Saturday 22 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 Match 23: Türkiye - Portugal (discussion)

Second game for Felix Zwayer at this tournament, he will referee Türkiye -Portugal in group F.

Game 23, Group F
Dortmund, 22 June 2024 18:00 CET
Referee: Felix Zwayer GER
Assistant Referee 1: Stefan Lupp GER 
Assistant Referee 2: Marco Achmüller GER
Fourth Official: Jesús Gil Manzano ESP
Reserve Assistant Referee: Diego Barbero Sevilla ESP 
Video Assistant Referee: Bastian Dankert GER
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Christian Dingert GER
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Rob Dieperink NED
UEFA Referee Observer: Frank De Bleeckere BEL
UEFA Delegate: Peter Lundström FIN


  1. I expect a very challenging game, also considering the characters on the pitch and the atmosphere in the stadium.

    Penalty appeal by TUR in 6‘ correctly waved away. Nothing.

    1. Agreed, nothing in that challenge to whistle a PK.

  2. I hope whoever referees Portugal's next game is ready to caution Ronaldo if he does the same "false start" at kick off.

    1. Delaying the start? Or just unsporting behaviour. Did I say something negative about your idol?

    2. That is quite the response for my question. No, you don’t give cautions for this type of offense and no, Ronaldo is not my idol :)

  3. 24 minutes Türkiye yellow card, right decision, a clear yellow card

  4. Good yc. Plays the ball but also clearly hits the opponent with the studs. That's just dangerous play.

  5. Caution at 25' is very close to a carbon copy of the incident used in the press conference by Rosetti to indicate an example of a reckless tackle with the ball having been already played; good decision by Zwayer here.

    1. Fully agree, a mandatory YC for me and good spot by Zwayer.

  6. Opening YC in the 25’ minute for Türkiye player. Ball first then studs into the foot of Portuguese player. Quickly issued and rightly so, clear reckless but never more.

  7. Technology of the ball crossing the goal line and warning on the referee's watch successfully executed. Turkish defender's unhappiness and recklessness

  8. Foul detection is a bit suspect so far. Some no fouls and fouls missed.

    1. Agreed, most of them are supportable decisions though, what bothers me most is that in the opening ~20 minutes, Zwayer looked uncertain/took long before making his decision.

  9. 38 minutes, yellow card to the Portuguese player with a deceptive move, correct decision

  10. Leao again with YC for dive.

    Maybe too harsh,but I'm liking this trend.

    1. Agreed, harsch but for game management purposes this yellow is good as well, shows Zwayer is not afraid to make big decisions. Personally also like this trend, so far so good from Zwayer.

    2. It was an excellent decision for me, to be honest. Leao has certainly garnered a certain reputation among referees, I'm glad they see through his "dark" tactics.

  11. What a great YC for simulation. Leao had done the same in MD 1. Brave call by Zwayer. This is proof he studied the players.

  12. Superb YC for simulation. You need to be brave in these types of games. Well done Zwayer!

  13. Replies
    1. Yess poor yellow. The ref make a fault!

  14. In my opinion, very bad decision to book Leao - the challenge was of scissor nature and it was perfectly reasonable for him to try and hurdle it, the ball was fairly played, play should have been allowed to continue. Second (imo clearly) wrong simulation card by Zwayer this year in UEFA competitions and Leao's name taken in this tournament, again: for my money he was unlucky both times!

    1. Yes it’s not the clearest dive, the tackle is there for Leao to fall but a decision that strenghtens Zwayers reputation, correct for me despite it perhaps being seen as unnecessary.

  15. Incorrect YC now. Turkish player touches the ball first.

  16. 41 minutes I think there is no foul, she was deceived by the exaggerated movements of the Portuguese player, wrong decision zwayer

    1. he, for men. You must learn basic english structure

    2. Thanks for the correction, the same thing happened before, I will use my keyboard more carefully.

    3. i still understand whole your comment, i just try to explain a fact.

  17. Dangerous tackle,but clean,wrong YC imo.

    And then mass protests allowed that went unpunished.

    Celik got YC also,my mistake.

  18. Think he is slowly but surely losing the game. Not accepted by the players.

  19. HT whistle will save Zwayer that's for sure.

  20. Harsch decision now, I would call this straight incorrect to be called a foul. Created two yellows because of this wrong call, that’s pretty unfortunate but still poor from Zwayer in this regard.

    1. +1 just a strong tackle, not a foul.
      Still, no mistake by Zwayer in this half was so bad as the autogol! :)

    2. Like you said Mikael, Zwayer is definitely not the worst performing on the field… what on earth was the defender doing… :p

  21. Now clear YC for Palhinha.

  22. He's lost the plot completely.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. The broadcast operator in Dortmund is crazy...

    1. Extremely anti-refereeing, if you know what I mean. Too often changing the camera when there is something interesting regarding refereeing, showing fans instead of good replays / management scenes, etc.

  24. A shaky beginning, good middle and poor ending of the first half from Zwayer.

    Beginning ~20 minutes he seemed pretty unsure about certain decisions with some being incorrect and some just being called too late for my taste (created frustration/doubt for the players). There was one throw in that Zwayer + his assistant seemed unsure about and a free kick at ~18’ which seemed kind of wrong. It’s unfortunate that the beginning of the game is the most important to showcase your abilities as a referee.

    To save himself Zwayer made a brave (although harsch since it is natural for Leao to fall) decision for simulation. Very good for me, the game needed Zwayer to take back control and show himself as strong.

    Unfortunately the first half ended with a straight wrong decision for a foul in minute 41’, followed by a yellow for reckless and another yellow for dissent. Zwayer therefore created two yellow cards against Türkiye while also losing credibility from both teams (especially Türkiye). The half ended with a correct YC for Portugals Palhinha for SPA/lack of respect.

    All in all, shaky first half, mainly because of poor foul detection which created more tension than the game required. Will be interesting to see how he handles the second half with Türkiye 0-2 down as well.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @Profref You don’t need to look into the LotG to realize this call was incorrect and a foul that football expects as a no call. If we start overanalyzing every tackle according to what the laws says, you’d have a lot of incorrect decisions taken, trust me.

    3. @Profref You don’t need to look at the LotG to realize this was an incorrect decision that football doesn’t expect. If we start overanalyzing every single tackle according to what the laws says, we will have a lot of cards issued - completely incorrectly just like this one.

    4. I agree with your analysis, MX, nothing to add to this. It will require a great amount of work by Zwayer to regain the lost credibility in the 2H, unfortunately. The HT whistle kind of "saved him".

  25. I want to say this clearly, Zwayer used all his discretion in favor of Portugal, in the match that started well, 3 different wrong decisions were made after the 35th minute and if he continues to blow so many foul whistles, he will completely lose control of the match. second half.

    1. You are Turkish and want to tell us you are neutral? Stop commenting here with your bias

    2. Tbf fair to him. He has never said he is neutral. Also as a Turk myself, I must say he is prolly using google translate, hence he/she mistakes, in our language there is no gender asssigned to subjects. Stop attacking the fella.

    3. Yes, I am a Turk, but you can look at my previous comments, this does not mean that I will be biased, I criticize his decisions after 35 minutes, I am not the only one saying this, I am sure he is trying to show his courage, but the second half will be difficult for Zwayer, also nationalities do not matter here, if the referee is good, we say he is good. , if it's bad it's bad

    4. Dear Fritz, Can you say your compatriot is good at first half?

    5. Yes, I am a Turk, but you can look at my previous comments, this does not mean that I will be biased, I criticize his decisions after 35 minutes, I am not the only one saying this, I am sure he is trying to show his courage, but the second half will be difficult for Zwayer, also nationalities do not matter here, if the referee is good, we say he is good. , if it's bad it's bad

    6. Yes, I am a Turk, but you can look at my previous comments, this does not mean that I will be biased, I criticize his decisions after 35 minutes, I am not the only one saying this, I am sure he is trying to show his courage, but the second half will be difficult for Zwayer, also nationalities do not matter here, if the referee is good, we say he is good. , if it's bad it's bad

    7. Completely agree with Turkish ref here.

  26. 42' is a classic, classic example of a typical refereeing mistake - whistling down a strong (but fair!) tackle, subconsciously for fear of losing match control in case the next tackle will be even stronger and a very bad foul. How you solve this and prevent the reckless/SFP follow-up tackle: by making very strong gestures, making every use of body tension, to indicate "yes I know that was a stronger tackle than most in this game, but it wasn't a foul tackle". Ironically enough, the opening game of EURO'92 was a refereeing masterclass in this regard! I see referees make this^^ mistake so, so often and it can easily be avoided.

  27. Funfuct: In first match Leao also was booked for simulation, and... also in 39'.

  28. AD photographer is blamed for VAR controversy after Xavi Simons goal: 'It was because of you that the check took so long'

    According to a UEFA official in Leipzig, AD photographer Pim Ras was responsible for the minutes-long delay on Friday evening after Xavi Simons' disallowed goal during the Netherlands - France.
    A box that should have amplified the signal from the stadium to the VAR center ended up on the ground behind the boarding. "According to that man, it was all my fault," says a bewildered Ras from Germany.

  29. Chefren, am I right that 12 referees goes to knock out stage?

    1. I don't have information in this regard, it's early to know.

    2. Is there any let's say regular number?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Unless I am mistaken: WC 2022 - 12, EURO 2021 - 11, WC 2018 - 12 and EURO 2016 - 12.

  30. Luckily for Zwayer and his team, they are not the worst performing on the field, not even close. What on earth is happening with the Türkiye defence…

  31. 66 minutes Turkish player is waiting for a penalty, the decision to continue is correct, he throws himself away

  32. 66 minutes Turkish player is waiting for a penalty, the decision to continue is correct, he throws himself away

  33. 72' is prime example that Yazici's tackle would be clear YC in 1st half.

    This is just managing by Zwayer and bringing the game to the end.

  34. Anyone know about Letexier and Nyberg (also Eskas)? When they will go to the Olympics?

  35. All in all, a decent performance by Zwayer. He struggled a bit at the end of 1st half with two incorrect YCs to Tirkish players but, apart from that, solid judgement in an emotionally charged game and the fittest ref of the tournament.

  36. Anti-FIFA and pro-commonsense approach to (lack of) additional time compensation, well done in my book considering the circumstances.

    1. I can think of another Felix that wouldn't have even added the five on :-D

  37. Nothing to report in second half. Zwayer‘s approach to be strict with YCs in first half succeeded. Overall, a solid performance by Zwayer, I‘d say. Only clear mistake was the YC in first half for Akaydin.

  38. To summarize the second half: a snoozefest.

    After another defensive mistake by Türkiye, the game was pretty much over and Zwayer only had to whistle easy fouls. Like @Mikael W said previously, Zwayer was definitely not the worst on the field today and overshadowed by the Türkiye defensive mistakes and all of the pitch invaders at the end.

    First half: Shaky, not the best body language, passive and didn’t really adapt to the game.

    Second half: Showed promise to be honest, strong body language at times which were missing in the first half. Game died too early so NOTHING happened, literally nothing happened in the second half.

    No one will remember Zwayer today, good for him but I’m not convinced by his first half performance, too inconsistent for me.

  39. I agree with most of comments, to make it short, not the best first half, better in second half, but then at that time game ended with Portugal clear win. No discussions about referee since there weren't major incidents, but the performance was not at the level one could have expected. Still, looking at both games officiated so far by the German, a KO game is expected, I think, while for something more it becomes maybe difficult. But of course in case of next appointment, his performance will say us more.

    1. I thought Siebert had the better match of the Germans today, but looking at R16, I would still prefer Zwayer.
      Maybe for Switzerland-Italy/Croatia.

  40. For the first time ever, I disagree with an analysis.

    To begin with the foul made in minute 41’ - overanalyzing and comparing to what the LotG says for every foul will result in unwarranted results that do not fit the spirit of the game. Football doesn’t expect a foul there and for me Zwayer created more chaos there than prevent it.

    In the second half the game died because of the scoreline and stoppages in play (eg: pitch invaders). I don’t think we can thank Zwayers yellow card management in minute 41’ for the calm second half. I believe this was caused by the scoreline and the game essentially being over. In other words, while I would have liked him to do an amazing performance, it was not needed and he was ”saved” by the score/game picture, not by his game management in the first half.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Yes because usually referees have the same view of football. It is not personal and I respect your opinion. The reason I’m claiming this to be an expected play on decision is to compare it to other tackles made in games, we can take this game as an example.

    The challenge from Pepe in the first half against the Türkiye attacker. High pace but wins only the ball. According to the LotG this could also be considered a red card according strictly to the LotG (more force than needed in the situation, lunging at an opponent and endangering the safety of the opponent).

    We have countless of pushing offences not punished by Zwayer as well, two of which were penalty shouts. The laws are very clear about pushes being a punishable offence. Another example is holding an opponent, that sure seems to happen a lot as well yet unpunished by Zwayer. My point is that you can find support for almost any call in the LotG, the referees job is to interpret and apply those laws according to the spirit of the game. I agree that as referees we have different views on what spirit of the game/expected decisions are, that’s why UEFA/associations have guidelines in terms of what is considered a reckless tackle and not. Similar fouls to this one has been deemed by UEFA to be play-on decisions, my opinion therefore is not solely my own but also the opinion of the ones applying the laws in this tournament, therefore my strong case against this being called a foul and a yellow card - especially when compared to the criterium of SFP which this does not come close to imo.

  43. Overall, I'd say it was a decent/solid performance by Zwayer in this match. However, there is no denying that his performance in the 1H can be described as somewhat "shaky". I agree with MX above that there was a visible lack of strong body language in certain situations where it surely would've helped a lot, and I think it stemmed from a certain lack of inner confidence in those moments (if my feeling as a TV viewer is of any merit really). This led to some inconsistency or, better to say, a somewhat unbalanced approach in foul detection, leading to some frustration among the players. Unfortunately, I am among those contributors that deem the 41' YC to TUR4 as wrong, for the exact same reasons Mikael perfectly described in one of the comments above. This decision created a lot of problems in player management, provoking a (fully correct isolatedly) YC to TUR2 for a strong dissent and leading to a certain loss of credibility for the referee crew which only the HT whistle prevented from escalating further. At least this is my understanding of this situation, I accept any differing opinions. 2H was visibly easier to manage and Zwayer adapted to the on-field situation accordingly. Like MX above, I also think that the calming of the game was the result of a certain loss of hope by TUR, as well as the (literal) external factors who "internalised" themselves in the game on three occasions. However, I cannot say that the 2H wasn't visibly better, with two PAIs solved correctly (67', 90+2') and a nice (double) onside by AR2 Marco Achmüller before the third goal of POR. In addition to the correctly rejected penalty appeal by TUR in 6', I think we can say he had a strong performance in this particular aspect.

    Disciplinary wise, apart from the wrong YC in 41', I actually praise his other cautions: 25' (TUR14, reckless tackle, a mandatory one and good for "opening the cards"), 39' (POR17, simulation) and 45' (POR6, SPA/LoR). The 39' YC for Leao is especially interesting: while I understand Mikael's view about it being unnecessary due to the nature of the tackle, I still think it's a brave decision that can be defended, while it also serves as a clear warning to the rest of the players against such behaviour.

    To sum up, not a perfect performance, but still a solid one for me, but with some clear negative points in the 1H.

  44. You too, happy to agree to disagree sometimes. It is true that I do disagree with other people but specifically not other analysis made of situations (most often people who type things out in frustration), hence my initial statement which in hindsight I deem unnecessary from my side. Glad we come to some sort of closure :) Hopefully we can enjoy a Marciniak masterclass now ;)

  45. Decent performance by Zwayer. Top 2nd half, solid 1st half with couple of mistakes. At the end, I think that booked round of 16.

  46. Pre match talk by Zwayer

    Special for you Chefren with the italian broadcast

  47. Highlights:


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