discount" can be given, so the card is not mandatory IMO - and it's good not to give it as first card of the match.

  16. 44' Sterling now with another off the ball simulation... looking for a whistle by Kuipers.

    1. Kuipers is well-prepared, Sterling should stop with the exaggeration. But I don't think he will do that...

  17. OT: Kuipers was in charge of that ENGITA on WC 2014 in the Amazon. It's a nice touch to see him still around precisely on ENGITA.

    1. It says something for his very good performance back then, that this match hasn't been mentioned before today's match as far as I have seen.

  18. Why 4 min additional time?

    1. Jorginho injury and England goal celebration I suppose though it does seem a bit much.

    2. Injury to Jorginho took some time, so did the goal.

  19. I think very solid performance by Kuipers in the first hald: some very good play on decissions.

  20. Maybe the 4 minutes are a sign that time wasting will not be rewarded in second half?

  21. Love these 4 minutes of added time. Good answer to the English player who took a lot of time for their throw ins and freekicks.

  22. 4 mins additional time for what?! There was one serious injury after which game have been resumed within 2 mins and thats it, no other breaks. 4 mins is joke.

    1. 90 seconds on goal plus 30 secs for time delaying + injury.
      Good to see it in a first half

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. 90 secs for goal you say. Denmark-Belgium,= referee Bjorn Kuipers (yes same man). 1 goal in 1st half + game stopped for 1 min (but time running) for applause to Eriksen. Result? 1 min additional time.

  23. Not so many efforts needed ny Kuipers to keep the control of the game, expected level performance in a normal difficult context.
    When players are mostly focused on football, it is always the best thing for referees.
    Now second half will be more challenging for sure, with the pressure that will increase, Italy will try everything to score. We will see.
    Good so far.

  24. time wasting of the English players

    1. Then Italy/Spain should have had 10 minutes in 2nd half. It's either part of the game or it's not. Can't change the standard because it's England doing it.

  25. Very good 1st half for Team Kuipers
    Not difficult
    Be careful for 2nd half

  26. Good first half by Kuipers. Intense start, after 0-1 no mentionable incidents. He is there if needed, not whistling everything. The match is a bit disappointing from a spectator's perspective.

    1. Yes, let's hope the pace picks up in the second half, which of course it should.

  27. Totally agree with you Chefren.

  28. Kuipers foul recognition is SO much improved from his other games at the EURO. Good 1H for him!

  29. He's doing a great game. Not fased bh the game. Its like watching him in a group stage game of the champions league.

  30. Excellent performance by Kuipers in frost half. Hope to doing so in second.

  31. If 4 minutes of extra time is the only thing to complain about...
    Great job so far!

  32. IMO a good display by Kuipers in the first half. I love his unique style and his level of acceptance.
    Satisfacting foul recognition and sensible choice to not issue a caution yet.
    Also, very good additional time (4 minutes) as a sign against the time wasting of the ENG player.

  33. There has been a special focus on added time during the whole tournament, maybe these 4 minutes are a big exaggerated, 3 would have been better choice in my opinion, nevertheless, in some previous game we had the contrary issue. So, better a few time more...
    Yes I must also admit that I didn't notice a quick restart of the game by England at least twice, but this is part of the game, of course, maybe Kuipers said 4 and not 3 also for that.

  34. Correct first yellow card 47’

  35. Correct YC right now. Good moment for starting with bookings, clear reckless challenge.

  36. I think the foul at 38' is more reckless than this one.

  37. Sterling looking for another penalty, after previous game, I think it will be very difficult to see a penalty whistled for him in this game, if not after VAR intervention, and I must say this is something very difficult to manage for Kuipers.

    1. Starting giving YC and he’ll stop diving

    2. Luckily, quite clearly this was absolutely nothing.

    3. Yet another dive by Sterling. Like in ITA-ENG, he has already been on his way to the ground, seeking for a contact. I do not get why an excellent player does this...

    4. I agree: Sterling needs a yellow card for this.

    5. Sorry, of course *like in ENG-DEN.

    6. Embarrassing behaviour by Sterling

  38. Kuipers’ gestures and body language are, as usual, among the best in the world.

  39. 47' Sensible YC for ITA. Also good sign to show his presence in the early minutes.

    49' Good decision to play on after a possible penalty appeal.

  40. EXCELLENT caution at 55', clear reckless play.

    1. Hm, with the help of the replay, it seems harsh to me. No contact on the foot and little contact of the leg.
      I assume, Kuipers perceived a foot contact there.

    2. I agree. Important moment (as with everything Sterling is involved in).

    3. I clearly disagree! How is this a reckless challenge, especially when compared to the follow-through tackle in 38’. What I saw was Sterling (again) strongly exaggerating a minor foul.

    4. Again with the context of the foul at 38' not being cautioned but the Bonucci one is?

  41. Another correct YC by Kuipers.

  42. Kuipers...learning from Orsato,s greatest get the way 3 times has to stand still, totally in way of play

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Not too convinced by the YC in 55', but supportable caution and beneficial for the game management.

  45. I’m not convinced by the handball call 60’. It’s the “easy” and maybe expected decision but I don’t think it’s the correct call according to the LOTG.

    1. When you have such handballs during an attacking phase, it is always a difficult choice, imagine a goal a few later... the problem is always the same.

    2. Yes, doesn't help for the understanding of the handball law, if referees penalise every handball, if it doesn't result in a penalty.

  46. Would that be a penalty on Chiellini if Italy wouldn't have scored? Looked like one.

  47. A little strange that England isn't applying much pressure up top, letting Italy build up slowly from the back. I had thought that the game might go to PKs. If England's penalty kick curse comes back to haunt them, it would be much harder to take with it being a final at Wembley.

  48. Error by Kuipers, Chiesa was pushed IMHO spa

    1. I think because it wasn't blatant or hard push, Kuipers didn't want to give such a dangerous free kick for it, and I tend to agree.

    2. And in the action Chiesa was injured and now forced to exit...

    3. I disagree and in hindsight it was a conspicous error.

    4. Good point. Would like to see replay later.

    5. Completely disagree! This was just a defender using his body strongly but fair against a fragile attacker. And if you’re arguing a foul, why not mentioning Chiesa holding Walker’s shirt?
      In any case Chiesa was injured doesn’t define whether or not a foul.

    6. Seeing it live I could agree with you but after viewing the replay from the reverse angle Walker pushed away Chiesa with his right arm.

    7. And Chiesa shirt pulling Walker, if you really want to be so picky

  49. We are expecting 8 minutes of added time lol with this stoppage

  50. 100% a yellow card for Insigne. Well done Kuipers.

    1. I completely agree! This is a perfect example of a reckless challenge, more than the ones in 47’ and 55’.

  51. Missed YC on Sterling. He is diving all the time

  52. While I can support all the YC given,I don't understand why no YC for Sterling.

    1. YCs for diving are normally only given, if there is no contact at all - and I don't think there was any situation, where that was the case.
      One doesn't have to like it, but it's common practice on top level.
      Furthermore not getting the FK and therefore losing the possession every time is also some sort of punishment.

    2. When you see the single action you are right but it was at least the fifth episode. For reiterate simulation YC is mandatory.

  53. Exceptional Kuipers so far! The best of luck in ET!

  54. Good second half by Kuipers as well, and now let's see extra time.

    1. totally agree with you Chefren

    2.  Agreed, very pleasant performance so far, I would emphasize the excellent foul recognition and the very good choice of disciplinary measures in terms of both, technical and tactical value. 
      But we also know that the final whistle ends the match and evaluating the performance is non-sense when a big error occurs in ET (Makkelie... :D).

  55. In past I criticized Kuipers in some occasions because he didn't issue some mandatory cards I expected. In this game so far he has been excellent in card management, you can understand each decision and the reason for which he decided to book / not to book the player involved.
    In such a game, given his style, one could have expected the contrary, because a final and all that stuff!
    Also, very concentrated, better performance so far than his previous games, so now let's just hope he can continue in this wau.

    1. Yes. This is the old Kuipers like I remember him from years 2011 - 2017, not the "current" Kuipers since cca 2018.

    2. I agree, good performance today, not ignoring simple YCs like Brych did in his (otherwise successful) semifinal.

  56. Masterclass by Kuipers, I hope he can continue in this way in ET

  57. Almost faultless Kuipers. Topclass and all decisions are at least supportable but the offensive handball which was clearly a mistake.

    1. I agree, the only serious error the missed foul on Chiesa.

    2. Every time you start complaining on the alleged foul on Chiesa I’ll contradict your opinion.
      NO foul there, Walker just fairly using his body. And then, when expecting simple calls, be fair and also discuss the holding by Chiesa.

  58. Correct YC to Maguire, reckless challenge.

  59. I have to admit I was worried about this appointment but Kuipers has been superb tonight, one of the best performances of the whole tournament. The control and management techniques of Brych’s semifinal but with much better (more consistent and correct) disciplinary control. I hope I don’t jinx the last 15 minutes, but it’s been a great performance so far.

  60. Please explain why offsides is whistled at 1:08:20 when the offsides player was not involved in play.

    1. Because player from offside position made a block, therefore become involved, it was interfering whith oponent. It was closer to DFK but also punishable offside

  61. Jorginho now possible RC for SFP.

    1. It's a difficult decision while Jorginho was reckless so it was Graelish tackle.

  62. This is a red card challenge imo. SFP for me.

    1. The VAR won't have the courage to intervene here.

  63. Blatant red card for Jorghino. Shocking no VAR involvement there.

    1. Unfortunately it’s not surprising given UEFA’s problematic view of SFP this tournament…

  64. At the first moment he played the ball, correct YC

  65. Oof, such a good performance for Kuipers until now but that shouldve been a red for Jorginho, textbook straight-legged stamp. Disappointed but not surprised there is no review…

  66. YC supportable for me. His attempt was ball, unluckily he made hard tackle.

  67. I think UEFA wants a YC here, based on some situations I think I remember from the RAP, given that he squarely got the ball before sliding onto the player. I can support the YC.

  68. Ball slightly played, both players determined to reach the ball, ENG player slights in the duel quite late as well - I'm okay with the YC.

  69. In my opinion this is a mistake and it is not good that VAR missed intervention. I guess no intervention because Kuipers saw it exactly as it happened, but still... for me RC.

  70. Correct play on now IMO, arm close to the body.

    1. I fully agree the left arm was along the body.

  71. For me RC for Jorginho, even if I can understand why only YC was given…

  72. Clattenburg says on ESPN, not RC in his opinion

    1. Clattenburg didn’t even really think it should be a yellow card lol

    2. Manuel Gräfe also sees YC as sufficient.

  73. 1) Dankert and team very obviously took that decision
    2) for UEFA that's not enough for a red card, contact not intense enough on the player (only on the ball)

    1. In the end YC was probably correct. Jorginho was IMHO reckless but he played the ball hitting Graelish only after his tackle.

    2. I think YC is best option based on UEFA guidelines, but personally I would like to see preference for red cards in these particular situations where stud contact is so obvious

    3. Jack I agree with you I strongly support a more rigorous Policy. Unfortunaly the only RC was in ITA WAL

  74. It was 6 studs on top of ball, slid off onto the knee/thigh area. Red card.
    Out of control

  75. Kuipers the perfect match in this final

    1. Except for the missed yellow in the first half and red card in extra time.

    2. Kuipers perfect, also the no yellow card in first half and no red card in extra time!

  76. I think that if UEFA don’t want that as a RC, that’s a dangerous precedence

  77. I disagree with most of the comments. RC would be supportable, but YC is definitely fine here. The player was slipping on the ball and then hit his opponent. In replays, it looks worse, especially because of the hitting point. However, the hit is only the result of the slipping before. This makes it a reckless tackle.

    Anyway, congratulations to Björn Kuipers. He did very well in this final. They can be proud of their performance.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. A very good performance by Kuipers in this game, I disagree with the final decision, but overall we saw an excellent referee.
    Very curious about his future...

  80. Mind games from Pickford worked.

  81. IMO red card, very hard tackle. UEFA probably prefers the yellow card here.
    Overall, great performance from Kuipers, one of the best referees I have ever seen. A master of refereeing.
    At this moment I remember our friend Soham, from heaven he will be proud of his beloved Kuipers.
    Bravo, Bjorn!

  82. Southgates substitutes purely for the penalty shootout have backfired.

  83. Italy win. What was Southgate thinking?
    Putting a 19 year old as the 5th penalty taker.

  84. Well done, Kuipers! I think a red card would have been supportable, but for Kuipers that was never visible, being so close. I think a yellow card was fine there.
    I think Kuipers surely performed on 8,6 level!

  85. After perfect officiating like this, if I am on Kuipers place, after I take medal, I would go to dress room, hung my partners, wait Rosseti, and tell him- BOSS- I M DONE.

  86. Bravo Kuipers!
    This match was a proof that he should have been nominated for more challenging games in the Euro.

  87. Even if purists can anyway find something to say… in only Whitebi hats off to Ref team for this great lesson of achieving a final. Herbert Von Karajan of refereeing ! I’l not from Netherlands. Il’m not fan of a referee but of refs. Chapeau Bjorn !!!

  88. Excellent game by Kuipers' team
    48yo and top game.
    Good end of career!
    Kuipers in history

  89. Kuipers did fine. Possible RC I thought was slip off the ball. Player should be able to put studs towards ball. If they slip off, not SFP if not great force, which there wasn't here. I was feeling sad for England, but then the Italian players were sliding in the grass and one players shorts fell down, so that added some levity to the situation.

  90. Brilliant Kuipers tonight! He shows committee made the right choice by appointing their most experienced and best referee from last decade for the biggest game. Absolutely rose to the occasion! Great game management, always in full control. Just wow!

  91. Congratulation to Kuipers for the great game. Happy retirement.

  92. The whole referee team can be proud of themselves tonight.
    Kuipers offered a great foul recognition throughout the 120 intense minute and succeeded with his choice of sanctions. His decision to issue a YC instead of a RC for SFP in the ET incident was in line with UEFA's visions (although it's against the protocol: advised by Dankert/van Boekel?).
    Kuipers' unique style amazed me (mimics and gestures), he always knew when to be very strict and when to smirk... :)
    My grade is 8,5/8,6 // 7/8.

  93. I didn't thought Kuipers would be that good based on previous performances, especially when it comes to foul detection. But I was very pleased with his work tonight.

    The Dutchman excelled in managing the game, not falling for cheap fouls, using his cards when needed, not changing his style because it's a final. Simply a masterclass of officiating, we saw what was a world class game reading.

    Concerning the KMIs, I can live with the YC given to Jorginho: In RAP clips
    UEFA made it clear this type of challenge is not enough to issue a RC for SFP in their book. Debatable to say the least - a RC would've been fully correct here - but consistent with the guidelines from the Committee.
    Kuipers correctly rejected two penalties appeals: one from England (not enough contact on Sterling to justify a whistle) and one from Italy (handball which isn't punishable, arm close to the body)

    I didn't doubt Kuipers was able to be that sharp, but I was sceptical he could show this level now, as he didn't showed more than expected level performances, with a couple of quite poor displays in CL KO stage.
    Fortunately, he raised his level at the one he had at his peak (2012-2014 era) and was simply excellent.

    Warm congratulations, this game probably ends the career of one of the greatest referee of all time: if this is a farewell, best wishes for the future Mr. Kuipers!

  94. Congratulation to Björn Kuipers and his team !
