Monday 22 July 2024

2024 FIFA Men's and Women's Olympic Football Tournaments - Referee appointments MD1

Thank to Árbitro Internacional, we have the appointments for the competition. 

Men's tournament

Matchday 1

Argentina  - Morocco
Glenn Nyberg SWE
A1: Mahbod Beigi SWE
A2: Andreas Soderkvist SWE
4th: Frida Klarlund  DEN
VAR: Paolo Valeri ITA
AVAR: Ovidiu Hategan ROU

Uzbekistán - Spain
Dahane Beida  MTN
A1: Jerson Santos ANG
A2: Stephen Yiembe KEN
4th: Drew Fischer CAN
VAR: Lahlou Benbraham ALG
AVAR: Tatiana Guzman NCA

Guinea - New Zealand 
Adel Al Naqbi UAE
A1: Ahmed Al Rashadi  UAE
A2: Sabet Suroor UAE
4th: Veronika Bernatskaia KGZ 
VAR: Khamis Al Marri QAT 
AVAR: Rob Dieperink NED

Egypt - Dominican Republic
Yoshimi Yamashita JPN
A1: Makoto Bozono JPN
A2: Naomi Teshirogi JPN
4th: Odette Hamilton JAM
VAR: Sivakorn Pu-Udom THA
AVAR: Hector Paletta ARG

Iraq - Ukraine
Mahmood Ismail SDN
A1: Elvis Noupue CMR
A2: Liban Ahmed  DJI
4th: Shamirag Nabadda UGA
VAR: Ivan Bebek CRO
AVAR: Kate Jacewicz AUS

Japan - Paraguay 
François Letexier FRA
A1: Cyril Mugnie FRA
A2: Mehdi RahmouniFRA
4th: Jelena Cvetkovic SRB
VAR: Jerome Brisard FRA
AVAR: David Coote ENG

France - USA
Yael Falcon ARG
A1: Maximiliano Del Yesso ARG
A2: Fcundo Rodriguez ARG
4th: Anahi Fernandez URU 
VAR: Carlos Del Cerro Grande ESP
AVAR: Guillermo Pacheco MEX 

Mali - Israel
Campbell-Kirk Kawana-Waugh NZL
A1: Isaac Trevis NZL
A2: Bernard Mutukera SOL
4th: Said Martinez HON
VAR: Leodan Gonzalez URU
AVAR: Daiane Muniz BRA 

Women's tournament

Matchday 1

Canada - New Zealand
Tess Olofsson SWE
A1: Almira Spahic SWE
A2: Francesca Di Monte ITA
4th: Frida Klarlund DEN
VAR: Rob Dieperink NED
AVAR: Katalin Kulcsar HUN

Spain - Japan
Bouchra Karboubi MAR
A1: Fatima Jermoumi MAR
A2: Diana Chikotesha ZAM
4th: Odette Hamilton
VAR: Jerome Brisard FRA
AVAR: Mahmoud Ashour EGY

Germany - Australia
Katia Garcia MEX
A1: Sandra Ramirez MEX 
A2: Karen Diaz Medina MEX
4th: Anahi Fernandez URU
VAR: Carlos Del Cerro Grande ESP
AVAR: Sivakor Pu-Udom THA

Nigeria - Brazil
Kim Yujeong KOR
A1: Park Misuk KOR
A2: Joanna Charaktis AUS
4th: Jelena Cvetkovic SRB
VAR: Kate Jacewicz AUS
AVAR: Ivan Bebek CRO

France - Colombia
Tori Penso USA
A1: Brooke Mayo USA
A2: Kathryn Nesbitt USA
4th: Shamirah Nabadda UGA
VAR: Tatiana Guzman NCA
AVAR: Daneon Parchment JAM 

USA - Zambia 
Ramon Abatti BRA
A1: Rafael Alves BRA
A2: Guilherme Camilo BRA 
4th: Veronika Bernatskaia KGZ
VAR: Daiane Muniz BRA
AVAR: Rodrigo Carvajal CHI 


  1. Hey can i ask you guys please? Do you have some clips for DOGSO handball before new law with red card but after new law of the game it is only yellow card please?

    1. I don't work for IFAB but this should(?) be a good example of an 'ex-RC' for DOGSO handling which will now be only a caution:

      A stupid law change brought about by fundamentally unserious people! 🤷‍♂️

    2. This situation might be one where a YC should be issued by the new handball rule (EL 22-23):

    3. Admittedly the scene aptly brought up by Upstylon makes them look a bit more serious! 😀 In my opinion to be more strict against deliberate offences is obviously the right idea, but it always feels they are working more along the lines 'how can we minimise the number of 🟥s' more than 'how can we ensure the fairest sanction in each situation'. For instance, I don't expect a RC to be issued in a WC2026 game when this happens?

    4. A very interesting decision already here in Australian Cup today. 50mins 10seconds into the game. I’d say this should only be yellow under the new law?

    5. Perfect example, yes! Incredibly stupid to 'open the can of worms' in previously inarguable scenes like this one...

    6. I don't see how that Watford-Sunderland clip has anything to do with the Law change; this is clearly a deliberate handball so the sanction would be the same under the old laws and the new.

      The Australian clip is, as you said, a perfect example of the law change. Non-deliberate handball offense that denies a goal.

      I actually like the law change. It is not fair for defenders to be sent off for accidental handling, just as it is not fair for defenders to be sent off for 'accidental' DOGSO fouling. I think this change makes the most sense and will lead to the fairest possible outcomes.

      With that said, I *totally* see what you mean about the change opening a can of worms. There will now be a much greater level of subjectivity in these important decisions, which will surely lead to inconsistent decisions and confuse non-referees. No question that this is a downside to the change. However, I still think it is worth it because it is simply unfair to send defenders off for accidental handling.

    7. It seems as if they (IFAB) truly get off on making our jobs as referees more complicated than they need to be and that they already are.
      They continue their nonsensical expansion of "gray areas" into areas that honestly don't need to be messed with.
      As Mikael correctly hinted at, they are hell bent on eradicating Red Cards from the game.
      They want a bunch of gutless, neutered, therapists (not referees) on the pitch. Who worry more about player feelings and "the spectacle" not about actually enforcing the d@mn Laws of the Game!!!
      I'm sorry, but I'm an old school, by the book, "old dinosaur" referee who wholeheartedly detests this overly player friendly b/s!

  2. Ramon Abatti in USA-ZAM, a male referee in a women's football match? I don't remember the last time this happened in competitions.

    1. Does Abatti ever officiate games in brazils highest womens league? Else it would not quite be the same as Frappart and other female referees who regularly officiate in the highest male competition of their respective countries.
      It would be quite unfair towards the players if FIFA appointed male referees that have zero experience with the womens game.

  3. Not surprised to see Yamashita and her team crossing over to the men's tournament. My guess is that Karboubi and Penso might get games in subsequent rounds since they do men's games regularly now.

  4. Karboubi was awful at the Women's World Cup in Australia. I hope she has improved significantly if she is to do a men's game at the Olympics.

  5. Very good politica in appoiniting the referees by Fifa, it means gender equality. The bariers are broken now!:)

    1. Yep,maybe even women can now play combined with men 😉.

      The way these players are trying their best not to protest whenever female ref is in charge is so funny to me.

      They dont want to get cancelled and are being politically correct.

      Only male person I saw that was right in the face of female ref was Luis Castro and everyone wqs on his case.

    2. From Atlanta 1996 :)

    3. I have a groundbreaking and earth-shattering idea.
      Take the shackles off of referees at the elite level and allow them to caution players for dissent by word or action no questions asked.
      Then we may no longer have to worry about what man is getting in what woman's face or what woman is getting in what man's face.
      I know I know, what a shocking idea! But you know, I have a feeling that it might actually work. ; )

    4. Ooooh, Collina rocking the 1994 World Cup Gold jersey!
      Those jerseys were the best. I still have mine. It was great to get away from the boring pallbearer black.

      Tell me you've been a referee for a really long time without telling me you've been a referee for a really long time. hahaha
      ; )

  6. As he is the referee of the Euro final, Letexier appears as the favorite to officiate the Olympic final, but I believe that Nyberg should be a close competitor.

    1. If France is in final, It’s impossible for Letexier. You forget this, because France have a strong team for the Olympics.

  7. OT
    Bertrand Layec officially became a head of Croatian referees!

    Lets see if he brings some positive things and better trust in refereeing in Croatia in general.

  8. Will there be public announcements of VAR decisions like the WWC?

  9. Officials not wearing the new adidas kits

  10. Very difficult game for Beida, with Uzbekistan bringing the typical rough Central Asian style to the table (think Kazakhstan). So far okay, but now the first misstep by the Mauritania referee - missed caution to Spain for a SPA holding offence (22’). Other incidents were an Uzbek penalty appeal (≈16’) and a mandatory opening card for a tactical foul.

    1. Ooooffff, very controversial intervention now by Benbraham! Lots to resume from this game at halftime 😅.

    2. If u have vidéo pls share with us

    3. What a half!

      1) Four key penalty area incidents:

      16' - Potential penalty to Uzb in a DOGSO scenario, agree with play on, more good defending/shielding by the defender than a real illegal action

      25' - Potential penalty to Esp which seemed to be checked very carefully by Algerian VAR Benbraham, was a clear push in the box so the best call was for a spot kick, but even for FIFA, not quite clear and obvious

      37' - Very well seen foul by Esp which occurred just outside the area, freekick outside given together with (an acceptable but slightly exaggerated yellow card)

      +45' - In my opinion a very poor intervention by Benbraham, penalty ultimately given to Uzb, and I'd go so far as to say one which should result in the Algerian's work being rejected; the small holding by the Esp player was not commensurate to the attacker's foul, nor was the intv commensurate to 25' either (which was more of a foul); in addition, there were two fouls missed in the immediate build-up to this, one by the defending side (no replays to determine inside vs. outside), and then a subtle one by the Uzb attacker who played the man and not the ball

      2) At 42', a clear warning to the Esp captain about the conduct of his teammates as per the directives set out... FIFA. WC additional time calculation remains too.

      3) Overall Beida's performance was okay but it should be very clear that this is a totally different kind of football to the EURO/CL (obviously!) and requires a totally different refereeing. The same feeling I had watching Letexier's Indonesia-Guinea: actually, the appointed referee had no idea how to solve a match of this format and difficulty. And that isn't to overly criticise either Beida/Letexier specifically either.

    4. Reddit soccer clip for the Benbraham intv:

      I will not be able to watch the 2H live and hope to catch up/report back later!

    5. Here a shot clip, maybe something more detailed will follow later:
      Indeed should be assessed as (very) wrong VAR intervention, with the standard guidelines we know, especially from UEFA.
      But we also know that FIFA has different ideas about the use of technology... nevertheless, I think that if this is the line, you can call an OFR for all doubtful penalty area incidents.
      In this case you can't say how much attacker used the contact, being in the middle of several opponents. Too unclear to say 100% penalty.

    6. Benbrahm not use to var only few time in the year in cl caf

    7. Having had the chance to study replays unlike on the stream, after a light holding, Garcia then lets go and the fall is ‘theatre’ by the Uzbek; Benbraham (and Beida?) should be failed for this call. Garcia had by the way already been cautioned earlier in the half, so he should have been sent off.

    8. Caf instruction in ofr referee must fellow the var descion
      Only rejected if there's no fault

  11. Tough game for Nyberg too, imo. He appears to not be 100% used to the more dynamic/less coherent nature of U23 football. Players not helping with a lot of exaggaration, leading to a somewhat inconsistent/hesitant foul threshold. Bad mistake by AR2 as well, who called an incorrect offside midway through the first half.

  12. Nyberg needs to issue a yc for one of these late challenges at some point.

    They aren't all that reckless but they're plentiful in this half

    1. Otamendi use illegal hand on the face number 9 from morocco but neyberg missed

  13. 49 min neyberg give peno for pushing

  14. Soft but supportable penalty given by Nyberg for a push

  15. Neyberg so easy in yc with arg team

    Indeed, a soft penalty by Nyberg, but it can't be questioned and must be supported.

  17. Clear faou 72 for mrocco but neyberg don't detect

  18. Poor faoul detection by neyberg

  19. Another miss yc for 9 Argentina in 81

  20. YC for a reckless challenge. 2 footed challenge but very little actual contact on the player saves a RC. Could argue for RC given the speed of the challenge.

    Good YC for the keeper for dissent

    1. He didn't protect moroccan players at all if was moroccan who did this challenge will be red

    2. Don't talk rubbish. There's been poor challenges from both teams and playacting/simulation from both teams.

      Don't try and imply he's only giving Argentina decisions. Especially given the very soft penalty Morocco were given

    3. After that penalty given only one way referreing

    4. What do you think in challenge in 98min

  21. 15 minutes additional time !!!! why ??

    1. Completely justified in regards to the amount of stoppages in this game

  22. Very tough game for Nyberg in Saint-Etienne, unfortunately I agree with adnane that there have been a few missed fouls as well as possible YC not given, however there has been an extreme amount of difficult situations and not a lot of football played at times. I think 15 minutes of added time sums up this game pretty well

    1. Exactly. I've seen a sufficient performance in a game that will probably be one of the toughest of the entire tournament.
      Though, there was quite some room for improvement. The game delivered everything for a referee to submit a clear application for the gold medal match and Nyberg didn't make use of the opportunity.

    2. Its reminded me at points of semi professional British football. 100 mph, lots of challenges. Very bitty, stop/start. Not much quality play. Lots of dissent and mobbing.

      Not the sort of match the Swede will be used to refereeing

  23. Another push for number 9 from Argentina no yc again

  24. Neyberg take 3pts from morocco today

    1. Not a comment that belongs on a refereeing blog imo, please be better

    2. Yes he's about referreing and neyberg was very poor today

    3. Criticism is absolutely fair, there are loads of things you can criticize Nyberg for with this performance as it was far from perfect, but you have to be constructive. There were incidents that could've been handled better for both sides, personally I didn't like the penalty given to Morocco at all for example (even though it doesn't meet the threshold for c&o). To just to resort to classic talking points like the referee favoured one team doesn't really belong here, there are other fan forums for such discussions

    4. It's about refereeing and not about extreme one-sided, biased comments. It's absolutely fine that you support Morocco, but you really should prevent yourself from commenting if it is only to witch hunt every single mistake Nyberg made that (supposedly) penalized the Moroccans.
      I agree Nyberg was overall too weak today, but mistakes were made on both sides. You ought to acknoledge that, at least.

    5. Yes he make mistakes on bouth sides but in the final he impact the outcome of the game you can't convince me he add more than 15 not justified at all and only whistle whe Argentina score

    6. Perhaps that was because Moroccan fans had invaded the pitch and were throwing objects at the players and officials?

    7. Because of poooooor referreing

  25. Not sure if full time was actually blown. Fans on the pitch. Objects and flares thrown on the pitch at players. One looked like it was very close to the 4th official

    1. I want to watch again. Was a replay shown of the goal? From the broadcast angle it looks like probably offside by the player who plays the ball before the goalscorer. Did VAR even have a chance to check this before the teams and players were forced off the field?

  26. What a coincidence he whistle only after Argentina score

  27. The Long injury time was the reason for the riots.
    Absolutely not justified

  28. What a big mistake bye Yamashita .... poor referee

    End of tournament.

    How can you whistled for that!!!!
    Clearing goal of Dom. Rep.

    1. I know VAR cant intervene... 100% foul of Yamashita

    2. That’s an insane mistake at this level

    3. Yes she blow in the same time

    4. Yess .... consequence is clear for her.

      No matches. Also not in womens tournament.

  29. min 12 disload goal for Dominican no foul

    1. Yess .... this referee makes a big big mistake.

      Includes end of tournament.

    2. She didn't respect var protocol yamashita is bubble. There's woman ref better than her and deserve be in jo

  30. Very very poor whistle and foul call from Yamashita, I agree. Poor defending leading to attacker going in and winning the ball, never a foul

  31. The worst timing by Japanese referee to disallow the goal. Rosetti would have sent her immediately home. Here, we will understand the difference between UEFA and FIFA, for sure she will get further games, but in a match with VAR, apart from the nature of the call (correct or wrong), this is an unacceptable whistle... then about the incident one can discuss and maybe can't even blame her too much, the defender made it definitely bigger... but no foul and clear action on the ball by attacker.
    VAR would have surely intervened if allowed.

    1. Why do you think that she deserves another match?

      This is a big foul, yes i know its not Rosetti or Uefa guidelines, but this has for Collina also a ticket to Japan for her

    2. There was a creative way for VAR to intervene if he had thought quickly about it. The kicking action by the defender ends up being a foul. And that foul was in the penalty area, so it would be a penalty. The attacker doesn't go down because he can score in an open net, but he was carelessly kicked. If the VAR had thought quickly on his feet, he COULD have turned this into a penalty kick and (hopefully) found a way to restore the goal that was wrongly cancelled.

      But, yeah, Yamashita's mistake is unacceptable. Honestly, I wish FIFA wouldn't hide on this one. In any other tournament, her event would be over. Performance principle should still matter here. Giving her women's matches after failing here sends a horrible signal.

    3. The defender even hits the attackers leg, not the other way around. I personally would have liked a VAR check for penalty. Would have been a clean solution to cover up for the big mistake as well.

    4. +1 Kaer, that would have been great. Poor game management.
      But, as the first woman in a men's game, this probably will not have any consequences for her. Symbol politics and diversity is more important than big mistakes

  32. Is there an offside image for the Argentina last minute goal? It definitely looked like the player who headed at the crossbar was offside

    1. Apparently the game is not over (French media and official website) yet but stopped due to the invasion of the field and because VAR need to check the game will restart and I agree for me there is offside too

    2. Maybe we will have a record for the longest ever VAR check :)

    3. yes lmao but that's not a good think for Nyberg

      Impossible to say without further replays, but indeed if the game was stopped after the celebration for the invasion, this check stayed as pending. Without the evidence, it looks more tight offside than onside.

  33. Apparently the game btw Argentina and maroco should restart for 4-( minutes to play

    1. At approx 18:00 CET, FIFA completed the game on its website saying there was a 2-2 goal at 90+16 and then the referee finished the game at 90+17. There was much time-wasting during the additional 15 minutes, so 4 extra minutes sounds fair.

    2. But instead it seems they did not return to the field (the TV broadcast was cut right after the goal). Did anyone see if play was restarted after 2-2 or did the players leave the pitch immediately?

    3. Apparently from a french reporter the players leave the pitch immediately and Nyberg said that there is 4 or 5 minutes to play so that suppose a game restart with an empty stadium because all the crowd has been sent outside of the stadium

  34. Where do all the referees have their hotel / base during the Olympics?

  35. Once again (and we saw only a very small number of games today) we have the evidence that officiating at FIFA tournaments if not World Cup is definitely chaotic. I really don't understand how they can go on in this way, it seems that nothing is planned and/or taught. Fully free use of VAR, referees do as they want. Yes, EURO 2024 was definitely not the best tournament in terms of refereeing, but at least some clear stakes are evident. You can expect rather a missed intervention than seeing so many calls by VAR like in FIFA world, and referees who are not inclined to have the best relation with VAR.
    We know it's a training for the next WC for men and women, but honestly in recent times, such trainings have been always a circus.
    I hope that the next games can prove I was wrong, but I doubt that.

    1. I Agree with you I hope we see some high level of referreing next days

  36. The match is not finishen!!

  37. OFR in Guinea - New Zealand:
    Incredible that you don't whistle this one live.

    1. had been stopped by offside before

    2. Tbf he give an offside before but don't raise the flag so that's a mitigating factor for me because that was an obvious PK

    3. And wmtake a long time to give it

    4. @crn even offside before the var will cheek it and say not offside point the spot not ofr
      They called them so for the ref no pen

    5. Should have then been directly whistled by referee, once the VAR had checked it wasn't offside. But this is something more...

    Bein 3d zwhat show in 2nd goal arg

      Same here

    2. Another angel

    3. A few before the exact moment of the shot, player is even in more clear offside, so easy to think he didn't return in time onside when ball was kicked, but then now what about the gam, do you have reliable information?

    4. Bein sport can game restart for 3 min
      Now there is image from the brodcast palyers warming up

  39. Putting aside the disallowed goal earlier I thought Yamashita did well.

    Was very proactive and managed the players quite well. General decision making was good too

  40. Now neyberg disloed the 2nd goal

  41. So indeed ARGMOR is now finished (the Swedish broadcaster didn't even put up the final three minutes), final result 2-1 Morocco after the goal was cancelled for offside

  42. So we had indeed the longest VAR check ever, about 2 hours :D

  43. Well, another argument one should discuss again today is the management of added time, we see Collina and FIFA going on with their ideas, but in UEFA 8 minutes in a game during EURO were perceived as scandal. Where is the truth? Please UEFA and FIFA tell us. One should give priority to FIFA because they are the "world leader" of football, nervetheless, such different management is hard to accept, it would be good thing to have consistent application.But to me, if Collina tries to solve the problem in this way, we can say that the management of Rosetti & Co. is more oriented to stay away from finding a solution.

    1. Webb this time last year said: 'This a requirement from the International Football Association Board and FIFA due to a change in the laws of the game that we have to add time more accurately throughout the world'.
      To me, this makes it sound like it is mandatory for the Fifa system regardless of where the match is played.
      Uefa undermined Webb and English football, as well as this system, by having the Chief of Football Boban say it is 'absolutely absurd', and 'Player welfare is really some kind of small tragedy'.
      Personally, if what Webb said is true, I don't think Uefa should be able to ignore it, and speak so illy of those who apply it. As someone used to watching English football, short amounts of added time surprise me now and I much prefer the Fifa/Collina method

  44. I'm begging someone (Mikael? :D) to post a video the restarted period of ARG-MAR. I couldn't find any video anywhere

    1. here is the disallowed goal. Appearently Nyberg even made an OFR, probably a good thing to make it clearer after such a delay

    2. I think this video might be a bit misleading as to the course of events. It does not appear that the full time whistle came directly from that offside's IFK. Olympics website reports that there was a foul and another offside in the few minutes after the goal was disallowed. I think the final whistle shown in your video is from a different restart than the one that disallowed the goal. More added time was played, per Olympics website.

    3. Probably, I just gave you what I found

    4. No problem, just clarifying for others so they don’t think the final whistle was immediate :)

    5. Yeah, I could've been clearer myself as well

  45. OFR for Letexier in Bordeaux, SFP. Honestly a little bit surprised about the intervention because the contact was rather low but you can absolutely argue that it still endangered the safety of the opponent since the ankle was twisted

    1. What are you going on about? This type of dangerous and late challenge is unacceptable! Do referees no longer care about the physical well-being of players? Shocking isn't the correct VAR intervention. Shocking is Letexier not even calling a foul initially. That's truly shocking!

    2. Arbiter, please use a less abrasive tone. On this matter I agree with you: it's a deliberate late (pre-meditated) foul with a dangerous hitting point. There is more to assessing SFPs than the close-up replay! That is the difference between this sort of incident and what Olmo was (correctly) cautioned for in the Euro final.

  46. Clear penalty for Iraq, Ismael in perfect position to see it clearly, well done. He is leaving a good impression on me, he alert but also friendly at times and authoritative when needed.

  47. Incidents from UZBESP mentioned above by Mikael W:

    17' PAI

    25' PAI

    37' FK outside penalty area, wrong YC

    42' talking with captain about misbehaviour of his teammates

    45' Penalty after OFR

    1. Agree that both first and second PAI are "not enough" for a VAR intervention, only to be confirmed if whistled by referee, but the first one would have stayed in case as quite controversial. In the second incident, given the very open use of VAR by FIFA, one shouldn't have been surprised by an intervention, but according to the "Expected VAR" it's correct to stay silent.
      The intervention in 45', as I said above, is for me a mistake.

    2. what is your opinion on the 37' incident?

  48. EGYDOM

    13' - Defensive FK whistled shortly before a goal was scored

    Let me say that it's not broken VAR protocol. The referees are told to whistle defensive FKs immediately. The problem is different: they have to be sure about the foul. Clearly a misassessment by Yamashita but if she was sure about the foul, she had to whistle it immediately.

    1. Where is the logic in that!!!! Some protocols are really strange

    2. This makes me want to vomit. But then again, watching most referee's nowadays makes me feel the same way. If I was watching this match, I would have shut off the TV after this. There's just no coming back from this farce!

    3. Of course, the VAR protocol says that the whistle and flag can be delayed for "offence." This is not a protocol but an instruction from each referee committee, with FIFA at the top. Too bad.

    4. But if this is the instruction, this is clearly against the VAR protocol, I could argue, a referee can be NEVER 100% sure about the accuracy if a call, otherwise the same would be said for assistant referees, raise or keep down the flag when 100% sure, but it's impossible, mistakes will always happen in terms of perception.
      We must praise referees who decide on the pitch and that's absolutely a good thing, but some soft skills in the modern refereeing must be present as well, just wait 2 or 3 seconds before calling a foul in penalty area, you don't lose credibility, but you can put VAR out of order...

  49. The final minutes of ARGMAR:

    1. it seems the sound is off on the site but try to download it and play using VLC Media Player. It should work without problems.

    2. Excellent job (as with all the clips), thank you! 😎

  50. There is a lot to say about Argentina-Morocco, I saw half of it and had enough!
    What I saw in the first half of Glenn Nyberg was excellent, excellent!!! It is high time that FIFA takes action against the sick behavior of a number of players in this match, and many other matches! really lie down at every contact with your opponent, and try to steal a free kick from him, and preferably a yellow card, incredibly irritating to watch such a theater, and the highlight is that Swedish calmness of Glenn Nyberg , who lets them roll around without continuously whistling, is fantastic, I wish more referees would referee like him!

  51. JPNPAR

    23' - RC for SFP after OFR

    1. Clear red card, wel done bij VAR and referee Letexier!

    2. Unsurprisingly, the referee didn't even whistle a foul. [insert eyeroll here]
      I mean, what are we doing here? What's really going on? Is this really where we're at nowadays?

    3. Thanks for all the clips, great work Euro Soccer Ref for sure.
      Well in this case I think it's important to observe the positioning of the French at the exact moment of the foul: another player is between him and the incident. I think for this reason he missed the moment of the challenge and he couldn't make the assessment. The fact that not even a YC was issued and the foul missed, lowered the bar for VAR intervention. We can't say what would have happened in case of YC iussed by the French. In UEFA this is a very borderline, maybe you can prefer red card, but we saw similar incidents where VAR supported YC. All in all I think it's a good intervention because referee totally missed it.
      For sure a very big miss by Letexier in all cases.

    4. @Arbiter, all must agree with your points, but sometimes I think you write too much under the form of slogans! There is surely a reason for which referee missed it, and I tried to explain it. Letexier is the last referee to blame for a missed red card, he is the first one willing to issue it when expected, just a mistake, you talk like a scandal... and you should know that some incidents can be missed, surely not done on purpose, like one could wrongly argue from your words!

    5. Would have preferred a YC under UEFA guidelines. To be honest I think worse fouls have been deemed as YC in the Euro. I think in this case borderline is a fair assessment but my personal opinion is that a YC is sufficient. Maybe I have just gotten too used to UEFA guidelines but I do think YC is enough here.

    6. Saying that Letexier didn't recognize the foul is just a blatant lie. He clearly shows the "new" one armed advantage at 22:08.

    7. @MX, for my taste UEFA should immediatly stop with giving yellow cards for those kind off fouls! Players health is not safe anymore with UEFAguidelines! and red cards should be shown by referees when safety off the opponent is in danger, this tackle is late, and player has not a single opportunity to play the bal, and brings his opponent in danger......3 reasons to show him direct red card!

    8. Kaer, you're right he did. But that was an usure, weak, and unconvincing "play on" signal. It was more of a I obviously missed something, and the Japanese player is down. So let me unconvincingly signal "play on" to try and mask my miss.

  52. It’s interesting that Brisard (and Letexier) sees the Paraguay RC as more SFP than Olmo in the euro final, unless that was assessed as a mistake? Who knows

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Argentina-Morocco has been shocking but I guess that Nyberg doesn't have any responsibility on what happened. What is horrible to me is the offside rule itself which makes football no more like a sport but just like a video game, only controlled by technology. How is possible consider offside if only the final tip of foot fingers are over the defender ? It's ridiculous, if a player wear long shoes is always in offside. IFAB (and Collina is its member) should make offside a serious stuff

    2. IFAB and Serious? They stopped being "serious" when they began to overly tinker and in turn overly complicate The Laws of the Game. No tinkering was needed.

  54. Predictions MD2
    NZL-USA: Tantashev (UZB) - Nabadda (UGA) - Puudom (THA), Paletta (ARG)
    FRA-GUI: Martinez (HON) - Hamilton (JAM) - Guzman (NCA), Parchment (JAM)
    ARG-IRQ: Eskas (NOR) - Cvetkovic (SRB) - del Cerro Grande (ESP), Benbraham (ALG)
    UKR-MAR: Fischer (CAN) - Fernandez (URU) - Pacheco (MEX), Al Marri (QAT)
    DOM-ESP: Kawana-Waugh (NZL) - Al Naqbi (UAE) - Gonzalez (URU), Muniz (BRA)
    UZB-EGY: Letexier (FRA) - Abatti (BRA) - Brisard (FRA), Coote (ENG)
    ISR-PAR: Ismail (SDN) - Beida (MTN) - Bebek (CRO), Jacewicz (AUS)
    JPN-MLI: Nyberg (SWE) - Klarlund (DEN) - Valeri (ITA), Hategan (ROU)

    NZL-COL: Welch (ENG) - Cvetkovic (SRB) - Coote (ENG), Ashour (EGY)
    FRA-CAN: Alves (BRA) - Fernandez (URU) - Muniz (BRA), Carvajal (CHI)
    AUS-ZAM: Calderas (VEN) - Hamilton (JAM) - Paletta (ARG), Gonzalez (URU)
    USA-GER: Yamashita (JPN) - Nabadda (UGA) - Al Marri (QAT), Puudom (THA)
    BRA-JPN: Olofsson (SWE) - Garcia (MEX) - Dieperink (NED), Kulcsar (HUN)
    ESP-NGA: Penso (USA) - Bernatskaia (KGZ) - Parchment (JAM), Guzman (NCA)

  55. From Arbitro Internacional.

    Argentina-Iraq: Eskas
    DominicanR-Spain: Al-Naqbi
    Ukraine-Morocco: S. Martinez
    Uzbekistan-Egypt: Kawana
    N.Zealand-US: Nyberg
    Israel-Paraguay: Fischer
    Francia-Guinea: Tantashev
    Japan-Mali: Batista

    1. Argentina requesting referees again. Probably Letexier for their final game if it’s crucial

  56. Highlights of Glenn Nyberg's performance in ARGMAR

    1. @Euro Soccer Ref
      He gets another game Nyberg
      What about Yamashita she will get another game ?

  57. I watched most of Canada - New Zealand (missed several minutes in first half), overall a very calm game for Tess Olofsson, rarely challenged. She should get something more challenging as next one, maybe in Men's games (candidate for Men's WC).

    1. Only a YC in the latter stage of the game, fully correct, then in 90'+1 a penalty appeal for handball, to be honest not a very clear replay but I think correct decision, extremely fair game with these two teams.

  58. Karboubi is constantly in the center channel. She just stopped a Japan counterattack through midfield by getting in the way of the ball. Especially with teams who play so technically, not the best approach.

  59. GER-AUS: YC to wrong player in 45+2' (Bühl instead of Minge)
    VAR should intervene in case of player confusion??

    1. If the wrong player is confirmed, VAR should intervene, but you must be sure, maybe another player was booked for another reason (Im not watching).

  60. Nigeria - Brazil: definitely a too long VAR check for a possible penalty for handball, in the added time of first half.
    Kate Jacewicz and Ivan Bebek took a too long time then they didn't call referee (very likely lack of 100% evidence), but this should have been definitely quicker.
    Earlier in the game, missed offside by AR2 and VAR intervention for disallowing 0-1 by Brazil, then South American team scored the first goal a few later.
    Not convinced by the South Korean referee, some rough fouls by Nigerian side as one could guess for such a game, but inconsistent management with a card for a less mandatory foul and a warning in another situation.

    1. Olympic Referees are not the best. There are referees from Asia and Africa I have never seen before

  61. USA-ZAM
    SPA overturned to DOGSO by VAR. I don't like the intervention at all, you can't be certain that the striker would have reached the ball before the GK. Not a clear and obvious error.

    1. Agree, glad I was not the only one to make this observation. Unfortunately I've seen many similar situations resulting in DOGSO RC, but that doesn't make it more correct

    2. I disagree, it’s a clear DOGSO. It only looks like a 50-50 ball because the attacker was illegally impeded. The attacker had clear likelihood of controlling the ball in my opinion.

    3. DOGSO for me but I agree with Kaer no clear and obvious error

    4. If it's DOGSO, which in this case it definitely is. The VAR team "must" intervene, and the Zambian player "must" be Red Carded.
      It's okay to show Red Cards. Even if IFAB is clearly trying to eradicate them.

  62. France - Colombia 17' potential penalty for handball.
    Tori Penso couldn't see anything from her position. VAR decided not to intervene.

  63. Video of the OFR in USA - Zambia:
    In my opinion, ball is quite far at the moment of the foul, I consider also the possible movement by attacker, but I can never be 100% sure she was about to get it so for me this should be assessed as wrong intervention, something is missing for having an evidence, but it's indeed a classic FIFA use of the technology...

    1. Actually look more DOGSO than not the more I look at it tbh

    2. DOGSO all day every day.
      The US attacker is at most one stride away from getting to the ball. And the goalkeeper isn't getting to the ball before the US attacker. As someone else correctly stated. The only reason the US attacker doesn't actually get to the ball is because of the Zambian's foul.

    3. I'm with Arbiter here. In the moment of foul, the ball is far closer to the attacking player than to the goalkeeper. Clear DOGSO, correct (required) intervention.

  64. FRA - COL 85' serious foul play by Col #9: yellow card given by Penso. Correct red card after OFR.

    1. A great and correct Red Card!
      Another example of an unacceptable challenge that has no place in the sport. The manner in which Bacha's ankle was twisted was quite graphic. She's fortunate to no have sustained a serious injury.

      However, poor teamwork by team Penso. AR1 was the closest and had a clear unobstructed view. She should have had more productive input for the referee to show the Red Card initially.

    2. Plenty of those ugly anklebreaker challenges on MD1 and good VAR interventions.
      In GER-AUS, there was a potential SFP as well (min 22:45 Foord vs Hendrich) but there was less force involved because Foords foot went alongside Hendrichs movement and not perpendicular to the ankle like in the other cases. Yellow was reasonable but red would not have been wrong.

  65. ARGMAR 04' - PAI handball


    1. Missed PK for me, I didn't look that closely live and honestly thought it hit his chest at first, but obviously didn't based on this replay.

      (Then you can always discuss whether or not football actually want penalties for these types of incidents, but according to the rules as they're now, there is no other way but to award a penalty imo)

    2. Elliot, this is what we are left with to grapple with when IFAB takes it upon themselves to overly complicate The Laws of the Game.

    3. Very big penalty, incredible miss by the Italian VAR and I'm really surprised...

  66. Red card in France - Colombia after OFR: AR1 could have helped referee.

    1. I don't really agree about AR1. There is a fairly close potential offside decision if the attacker had played the ball, so AR1 can't be 100% focused on the mode of contact of the challenge. The referee, on the other hand, can focus totally on the challenge. Furthermore, the contact is on the referee's side of the player, away from AR1. So despite the proximity to AR1, I would expect the referee to see this red card more than I would expect AR1 to.

      Of course, if AR1 gets "lucky" and sees it well enough anyways, no problem with suggesting a red card here. But if your eyes are down at the feet at that moment as an AR, you're taking a big risk IMO.


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