Tuesday, 18 March 2025

UEFA Nations League 2024/25 - Referee Appointments for Play-offs (First Legs)

2024-25 UEFA Nations League, referee appointments for Play-Offs  (First Legs) 

Thursday 20 March 2025

18:00 CET - Istanbul (Ali Sami Yen Spor Kompleksi RAMS Park) 
Referee: Ivan Kružliak SVK 
Assistant Referee 1: Branislav Hancko SVK 
Assistant Referee 2: Ján Pozor SVK 
Fourth Official: Peter Kráľovič SVK 
Video Assistant Referee: Michal Očenáš SVK 
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Martin Dohál SVK 
UEFA Referee Observer: William Young SCO 
UEFA Delegate: Mihail Kasabov BUL

18:00 CET - Yerevan (Vazgen Sargsyan anvan Hanrapetakan Marzadasht) 
Referee: Radu Marian Petrescu ROU 
Assistant Referee 1: Radu Adrian Ștefan Ghinguleac ROU 
Assistant Referee 2: Mircea Mihail Grigoriu ROU 
Fourth Official: Andrei Florin Chivulete ROU V
ideo Assistant Referee: Aleandro Di Paolo ITA 
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Federico La Penna ITA 
UEFA Referee Observer: Carlos Clos Gómez ESP 
UEFA Delegate: Duško Grabovac CRO

20:45 CET - Murcia, Spain (Estadio Enrique Roca de Murcia)
Referee: Sandro Schärer SUI
Assistant Referee 1: Stéphane De Almeida SUI
Assistant Referee 2: Jonas Erni SUI
Fourth Official: Lionel Tschudi SUI
Video Assistant Referee: Fedayi San SUI
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Lukas Fähndrich SUI
UEFA Referee Observer: Paweł Gil POL 
UEFA Delegate: Filip Popovski MKD

20:45 CET - Vienna (Ernst-Happel-Stadion)
Referee: João Pedro da Silva Pinheiro POR 
Assistant Referee 1: Bruno Miguel Alves de Jesus POR 
Assistant Referee 2: Luciano António Gomes Maia POR 
Fourth Official: Gustavo Fernandes Correia POR 
Video Assistant Referee: Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins POR 
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Hélder Miguel de Azevedo Malheiro POR
UEFA Referee Observer: Karen Nalbandyan ARM
UEFA Delegate: Kris Bellon BEL 

20:45 CET - Piraeus (Stádio Geórgios Karaïskákis
Referee: Tobias Stieler GER
Assistant Referee 1: Christian Gittelmann GER
Assistant Referee 2: Mark Borsch GER
Fourth Official: Martin Petersen GER
Video Assistant Referee: Sören Storks GER
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Benjamin Cortus GER
UEFA Referee Observer: Jon Eilif Skjervold NOR
UEFA Delegate: Victor Marius Radu ROU

20:45 CET - Pristina (Stadiumi “Fadil Vokrri”) 
Referee: Serdar Gözübüyük NED 
Assistant Referee 1: Erwin Zeinstra NED 
Assistant Referee 2: Patrick Inia NED 
Fourth Official: Joey Kooij NED 
Video Assistant Referee: Clay Ruperti NED 
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Erwin Blank NED 
UEFA Referee Observer: Vlado Svilokos CRO 
UEFA Delegate: Anthony Bloch ENG

20:45 CET - Plovdiv ((Stadion “Hristo Botev”)
Referee: Benoît Bastien FRA 
Assistant Referee 1: Hicham Zakrani FRA 
Assistant Referee 2: Aurélien Berthomieu FRA 
Fourth Official: Éric Wattellier FRA 
Video Assistant Referee: Benoît Millot FRA 
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Jérémie Pignard FRA 
UEFA Referee Observer: Stávros Tritsónis GRE 
UEFA Delegate: István Huszár HUN

20:45 CET - Bratislava (Národný futbalový štadión) 
Referee: Maurizio Mariani ITA 
Assistant Referee 1: Daniele Bindoni ITA 
Assistant Referee 2: Alberto Tegoni ITA 
Fourth Official: Gianluca Manganiello ITA 
Video Assistant Referee: Marco Di Bello ITA 
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Michael Fabbri ITA 
UEFA Referee Observer: Marinus Koopman NED 
UEFA Delegate: Michael O'Brien ENG


  1. So, good remark by Philipp. Committee was not influenced by the negative performances we saw a few ago by Kruzliak and Bastien.
    It is a big act of trust, and at same time a chance for them, especially Bastien, to me author or the worst UEFA performance by years.
    They didn't replace him. It's good sign, but a perfect performance will not delete the previous one and I think this will be his last appearance for this second part of season.
    The rest, medium-low Elite referee, with the only exception of Petrescu, and that's a very good news for him, as his promotion should be very close (indeed it could already have happened on December). Both him and Obrenovic are on the agenda of committee and they are anticipating assignments.
    VAR: in this case, differently from quarterfinals, less importance is given by committee, with VARs from the same nation of referee, for example Kruzliak. He is the clue that committee has not asked for all trusted VAR, otherwise they would have sent another name there. While, when it was possible (Pinheiro, Schaerer), they confirmed at monitor the very well-known names we see in European competitions.
    The problem of such management is that when you don't appoint the pool of trusted VAR, all decisions can happen (indeed Kruzliak game should be watched), but it seems as committee doesn't care too much about that, and indeed, some choices must be made...

  2. Petrescu is almost always appointed as Elite and in some case more than an elite (i.e. Grinfeeld, Sidiropolus) but he is not in the pool. Wired

    1. As one can easily guess, promotion will happen now, at the next update, June...

    2. Did you think we will have demotion from elite? Or Hategan retired (already retired?), any info about him? Just maybe Rosetti want Sidiropoulos, Karasev, Grinfeeld retired, so he could promote a Cat. 1 referee more carefully and consistent with his policy.

    3. @ Andrei, Hategan decided to retired from the field this year, and he is working only as VAR referee.

  3. So this is a confirmation status for Gözübüyük? Medium-low (low) elite, even without his nationality I think he could in the same position as Sidiropoulos? IMO he's never give excellent performance rather barely unconvincing. I agree a game to watch for Kruzliak.

    1. No, absolutely, not low. He is medium Elite for me. With an "up" trend, but never confirmed in a long period. Impossible to compare with Sidiropoulos who, said with respect, at moment for me is the last name from the whole Elite pool. When the Dutch has good periods , he can do something more, but continuity was never found. Sidiropoulos was already lucky to keep the status, but at least they don't appoint him in CL anymore. There are many and many nuances in the Elite pool...

    2. I would rather see a "down" trend for Gözübüyük: Only 2 CL games all season and only Conference League in the R16. And also this NL appointment is not really great.
      But yes, surely not on the Sidiropoulos level.

  4. Beside Obrenovic and Petrescu, how about probability or where they know (position from the HQ) names to follow like Kabakov, Kavanagh, Rumsas, Kruashvili, Walsh, Krogh, Minakovic, Lambrechts, and maybe Beaton and Dabanovic? Any opinion?

    1. Obrenovic and Petrescu should indeed be close, probably both in winter.
      Dont forget Sozza, plans seem to be big. I rather expect the next winter tho.
      Rumsas and Lambrechts are not far away but I expect them to get more time.
      Walsh, Krogh, Minakovic, Kavanagh are far away but can theoretically make the step in the future I assume.
      Kabakov, Dabanovic, Beaton should remain as experienced Cat.1 due to the age.

  5. Regarding Gozubuyuk, I’ve heard some vocals in Dutch media from ignorant analysts that he is having a better season than Makkelie. That is obviously complete nonsense and baffling when you look at their international appointments. Football is too opportunistic.

    To be fair: Gozubuyuk has improved a lot in Eredivisie. His foul detection is better, he seems less hesitant to take big decisions and his disciplinary line is consistent. However, for some reason he can’t translate his improved form to the UEFA competitions. The biggest difference between Gozubuyuk and Makkelie is personality imo. Even when Gozubuyuk is 100% clean in his foul detection and disciplinary, the issued cards don’t always have the desired effect, which is why he often ends his games with > 8 yellow cards.
    On the other hand, compare with Makkelie in Rome last week: two early YCs, a very strong body language and the match never inflames again. Always full control.

    The overall level of Dutch referees should improve in depth, when just two referees are reliable and can handle the domestic top games. The KNVB has a lot work to do. However, we should also criticize the fact that Lindhout and Vd Eijk are higher rated by UEFA than a matured Joey Kooij and Marc Nagtegaal (full package!). Even a blind fool can see that Kooij and Nagtegaal have more potential.

    1. The biggest problem of Dutch refereeing at the moment I think is to find someone who can confirm himself after Makkelie and Gozubuyuk, they tried with Higler, it didn't go well and they started to follow Lindhout. After a problematic beginning, some rather KO performances, but the feeling is that they prefer not to push him at the moment. Waiting for better times in future? Honestly NED absolutely needs a third strong name.

    2. True. But they have yet made another capital mistake by promoting Sander vd Eijk, instead of Nagtegaal or Kooij.
      Remember, they also had to demote Nijhuis before Makkelie could make the step to the Elite category.
      Compare to the French FA and how early they’ve pushed a young Letexier. That effort is paying off now. Why can't they do that in the Netherlands or other countries?

      I seriously wonder what Bjorn Kuipers is actually doing in the RefCom, except for backing his friend Pol van Boekel at all costs.

    3. Nagtegaal is huge talent indeed. His skills are already near the elite level. I can't understand why he is not pushed at all by KNVB/UEFA.

  6. Just noticed that for second legs, Martin Hansson will be observer in Dublin for Ireland - Bulgaria. Well, I think it should be the first time after the famous incident, even if he is long-time observer... interesting that he will be there. But maybe not all people will remember - notice him...


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