Wednesday 10 July 2024

Who will referee EURO 2024 Final?

This time the choice it's up to you. No predictions by blog. 

Referees reported to be (at least for now) still in Germany and therefore candidates:

Slavko Vinčić SVN

Who will be selected for the big final? 


  1. Marciniak with Turpin (hopefully)

  2. My prediciton will be:
    4th official: Turpin
    Referee observer: Vladimir Sajn

  3. I will go for suprise and say Letexier.

    I think one of Frenchmen will get it and base on this tournament, Letexier was better and more consistent.

    I cant see that they will give it to Marciniak cause he had 2 big games where he made 2 big and wrong decisions.
    Real vs Bayern,PSG vs Newcastle .

    Also,if he gets the Finals he will complete football and I dont know if we have some bitter ex refs in comitee that dont want to see their colleagues succed.

    Maybe, I'm wrong,but that's just my feeling.

  4. Marciniak, with Letexier 4th

    Letexier is the top candidate for the final next time around, and for the final in WC 2030 too.

  5. Vinčić with Turpin 4th

  6. Hopefully Marciniak with Letexier/Kruzliak 4th (Kruzliak been very good in that role)

  7. Another question: how many AVARs will be for the final?

  8. Turpin or Letexier. We haven't had a French referee in a Euro final since Michel Vautrot 36 years ago.

  9. Well, Letexier had the best tournament in my opinion, but politically I think it has no sense to keep Marciniak in Germany without another nomination. But lots of things made by Rosetti (and Čeferin probably) has no sense, so who knows...

  10. Clement Turpin, with letexier as fourth

    1. I’m guessing an all French team for the final for the final too, Turpin as Referee, Letexier as fourth official because he hasn’t done enough to take a final yet

  11. So we will have to wait untill tommorow. But obviusoly, it will be Marciniak. Only option if they do not appoint him is Vincic. But,lets wait.

  12. Turpin with Marciniak 4th

  13. 1) R: Turpin FO : Letexier
    2) R: Marciniak FO : Letexier

  14. Marciniak with Turpin as FO would be the expected appointment, Turpin with Vincic/Marciniak as FO would be the surprise. Let‘s see whether UEFA has got a suprise for us…

    1. So, my predicition is:
      Marciniak - FO: Turpin - VAR: Kwiatkowski, AVAR1: Frankowski, AVAR2: Irrati.

  15. R: Letexier, FO - Marciniak

  16. I hear a charter flight, has been sent to Bucharest, bring back I. Kovacs for the final!!!!

  17. When exactly will UEFA publish the appointment for finale? On friday around 12am?

  18. My choice would be:
    Marciniak, Listkiewicz, Kupsik, Letexier - Kwiatkowski, Frankowski, Irrati
    And blue kit again :)

  19. I also predict Marciniak as the referee for the final. After that it would be perfectly understandable if he will move to Saudi Arabia. It is interesting who will the the 4th official. Turpin or Letexier? I find that it has more logic to choose Turpin. Kruzliak is another option, I appreciated the active role he had in this position not only in the first semifinal but also in other games at this Euro or in the UEL final. He seems to has a way to communicate with the managers that is accepted and respected and also helped the referee with a decision a couple of times.

  20. As i sad before, i think it's time for Turpin to get the final (and the major problem for him until yesterday was France itself).
    Letexier is a great referee but in my oppinion it's not his time yet.
    I think Vincic (semifinal), Siebert (not good during the Euros) Zwayer (semifinal) and Kruzliak (not good during the Euros), are not even possible appointments at all.
    So Marciniak is the only other referee ... but UEFA has showed during the Euros that his unwanted.

  21. With the way var made a mess of things any hope the other German referee had of getting final has gone.

  22. I'm going to say Letexier or Siebert for some reason I feel we are In for a suprise

  23. Prediction 14 July
    Spain-England: Marciniak

  24. Definitely not Siebert, Seidel is already home

  25. On performances Vincic is way ahead of the competition and should be the 1st choice

  26. It will be Orsato who is in the middle on sunday.

  27. 100% Marciniak after the stupid appointment England-Netherlands and of course one from Slovenia in the final, Vincic 4th official.

  28. Must be Turpin with Letexier as 4O. If that's not the appointment, why should they keep Turpin and Letexier til the end?

    To me Letexier has had the best performances this tournament, but too early for the final IMO.

    But with this comittee, we can expect everything

  29. I guess Marciniak with Turpin as 4O. But I saw something interesting in this Euro. It was all the Refcom members observe the refs, except Carlos Velasco Carballo. So, it could be a cold relation between the spanish and Rosetti.

  30. I expect that committee will appoint Marciniak with Letexier fourth official. But on my side I hope Turpin with Marciniak as 4th

  31. Marciniak main with Turpin/Letexier 4O

  32. The last time Spain played England was back in October 2020 in the nations league the referee for the game was Szymon Marciniak, but I would like to see Turpin get selected for the game but I’m not sure that will happen.

    1. It was 2018 - Marciniak didn’t have the best game that night to say the least

  33. Surprised at the amount of people who think it's reasonable to see Letexier in the final. He's had a fine tournament but hasn't been tested much - toughest game being DEN-SRB which was also his poorest performance of the three. Then nothing since that (RO16).

    Yes, he's clearly the referee UEFA wants to push to be the next #1, he's guaranteed to get the Olympics final as long as France don't reach it, and very likely to get a European final in the coming 1-2 seasons. But no need to rush it when there are more experienced options right now.

    Sadly the "fanboyism" is prevalent on the ref side of things too. Good performances are described as fantastic ones, always so exaggerated when it's a popular name.

  34. FINAL Turpin FO Letexier

  35. I did not know that Turpin have so much fans here:). But,if we from merit aspect compare Turpin and Marciniak perfromance, Szymons performance was much more better and more consistent on this championship.

    1. It's more so that it's an appointment that makes perfect sense.

  36. Zbigniew Boniek (UEFA Executive Committee) posted this on X:

    It seems he already knows it's Turpin (or Letexier).

    1. The problem is that we have still two French referees, maybe he doesn't know that :)

    2. I think that his status must not mean antything.

    3. Is truly that Letexier would become Beida 2.0? If it happened and then I don't know what meritocracy is. Cleary if we have French officials on the final for me it's Turpin, can u imagine Turpin lost to young Letexier? On big picture can u imagine Letexier beat Orsato and Marciniak in terms of meritocracy? Turpin not shielded? Someone said that if he's not france and then right now he is at home after 3 VAR intervention.

  37. IMO, I dn't believe that Committee will appoint Vincic or Zwayer (The ref's of the SF's). I also dn't expect Marciniak because (inter alia) he whistled the WC F and this case can be interpreted that there are no other referees trusted for finals. I think also that Kruzliak is not still ready for this level. The same for Siebert, but there are some reservations due to his nationality.
    So, the two French remain as candidates and one of them (60% Turpin and 40% Letexier) is my prediction.

  38. Ultimately It really does come down to Marciniak or Turpin (perhaps Letexier) IMO.
    I'd quite like to see Turpin get a big tournament Final under his belt tbh.

  39. I'm convinced it will be Clement Turpin in the middle when Spain meets England. The French is the ideal manager for this game, in the QF Netherlands - Turkey, he showed his skills in a neraly perfect way. His Champions League Final was also Spain (Real Madrid) against England (Liverpool). The appointment for him would fit perfect. Letexier surely as fourth man. The two French VARs will be completed by Irrati as final gift for him at the end of his career.
    Marciniaks treatment at this EURO was too special for a final. He had a disadvantage from the begin becauso of the incident from Real Madrid (this is one reason more not to meet him with Spain) vs Bayern München. One Group Stage plus one KO-game was a compromise - better than only two group Stage matches. Not a "treatment of a final candidate" and he had WC- plus CL-Final. The EURO Final would be too much. It will be Turpin and it will be deserved. Concerning his performance of the opener game GER-SCO, it was really "overhated" - this was the correct word mentioned by Kaer. Not tragic. He has the full trust and proved his qualities in the QF.

  40. Whatever the commission decides, after everything in the last one month, will be doubtful.
    Turpen after the opening match - I wouldn't give him the final, the Pole has the most experience, but they don't like him.
    Perhaps it would be fairest to be Letexier.
    But I repeat, everything is very doubtful.
    Any appointment of a person from a country that was retired in the previous round leads to doubts about honesty..... Orsato, Zweier.... Why is it necessary?

  41. We should Not fordert that the majority of refree performance we're good.
    And there would habe been enough referees for the semi- finals and final WHO would habe been uncontroversal and neutral.( Dias, Meler, Nyberg and Schärer)

  42. My call is an all French team, with Turpin as Referee and Letexier as 4O. The issue, had the management of referees not been so poor, after the first game I don’t think Turpin would be top of list for the final but out of who we have remaining well…

    If Zwayer trusted over Siebert for the SF, then I can’t see Siebert been given the final. Unlikely. Zwayer and Vincic both been given SF so their chances decrease over an appointment.

    Zwayer unfortunately had too much bad press after the game but that is the fault of the committee, so has to go bottom of the list.

    It is possible to have a Marciniak, Vinčić combination for the final especially with all the politics involved. Something that can’t be ruled out but again, with poor management of these two throughout the tournament you don’t feel a final is a possibility for either. When it comes down to politics and the give and take from Ceferin and Rosseti, the unlikely is possible.

  43. Wooooow, Letexier for the FINAL. BRAVO UEFA!!!! FULL MERITOCRACY, EXCELLENT!!!

    1. Letexier, Mugnier, Rahmouni, Marciniak, Listkiewicz; Brisard, Delajod, Irrati.

    2. Uefa. All officiating world should be happy and proud. All of us here sould be absolutley happy. I m.


  44. Baffling choice really. What an absolute mess this tournament has been. UEFA are basically saying he's the #1 choice at the moment, which is a pretty wild take.

    Super Cup > CL final 4O > Euros final > probably Olympics final. Some season that, considering his experience prior to this one.

  45. Wow, Letexier for the Final is a massive shocker. I could not have imagined that UEFA would appoint him for the Final, considering his age and inexperience. That‘s definitely a new approach. UEFA tried to avoid any risk in decisive matches, appointing the big names. For sure, Letexier‘s appointment is a big risk. Is he "ready" for such a match?

    Don‘t get me wrong, speaking about performance in this tournament, the appointment can be fully justified. But, at least for me, that‘s the biggest surprise you could get: Letexier getting more than Turpin.

    1. Then we have to comment on Marciniak as FO only. Fair to say that looking at what Marciniak has achieved in this tournament, it was a weak one. His performances were good, but nothing more than a R16 match. Only two matches in the end. I did not think that his prestory in CL would influence his chances so much. Yes, no matches with GER being involved, but such a special treatment? His appointment as a FO should be read as a mean to avoid too much embarrassement for Marciniak in this tournament.

    2. Of course it's just my subjective opinion. But I personally am not the biggest fan of Szymon Marciniak and would find him "unworthy" of another final because for my taste - regardless of any mistakes during his last appearances - he pushes himself too much into the foreground in the media. For me, a referee has to be reserved and not be so media-hungry, as was the case with him, especially after the World Cup final, when I occasionally had the impression that he was speaking as chairman of the referee committee.

      Frankly speaking, I also doubt Chefren's theory that Marciniak would have handled the European Championship final if France had been beaten Spain. Firstly, it would not fit into the picture that the last performances shown before the tournament were also considered. Secondly, he would then have officiated both a World Cup and a European Championship final involving France. And thirdly, his appointment as fourth official in the quarter-finals also spoke against his being used as the main referee in the final (at least for me). In this case I would have expected that he would be completely spared until then. There would, of course, have been only a few alternatives, but I would have found Slavko Vincic, for example, more realistic, even if he only had France in the semi-finals.


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