Tuesday 9 May 2023

Champions League 2022/23 - Referee Appointments - Semifinals (First Leg, I)

Real Madrid - Manchester City is the first 2022/23 UEFA Champions League semifinal. Read below about the officials in charge. 

9 May 2023

21:00 CET - Madrid (Estadio Santiago Bernabéu) 
Real Madrid CF (ESP) - Manchester City FC (ENG) 
Referee: Artur Dias (POR) 
Assistant Referee 1: Paulo Soares (POR)
Assistant Referee 2: Pedro Ribeiro (POR)
Fourth Official: Daniele Orsato (ITA)
Video Assistant Referee: Massimiliano Irrati (ITA)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Tiago Martins (POR)
UEFA Referee Observer: Roberto Rosetti (ITA) 
UEFA Delegate: Ronald Zimmermann (GER)


  1. Unexpected to me. Congratulation and good luck

  2. Wow, orsato with fourth official duty

    1. Probably because there is no other game for him this season.
      Only West Ham - Alkmaar would be possible, but it makes more sense to give that to a younger referee.

    2. Wow @Philipps unexpected anticipation. It seems a younger elite may be Zwayer in Milan. Return leg for Taylor & Makkelie. Final may be Marciniak.
      1.Now Orsato, Grande, Mateu even Taylor are very end of their career so establishment is necessary.
      2. Why they will repeat referee again & again for these 13(8+4+1) matches as they have list of sufficient!
      3. Recently top elite like Vincic & Marciniak struggled, younger Jovanovic make mess of it. So why not a new name with vast experience with overall good (not outstanding) KO stage.

    3. Taylor can’t do a return game, due to the English team in the other semi. We’ll see Taylor tomorrow or he is saved for a final (UCL / UEL).

    4. i hope we get Taylor for second semi his performances lately in the prem has been good. just what you need for a massive derby

    5. @ Promo, you are wrong. It was me who predicted Soares Dias, not Philip. In the post with the women semifinals, I guessed Soares Dias for Madrid vs City clash.

  3. When the Milan Derby appointment sir?

    1. Tomorrow

    2. Thank you.. my prediction maybe Turpin

    3. After a so long time and after having repeated that many times, I think one should know UEFA rules about appointments, but still! :) It is always two days before the games.

    4. I'm new on this blog sir.. my apology

    5. No problems, don't worry. No need to say sorry!

  4. Philipp guessed it right! 👍🏼

    Can we call Irrati a consolidation appointment? I thought Tiago Martins had a good reputation as a VAR….

  5. Extremely surprising appointment, this was impossible to predict even for insiders. Soares Dias gets this semifinal in a very unexpected way. Until a few months ago, I would have also said not deserved, but now it is different. He had a quite good (but not excellent) KO stage, the previous group stage had been rather disappointing, but still, he is there. Committee tries to work in a different way, today we can say "expect the unexpected". Indeed I had ruled him out from the names for this game. Main reason is surely the lack of certain options, starting from English and Spanish referees, and then coming also to Orsato (appointed as fourth official because he can't get any other game ). I think in case of good performance, Kovacs would have been another option, but it didn't go well for thim. Marciniak and other names seem to be kept and so you have the Portuguese. Only remaining option was Zwayer, as we discussed, and this game was too bigfor the relatively "new" Elite like Schaerer, Jovanovic and so on. Committee takes some risks because in some games the Portuguese had more than poor performance, but I think that they put already into consideration that. Last but not least, with English teams always easier to make certain appointments, would have been different if Real Madrid against an Italian and so on...
    Also particular to see Irrati, while Martins, experienced VAR, would have been absolutely expected in the role. No trust in Portuguese referee, or maybe just because last occasion to appoint an Italian VAR, before last games (same argument about Orsato)?

    1. Maybe another surprise appointment tomorrow? De Bleeckere as observer indicates a younger (not the most experienced) elite referee?

    2. To me there is no more room for another "surprise" given the referees that would deserve at least a CL semi and are left out. One out of the English (Taylor/Oliver), Turpin, Makkelie and Marciniak should be the 4 left IMO. Especially in an all Italian affair

    3. No surprise referee in ac Milan vs inter Milan ucl semi finals 1 st leg match Taylor England and 2 nd leg match turpin and marciniak for city vs real Madrid 2 nd leg match in England and the final makkiele in Istanbul

    4. I am also surprised about Rosetti as observer: UEFA will need quite a lot referees next year for EURO 2024 (probably 18) and the Olympic tournament (approximately 4). But Dias should be a safe pair of hands for a EURO 2024 assignment. On the other hand, I did not expect him for one of the finals in this year's club competitions after the UCL group stage and therefore also not Rosetti to observe him. Maybe, he was added to the shortlist for those finals after Sevilla FC - Manchester United two weeks ago? As a "senior" FIFA referee in his 11th season of UEFA club competitions, he still lacks such a major final appointment in his palmares.

    5. @Mohammed: Yes, that is the most obvious solution. Maybe with Makkelie and Marciniak the other way around.
      And not clear, whether Turpin would be a good choice for the Milan derby - who else though...?

      @Peter: Why would Soares Dias not be a candidate for a final (EL/ECL/NL)? Yes, he surprisingly only had two GS games (but also a PO 2nd leg). But now a good KO stage - and as you write, a lot of experience including an EURO and two EL SFs.

  6. Unexpected appointment but it is signal that if Portuguese referee will work good performance in ucl sf he will referee uecl final match this season such as kovacs last season as Rossetti will be the observer

    1. When will you learn to spell Rosetti?

    2. To be fair to Mohamed, Sale, he retransliterates the names from Arabic (like "Ali bu Jusaim", this is exactly how to pronounce Bujsaim's name correctly from Arabic script).

    3. Hm, there is only one way how to correctly spell one's name - how it is written in their birth certificate. Also in my language we would say that MRH was Mohamed Rabi Hamad, but out of respect (sic!) I won't. And I think Roberto is Rosetti, not Rossetti by any means, so it would be fair from MRH to use the correct (sur)name. Or is it too much to expect?

    4. In world cup 2006 Wikipedia in Google Italian referee Roberto Rossetti not Rosetti and in all things i respect very much mr roberto since he was fifa referee and uefa chairman referees committee one of the best referees in the history

    5. I understand/agree Sale, was just trying to 'perspectivise' it.

      Mohammed: it is Rosetti, not Rossetti.
      And for sure he was one of the best internationally! :)

    6. So you use RoSSetti based on one Wikipedia article from 2006? You can't be serious ;)

    7. I am serious sale in all tournaments Roberto refereed

    8. https://imgur.com/a/OLz79c7

      But "Rosetti" is the correct one ;)

    9. OK, some people claim that the Earth is flat or that covid-19 doesn't exist, so I should let mr. Mohammed believe that Roberto is Rossetti.

    10. Sale don't laugh at me respect me you are un fair

    11. I'm not laughing, it is sad. I'm not saying anything about you as a person, but I cannot respect your constant wrong spelling of Rosetti.

  7. Why is it easier to make appointments with English teams?

    1. Because they are most focused on playing football, coming from Premier League officiating culture...

    2. Agree. But I would say that it is also quite similar with german teams!

  8. True . They played West Ham in the midweek and player behaviour was very good and I didn’t know if this was normal or due to FIFA Referee Brooks strong performance

  9. Artur Dias will be repeat Portuguese refereeing for ucl semi finals since 2014 Pedro proenca who refereed ucl 2012 final proenca refereed Bayern Munich vs real Madrid 2 nd leg match in semi finals 2014 in Munich

    1. Wasn’t that a dreadful performance?

  10. The scheme of this KO stage about surprising appointments, once revealed, seems to be clear.
    Unexpected name with a big assignment ---> committee member
    Trusted Elite for a big game ---> "normal" observer
    So we should definitely expect NO SURPRISE for Milan's derby, given De Bleeckere.
    In a more general speech, one can wonder how much was planned this before the start of KO stage. I think we have for sure an element, this is Jovanovic planned appointment for something big after Italy - England, but then indeed after that game I think they changed.
    Maybe the limited options obliged Rosetti and committee to start to think in a very different way, taking also some risks.
    This can also be reason why no appointments have been made for second legs, differently from past season, indeed you have to wait for some performances...

    1. Reading above, indeed tests for EURO 2024 is another very strong argument, Peter is totally right!

    2. Regarding Jovanovic, I am wondering whether he actually was not selected for U20WC only because UEFA planned him "for something big".
      Otherwise, he would have been a very logical name for the tournament, because he should still be a candidate for 2026 in spite of the disappointing Olympics.
      That being said, I think a EL SF is still possible for Jovanovic.


    UCL - First Leg
    MILAN - INTER: Frank De Bleeckere (BEL)

    UCL - Second Leg

    UEL -> First Leg
    ROMA - LEVERKUSEN: Juan Antonio Fernandez Marin (ESP)
    JUVENTUS - SEVILLA: Dejan Filipovic (SRB)

    UEL -> SEcond Leg

    UECL -> First Leg
    WEST HAM - AZ ALKMAAR: Matteo Trefoloni (ITA)
    FIORENTINA - BASEL: Rune Pedersen (NOR)

    UECL -> Second Leg
    AZ ALKMAAR - WEST HAM: Emil Bozinovski (MKD)
    BASEL - FIORENTINA: Lucilio Batista (POR)

    1. Commitee keeps a special eye on Italian teams in Europa League, they wait for first legs, not the same for Conference League and this explains us that committee sees a clear difference in my opinion, despite of what Rosetti very often says, between the competitions. For sue the two names for Fiorentina are trusted referees and indeed you have the clasic observers confirming that. Different in London for West Ham - AZ Alkmaar and this can talk about a relatively surprising appointment. For second leg in Alkmaar there seems to be another trusted name with experienced observer.
      About Jovanovic, I think that a game with an Italian team seems to be unlikely at moment, after the stop he had, so maybe West Ham - AZ with Trefoloni? At moment I wouldn't see other options.
      Zwayer has Juventus - Sevilla as big option for him.

    2. Would UEFA risk appointing a first category referee?

      If they did I think it would be a ref close to promotion to the Elite

    3. Not sure, whether Zwayer could get Sevilla again after their QF.

      One obvious choice would be to use the 4 Elite referees, who go to Argentina in the first legs on Thursday to keep e.g. Vincic, Jovanovic, Zwayer (or Stieler or Siebert?) and Gil Manzano for second legs.
      E.g. Schärer in Turin, Letexier in Rome, Meler in Florence, Gözübüyük in London.

      Other names to consider, especially for Conference League: Grinfeeld, Kruzliak, Sanchez. (Massa has no available game)

      2nd legs in EL get tricky: If we have to rule out Jovanovic for Italians, probably the same for Kovacs after Milan-Napoli? Obviously no Spanish and German referees possible as well. So maybe Vincic in Sevilla and Oliver in Rome?

      First category referee seems quite unlikely IMO - and probably would be observed by a commitee member.

    4. @Philipp S
      I get your idea, but Gözübüyük in London would probably generate some headlines, considering a Dutch team is playing there (and not sure those names can be switched, since Gözübüyük just had Basel)

    5. Oops, too many names and games...
      Maybe Gözübüyük in Rome and Letexier in London then.

  12. I feel like people underestimate Soares Dias… I’ve been watching his performances in Portugal for so long, as as much as I can tell, this is being one of the best seasons of him. No, he’s not the best on decision making, or the more consistant, but he is one of the greatest managers out there now. I think his performances, all in all, show that even though he won’t get right every advantage (props to Napoli disgrace) or every foul, he is a great ref that gets the job done every time.
    One good example of that is Benfica - Porto a few weeks ago, where one can say he could have had different calls for possible penalties and card selection, but in the end, when good judgement reigns, you do things the way he did and people end up accepting (the bigger “slice” in football belongs to supporters)

    1. Most of readers and writers here talk about a referee based on his international games, without having the opportunity of watching his domestic performances, so thanks for having added something about his domestic progress. It is indeed logical to expect that committee takes a look also at this aspect, in case of poor domestic season he wouldn't have got such big assignment.

    2. I see Portuguese football as a place where everything counts (not just football), referees are always to blame, they live the defeat a lot, and for those reasons there’s no example for generations to come of supporters to follow. To be able to go though all of that and be respected is really a big thing. That’s why I thing Soares Dias’ big “guns” are his judgment and capability of seeing the big picture.

    3. Even without knowing his domestic performances, refereeing nearly 300 games (including 22 games between the big 3) in the Portuguese top league alone, should give him a lot of experience, also with challenging games.

    4. 25 now, national record.

  13. Where can we expect a Spanish team in SF and which referee?

    1. Gil Manzano surely should get another game.
      I think, Basel-Florence or directly the ECL final are most likely for him.
      For del Cerro Grande and especially Mateu it is indeed a challenge to find a good last game for them. DCG could get the game in Rome, but for Mateu, I don't see a good solution.

  14. I think it will be Gil Manzano from Spain

  15. Today UEFA Futsal Champions League Final 2023
    Mallorca, 7 May 2023, 20:00

    Sporting CP – Palma
    Referee 1: Ondrej Cerny CZE
    Referee 2: Cedric Pelissier FRA
    Third Referee: Nikola Jelic CRO
    Timekeeper: Marc Birket ENG
    Reserve AR: Vedran Babic CRO
    Referee Observer: Massimo Cumbo ITA

  16. BTW, Irrati is now VAR in 5 out of 11 Real CL games this season.

  17. What the hell is wrong with Kavamagh?

    Does he plan to show card when murder happens?

  18. Big controversy in Scotland this weekend was this RC for dogso after OFR given by Nick Walsh after recommendation by VAR Collum.



    1. I don’t know why it can be huge controversy, IMO correct and good intervention by Collum, it’s DOGSO, he would be in 1 on 1 situation if he’s not fouled by the last man.

    2. Yeah, I don't understand the controversy either. Clear DOGSO

    3. Controversy is that most pundits expect a yc, and without VAR most referees would also give yc as Walsh did. Most people struggle to see how it's dogso when he is out wide. So it's causing some consternation

    4. With all respect to their experience as pundits, I think the mindset/pov of the pundits must be change, you can’t compare a decision with VAR and without VAR, it’s completely different approach, different point of view, and so on. For understand DOGSO I think IFAB made the definition so clear.

  19. Yesterday we had again racism in a serie A game.
    Dušan Vlahović was the target by Atalanta fans.
    When he scored in the last minutes of the game, he made a provoking celebration after what happened before, and he was booked by Doveri for that. Now all people are against the referee for this decision, same discussion as Juventus - Inter, coppa Italia, with Lukaku and Massa. My opinion is that the yellow card for provoking the spectators can't be removed, because it is part of LotG.
    Maybe it's very harsh to say, but a player, like a referee, must resist to everything coming from the stands. Then, the decisions must be taken after. Impossible to regulate this situation, because avoiding a booking would create a dangeorus situation for the future.
    I don't know what you think, but in my opinion nowadays there is too much interaction between field and spectators, to me this shouldn't happen and it is the main reason.
    Luckily this time the given YC was only the first one... and not the second for the player.
    I think that a player at maximum level should be able to bear everything. Harsh to say, but no other options...

    1. Agree with you 100%.

      That's why these fans and club have home court advantage,but let me clarify that.

      Home court adv.is not allowig them to chant racist chants but to intimidate opposition.

      If federations want to stop this behaviour by fans they should react immediately and not after player scores a goal and then he is the one to blame.

      Ref and delegation should give warnings to fans and if that's not enough then everyone to the locker room.

      That's the only effective way I see on stopping this.

  20. Very unexpected appointments for the two first legs of UCL semifinals.

  21. This is how uefa referee from Bosnia and Herzegovina do his job in domestic leaugue. And there are few more matches like thid

    1. All decisions in the video were in favour of the red team...

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Was this performance fictie or non-fictie ?

  22. OT: https://youtu.be/LTkZQQJGqJI
    SEA Games 2023 Cambodia
    Malaysia vs Vietnam
    Referee: Jumpei Iida (JPN)

    To be honest I’m quite surprised read his name on this tournament because I think this tournament was very low level, only U23 and big teams like Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand only send their team B, by the highlight I think we can conclude that ASEAN still one of the best training ground for elite referee in development, but AFC ignore it at all and I don’t know who send Jumpei Iida to there, 43 y.o, only JPN No. 3 (after Araki and Kimura), still very experienced and very trusted referee, but this appoinment was very random (I don’t think about salary in this tournament, but Cambodian league is in partner with JFA at the moment, more politics and business), no vision and strategy for elite in developement (another referee are like Jamali (KUW), Al Hatmi (OMA), Aramugan (IND), Kim Hee Gon (KOR) are out of nowhere, AFC really didn’t care about refereeing at all, lets waiting for AFC Asian Cup 2024.

    1. 1:05, handball (is it punishable?), penalty for VIE, his reaction for the handball incident was very poor
      6:27, RC for VC by MAS
      7:15, 2YC for MAS
      8:22, YC for clapping gesture

  23. OT:

    Dario Herrera had once again biggest match in the world,the SuperClasico,River-Boca.

    Very challenging match that he needed to manage as much as he could.

    7 cards in 1st half just shows you how difficult it was for him to calm players who were playing at extremely high emotion.

    2nd half was way easier,players calmed unitl last minutes,but we'll get to that.

    All of his bookings are justified,2 times he could have reached to his pocket and showed 2nd yellow to Boca or River player but it would be too harsh for a game this magnitude.

    He had 2 penalty appeals,did not whistle and that was supportable imo.

    Then in dying minutes he whistles penalty in favour of River,imo crystal clear,Boca player was late and as a result instead of ball he kicks River player.

    After that all that emotion boiled over.
    River player provoked Boca players and all hell broke loose.

    7 red cards were shown and 9 yellows before all of that.

    From neutral point of view,I think Herrera did good job and should be candidate for more SuperClasico's.

    Dont know what reaction are in Argentina, but for sure Bica side will blame him and River fans will also find him some flaws.

    But that's the beauty of SuperClasico and passion that Argentines have for football.

    1. Penalty:


  24. How did Brych do in Greece?

    1. I watched the game, he was pretty good. Not many big decisions to make, he missed a red that no ref could see, but brilliant from VAR to notify him, so they did the right thing. All in all, you could sense the respect to his name.
      P.S.: The game was played in front of no fans at all, so you could make a case that it is always easier to keep cool under these circumstances.

  25. Danny Makkelie appointed to a Friday night Eredevise game with his UEFA AR's. Van Boekel on a Friday night game as well in the Second Division. Likely for UCL Second Leg in Milan

    1. Is that a sensible choice? I’m not sure. I’d prefer Turpin in Milan. The derby return will be extremely challenging and Turpin (already has a UCL final in his palmares) has ‘less to lose’. And a good reputation in Italy as well.

    2. Turpin can’t manage hot clashes. He just starts booking everyone

  26. Turpin has a match in Ligue 1 on Sunday 13:00 CET. At least unlikely to see him on Tuesday CL

    1. Hmm, so Turpin is not the choice for the second leg of the Milano derby? Very, very interesting...

  27. So, Makkelie is likely in Milan 2nd leg, unless there is big controversy in 1st leg, then they will send their Polish top dog

    1. Top dog: “ a person who is successful or dominant in their field.”

      Clément to the big game in Manchester, that is supposed to be high paced and hyper-dynamic.

      Danny or Szymon to control the Italian volcano, putting a lot of pressure on the referee, complaining about every on-field decision, etc. This game could be more challenging the final

    2. Given the fact that Makkelie and possible VAR Van Boekel both have fridaynight matches I'd say that Makkelie is on in the CL next week (most likely the Milan derby). Guess that leaves marciniak for this years final CL match, which will be smaller then the CL semi final IMO. Sounds about right to me

  28. Shun Lee evans Australian fifa referee refereed today Kuwait amir cup final between Kuwait and kazma

  29. Missed SFP from Bernado Silva?

    1. Impact is low, no speed or intensity it’s a caution

    2. Missed caution, not enough force for SFP

  30. Dias should have whistled that foul at the edge of the box in 20', not a very inspired advantage let.

    1. Looking at the attacker’s foot dragging over the grass I tend to consider it a dive.

    2. There was no contact visible, Stones fell down to easily

    3. He raised the arm. You consider it as play-on signal or advantage?

    4. In my opinion it can be a supportable decision to play on for the reason mentioned by anonymous.

    5. 2 missed YC from Dias - letting game flow isn’t good in scenario like this. Dias loosing control only 30 mins in!

      Orsato looks very confident dealing with pep and ancelotti on touchline.

      Orsato should be the man in the middle!

    6. At least Soares is showing till now why it shouldnt have been him unfortunately. Im really not impressed by his performance. Really lackluster

    7. Agree 100%

    8. Agree with Chefren and Anonymous 21:29, supportable play on for me for the exact same reasons.

  31. Now not the best management, in my opinion foul by Rudiger sohuld have been definitely whistled before stoppig play.

  32. Adam Nunn AVAR next Tuesday in PL. Taylor is definitely out.

    1. Often happens and then gets changed. Happened with Andy Madley last time there was Europe, he was VAR and then appointed as 40 in europe

    2. I see him for the UEL final.

    3. In fact, my predictions for the finals are Marciniak, Taylor and Zwayer.

    4. He will be on Thursday not on Tuesday!

  33. Now Dias stops a Madrid attack due to a head injury to a Man City player. However he played on while Man City had the ball.

    1. The game should have been stopped earlier. Doing it during the home team contra-attack only frustate the players.

  34. Missed yellow on Carvajal maybe?

  35. I disagree with the missed YCs. I think it is ok for now to delay showing them. There was no over the limit force used.

  36. Orsato's experience and relaxation are enviable as 4th official. 35 minutes with hands crossed and still complete confidence and control of the benches.

    1. 100% - showing his powerful aura, does not need to speak as both coaches understand what it is expected from them. Perfect Referee & 4th O for this game - need 2 of him.

  37. Actions like this by Carvajal must alwys be a YC imo. So dangerous to push somebody to a wall

    1. Carvajal is a "cunning" player, with plenty of experience. He used these pushes in almost every game because he know that he will never be punished. Let's remeber that push aginst Nunez, if I'm not mistaken, against Liverpool first leg, or even today at the beginning. He knows how to do his "tricks". But referees have to follow the instructions, no soft penalties, which frankly I agree.

    2. Not even talking to the two players after their conflict there was too passive - and a minute later they clashed again, where the referee then gave a strict warning to them.
      But this trouble spot probably will continue and need cards rather sooner than later.

    3. Agree with Philipp completely, he had to deal with those two players and their altercation on the spot. What happened afterwards was the result of his wrong approach to the first incident IMO.

  38. Is that EURO 2020 logo tattoo on Dias's left hand

  39. Worst refereeing display since, well, the World Cup!

  40. Your opinion Fellas for mr Dias in first half?

    1. He is poor until now. How carvajal is still without a YC is beyond me. Game is not really out of control however not far from bowling over. Which says it all for the "easy SF" of the 2. Should have been better.

    2. If you're gonna book Carvajal,then Grealish also,he is not inocent at all.

    3. Poor and even embarrassing. It does feel like he's afraid of Real Madrid and Bernabéu. UEFA mst be ashamed.
      It's Champions League. If he's afraid of the atmosphere, he'd better stay home.

    4. M is right, there is no argument to support no YC for Grealish in such a scenario.

  41. I think still good performance by Soares Dias, he still have match control, all call from him at least supportable, maybe it’s only Rudiger incident that it’s better to call it as a foul. But overall I’m not sure that this is Soares Dias style, it seems like he got special direction for this match combined with his managerial style

  42. Well i hope Mr Dias his fate not like Kovacs when Mr Rosetti observe them

  43. Soares Dias not up to snuff at this level!
    Missed PK: Carvajal pushes Haaland (arm onto the back).
    Seems too afraid of the atmosphere in Madrid.
    Embarrassing performance so far.

    1. The instructions are clear: No soft penalties. It kinda reminds me of the push against Nunez, if I'm not mistaken, in the fiest leg against Liverpool. Also Carvajal implied. I agree with no PK in both cases.

    2. The instructions are clear: No soft penalties. It kinda remembers me about the push aginst Nunez, if I'm not mistaken, against Liverpool in the first leg. Also Carvajal implied. I agree with no PK in both cases.

  44. The instructions are clear: No soft penalties. It kinda remembers me about the push aginst Nunez, if I'm not mistaken, against Liverpool in the first leg. Also Carvajal implied. I agree with no PK in both cases.

  45. Do you also have problems with posting comments? Is the blog a little bit crashed?

    1. I think it fixed now.
      I wanted to write about Goncalo comment above at 22:00. I replied at his comments but it was bugged.

      The instructions are clear: No soft penalties. It kinda remembers me about the push aginst Nunez, if I'm not mistaken, against Liverpool in the first leg. Also Carvajal implied. I agree with no PK in both cases.

    2. My opinion too, matei14, too soft for a penalty for me as well.

  46. Soft yellow on Gundogan considering what other fouls havent been cautioned

    1. Also some soft free kick decisions around that time (de Bruyne vs Modric and Rüdiger vs Haaland).
      Unfortunately not consistent with his very lenient style.

  47. Not the best, not the worst performance by Soares Dias. Maybe "shaky" is a term to describe him today. I think he felt a bit the responsibility of this big game and he tried to have a certain style, not belonging to him. Having said that, most important thing no major issues and maybe UEFA will be even satisfied. Analyzing the performance one could easily say he could have done by far better.

  48. Good 2nd half from Soares Dias by and large.

    He started off shakily - inconsistent foul detection - but improved substantially in the second half.

  49. I can agree with Chefren and Goncalo regarding overall impression tonight: definitely shaky 1H followed by a better, even fine 2H IMO. Let's call it an average, "supportable" performance overall, but I agree with Chefren in assessing that the style he used tonight was not something that comes naturally to Soares Dias, at least that was my impression watching the game. His disciplinary management was definitely too lenient in certain situations (e.g. Carvajal - Grealish altercation in the 1H, Bernardo Silva's studs foul on Camavinga also in the 1H; both these incidents warranted YCs for the offenders IMO). On the other hand, some soft fouls whistled towards the end of the game were probably useful as an attempt to cool things down, however they were also completely inconsistent with the lenient style displayed in the rest of the game. All in all, I expected a better performance, but I definitely didn't see anything that would justify calling this performance bad, "a disaster" or anything similar.

    One small remark to add: it was so satisfying to watch Orsato controlling the benches tonight. What a display of natural authority...

  50. Now watching again Silva's foul on Camavinga,maybe VAR stuff for potential RC?

    1. It seemed there was a lack of speed and intensity to deem it a RC with modern guidelines (although my personal opinion is that it's definitely worthy of a deep consideration at the very least), however I think it was a mandatory YC missed for Bernardo Silva.

    2. Not with modern UEFA guidelines. Missed YC agree, but don't see this being anything more than borderline if it goes on a RAP video. Whether it should be is another question.

    3. Also Camavinga did not roll over like someone killed him so that had impact also.

  51. Did Dias affect the game either positively or negatively? I don't really think so, so UEFA will be happy enough.

    Was that a weak performance for an Elite referee? Yes in my opinion as we should be expecting the best in the Champions League semi-finals. Mixed bag of good decisions, to missed decisions and a few cards in there that another day I think should've been given.

  52. And what about this;

    Images have now emerged which show he had every right to be angry.

    BeIN Sports have confirmed with 3D technology that the ball was indeed out of play in the build-up to the goal.

    VAR did not review the moment, though, and the goal was allowed to stand.

    Ancelotti continued his complaints in his post-match interview.

    “For me, the ball went out but according to the referee, it didn’t. I don't understand why they did not use VAR," he said.

    1. Because it's likely the APP was reset. Camavinga has clear possession after a tackle and then plays a very poor pass that Dias intercepted. Ball out of play can only be reviewed in the relevant APP leading to a goal. It falls outside the remit of VAR intervention.

  53. Dias managed to adjust some of the things he lacked of in the first half. But I can't really call it a good performance, and as you know, I am usually generous with words. Luckily, he didn't have too many KMI, for this reason some have the sensation that he didn't affect the game.
    I also had serious doubts about how Man City scored their goal. I felt that the ball was out. However, not VAR stuff, because after that, the game continued and Real Madrid managed to retrieve the ball.

  54. I think Mr. Dias did a good performance tonight. He allowed a nice level of play and nice soccer. The decisions were consistent. He is not liked by everyone because he is not a big "name" in refereeing but he did a good job. Nothing shocked me tonight. He will satisfy UEFA tonight.

    1. Great job???????????????????? Really??????????????

  55. My views:

    01' - blatant kick by Grealish, no YC is OK and one can discuss about management so early in the game

    03' - great reaction against dissent by Rüdiger, setting the tone for the game; also in other cases Soares Dias didn't allow players to put any pressure on him -> well done!!!

    14' - PAI charging; we know that UEFA doesn't like 'soft penalties' and that's why 99% elite referees wouldn't have whistled it, but technically it's just careless charging and should've been given, imo; of course, no mistake (even optimal decision?) for UEFA

    17' - missed reckless nature of foul, should've been a YC to Bernardo Silva for reckless studs challenge (not enough force for a RC)

    19' - surprising play-on call on the edge of the penalty area but replays suggest no-foul was a good call, even possible (optimal) YC to Stones for simulation

    26' - late and 'intense' tripping by Dani Carvajal; a YC could've been easily given but having in mind the early kick by Grealish, it was still OK to refuse issuing it -> selling this decision by 'recalling' Grealish' foul would've helped everyone to understand

    45' - potential violent conduct by Grealish after another play-on-after-charging incident; from only replay rather no contact between players but the anger was so blatant that the reaction that followed one minute later should've been issued at this moment - to not react at all was quite poor but on the other hand understandable - it's a very serious incident (possible violent conduct) happening when you doubt yourself whether a FK should've been awarded or not (it should've been, unfortunately, but it's still in line with the PAI in 14'...) -> not being sure about both foul and subsequent reaction doesn't help to react in a convincing way

    45+1' - finally top-class management of Grealish vs Dani Carvajal altercation

    45+2' - correct (dark) YC to Kroos for reckless kick

    54' - potential YC to Rodri for SPA; Soares Dias attempted to play an advantage but going back to foul it was quite clear SPA at the moment the foul occured; I always see referees not punishing players for SPA after a failed attempt to play an advantage

    60' - missed YC to Rodri for SPA; quite clear SPA combined with the previous incident involving the same player makes it an easy caution; understandable protests by Ancelotti

    62' - PAI handball; unexpected ball, arm position being a consequence of natural movement; correct no penalty call

    65' - another handball on the edge of penalty area; ball hits the palm of the player, very close to the body; correct or at least acceptable play-on

    66' - play-on after simulation by Kroos close to AR1; YC wasn't expected in this kind of situation but good spot that there was no foul

    67' - MCI's equalizer; Ancelotti cautioned for protesting that the ball was out of the field of play some moments before the goal was scored and... the goal confirmed by VAR Irrati because the incident didn't happen in the APP (but who anyway HAD NOT such tools like the one that shows the ball was out of play in Bein Sports; I wonder whether they could've used offside lines to determine that but rather not, so with human eye you couldn't have been 100% sure the ball was 100% out)

    71' - correct YC to Gündoğan for reckless kick; although the kick was quite similar to those of Grealish and Dani Carvajal, it was a very good decision to issue this YC - not giving it could've caused frustration and players could've looked for revenge

    79' - correct YC to Camavinga for reckless tackle

    85' - another foul by Rodri; he may be very happy to finish without a YC in this game

    86' - correct YC to Bernardo Silva for reckless kick

  56. It seems, we can complete the puzzle now:

    - Turpin has a Sunday game, quite near to where he lives >> after seeing the tight first leg result, we can be certain he works on the 2nd leg return on Wednesday in Manchester.

    - Makkelie and v.Boekel a Friday game >> they are scheduled for the return game in Milano.

    - Anthony Taylor is saved for a final. The Italian teams in competitions are a strong argument. To add, his AR works in the VAR booth next week on Thursday. So, he must be out? Another clue: Pawson works as a 4th official to Oliver in the Europa League instead of Taylor, because they have Taylor in mind for the Europa League final.

    - That leaves Marciniak for the Champions League final.

    -The Conference league final >> I predict a Spanish team. Gil Manzano can seal his ticket today. If he fails, the focus can move to Carlos DCG.

    - Kovacs a return game in Europa League. I'll say Sevilla, as last year he had a controversial game in Leverkusen. The second name in UEL is a bit more difficult. Vincic?

    - As Siebert is deemed a replacement, we can be certain that politics already arranged a game for the other German (Zwayer) next week in the Conference League (Basel?). The second name could be Kruzliak, Jovanovic...

    The one thing I don't understand is why the 2nd leg appointments are not yet released. What could potentially happen in the 1st legs to change these pairings... Any idea?

    1. *Zwayer feels like a good name for either the Nations League final or the UEFA Supercup.

      Final remark. Makkelie has been treated very bad last season - it feels like he wasn't backed at all by UEFA after the incident in Madrid.
      It would be a nice gesture if he could have done the Nations League final this year on his home ground (Feyenoord stadium - Rotterdam), if the Netherlands wasn't in final 4... The grapes are sour.

    2. To me, it is quite unlikely to see again Kovacs with an Italian team after the discussions in CL quarterfinals. Also, Vincic after the poor performance in CL appeared as fourth official in Conference, so for me hard to believe he can get a game. But apart from them, indeed I wouldn't find at moment other names for EL semifinals second legs, if the scheme for the other referees is the one you reported.
      There wouldd be only Taylor as other option, but I read that his AR is busy on Tuesday in England, and very likely he can be saved for the final, involving at least an Italian team.
      The same appointment of Zwayer, that looked possible, now seems unlikely in second leg due to a German team, but yes, Zwayer remains as candidate for a CL second leg at moment...
      So I really don't know.

    3. Do you know what the problem is? Rosetti has 3 top referees from totally neutral countries. They are Vincic, Kovacs and Marciniak. With Vincic supposedly out before QF, it was a poor strategy to use Kovacs in a game with two teams from the same country, furthermore that you knew that it was a very difficult one, with the potential to make the referee unavailable for SF. I would add that also apply to Marciniak, but if he is planned for the final, it's ok.
      Remember that we need 9 names for the rest of the games, very difficult to find so many. Kovacs has to be one of them. And in UEL seems the most suitable. For me, Marciniak, Taylor and Zwayer in the finals.

    4. Another option is Kovacs to Manchester (MCI-RMA) and Turpin with an Italian team in UEL, however after the 1-1 first leg result it would be a surprise to not see Turpin there.

      I cannot see Zwayer in the Conference league final. We know how these politics work. Siebert is a replacement and it's hard to believe that zero Germans were appointed to the semi's in advance. Additionally, if I'm not mistaken, the 2022 conference league final had a German VAR crew?

      I agree that the MT by committee hasn't been great...

    5. According to German Referee Blog : Zwayer has a game next week in the UECL

    6. To me it would be logical to expect an appointment of Zwayer after the management by committee, and this can happen in Champions League second leg, Manchester.
      This would allow Turpin to officiate an Italian team in Europa League semifinals.
      At moment is really difficult to find names for both Sevilla - Juventus and Leverkusen - Roma.

    7. Oh, I didn't read the previous comment. So no Zwayer for Champions League. Still Turpin and Makkelie expected names in CL. Impossible to say which game of the two for Zwayer, both observers can talk in favor of him. Maybe the clash with Fiorentina in Basel...

    8. Of course, not bad, but Zwayer surely deserve more than a UECL SF.

    9. If confirmed, the appointment will show exactly what committee thinks about him: a quite good referee, but he can't go too much beyond a certain limit. And I agree.

    10. @matei14 it's that treatment that he receives from UEFA...

    11. Vincic refereed uel final last season

  57. City x Real Marciniak
    Inter x Milan Siebert

    Final Champions Makkelie
    Final UEFA Oliver
    Final Conference Del Cerro


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