Tuesday 18 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 Match 12: Portugal - Czechia (discussion)

Marco Guida, the second Italian referee at EURO after Orsato, is about to officiate Portugal - Czech Republic. We can follow his performance here. '


Game 12, Group F
Leipzig, 18 June 2024 21:00 CET
Referee: Marco Guida ITA
Assistant Referee 1: Filippo Meli ITA
Assistant Referee 2: Giorgio Peretti ITA
Fourth Official: Rade Obrenović SVN
Reserve Assistant Referee: Jure Praprotnik SVN
Video Assistant Referee: Massimiliano Irrati ITA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Paolo Valeri ITA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Fedayi San SUI
UEFA Referee Observer: Kyros Vassaras GRE
UEFA Delegate: Paul Lyon GIB


  1. That was a very enthusiastic run from a Portuguese player at the right side before the kick off 😉

  2. Excellent YC for diving, despite the suboptimal positioning (too far, no good angle).

    1. Agreed, very nice to see such a good decision.

  3. Rafael Leao tried to fool Guida and was duly booked for that. Excellent decision from the Italian!

  4. This game really suits Guida. Normal difficulty so far, the highlight the caution for simulation

  5. Overall it's a snoozefest for Guida but two important calls had to be made:

    19' - PAI pushing; a pity there was no replay shown by the broadcaster but the pushing was quite clear

    39' - YC Rafael Leão POR for simulation

    1. Agreed, nothing special to report in an easy match so far. Guida stays in the background, stepping into the spotlight when needed. An example of this is the excellent simulation YC to Leao in 39', a refreshing decision and important for sending a clear message to the players. Foul detection is optimal for this match, also established with two nice play-ons on potential fouls on Ronaldo in the first 10 min (another message clearly sent). AR2 with a really tight offside missed in 32', but without any consequence, I don't deem this as a mistake really. As for the 19' PAI, without a better replay, I think it was a correct play on decision. I have a strong feeling Ronaldo exaggerated this push a bit, his "flight" was something of a drama scene. Maybe I'm wrong, better replays are needed to properly assess the situation.

    2. Very good decision about the simulation, just to add, players are aware that they can't commit this offense inside the box because VAR would intervene, so most "convenient" for them is committing it in such position, dangerous free kick close to penalty area. This could have been topic of study for EURO referees.
      About the pushing, indeed arms are there, but closer replay are needed, you can't say how much force there was in the action, due to Cristiano Ronaldo movement, it can be that the action was rathre soft and the Portuguese exaggerated it, once he felt the contact with both hands. Surely VAR checked it, we remember Rosetti words, there is a focus on such situations as well, so in case Irrati would have intervened.

      For the rest, definitely easy first half, we can expect more challenging second half.

    3. @Chefren what's your view on kick off management by Guida anf 4th official in the beginning of the match. By the whistle, one of the players was more than 5 metres inside the opponents' half, but no replay of the kick off happened

  6. Smooth and easy match for Guida

  7. Now looks like unlike his countrymen Orsato,Guida is booking players for every unsportsmanlike activity ...Simulation by Leao and now protests from Schick.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Now we saw a warning to captain about the behavior of a teammate.

    1. Probably CR7, if we think of the same situation.
      I think, a YC for his teammate would have been a clear sign regarding the new guidelines there. But still OK to manage the situation with words - apparently the referees still have the freedom to do that.

  9. Great performance so far. Just might be a good idea to have a different color whistle. The bright yellow keeps throwing people off thinking he's got a yellow card in his hand. The announcers on the US broadcast got confused by that.

    1. Indeed I was also confused by that at some point today. Even in the wide angle, it looks a bit like he permanently has the YC in his hand.

    2. True. Always the case with a yellow whistle. Imagine if a ref would use a red one.

    3. I believe that at some moment Chapron in France often matched the color of his whistle and the color of his shirt

    4. I've seen some referee's go even further than just whistle color. They also match the their watch bands to the shirt color.

    5. Well... what should I say... I always match whistle and shirt... :D But my whistles are not bright yellow or red so no room for misperceptions here.

    6. That's awesome Lucmas. I would do that also, but all my whistles are black and I hate wearing my black jersey. : D

  10. 81’ by Fernandes should be considered a dissenting behaviour and thus a YC (Babel/Buquet in Getafe-Ajax), at least imo, trying to undermine the authority of the referee.

    1. Provocative question: what gives a stronger image of the referee, Orsato solving a (borderline to) dissenting behaviour of Sergej Milinkovic with the hugging, or Guida vs. Ronaldo (not especially respectful behaviour by ‘CR7’) whilst the Italian was warning Jota.

    2. Option C
      Follow your Referee Committee leader's instructions and directives by properly cautioning in both situations.

  11. 10th Var decision. Close situation! Top Job by Var!

  12. Another extremely tight offside and VAR intervention. Waiting for SAOT, I think that also in this case it was impossible to see.

  13. Meler's offsides yesterday, Tello and Guida's offsides today are very tight, I said it was a mistake yesterday but the referees made the same decision in all 3 matches, Chefren said yesterday that these mistakes were acceptable. This is true

    1. Indeed the number of VAR interventions about offside is increasing but committee will not care about that, it is 100% impossible for assistant referees.

    2. They're black and white decisions. There is no "grey" area in regards to onside/offside. Best to get the decision correct, even if it means VAR intervention.

  14. I know some of them are too tight but definitely too many VAR interventions in MD1 to overrule onside/offside decision.

    1. Honestly, we have at least 3 situations in which it's impossible to expect a field decision by AR.

    2. Exactly why VAR was absolutely CRUCIAL to making the game as fair as possible... Yes, we still might see disputable situations, however on/offside decesions (factual ones) are a perfect example why VAR was so needed for a long time.

    3. In these "extremely tight"(only these) situations. I am more than okay with AR's defaulting to the VAR for the correct decision.

      Unlike the 1st Swiss goal against Hungary. Where the Swiss player was clearly on by at least half a body.

  15. Clear foul from Semedo on Doudera missed.

  16. Recognition of blocking/impeding offences has not been a strength of the referees at this EURO…

  17. Wow, now crystal clear foul (and probably YC) missed and seconds later Portugal scores. Of course, one can say, there was plenty of time to defend but I think this will be discussed a lot…

    1. Inexplicable mistake from Guida. And so, so decisive.

  18. Mistake from guida leads to the goal. Completely impossible to give as looks like coming together from his angle however it shows semedo completely focused on blocking player.

  19. Oh what a mistake of Guida, missed blatant foul, and after that Portugal scores! Decisive mistake, incredible to miss such a foul. This is so unfair for Czechs.

  20. Clear foul for CZE. Why VAR didn't intervene?

    1. There was a restart before.

    2. I couldn't see a foul in the position, but VAR would have intervened anyway.

    3. 110% VAR stuff in case it happened in APP, but it didn't

    4. VAR can't give a foul in the middle of the pitch. This wasn't VC, so why is it VAR stuff?

    5. There was already a restart. Never VAR stuff either

    6. @Nole "in case it happened in APP"

  21. Yes. a major mistake indirectly leads to the decisive goal...

  22. Error at the end by Guida to not give the foul for Czech Republic, too far back in the phase for VAR to intervene to disallow the goal I presume, but a shame because he was good up until that point. 10 VAR interventions in 12 matches though, hopefully it settles down as we progress

    1. So far most VAR interventions have been for onside/offside decisions. Not for things that have by the main(center) referee's.
      And I am okay with defaulting to VAR for extremely tight onside/offside calls. They're black or white decisions. No "grey area" there.

  23. I didn't like Guida's performance in the second half. Usual arrogant attitude by him and he saved Portuguese players four times: two high kicks (66', 81'), tackle (85') and the most important impeding (90+1'). Too much leniency and no real management.

    1. Yep,too much leniency,allowed talking and protests too much.

      Tried to book minimum players as he could.

    2. That was my impression as well

  24. Capital mistake from Guida at the end staining an otherwise good performance in a very easy match. That is worth noting.

    The Italian cannot be satisfied.

    1. I would not call it a “very easy match”, the intensity from these teams was much greater than at other games in this tournament.

    2. Honestly, to me, it was a very easy match. No difficult situations to assess by any means. Totally different from what we have already seen in other games at this tournament.

  25. Isn’t 4th official the other side?

  26. I don't find it a difficult foul to call, honestly.

  27. Not so good second half, but satisfactory overall imo. Only the missed YC for Mendes, and the (difficult to spot) blocking by Semedo. Foul detection was good otherwise

  28. Another controversial incident in this Euros. Blatant missed foul which subsequently resulted to a Portuguese goal. Guida gave Portugal benefit of doubt many times. Another classic example of Big teams being favoured in tight situations

  29. Yup, Leipzig is a bit different from other stadiums as the main camera position is opposite from the benches. So 4O was the last one to make a call in this situation.

  30. Once again the level of comment is ridiculous! Maybe it was a foul, English commentators said "seen them given". Went out for a GK.
    100 yards and some time later, defender slips and Portugal score.
    As for "big teams" benefitting I think you have been watching a different tournament to me.
    Countries wanted VAR, so far it has been used very effectively and correctly

    1. Guida took away a possible promising attacking set piece for Czechia by not whistling such a clear and obvious foul.
      Semedo's sole intent was 100% to block/impede/foul the Czechia player. There is no wiggle room there.

  31. Correct performance by Guida.

  32. Poor positioning is why Guida missed and absolutely clear and obvious blocking/impeding offence by Semedo. He was too central when the play was developing out wide.
    Because of his poor positioning, he had a poor view, a poor angle, was too far away, and had too many bodies between him and where the play was developing.
    Guida cannot blame anybody else but himself for that lapse in judgement. And he is completely and totally at fault for missing such a clear foul. In the process he also took away a possible promising attacking set piece for Czechia.

    1. I agree with your explanation, and these positioning issues were visible in a few more occasions throughout the match. Unfortunately, it cost him at the very end.

  33. Wrong again. The area in which the foul occurred is solely the responsibility of Guida. He was poorly positioned because he chose to be too central while the play was developing out wide.

  34. German expert in TV was heavily criticising Guida for not giving the foul before 2-1, asking why he did not see such a clear foul. I only saw the incident (foul to be given, cooperation by AR2 missing), so I won‘t comment on the overall performance, but from a media perspective, we could have seen the first referee with one match only…
    Although that is possible, I guess Guida will get an unimportant second match rather than being dropped.

    1. I refuse to place any blame on AR2. The play is too far downfield for him.
      That area of the pitch is solely the responsibility of Guida if he's running a proper diagonal.
      But he positioned himself poorly as he was too central even though the play was developing out wide on the wing.

  35. Nothing to be wrong about. The assistant is also looking at that exact direction and could see it. He just didn't.

  36. The distance from midfield to where the foul occurred is too great for AR2.
    It was solely Guida's call and his poor positioning prevented him from seeing such a clear and obvious foul. He was too central even though the play was clearly developing out wide on the wing.

  37. OT:
    Jesus Valenzuela (VEN) gets the opening match (Argentina v Canada) of the 2024 Copa America.
    Wilton Sampaio (BRA) gets Peru v Chile
    Wilmar Roldan (COL) gets Ecuador v Venezuela
    Ismail Elfath (USA) gets Mexico v Jamaica

    1. Surely Roldan is close to retirement? He’s been reffing since I was a little kid.

    2. It sure seems that way doesn't it. LOL
      He's 44 years old and he's been FIFA listed since 2008!
      That's 16 years at the elite level!!!

    3. I thought he’d be around Orsato’s age! So I was right - he’s been on fifa list since I was 5 years old

    4. Sampaio gets the toughest match.

      Clasico de Pacifico is never easy to handle.

  38. A worse performance in the 2H for me. Unfortunately, Guida became too lenient when the match heated, he failed to adapt to the change from that easy 1H. To be honest, I have three complaints regarding disciplinary line in this half: two high kicks in 66' (POR21) and 81' (POR8) and a mandatory reckless tackle after a dash from a distance in 85' (POR19). For me, all three incidents warrant a YC (both high kicks actually hit the head of the opponent), however the one in 85' was a mandatory card missed. It seems Guida failed to recognise Portugal's growing frustration and heating of the match, he remained too lenient and without real, efficient match/player management: his talk to Ronaldo after 66' wasn't particularly effective, while Bruno Fernandes should have actually been cautioned for his dissent in 81' (as Mikael correctly stated in his comment above).

    Coming to the controversial situation in 90+1', it was, unfortunately, a clear impeding/blocking foul completely missed by Guida, probably due to his too central position which denied him the proper angle and insight. It has to be noted that this was not the only instance in which suboptimal positioning could be observed; it is an issue he should work on more. I have to say I don't like the suggestions about the winning goal of Portugal being a direct result of this mistake (anything could have happened in between those moments, Czechia had a chance to defend properly), however it cannot be denied that it did have indirect consequences, and it would have certainly led to a mandatory VAR intervention had it happened in the same APP. Unfortunately, it didn't, and Guida kind of tarnished his own performance (average fans and the media will probably link the two situations directly). Interestingly, it was the second blatant blocking/impeding foul missed in two days (Gil Manzano missed one yesterday in 30'); maybe it's time for the Committee to pay some much needed attention to these incidents.

    Taking everything into consideration, a somewhat mediocre but satisfactory performance with some clear mistakes, both from the technical and management point of view. It's a pity, because Guida actually had a very good 1H, but it was an easy one and, when things got heated, he failed to adapt accordingly. Frankly, he has only himself to blame for the mistakes.

  39. I just saw that BEFORE kick of Portuguese player made enormous encroachment - he was inside opponent's half of the pitch FULL TEN METERS! That occur just in front AR and 4th official. That's incredible.

    1. I think Guida noticed it. Because he made a hand/arm gesture towards AR1. Who was probably in his ear alerting him to what the Portuguese player had done.

  40. That's just not the way to handle these big games.

    To keep your name from headlines snd to book as less players as you can.

    Today, Guida did just that.

    He headlined the match and was in his best Rojas,Turpin version-players can kill someone and I will not show YC's.

    Hate that kind of officiating.

    And he has been like that for most of this 23 /24 season in Serie A.

    Really dissappointed with refereeing after these 1st games.

    After all their talking and saying how players will not be allowed to do anything negative with laws of the game-I can't say I saw any of that example after 1st games.

    The biggest positive is referee who is not even from UEFA,Tello.

    The way he handled today's game should be example to all referees in their remaining games.

  41. IMO, the refereeing level on this first matchday was generally quite good! Some comments on the blog really ate hypercritical. There are areas of improvement & e. g. Turpin and Guida weren't completely convincing to be fair but overall most referees showed why they're in Germany for Europe's most important tournament. Also, the guidelines regarding dissent really contributed to a good start. Also, most matches weren't of very high difficulty. So let's see how things will develop...

  42. Highlights:

    1. really nice work! Interesting to view all the decisions again

  43. Guida performance: very good in first half, definitely not the same in second half. I agree with M when he describes this trend to avoid bookings, when the game becam more intense, he didn't book players for proper fouls, at least in two major situations. Apart from that, we have the very clear foul missed a few before Portugal 2-1. The goal is not directly connected because ball was out and a new action started, but still, if called, things would have gone in a different way. Very hard to make a final assessment, at the end I thinkthe weakness of second half should prevail on the good display of the first. Not so much about the potential yellow cards, but mostly for the missed foul. I'm curious about the next appointment, if given, this can be something less serious than Turpin in Germany - Scotland, but still to be avoided. I think that the miss of that foul was a consequence of his high threshold for whistling during the full game. It's always dangerous to apply this style.
    But at the end, one can't talk about a very poor performance, surely something good was visible, maybe worthy for a second game, but then nothing more (and this would have been my prediction for his EURO, just two GS games). We'll see.

  44. Video clips:


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