Wednesday 31 May 2023

2022/23 UEFA Europa League final Sevilla FC (ESP) - AS Roma (ITA) - Referee Anthony Taylor (ENG) - Discussion

Anthony Taylor about to referee his third UEFA final, the  2022/23 UEFA Europa League title decider. Let's discuss his  performance here and good luck to the officials!

31 May 2023, 21:00 CET - Budapest (Puskás Aréna)
Sevilla FC (ESP) - AS Roma (ITA) 
Referee: Anthony Taylor (ENG) 
Assistant Referee 1: Gary Beswick (ENG)
Assistant Referee 2: Adam Nunn (ENG)
Fourth Official: Michael Oliver (ENG)
Video Assistant Referee: Stuart Attwell (ENG)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Christopher Kavanagh (ENG)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Bastian Dankert (GER)
UEFA Referee Observer: Björn Kuipers (NED)
UEFA Delegate: Artur Azaryan (ARM)


  1. Take it Michael took the picture? 😂

    1. It seems as Oliver was not at this training session, unless all the other officials. We have Stuart Burt who must be indeed reserve assistant referee but not announced by UEFA.

  2. Kuipers observing 2 games in 2 days :)

    (Ocenás in U17 EURO SF yesterday, Taylor in EL final today)

  3. Maybe a third on Friday, if he returns for the U17 Euro final? :)

    1. Indeed yes. Kuipers will be the referee observer for the U-17 Euro Final

  4. What is your prediction for next year's finals? (UCL, UEL, UECL and EURO 2024)? Imagine there's no federation conflict referee vs. club... Thanks in advance!

    1. Also, if possible, for 2038... Thank you again!

    2. It is shocking and unbelievable what you have written in light of what is being written on this blog. I think it is obvious for many blog users here that referees are sometimes "saved" for a final.

  5. The referees for the CAF Champions League Final:

    First leg: Ibrahim Mutaz (LBY)
    Second leg: Bamlak Tessema Weyesa (ETH)

    Tessema of course makes a lot of sense, but can somebody please explain the first leg appointment? The 33-year-old Libyan has only refereed 3 CAF CL matches ever, a single WCQ, not even any AFCON matches, it seems quite shocking for a referee of such little experience to be appointed for a huge game. Maybe his performances have been really good, but even then, this seems like an honor that should have gone to somebody more decorated.

    1. Interesting. I guess we could see that Libyan referee in U17 World Cup?

      (I hope Tessema has chances for 2026, very good referee)

    2. Is CAF golden boy Gassama already retired? I think quite long time I didn’t see his name again in CAF competitions.

    3. Tessema is already 43, so no WC26 for him...

    4. He is only 42, so theoretically it is possible, but after being left completely off the list in 2022 I must assume that FIFA is not interested in him.

    5. Tessema will retire after caf champions League final this year

  6. Correct early PK by Meler in BRATUN.

    1. Now a correct DOGSO RC for BRA4 in 45'

  7. We can say Stuart Burt is the 4th Official and Oliver could not make it after his championship playoff on Saturday

    1. Just spotted Oliver

    2. Stuart burt is reserve ar?? Is Michael Oliver not there?

  8. Admin can we keep this discussion strictly to Taylor and Team performance tonight?

    Also Google does not allow many users to sign into Blogger - the comments increase with anonymous comments so should be allowed.

    1. I always try to allow the anonymous comments, but we have always issues, hopefully this time it will be different.
      I'm really sad when I see an important game and almost no comments on the blog, I understand that many people would like to write.

    2. 100% Chefren - been following the blog for 3 years however never been allowed to sign in through google.

  9. Good early stop for HIA by Taylor

    1. Excellent alertness indeed, I would say he is now a specialist on that, considering alsi what happened at EURO, he is always aware for such collisions.

  10. Protests from aroma beginning to start. Correct YC to Matic. Lots of play acting and faking head injuries

  11. Excellent no penalty decision

  12. Game is turning into a very challenging one now.
    Possible penalty for Rome, VAR should support because ball was played, but very risky action. Then you can't know how much AS Roma player tried to win a penalty thank to situation (agreed with comment above about the behavior of Italian teams, but nothing new if you follow them in serie A).

  13. Is Roma still had referee consultant? It seems Roma take a benefit from Taylor story.

  14. English VAR is just madness, two missed reviews in a row. 1-0 Roma is the "correct" score but wow, not the way we should have gotten there!

    1. Really? Are you joking? I think two perfectly good and correct decisions…

    2. I think, both were no clear situations and probably perceived well by Taylor - so I don't see a reason for VAR interventions.

    3. Exactly all going well so far!

    4. To me both decisions are correct according to VAR protocol, but I think if contrary decisions by Taylor on the pitch, no intervention as well.

    5. I mean it's a kick to the head with a high boot, not a case of an opponent reaching his head down low. The fact that he kicks the ball first doesn't excuse the action.

      Then on the goal the attacker hugs the defender with both arms to stop him from getting to the ball.

      We can talk about VAR's line of intervention for days, but these are both fouls...

    6. I really don't know what people are seeing on the second goal. The defender turns *away* from the ball and grabs Rakitic while not even facing the ball. It's not even a soft hold, it's the whole force of the defender's left arm against Rakitic's whole chest. If the defender doesn't hold Rakitic back, Rakitic easily gets to the ball first. The hold directly causes the turnover that leads to the goal.

  15. Excellent decision for no penalty.

    Correct no foul decision aswell and good no VAR intervention.

    All key calls in game 100% correct and supportable from Taylor so far - needs to try regain control but hard to do with Italians. ++

  16. It's ridiculous, the amount of smoke and fireworks on the stands. In my opinion, these should be suspended.

    First throwing stuff to players, fireworks exploding, than a lot of smoke on the pitch. UEFA should not accept that.

    1. Agreed completely. Pyrotechnics and explosives are not safe, crazy how some footballing cultures accept these dangers at a match.

    2. You are just to soft :D

    3. "What, you don't like players, fans, or referees being injured by actual explosives and fire at soccer games? Game's gone soft!"

    4. I don't know which part of my comment you didn't understand.

  17. Never ever a foul before the goal. Go watch another sport if you want to see non-contact games

  18. Both decisions were correct, no PK and no attacking foul in the APP.

    And Roma players will now be boring with appeals for the first YC for Sevilla (expected).

  19. Taylor’s management has been almost spot on so far. How he dealt with the Roma claims for a card on the foul at 40’ was excellent man management.

  20. Now in 43' a "duel" Mourinho - Oliver. To see whether the Portuguese will remain for the full game on the bench or not.

  21. Excellent call from Taylor for simulation. Very brave

  22. Spot on yc for simulation

  23. Excellent Taylor with this YC for simulation.
    We must praise the English!

  24. Now Taylor with a Marciniak WC simulation yellow card - excellent decision, top marks for the english team so far!

  25. 7 minutes of added time in first half, Collina must be at stadium ;)

  26. Think Michael may need some paracetamol at half time

  27. This first half was a masterclass from Taylor, hope he keeps it up in the second as well

    1. I agree, very good performance until now in a challenging game!

    2. @Filip_MNE
      Đe si Filipe kućo!
      I wouldn't say it's a masterclass (too much) but it was very good refereeing definitely.
      Very good body language, as usual...

  28. Absolutely fantastic officiating from Taylor! Feel bad for Oliver with the abuse he is receiving!

  29. Very challenging first half for Taylor and in m opinion an excellent performance so far. Everything goes well when you book for clear infringments, indeed to be praised the attitude of the English, he started early with cards when needed, and this helped him. Managing some moments was extremely difficult but he did well and he was firm. I can agree with NO PENALTY and NO FOUL before 1-0, VAR shouldn't intervene, at least the UEFA VAR we know. and that's what I like. Penalty and foul, the contrary decisions, would have been supported as well. The simulation was outstanding, at first glance I hadn't even realized that attacker from Roma had tried that.
    Good work by VAR officials, all is OK. So far we can't see a different approach only because it is a final, these decisions should be always the same in all games.
    Now he will have a maybe even more challenging second half and we will see.

  30. Masterclass by Taylor so far. Game is going exactly how I expected with great atmosphere and two teams not really famous for being football focused ;), but he really needs to be focused for the entire game because the 2nd half will be a war!

  31. Challenging game for Taylor who is performing very well so far. Big calls at least acceptable (VAR correct to not intervene as there are arguments pro and against big calls). Excellent body language when rejecting mobbing of Roma players. What I didn't like was no reaction by the referee against Roma bench after several outbursts (managed only by Oliver so far). Regarding the added time, it's time to finally find consistent line in every competition. I know Collina asked all federations to follow the FIFA line but, to be honest, I thought four minutes should've been enough in the first half today.

  32. For me, this was an excellent display by Taylor in 1H.
    The game was quite challenging even with a loaded atmosphere created by passionate Spanish and Italian teams.
    Nontheless, Taylor embodied calmness throughout the whole first half and didn't let the passion and protests influence him, special praise for the YC issued against ROM for simulation!
    Correct no-penalty call IMO (ball played, accidental). Actually, I think ROM theoretically committed a pushing offence before the 0-1goal (action decisively affecting defender) but practically the impact wasn't significant enough for a European final.
    Let's hope he can keep up this level in 2H!

  33. A very good performance by Taylor in the 1H for me. Optimal line in foul selection contributing to an entertaining game, but also a clear disciplinary line with an early booking for a very clear infringement, which helped him maintain control over an otherwise pretty fiery match. Many protests from the players, especially Roma's, however I don't think it can be any different with these two teams and, for me, Taylor seems to be in control of things, asserting his authority calmly but firmly.

    About the key situations: I agree with both no penalty for Roma and no foul on Rakitić before Roma's goal. Both decisions seem to be better/more correct, at least for my taste, and I see no elements for VAR intervention in both cases. Lastly, the simulation call + YC was an absolutely brilliant decision: there was a clear intention by the attacker to seek contact and clip the defender's leg in order to fall and pretend to have been fouled. Excellent spot by Taylor.

  34. 50' possible penalty for handball, immediately check by VAR, Taylor stopped the player ready with the throw-in. These are details that can suggest us all the officials are extremely focused.
    The English crew on VAR is definitely gaining new credit so far...

  35. The English third team today has been extremely focused and excellent game management. Attwell and Kavanagh has been providing a new outlook on English VAR appointments.

  36. Every foul is a protest by Roma for possible yellow cards. They can't understand Taylor. Now he looked a bit tired and he made some gestures. I thin this is maybe the most challenging aspect of the game for him, indeed, as it was reported by Euro Soccer Ref in first half, very often he didn't react properly to such actions because he is coming from a culture like the Premier League, that is absolutely different in this regard.
    I think the extremely big international experience helps him in doing that without suffering too much the protests, also in my opinion, Oliver on this regard is not still at Taylor's level and when a game with such teams go wild for him there are more troubles...

    1. Liked the tactic of counting the Roma players and giving a yellow card to the last one that joined the party. Maybe they'll learn at some point.

  37. Taylor counted 5 players around him in the space of 5 seconds after Rakitic foul right infront of ROM players - and booked the 4th

  38. Yet that one is clear and obvious somehow, lol.

    1. What is your agenda? Against Attwell or English VAR in general?

    2. I stand corrected, defender kicked the ball, good tackle and great intervention.

  39. I think it was a clear pen, why did he revert his original decision?!

  40. Very good intervention !!! English team very concentrated!

  41. Atwell and kavanagh doing well on var so far

  42. Wasn't there contact on the leg (shin)?

  43. Great intervention from Attwell - clear touch on the ball - from a position that Taylor could not see. Clear and Obvious Error once touch on ball is shown to Taylor. Quick OFR called and quick process. ++ And for Oliver did excellent to protect Taylor at monitor. All aspects off English Officials shown tonight and so far have show they can handle all situations well to suit the game.

  44. Correct intervention IMO. Contact on the ball from defender and only very minimal contact on attacker which would produce little consequence yet the player flies in the air to dive. OFR correct call

  45. Soft PK, Idk about intervention but I guess a final shouldn't be decided on such a PK. Ocampos went flying :D

  46. Natural position of arm. By the side, good decision imo

    1. Agreed, no penalty for me either, there was nothing unnatural or wrong in that arm position IMO.

  47. Could have been pen handball.maybe not clear and obvious

  48. Taylor and his team after 82´ perfect job. Also no intentional handball. He had the very very difficult game under control. Shameful the behavier of the players from roma. Always time-wasting, protesting etc.

  49. I don't know where to start, many events in the last minutes.
    For me not a penalty for handball and correct decision by VAR to support referee, many protests by Italian side.
    After that, another possible YC for Sevilla and all were furious.
    Taylor seems tired of handling such game, but I fear he will have to face extra time...
    Impossible to end this one 100% clean, so we have an OFR, but still, taking a look at all the game so far we must say.. well...

  50. Dropped ball clearly wrong as there was no change of possession...

    1. I think he made an instinct call because there was impact. Can remember Kavanagh having a very controversial goal where he didn't choose dropball wich was correct by letter of the law. But in spirit of the game it would have been better to go for dropp ball. I think it's a bit in that philosofy that he made this call. So clearly wrong I think is harsh. Of course by letter of law it s wrong. But referee's (I'm told this too) are trained to read the game and make logic, smart and safe desicions.

    2. Of course, only a small mistake. Although technically a law violation...
      The main problem with it, is that grassroot players learn the Laws wrong, if referees in top competitions act like that. And then they expect the play to be stopped every time,.when the ball hits the referee.

  51. The behavior of Mourinho is next level scandalous. He was even ON the pitch. Do first all his assistants need a yellow card before he can get one? This behavior brings all amateur referees in trouble, cause coaches copy this behavior.

    1. Please come to watch some Roma serie A games... :) you will find that today he has even had a fair behavior

    2. Indeed hard to understand, that he hasn't received a yellow yet.
      I mean, there might have been one or two instances of dissent by word or action...

    3. If you can't handle him in Italy, why should we put up with him in Uefa competitions?

    4. About the team officials on the benches, I think that just for this game there can be particular guidelines by committee, otherwise Oliver would be a bit in trouble, if you ask me.
      But thank to God, this seems not valid for the players on the field, Taylor didn't spare clear yellow cards.

    5. You are right; the only aspect of Taylor's performance I don't like is failure to properly sanction Mourinho's behaviour tonight, he should have received a YC on more than one occasion.

    6. Actually, according to the LotG, Mourinho should have been sent off for “deliberately leaving the technical area to show dissent towards, or remonstrate with, a match official”.

    7. I think that there is no referee in their right mind who would give a red card. Except if they really run towards you. But YC should be given to him by now.

    8. So no referee in their right mind would follow the LotG……..? Remarkable point of view if you ask me. If tonight’s behavior is not sanctioned properly, what is…

    9. Actually, according to the LotG...

      LotG is not holly Bible and the referee on the field does not answer the questions from the LotG test.

    10. Yeah, ignoring the LotG one can justify each and every decision of the referee team. And that’s pretty much what you seem to do regarding team Taylor now.

  52. Arm is not making body unnaturally bigger,and arms is going towards body and not moving towards the ball. So I don't see any argument at all to see that as a PK.

  53. I’m sorry, but the fact that team officials in the meantime are allowed to do whatever they want is beyond me… Entering the FoP, dissenting by word and action.
    And I thought Uefa was so very strict this season…?

    1. At this point both coaches should be booked and Mourinho red carded, he isn’t controlling his bench

  54. Might as well just allow the fourth official to hand out cards to the benches, with the amount of players and coaches misbehaving in the technical area - otherwise the ref would be constantly running back and forward if refereed properly! :)

    1. good idea! :D (would make it hard to follow who got one and who not)

    2. They should let people on the bench who get a yellow card wear a risiculous yellow jacket so that it's clear :))

  55. Taylor needs to send somebody off on the bench, maybe then he can achieve some sort of control

  56. Taylor is the best man on the pitch so far.

  57. outrageous arbitrage

    1. Euhm? Please state this comment with some facts because I'm watching an extremly challenging game with a very good refereeing team. I'm not sure there are a lot of referees who would survive these 90min.

    2. This is the first meaningless comment in about 120 comments and I'm really proud so far of all the writers!

    3. the second yellow card is missing for Rakitic

    4. the second yellow card is missing for Lamela

  58. especially in card management

    1. I can agree that some YC are maybe harsh or not given but all of them surportable. Not sure they are all the best choice. Definetly because 5 to 1 field players. But nothing outrages or horrific:) so i'm quite happy with his performance

    2. the second yellow card is missing for Rakitic

    3. I don't know what situation you are talking about. But It's 8 to 1 now. Giving a SYC to that one ... I think that would be bad management. The fact I don't even remember the foul, means it wasn't a clear one, and you don't send of a 1 YC vs 8 for a maybe YC. But If you could show me the foul I might change my mind. But I hope you consider the management aspect of the card toolbox wich is in the hands of Tayles

  59. At a certain point, Mourinho was about to enter the field. This is indeed not acceptable, but if Oliver is allowing that, this means he was asked for that. No other explanation, even more with Kuipers observing...

    1. Of course there is another explanation. Oliver doesn't want to be in the headlines after the match. So he allows too much. But this is not a good long term approach for him, he's losing his credibility.

  60. Kuipers is I think the only referee in a very long time to have two Europa league finals on his sheet. So I think he knows what to do

  61. First half of extra times definitely less challenging, now teams are saving their energy after having played extremely hard 90 minutes.
    Possible that game will go to PSO, I guess second half will be similar.

  62. Wonderful job so far to survive the moments. Teams playing properly now that the game hangs in the balance. Unfortunately this was never a game where the referee could exist in the background, which is sad!

    1. Many referees would have had a nightmare with this game, we could write a long list for sure! Only the very top from Elite can indeed survive.

  63. Chefren thanks for allowing anonymous comments on tonight’s game. Been a really good discussion with 130+ comments , with all in agreement of how well Taylor and team have done tonight.

  64. Sorry but great Taylor except all behavior deviances by Mourinho who made Absolutely all what he wants : UNACCEPTABLE !

  65. 6 minutes of added time in extra time is surely remarkable.
    This game has lasted 90+30+7+6+2+6= 141 minutes.

  66. IMO Taylor and Oliver made the right desicion to not book Morhinio during the whole match. Because now they could give it without having to send him of. Which would be very bad for match. So it paid of and didn't have reverse concequences. Maybe a gamble, but I think smart to take that approach

    1. An attitude and mentality like yours is the reason players, coaches, and fans act in such a deplorable manner nowadays. This type of disgusting behavior should not be tolerated/ignored must less admired/worshiped. Thank you for being part of the problem.

  67. I think the most fascinating about this evening, to see a referee who is so much prepared for this everything. And the way Taylor is adapting himself to the game in each phase, it's wonderful. Very focused performance, and agree with it, lots of other Elite referees would have been in trouble.
    It's a miracle to see how Mourinho was not booked until the brawl in the end. We know how finals are handled, and you need to to have the feel for the game, but weird choice to book twice the background stuff, instead of the person who is running the show.
    Also worth to mention it's very rare to have a 4th official with so much work, but today is the 1 out of 100 matches case and a bit more personality would be nice there. Oliver seems too passive. But I can't blame him, you don't want to be in spotlight and you don't want to make it harder for the ref in the middle.

  68. How in the hell is Mourinho still on the bench? Great example for any coach at the recreative (lower) levels. It disgusts me that this behaviour is allowed by UEFA/Rosetti

  69. Is it only me who thought during the game, that the our "good old friend" from Turkey would be perfect for this game? :-) (it's not against Taylor as I think it's one of this best performance on international stage in an extremely difficult game - which is rare in current years in UEFA Finals)

    1. Yes but definitely his old version, ancient times when he made his progress in UEFA thank to being boss in such games.

    2. I didn't have that feeling. I wasn't really a big fan of him. Not negatively,just not big fan if you understand.

    3. I think the observer for this game in his prime time (2013/2014) would have been great in this match too ;)

    4. Exactly, the times when he was the man of semifinals. 5-6 years ago this would be a Cakir game for sure.
      Also Clattenburg came to my mind with all the theatre and his facial expressions of laughing and disgust. He would definitely enjoy this :D
      But back to Taylor, he is the main man today and after this hope he will get a nice relaxing holidays. Mentally a very challenging game. Also good luck if you are planning to write a detailed report of this :)

  70. Sorry to say this but this game was more circus then football game. Lot of talks with the referees, protests all the time, pressure, waving hand in every situation, talk, pressure, talk, pressure... Behavior of the benches, especially Italian is something outrageous. Quarrels, almost fights during the most time of the match. Couple of times Roma's players from the bench went on the pitch protesting. Just a circus, I never saw something like that in some final in the Europe. We saw almost everything but football. Taylor was ok, wrong penalty and some cards, but ok overall. But if I was a referee, I would send half of the benches at the stands and one or two players out. Eleven and a half minutes of stoppage time in second OT that should last for 15 minutes... Abnormal.

    1. Sometimes we can even agree... I'm speechless by the real value of the comments on the blog this evening!

    2. Very well said. This was a different sport. (Can we call it a sport?) That's why it's even more exciting to see that Taylor could referee a game which was never really a football game.
      The sad fact we know, you cannot dismiss even one player of the field, unless it's like the crystal clear DOGSO...Try to keep everything under control with keeping everyone at their place (field or bench) - And that was an impossible task, but I think that's why we must praise Taylor, because he found a very strong balance for that.
      And I think the craziest to think, that if referees meet in a local level game a Mourinho type of coach, the coach will be gone to stands faster than lightning...

  71. For the 3rd time in a row, UEL final goes to PK competition.

  72. 28 Minutes of additional time in the whole game :D

  73. IMO, excellent performance by Taylor and his crew. Bravo!

  74. In UEFA scale, Taylor can get a mark like 7.9 (8.8), I'm not joking.
    We have an outstanding performance with a crucial mistake but this must be considered isolated, as UEFA correctly does.
    Best part of officiating was first half, not the same in second half with some troubles, but still given the difficulty of the game, impossible to ask more. Then, still OK in extra time if you ask me.
    Big point for discussion: benches management, but here one can't penalize referee, rather trying to understand whether committee asked to keep all coaches and team officials until the end (I think o, otherwise would be too blatant and Oliver too weak).
    Committee can be very proud, I knew this game was about to be extremely difficult, but surely not so much.
    Well done to Taylor, his team and especially the VAR.
    Last but not least: the team with a revoked penalty winning the cup is something that remove possible protests and difficult future times for the referee.

    1. Agree. Bravo!

      But, just to ask... Am I the only one who think that Lamela's elbow should be RC?

    2. Arbitre Anglais1 June 2023 at 00:08

      Correct about the technical score, but surely uefa won’t care - anyone who thinks Taylor has not done brilliantly and could do little more, knows nothing about refereeing.

    3. I wanted to write about, I forgot. Indeed, extremely borderline, we can read a certain malice but... we can't be 100% sure he did that on purpose, based on the fact that he started with the movement when opponent was not still exactly there. So, a minimum chance it happened only because he wanted to keep him away and not as real violent conduct. Regarding VAR, a correct no intervention, and we are at borders, but in case of RC by Taylor on the pitch absolutely OK if you ask me.

    4. To translate what Arbitre Anglais said. "Agree with my opinion of Taylor or keep your opinion to yourself because you aren't deserving of being called a referee"

    5. I'm with Chefren on this one: definitely a possible RC (excessive force used), and let me be clear that I would prefer it in this specific situation, however a YC is still supportable IMO, for the reason Chefren stated. Therefore, I'm not too keen on labeling this YC a clear mistake, although, personally, it's more a RC than YC.

    6. Taylor’s performance was largely insufficient in the second half, and turned to scandalous in extra time. AS Roma has been damaged in at least six occasions: the handball was unintentional but relevant and the player increased the body figure; Rakitic should have been yellowcarded for the second time on his subsequent foul on Ibanez; Lamela should have been redcarded directly for an elbow hit very violent and dangerous (did you see Ibanez’s face covered in blood?), and would have well deserved another YC in the end of second extra time for a deliberate foul on the player with absolute nor interest neither chance to kick the ball; there was a clear corner on Belotti’s attempt saved by Bounou; after the Var review on the penalty, Ocampo should have been yellowcarded for clear simulation considering how he flied for a ridicolous contact. Consider that both Rakitic and Lamela shot and scored a penalty in the final shootout, and you can see how the final outcome has been clearly influenced by a ridicolous performance by the referee. And it’s simply shameful that there are dozens of comments about what happened outside the pitch and so few about clamorous errors which determined an european final.

    7. Cristian-md3zh1 June 2023 at 11:41

      @Anonymous this is not a "Roma fan club". Go cry somewhere else please

    8. Impossible mark maximum can only be 8.4 with a 7.9

  75. BRAVO VAR!
    You guys had a job to do and you all did to the letter of the Law. None of you shied away from possibly making the unpopular call and becoming part of the storyline.

  76. Arbitre Anglais1 June 2023 at 00:04

    Sometimes we have to accept the poor conduct/unsporting behaviour of the players & coaches has caused the issue. This needs to be highlighted. Taylor has had a superb game and could only react to the behaviour of the teams - the high card count is no reflection on him, rather the teams (particularly Roma) who refused to play fairly. As for Morhino, I’m bored of his antics and how it ruins key games - sa neutral, I hope Sevilla win.

  77. Brilliant performance by Taylor's team! Well done! Kuipers will be proud. Taylor may be proud too !

  78. Very good call from Attwell to retake that penalty. Can clearly see Beswick says to Taylor to check that

  79. Taylor will definitely face criticism from Roma / Mourinho unfortunately, as they will try to point fingers to anyone but themselves

    1. Given UEFAs/ Rosettis policy regarding PSG/Italian teams I guess UEFA will not stand up for Taylor against this criticism and instead throw him under the bus. Just like they do time and time again with Makkelie

  80. Glad to see Sevilla won. I was routing for the Roma at the beginning, but their behavior during the whole match, especially from Mourinho and the bench, made me changing my opinion.

  81. Discussion was amazing tonight - thank you Chefren. Well done Taylor and team 9/10!

  82. After watching todays game I am left with zero doubt as to why players, coaches, and parents act in such a deplorable manner at the amateur and youth levels.
    It's because this type of behavior is being normalized at the top level with the referees acting as willing accomplices.
    But then we ask ourselves, why is there a referee shortage (in the USA)? Why are longtime referees quitting (in the USA)? Why doesn't anybody want to become a referee( in the USA)?

    1. That's right, and not only an issue in the US, but probably in most countries.

      At least, they gave some cards against the benches (and for dissent in general), but unfortunately those had little impact on the behaviour.

    2. I agree, there were some cards shown for dissent. But players and coaches know that they can continue to dissent by word or action because none of these referee are going to send them off.
      22 start and 22 finish
      Only people who seem to get sent off are irrelevant bench personnel.

  83. Ok, the game is finished, now let's go back to Turpin bad, Kovacs bad, Vincic bad, Makkelie great, Marciniak great.

    1. You forgot,
      dissent bad
      tolerate dissent bad
      ignore dissent bad
      send the wrong message to masses bad
      send off bad apples good
      one day hopefully referees will reclaim their respect great

  84. Well done RefTeam for not only surviving but also giving an overall good impression in such challenging game! As stated by Chefren, only top elite would be able to achieve that.

    I have some doubts regarding rescinded penalty (only small touch on the ball and subsequent contact with an opponent - is it a clear and obvious mistake for VAR to intervene?), no-penalty for handball (yeah, the hand is not far from the body but I somehow feel the player had time to avoid the contact and he knew what he was doing) and the FIFA-style 'management' of benches (totally different to what was taught by Kuipers during the last seminar, so either a special instruction for the final or Oliver/Taylor failed in this aspect) though...

    1. The contact on the player was so negligible and the player flung himself unnecessarily to the ground. No penalty is right for me

    2. I am really surprised I am the only one mentioning the two KMIs in the first half, the first where an attacker was kicked in the head in the penalty area, and the second a potential foul in the APP leading to a goal. We can talk about line of VAR intervention until our heads turn blue, but I can't imagine the first one especially is seen as the preferred decision. IMO he got both calls wrong.

      Lack of bench management as well (does blame here go to Taylor, Oliver, UEFA, or a little bit of everybody?).

      Very, very challenging game to be sure, but I'm not as ecstatic about this performance as the rest of the blog is.

  85. First live reactions from Italy, all against Taylor for the handball... (of course I could have expected that!)

  86. If VAR for PK competition encroachments had always been there, Sevilla would probably have one (2014, Beto) or maybe even two (2007, Palop) less UEFA Cup/Europa League trophies :)

  87. A very good performance by Taylor overall tonight, at least for my taste. I support him regarding all crucial decisions: most of them were absolutely correct for me, the YC for simulation in the 1H even brilliant, and although my personal preference regarding Lamela's elbow situation is a RC for excessive force used, I still think we can support Taylor's YC decision (probably expected outcome for UEFA). I liked his foul selection and especially on-field disciplinary approach, with some early YCs and consistent application throughout the match. Of course, some mistakes were probably made and a foul or two missed, however nothing serious for me.

    What pleased me the most was the focused and calm, but assertive display he provided tonight, always in full control of everything on the FoP, despite all the protests and pressure by the players (especially Roma). As the game progressed through the 2H, it was clearly visible that all these theatrics took their toll and mental fatigue was starting to become visible in Taylor's body language and mimics; however, at least for me, he never lost his grip on proceedings and managed to not only survive, but lead this game properly to the very end.

    Regarding the VAR crew, a very good performance by them too, IMO. They supported three crucial decisions (no penalty for Roma and no foul before 0-1 for Roma in the 1H, and no penalty for handball in the 2H), which were all correct or at least better decisions for me. The two interventions they did have were both correct and necessary IMO, especially the last one, to retake the (eventually winning) penalty, as the keeper clearly encroached. I'm more than happy with the OFR for cancelling the penalty to Sevilla, but I don't blame Taylor for whistling it initially, as it was very difficult to properly perceive and assess the situation from the position he had (live, I was convinced it was a penalty too).

    Lastly, let me highlight the single aspect I consider to be negative in tonight's performance: the management of benches, especially Roma's, was insufficient for me. IMHO, Mourinho should have received a YC way earlier, and too many instances of clear dissent and excessive pressure on the referee crew (even entering the FoP) went unpunished. However, taking into account the amount of warnings and YCs Taylor did give to the benches, I'm left wondering about the possibility that the described behaviour was close to unmanageable sometimes. Also, we need to leave some room for a possibility that this management approach was the result of a specific instruction by the committee, and I wouldn't like to be in Michael Oliver's shoes this evening. How much damage this approach does to referees on lower levels of the game and football/sport in general is another question, and I'm afraid that this damage is slowly proving to be pretty catastrophic in the long term, especially regarding desirability of refereeing as a profession.

    To sum up: I think we can be more than satisfied by the performance of Taylor and his crew tonight and nobody should be discussing their work tomorrow (although Roma fans probably will, but "that's life").

  88. Wow,what happened after the match.

    Looks like Mou verbally attacked English crew,maybe someone who is from Italy knows more?

    1. It's time for Mourinho to stop his career as coach. When enough is enough! But the most worrying thing is that all people always forgive him for everything. Now, after this scene in front of Rosetti, I'm very curious to see what will happen.
      He was maybe a Special One many years ago, now he is surely something else...


    2. Yep,just cause he has problematic adittude and too much of a passion,that's enough reason's to retire.

      C'mon now.

      Like we dont know him,he's always been like that...

      And I know this is blog to discuss referees,but there I have some digression...

      From footballing standpoint about that retiring thing.

      Who would have thought at the beggining of the season that this 'very talented ' Roma side would be in contention for any trophy?

      Last year they also won some sort of trophy.

      So he still has some gas in his tank,he still has it in him.

      It's not like he is going into the match and saying today I will fight this ref, I will argue then with that ref and another and similar.

      Now all of a sudden cause he has shown his bad side retiring is the only option for him?

      Also about this match,all I hear is Roma bench was problematic,Mourinho was putting pressure,they were the only one problematic for Oliver..

      Did you see the same match I saw...

      Did you see that Mir and Jordan,player who were on the bench received YC?

      That's good behaviour on the bench right?

      That must have been cause Mourinho made them mad,right?

      Now to made this very clear from my standpoint;he should get punished,banned couple of games for this encounter with Taylor and Rossetti..
      That reminded me of Drogba's rant after famous Ovrebo's performance,even same words were used.

      But to call for him to retire ?

      Come on now.

    3. I can't believe what I just saw there. I dind't understand a single word excelt "a f discrace". But he can't intimidate the referees like that. You can see kuipers looking at him and waiting to enter the van with a bit diturbed face

    4. I hope Mourinho will be banned for many matches after this... UEFA must protected their officials

    5. How will they protect them, refs have to stand up for themselves in every match:

      If we look at the whole game,Jose being given YC in120th beyond me.

    6. Oh boo hoo, keep your surprised, shocked, and self righteous reactions to yourself. Taylor and Co. had ample opportunities to properly handle and punish Mr. Mourinho on the pitch during the actual match. But they didn't! So let us not act bewildered/confused as to why Mourinho feels emboldened to continue to act in this manner and now even escalate his "assaults" on referees. Bottom line is. If you're gutless and unwilling to act on the pitch, then don't act act surprised later when things blow up i your face.

      In our local High School referee Association. Many referees would continuously complain at our meetings/trainings about a certain coach. However when asked if they had cautioned or dismissed the coach during their matches. The majority would say "no". So the coach appeared to have no documented record of being ill behaved and a nuisance towards referees. Thus limiting what our leadership could actually do in order to pursue punishment for said coach.

      The same applies to Mourinho and many other coaches/players throughout the world. It is unacceptable to see how referees have effectively been neutered with their respect and dignity taken from them.

    7. I'm sorry but why was Mourinho even allowed that close to the referees van? He should have been dragged away as soon as he came within 50 metres of them. And considering what happened after at the airport. Wow. No wonder nobody wants to be a referee.

  89. Looking on the difficulty of the match and we have a team from Italy with Jose Mourinho as their manager, I think we must praise Taylor solid performance. No VAR intervention in 2 crucial incident were supportable and optimum decision (a call that majority of us expected and agree with it). But I think for the revoking penalty, that was somehow the difference between Marciniak and Taylor, also Makkelie. Two later, I think many times they gave soft-very soft penalty that cause crucial mistake/controversy moment, like very regretted if Taylor could hold his whistle he would be excellent.

    1. I forgot to mentioned and congratulate Attwell for his one of the best performance as VAR that I think already prevail Chefren doubt about him :))

  90. So, first final is over. I see many enthusiastic comments here, I did not write anything yesterday because I wanted to rewatch the match with a clear mind.
    I read about excellent performance and I am a bit surprised: there are two 2YC clearly missing for Rakitic at 81' - right after the penalty appela - and Lamela in the last minutes of extra time (both scored on penalties), also Matic risked a lot the 2YC.
    The penalty he awarded was wrong
    He could barely manage both benches - even if here I read comments only about Mourinho, nothing about the disgraceful behavior of Sevilla's staff.

    I see also some praising the management but when you have a very heated set up, you can't wait 2 minutes for the booking of Rakitic, very easy one, almost allowing for protests.

    If this was a good performance - well, the level of refereeing is getting very poor, or here we have more fans than referees...

    And finally, the comment from Chefren shows the bias of people here - it looks like Mourinho is the first coach ever complaining against a ref. Do a favor to everyone, this is a refereeing blog, not a pub

    1. “Or here we have more fans than referees”
      I think you are one of that…

    2. I think Anonymous @8:14 has a point about the missing YC, for both teams. If 3 missed 2YC are a good performance, we have some issues...

    3. Matic committed one foul all game according to the statistics, how did he risk a 2YC.
      Rakitic commits a careless foul and you claim it's a 2YC.
      Lamela's is the most borderline but even then to call it a promising attack is massive push, and to call it persistent offences when he was booked for his previous foul would be poor.

      You say about waiting 2 minutes for the booking of Rakitic but he gives the foul and within three seconds he has two Roma players and a Sevilla player in his face then he stands still to give them a chance to move away and within ten he is surrounded by five Roma players. He can't get to Rakitic. Everyone knows this is going to be a caution yet Roma players try to take it into their own hands.

      The Sevilla bench were just as bad as the Roma one but Mourinho's actions were the worst of any individual on the sideline and he proved it post-game by shouting abuse across the car park.

  91. I am not 100 percent sure that Taylor stole the Cup from As Roma. That's why he is a good referee:)

  92. Any new analysis for FIFA world cup u 20 in Argentina?

  93. Wrong designation, it was no contest for Taylor and it showed...

  94. Yep, I’m Italian, I live in Rome (I’m not a fan but only a ref, even if I support AS Roma, so I can only say congratulation to Seville for the win) and I was very very happy for the Taylor’s performance. But today I’m only reading insults by Italian fans to the ref, and also yesterday, I was in the Stadio Olimpico in Rome to watch the match in the screens and I was surprised by all the insults toward the ref! It’s always difficult to accept to be wrong, too easy to say “it’s the ref fault” when Taylor cannot reply directly! For me it was a very solid performance by Taylor, and all his choice are absolutely right (like the handball) or supportable (like some missing YC), plus he did an amazing job in handling the staffs avoiding to send off Mourinho! The reality is that I never read about a coach or player saying “it’s my fault”! But on Italian social the trend is this… I see insults and threat between random people for every post (about politicians, sport random news, and so on). Also, Mourinho always said “it’s the ref fault” during the Serie A, the federation didn’t punish him seriously and now this is the result. Every time he lose is the ref fault! I hope UEFA will take some decision now! During the post-match interview Mourinho said that he has a project and would like to continue coaching AS Roma! I always liked Mourinho for their skills and when he won the “Triplete” with Inter I was very happy (as when he returned Italy to coach Roma). Now it’s difficult to be happy about him.

  95. BTW Rosetti hugging Mourinho can suggest us that indeed committee gave special guidelines to English referees regarding benches, they tried in all ways to have the Portuguese happy at the end of the game, but unluckily this didn't happen. I must say that for some aspects this is a positive thing from which committe will learn how to do in future. Surely not making compromises...

  96. I apologize because I didn't see the kicks after OT only read about the re-kick on one if them. What I read was the shot hit an upright but the GK encroached before the kick. A rekick was awarded. So VAR must have thought the GK encroachment effected the shooter? Appreciate your thoughts.

  97. How is it possible that a coach like Mourinho misbehaves so often (even weekly Chefren indicated), that he is never really tackled firmly?
    I think one of the biggest concerns for football right now is how the coach and players interact with each other and with the referees.
    This match was disgusting to watch?
    UEFA, intervene. This ruins football.
    BTW: great credits to Team Taylor!

  98. The scenes of Anthony and his wife being attacked at Rome airport are truly shocking. I hope Jose is proud of himself

  99. Chefren,due to news about Marciniak,on big regret, is there a possibility that Uefa remove his name from UCL final, a give the appoitment to other referee?

    1. I don't know. Impossible to make a judgment. Even my personal opinion is not important in this case, let's just wait for what will happen. It is reported that maybe already tomorrow we will have a decision from UEFA.

  100. It seems that AS Rome fans get the number used by Taylor and are insulting him via whatsapp :( I thought it was a fake number and tried to save the number on my contacts to take a look, and actually the profile picture on whatsapp shows Taylor with his family, but I've no idea! I hope somone will intervene asap... I live in Rome and I was in the Stadio Olimpico to watch the match in the screen and Taylor performance's imho was really amazing and all his decisions were correct or at least very supportable!


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