Thursday, 28 November 2024

Europa League 2024/25 - Referee Appointments - Matchday 5

 2024-25 UEFA Europa League, MD5 appointments, games to be played on 28 November 2024.

28 November 2024

18:45 CET - Rome (Stadio Olimpico)
Referee: Duje Strukan CRO
Assistant Referee 1: Bojan Zobenica CRO
Assistant Referee 2: Alen Jakšić CRO
Fourth Official: Mario Zebec CRO
Video Assistant Referee: Christian Dingert GER
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Fedayi San SUI
UEFA Referee Observer: John Ward IRL
UEFA Delegate: Rudolf Řepka CZE

18:45 CET - Alkmaar (AFAS Stadion)
Referee: Horațiu Mircea Feșnic ROU
Assistant Referee 1: Valentin Gabriel Avram ROU
Assistant Referee 2: Alexandru Cerei ROU
Fourth Official: Szabolcs Kovacs ROU
Video Assistant Referee: Cătălin Sorin Popa ROU
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Constantin Sebastian Colțescu ROU
UEFA Referee Observer: Lucílio Cardoso Cortez Batista POR
UEFA Delegate: Alexander Miescher SUI

18:45 CET - Baku (Tofiq Bəhramov adına Respublika Stadionu)
Referee: Nenad Minaković SRB
Assistant Referee 1: Nikola Borović SRB
Assistant Referee 2: Boško Božović SRB
Fourth Official: Milan Mitić SRB
Video Assistant Referee: Momčilo Marković SRB
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Novak Simović SRB
UEFA Referee Observer: Cüneyt Çakır TUR
UEFA Delegate: Aristídis Stavrópoulos GRE

18:45 CET - Hamburg, GER (Volksparkstadion)
Referee: Luís Miguel Branco Godinho POR
Assistant Referee 1: Rui Miguel Martins Teixeira POR
Assistant Referee 2: Pedro Miguel Almeida da Mota POR
Fourth Official: Ricardo Jorge Antunes Roque Baixinho POR
Video Assistant Referee: Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins POR
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Jérôme Brisard FRA
UEFA Referee Observer: Karen Nalbandyan ARM
UEFA Delegate: Bart van Soest NED

18:45 CET - Bilbao (San Mames Estadioa)
Referee: Giorgi Kruashvili GEO
Assistant Referee 1: Levan Varamishvili GEO
Assistant Referee 2: Zaza Pipia GEO
Fourth Official: Irakli Kherkhadze GEO
Video Assistant Referee: Stuart Attwell ENG
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Aleko Aptsiauri GEO
UEFA Referee Observer: Stefan Meßner AUT
UEFA Delegate: Rachid Sidi Yakoub FRA
Mentor for Delegate: Loúkas Siótropos GRE

18:45 CET - Brussels (Lotto Park)
Referee: Morten Krogh Hansen DEN
Assistant Referee 1: Dennis René Wollenberg Rasmussen DEN
Assistant Referee 2: Steffen Beck Bramsen DEN
Fourth Official: Mikkel Hedberg Redder DEN
Video Assistant Referee: Luca Pairetto ITA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Jonas Hedegaard Hansen DEN
UEFA Referee Observer: Ante Vučemilović CRO
UEFA Delegate: Rainer Koch GER

18:45 CET - Debrecen, HUN (Nagyerdei Stadion)
Referee: Simone Sozza ITA
Assistant Referee 1: Alberto Tegoni ITA
Assistant Referee 2: Giovanni Baccini ITA
Fourth Official: Andrea Colombo ITA
Video Assistant Referee: Daniele Chiffi ITA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Paolo Silvio Mazzoleni ITA
UEFA Referee Observer: Stefan Johannesson SWE
UEFA Delegate: Milovan Đukanović MNE

18:45 CET - Riga (Daugavas stadions)
Referee: Julian Weinberger AUT
Assistant Referee 1: Andreas Heidenreich AUT
Assistant Referee 2: Maximilian Kolbitsch AUT
Fourth Official: Stefan Ebner AUT
Video Assistant Referee: Christian-Petru Ciochirca AUT
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Josef Spurny AUT
UEFA Referee Observer: David Malcolm NIR
UEFA Delegate: Iva Olivari-Uliša CRO

21:00 CET - Manchester (Old Trafford)
Referee: Lawrence Visser BEL
Assistant Referee 1: Rien Vanyzere BEL
Assistant Referee 2: Thibaud Nijssen BEL
Fourth Official: Simon Bourdeaud’hui BEL
Video Assistant Referee: Aleandro Di Paolo ITA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Valerio Marini ITA
UEFA Referee Observer: Matteo Simone Trefoloni ITA
UEFA Delegate: Per Eliasson SWE

21:00 CET - London (Tottenham Hotspur Stadium)
Referee: Glenn Nyberg SWE
Assistant Referee 1: Mahbod Beigi SWE
Assistant Referee 2: Andreas Söderkvist SWE
Fourth Official: Adam Ladebäck SWE
Video Assistant Referee: Pol van Boekel NED
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Clay Ruperti NED
UEFA Referee Observer: João Francisco Lopes Ferreira POR
UEFA Delegate: Fiips Dhondt BEL

21:00 CET - Prague (Fortuna Arena)
Referee: Sascha Stegemann GER
Assistant Referee 1: Marco Achmüller GER
Assistant Referee 2: Christof Günsch GER
Fourth Official: Florian Badstübner GER
Video Assistant Referee: Benjamin Brand GER
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Tobias Reichel GER
UEFA Referee Observer: Levan Paniashvili GEO
UEFA Delegate: Per Svärd SWE

21:00 CET - San Sebastián (Reale Arena)
Referee: Matej Jug SVN
Assistant Referee 1: Matej Žunič SVN
Assistant Referee 2: Manuel Vidali SVN
Fourth Official: Martin Matoša SVN
Video Assistant Referee: Bastian Dankert GER
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Dragomir Draganov BUL
UEFA Referee Observer: Pascal Garibian FRA
UEFA Delegate: Joël Wolff LUX

21:00 CET - Braga (Estádio Municipal de Braga)
Referee: Igor Pajač CRO
Assistant Referee 1: Ivan Mihalj CRO
Assistant Referee 2: Vedran Ðurak CRO
Fourth Official: Tihomir Pejin CRO
Video Assistant Referee: Tomasz Kwiatkowski POL
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Dennis Johan Higler NED
UEFA Referee Observer: Sokol Jareci ALB
UEFA Delegate: Paul Larkin NIR
Mentor for Delegate: Georges Lüchinger LIE

21:00 CET - Budapest (Groupama Aréna)
Referee: Əliyar Ağayev AZE
Assistant Referee 1: Zeynal Zeynalov AZE
Assistant Referee 2: Akif Əmirəli AZE
Fourth Official: İnqilab Məmmədov AZE
Video Assistant Referee: Sören Storks GER
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Günter Perl GER
UEFA Referee Observer: Laurent Duhamel FRA
UEFA Delegate: Stijn Hutsebaut BEL

21:00 CET - Herning (MCH Arena)
Referee: Craig Pawson ENG
Assistant Referee 1: Lee Betts ENG
Assistant Referee 2: Ian Hussin ENG
Fourth Official: Samuel Barrott ENG
Video Assistant Referee: Michael Salisbury ENG
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Darren England ENG
UEFA Referee Observer: Kenneth William Clark SCO
UEFA Delegate: Róbert Kispál HUN

21:00 CET - Nice (Allianz Riviera)
Referee: Ricardo de Burgos Bengoetxea ESP
Assistant Referee 1: Iker de Francisco Grijalba ESP
Assistant Referee 2: Alfredo Rodríguez Moreno ESP
Fourth Official: José Luis Munuera Montero ESP
Video Assistant Referee: Guillermo Cuadra Fernández ESP
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Alejandro José Hernández Hernández ESP
UEFA Referee Observer: Geórgios Bíkas GRE
UEFA Delegate: Damien Mollard SUI

21:00 CET - Enschede (De Grolsch Veste)
Referee: John Beaton SCO
Assistant Referee 1: Daniel McFarlane SCO
Assistant Referee 2: David McGeachie SCO
Fourth Official: Calum Scott SCO
Video Assistant Referee: Andrew Dallas SCO
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Jarred Gillett ENG
UEFA Referee Observer: Michaíl Argyroú CYP
UEFA Delegate: Gerard Lawlor NIR

21:00 CET - Bucharest (Arena Națională)
Referee: Sebastian Gishamer AUT
Assistant Referee 1: Roland Riedel AUT
Assistant Referee 2: Santino Schreiner AUT
Fourth Official: Jakob Semler AUT
Video Assistant Referee: Manuel Schüttengruber AUT
Assistant Video Assistant Referee: Walter Altmann AUT
UEFA Referee Observer: Uno Tutk EST
UEFA Delegate: Patrick Bonacker GER


  1. Why Visser with Italian VARs ? Is that a bad sign for him ? The game isn't very attractive neither for the Belgian (maybe of medium interest if we are optimistic) while his Belgian "competitor" Lambrechts is in UCL again.

    1. It's Manchester United at home for the Belgian, but indeed looking at the opponents, the Norwegian side, rather a low profile game. Based on his experience, he could get more at this point, but... we have Trefoloni as observer, a very important one. So maybe they want to see how much they can consider again him a candidate for promotion. I wrote a comment a few ago after the famous management of Cristiano Ronaldo in NL game, that I was still in doubt about how much Lambrechts could have been described better than him. After England - Rep. of Ireland, I don't have elements (ok but after one game it can be early as well). Nevertheless, if they switch on another name after a so long time on Visser, the other, Lambrechts, must be definitely by far better.
      We'll see, I can't add more for now. Unluckily in past Visser was weak and spoiled some chances.
      About VAR, it's interesting to point out that Lambrechts has his regular one, even after the clear mistake for me, of not intervening for the penalty to Republic Of Ireland (performance discussed in NL post), so it's not about performance but just management. Maybe not possible to appoint the other Belgian VAR (Jan Boterberg) as main one from Nyon.

  2. Strukan back with rather good games after a poor period.
    Sozza very far away from spotlights after the observation by committee member Velasco Carballo in the U21 play off in Croatia. For him a game involving an Israeli team on neutral ground.
    To add, he is in a poor period in serie A. Negative performance in Genoa - Cagliari on last Sunday. Times are definitely not good for Italian FIFA referees at moment. Waiting for Colombo, we can't say that they are at the top at moment.
    Pairetto back as VAR, interesting to observe that, one could have thought that after the mistake in Atlético - Lille, he would have ended the VAR assignments. Guida still out, the punishment for him is clear. Kruashvili in Europa League after the CL debut and observation by Sajn. Beaton with a game, Walsh disappearead after his early CL debut. No Schaerer at all, but he got a NL game.
    Meanwhile, appointments for CL MD6 have been made, we have observers. It's interesting to point out hat they weren't made togeher with MD5 but committee didn't wait for MD5 outcomes. So very likely some "results" (indeed, Schaerer, among others?) from NL games.

    1. These are sober times for Italian referees.......
      It has been a long time since Italy has been in a situation like this.
      It has always had at least 2 referees that UEFA trusts.

    2. Dear Chefren. Like you said, seems like it's not the best moment right now in FIFA for Italy:
      - Upcoming: Sozza, Colombo, maybe also Chiffi for Cat 1?
      - Maresca and Di Bello, likely to exit the list soon. Maresca totally out atm because of Kuwait? Chances for Pairetto seem quite slim for progression.
      - Massa and Guida at their peak but still not very top elite. Mariani getting lower elite appointments as Cat 1 but he is 43 and the clock is ticking. Maybe chance for promotion just for the representation.

      How do you see the prospects of upcoming referees in Serie A? Who is runner up for Orsato's spot in 2025? Marcenaro? Some new names seem to get games lately like Zufferli, Marchetti, Feliciani and Tremolada. There's many +38yo referees with no chances for Fifa anymore but still doing ok like La Penna. Did Ayroldi and Giua miss their shot for FIFA?

    3. It's very long discussion, impossible to answer in short.

      Guida and Massa: the current Elite referees, but for some aspects, they are always missing something, I already said, one should have all the skills of the other, to be a complete referee, and maybe even something more would be missing. Massa is lazy in managing players, just want to take easy decisions and end a game, not so much prone to "fight", while Guida has certain a good will, and that's something one can admire, but often missing in technical accuracy and aspects, every now and then, he has the "bad day". Hard to think they will attend another major tournament, and maybe Guida at EURO will be the last and unexpeced one? However, one can never say what will happen in future.

      Mariani: considered for a long time as ready for Elite promotion, in past years he failed under the eyes of UEFA Referees Committee, and he didn't get the top status of UEFA officiating. Nevertheless, for missing alternatives (at least for now), as I already said in past, committee will promote him just to have third Italian referee as Elite, but using him as rather "low Elite", indeed, unless very convincing performance. His problem is that he makes a crucial mistake in almost every game he officiates. This can happen but for him it happens too much, definitely lower level than Guida and Massa. He officiated at CONMEBOL top tournament from the UEFA Cat.1 status, very rare until that date. As you said, rather long time has passed, but we will see now when certain decisions are expected to be taken.

      Sozza: already in focus by committee and should be considered as the following options for Elite. Nevertheless, after a more than promising career before being promoted to International referee, he lost himself. Mikaeal, our friend, has a particular idea on him, I was always in doubt, but sometimes, looking at his recent display, I'm afraid to think that it could be true. Too many mistakes and rather poor games, some good periods, but never back as he was before. He is now in focus after Mariano for being promoted to Elite, very likely it will not happen now, but on next updates, but he must improve. Also, sometimes not the idea of a 100% fit referee, he worked on that, but sometimes maybe he doesn't reach the best positioning to take a decision. When he sees, he has very good technical accuracy, though.

      (to be continued)

    4. Chiffi: very long inury in recent times, but even before that, I wasn't convinced he could have done a good career in UEFA, too soft style. Whistling not that much, allowing always players to do wha they want, very lenient disciplinary management. If this can work in some games, in rough games he is lost. Honestly, I can't see him having a path otherwise this would have already started, but OK to be Cat. 2 as FIFA referee.

      Pairetto is simply not good but over and overappointed and I don't know why. Or maybe one could find easily an explanation for that. Just whistling every contact to have everything under control, booking from the beginning, not to make mistakes, and whistling all contacts in penalty area without a selection. He has found a way to make less mistakes, just eensuring himself that VAR will intervene in case of a wrong call, but he prefers a veeeeery soft penaty to be whistled, than to play on. Many mistakes in his games, but always appointed. No international future, most only VAR.

      Di Bello after a shocking years and terrible mistakes committeed, here I will be not too long, will leave the list at the end of this year, it's reported and I'm sorry for him, but this would be deserved. Two or three years ago, more or less during COVID times, he had excellent season, and it looked he could do more, but nothing, definitely nothing followed.

      Maresca: I described him many times here, a referee one can't explain. He would be the best, absolutely, after Orsato or maybe close to him, but when he had bad times, well, it's more than bad times, he has nightmares. Now there is this story wit Kuwait player after having officiated that game, and still suspended as main referee, returned only as AVAR and appeared in a few games, but Rocchi decided to keep him still away from the spotlights. Too old to think about a career, not consistent in his performances, even before all the external incidents he had, impossible to think about more, but to me, technically and on the pitch, among the best with strong personality (this personality had to change, however, because paradoxically it was his problem). But now again in trouble.. I think he will leave at the end of next year.

      Colombo: surely the future for Italy. A very strong referee, a complete one, very strong personality, balanced, respected, not afraid of taking unpopular decisions, intelligent. I must admit that this is one of the rare cases in which Rocchi had a success as serie A and B head of refereeing, because it was clear he wanted to bet everything on him, even from the first serie B game he received years and years ago, I noticed that, at that time, very different path than other referees, but today we can say absoluely deserved. The problem is that he must arrive where we have Guida and Massa now, and it will not happen in short time. I'm sure he will be strong Italian FIFA refereee for the future, that assignment for England - Greece was early signal.

      (To be continued)

    5. Will try to be short describing current situation of NO FIFA referees, as final chapter of this analysis.
      The next names reported to join the FIFA list are Marcenaro and Marchetti, to replace Orsato and Di Bello, it's said, for 2025. Both never convinced so far, and that't the sad news. While both attended the CORE, and especially on Marcenaro there was a reserved path to reach the international status, the most interesting assignment for them at moment involves Marchetti, with a super Cup semifinal. He was not that good in the game. Both him and Marcenaro have very often small mistakes, maybe they don't make evident errors so frequently, but in terms of management, controlling the players, showing skills, there is always something you have to point out. However this can be normal because still without a certain experience, but progress were not seen recently and I'm very skeptical. In all cases, one must wsh them the best, proving that I was wrong. Hopefully! About Marcenaro, he gives the idea always to struggle before taking a decision, and it looks like that's more based on the expectations on him, than a real and natural call. Very hard to explai, hope you understand.

      La Penna should have been a FIFA referee in past, but when everything looked to be ready, he was blocked and then there were that internal issues and he was also banned for a long time for a story about irregular refunds. Really sorry for him, but in normal conditions, one of the best FIFA referee hwe could have had.

      In recent times, Rapuano followed an incredible path, showing very good performance, but he was always seen as the excellent domestic referee who can't dream about the FIFA badge, this was also because it was impossible to predict he would have had such performances. Very natural referee, he throws decisions without being afraid, and immediately shows cards. Some aspects, i guess, are not good for Rocchi, despite he represents the real concept of refereeing, and he was criticized by committee for a poor performance in Super Cup Final, but to me they were too harsh (at the end you can talk about at maximum two harsh yellow cards). They don't see him as the type of referee who can find balance in his games, maybe, but he is the one with personality, without suffering any condition (that is hard to find in other referees, you know).

    6. Ayroldi and Giua lost their train since long time, the former was a big promise of Italian refereeing, but definitely very inaccurate under the technical point of view and I could describe him as being in the condition of Rapuano, but taking all wrong decisions instead of the correct ones (doesn't suffer personality, but he throws too much on the pitch what he thinks without being accurate). In recent times, better, but never for getting more.
      Giua was another disappointed, sometimes good periods, but every now and then, blunders (big ones). Not reliable.

      Now Rocchi is following some names you reported, indeed Zufferli and Tremolada, seems that he likes them. But of course both need very long time. Zufferli ahead in terms of experience, Tremolada, only a few games in A, so we will have long story still to write. For me, both are promising because they seem to have the described skills of other referees, not being influenced by context, but about Zufferli, I would say "too minimal", looking players from above and.. wel... we will discover him better!

      Feliciani is followed by Rocchi as well, and he had a very good path so far, but when he has poor games, it's very blatant, to me, some chances to develop more, but basically maybe not very big hopes of a great career. We will see. Clearly him is ahead of Zufferli and Tremolada in terms of experience, so he should come before for a possible FIFA nomination, but starting from 2026 and not now, for sure.

    7. Thanks for the excellent analysis once again! Always a great pleasure to read.

    8. Well watching Serie A, I always think that Pairetto has done very decently in the local championship, but failed to deliver in the international level.
      Agree on a lot of the statements, Di Bello completely lost it in recent years, numerous mistakes, not seen as a good referee locally anymore.
      Rapuano has done great last year, this year, doesn't seem to get important appointments.
      Sozza, could be very bad and also very good. I personally don't like his refereeing style, and he seems very arrogant ( my opinion of course)
      Marcenaro, also seen as one for the future, but still not ready, but in comparison, Colombo is stepping up hugely and looks very consistent. Hopefully the next elite italian referee.

    9. Maria Sole Ferrieri Caputi:

      Particular speech, in my opinion technically she is a valid referee, the problem is that unfortunately with all these international women's appointments including UEFA and FIFA competitions such as the U17 and U20 Women's WC abroad, she has, so far, missed more than the half of Serie A games that she could have handled, and has received very few matches. Until her debut she had had a good level, but in the last, sporadic outings in Serie A, she has not been the same, and she has often officiated badly, with questionable situations. I think she pays a high price for being used as a token element, because in the end international women's competitions don't have the same importance as men's, for a complete transformation she should officiate more in Serie A and perhaps go to international men's matches more than women's. However, on paper much better than many elements, at least the non-international ones that are in Serie A and Serie B, with a valid process and an accurate technical path, she could say something more. Rigorous from a technical point of view, determined, she isn't a referee who hesitates. Very far from the ambiguous and hateful attitudes of many referees who try to compensate a bit from all sides. However, she is not at the borders of this way of being, it would be useful to see her by far more, to say more, for sure.

    10. Grazie. Yes, would definitely be nice to see her more in Serie A.

  3. Good appointment for Nyberg as far as EL goes, but it is surprising that he's only had 2 CL games so far. Performance wise a bit disappointing this season.

    Other notes in terms of Swedish refereeing: Ekberg officially retires and Olofsson promoted to the male top flight.

    1. There are games in which Nyberg left something to be desired in several aspects, but I don't see it as a compromising or decisive factor in the matches. Tottenham vs Roma is an important game and I believe it is an opportunity for him to adjust his criteria and return to CL duties as soon as possible.

  4. Cefren,What are your think for Hiratau Mircea Fesnic?Do you think this is the right appointment for this match?

    1. Romanian referee in development and now in focus by committee, after Petrescu. The latter is close to get Elite promotion, while very likely for Fesnic the work has started now. I think he can be the right name for Galatasaray match, it will be a nice test for him in the Netherlands. Referee with the needed experienced for such a clash, what I can say is that this is not an overappointment, but referee will be at his top for this one.

  5. Royal Union Saint-Gilloise is a Belgian team and not a French one.

    Btw I know that Italian referees are discussed a lot more than others on this fantastic blog, but why still no reaction at all on my question involving Italian VAR's with Visser ? Why Visser not even mentioned in Chefren's overview 11:48 ? Again, I am NOT the leader of Visser's fanclub, and I know Chefren's opinion about him, but expanding on Italian VAR's in other games in the overview message of 11:48 and not a word (even not a negative one) about Belgian referee ?

    1. I wrote my view before your post. I didn't talk about Visser before because you already know my opinion, as you said.
      About other people not writing, I can't work on that.
      Is't not that Italian referees are more discussed than others on this blog, if readers write, there can be many other discussions about all referees, I always like to give my point of view, but of course I can't write on everything :)

    2. Chefren, I think you're being too hard on Visser. It's true that he wasn't very convincing in the test matches. But I don't think he's the only one to blame, and many other referees deserve more credit than him. He lacks certain things to be a “great” referee. He's only 34, and I think he's starting to get back to the level he was at when he was at the top, before his test matches in UCL. I think he deserves a chance to prove himself.

    3. On the other hand, I wonder how it's possible that an Italian observer is appointed when the VAR team is Italian.

  6. What do you think about the chances for Morten Krogh to get more appointments in CL after his debut last season in young Boys - Man City.
    Looks like he is very trusted on EL group stage??

  7. OFR in Anderlecht x Porto. Penalty afterwards.


    2. Correct penalty and good intervention. Looked like Krogh was looking through the defender and couldn't see the contact.

  8. GLT failure in Alkmaar and goal given after VAR check.

    1. Indeed, I was surprised that Fesnic's watch didn't trigger when the ball clearly crossed the line. Technology failed this time.

    2. I don't remember whether we have GLT in Europa League or not. Surely in CL, but what about EL?

    3. @Chefren From the official Europa League regulations:

      §61.04 GLT may be used in all matches from the league phase onwards to help the referee determine whether a goal has been scored. The referee's decision is final in all cases.

  9. OFR in Rome in 74' (step on foot?)
    To be rewatched.
    Strukan was in full control and waved play on. After a long review, he confirmed his decision.

    1. Very interesting incident.
      It was not a full step on foot, one could not even expect the OFR, so the reasons by Croatian can be clear.
      But once again, this is not how VAR should work...

    2. IMO wrong VAR intervention, never a clear pk. If whistled live, supportable, but otherwise play on.

  10. Unbelievable blunder in Rome, with a penalty that seemed obvious even in live action and not awarded after a lengthy Var review. Overall, a fairly mediocre performance by Strukan, with many obvious fouls not whistled on both sides

    1. Unbelievable PK for Qarabag against Lyon. Not important because of 0-4 before but clear mistake by serbian ref and furthermore incredible VAR validation…

    2. Please, don't exaggerate...
      Supportable decision at least, which can't spoil very good performance.

    3. For referee live yes. For VAR not at least…

    4. This was a clear penalty. A clear contact and the defender didnt play the ball. For me this is a penalty and a correct Var intervention. Probably the refreree didnt understand where the contact was made. I dont know.

    5. Sorry, my comment was referred to Minaković's PK :)

  11. Management of recovery by Strukan completely nonsensical. Not a good performance, to be veeeery fair

  12. Very good performance by Minakovic at Qarabag Lyon. We can speak about penalty, I expect clip here, the decision that can be at least supportable. So, Im very satisfied with how he do his job. As I mention earlier, I expect debut in CL for him this year.

    1. Apart penalty and VAR failure, very strong performance yes.

    2. This penalty is far from good performance to be honest. I dont believe he will be appointed to CL this year after such decision. Appointments for next round still not done and this performance will have an impact.

  13. Nyberg made an OFR for a penalty to be assigned to Tottenham. In this case I think no doubts, differently from his last game in CL.
    Not a good form for him in recent times.

    1. Crytsal clear penalty - should be seen onfield. For sure this is assessed as a referee error. Quite simple VAR intervention

  14. Nyberg. Tot vs roma, this penalty actually could not be viewed from his correct position just outside 18yd box. He is leaning, and has good sight. However it is impossible to see Hummels contact on the shin of the attacker. The view from goal line is clear, perfect and shows that there was a contact. I have zero.blame for Nyberg. This is just good use of Var

  15. Quite good performance from Minakovic in Qarabag v Lyon and definitely on a good path. Penalty for Qarabag obviously wrong but perhaps not enough for VAR intervention. UEFA don't like these soft penalties where the defender is doing nothing....attacker creates the situation.

    1. Knowing how committee hates such penalties, for me this one could be even assessed as officially missed VAR intervention for removing it, but yes, according to protocol is OK to support for the very minimal contact between players. It's always the same issue.

  16. Huge mistake by Aghayev and German VAR in Ferencváros-Malmö 58' after a corner cick clear foul inside in penalty area, clear really, play on onside decision. But Aghayev restart the game whil VAR work on potential penalty check. Has somone clip about that?

    1. And no card for the goalkeeper after the foul on Varga.

    2. Unluckily I can't find this incident, full game seems not available, the situation is not included in the highlights. I see only the two penalties whistled by referee. If you have any footage from Hungary...


      Will try to get the video too.

    4. Full replay:

    5. Clip of missed penalty by Aghayev. We can say absolute clear penalty with yellow card too. Must be OFR....I hope this was a case of VAR maybe sleeping and not Aghayev restarting play before the check was over. Otherwise big problem for Azeri referee. Not a good impression.

    6. No "check over" signal before restart. I think Aghayev was to fast.

    7. Clearly a penalty to be given, only thing to check here, whether ball already in play or not, and it was.
      But... about the VAR check, we can't know, because it happens very often that the information about VAR process are sent too late to broadcast and in some cases not even shown. I also saw many times the VAR CHECK indication when referee had already restarted game and then it suddenly disappearing.
      But if VAR confirmed that this was not clear and obvious mistake, well...

  17. Great detection by Nyberg in the play between Betancur and Saelemaekers. Advantage law applied, but then returns to apply YC to the Tottenham defender.
    And Claudio Ranieri cannot ask for VAR.

  18. What about Stegemann ,he handled Slavia vs Fenerbahce?

    10 cards,probably very heated match...

    1. I have seen both teams in action in the Europa League before and they are two very physical teams so the amount of cards does not come as a surprise to me

      I saw Jug myself yesterday. He did not get into trouble also because he used a very strict foul detection which kept the match very short.

      The next rounds we have with Ajax-Lazio, Lyon-Frankfurt and Rangers-Tottenham 3 clashes between teams from the (shared) top 8. Interesting who will be appointed for this games

  19. What do you think about the Frankfurt penalty?
    Isn't that a quite natural arm position (just hanging down perpendicular to the floor)?

    1. Here the OFR:

    2. The arms are perpendicular to ground but the rest of body is not a natural position, so same arms position but with player in natural position, punishable handball :)
      I think this issue has never been discussed, because rare, but every now and then it happens. I remember the Europa League final officiated by Eriksson, in which 2 or even 3 similar situation like this, happened. I would dare to say that for assessing arms in natural position, the player shouldn't assume different poses, but of course nothing officially regulated...

    3. "the rest of body is not a natural position" - but is this really a factor when determining handball? Doesn't only the arm position matter?
      I mean, if the player is doing absolutely nothing with his arms, they would be in the same position due to gravity - can it be any more natural?
      And the way the arm reacts on the contact shows there is no tension in it, so it's really only hanging.

  20. Here a focus on Lazio - Ludogorets Penalty Area Incident, by SKY Sport Italy:
    All people agreeing that it was very clear penalty, but Bergomi the only one who understood Strukan's decision. Indeed the former Inter player stated that he was sure after OFR referee wouldn't have accepted to whistle penalty. This because, according to his opinion, he had already exactly seen the incident, making also gestures, and he was not convinced that this was enough for a whistle.
    An analysis that I can absolutely find correct, this regardless of the nature of the decision. Strukan was already sure it wasn't penalty, so he went to rewatch something unnecessary for him.
    Elements for playing on: not a full contact and Ludogorets player trying to stop himself. Nevertheless, all people, as said, against referee and blaming him "A referee with such mental approach should definitely change, and he must be helped by somebody".

    1. The Lazio coach said that Strukan while going to review the action shook his head several times, making it clear that he was convinced it was not a penalty and that he was determined not to change his decision regardless of the images. In fact, that seems to have been exactly what happened, with the referee watching the contact several times and voluntarily choosing to make a glaring mistake in order not to disprove the previous decision

    2. As I commented before already, for me this is a completely wrong VAR intervention, both calls are supportable, and play-on I understand from the perspective of the type of contact, it was a tackle to the ball with a leg, and no stepping occured, instead later body colission and Strukan saw it that way. In the absence of a clear example fro RAP or instructions, this should be a decision of the ref on the pitch.

    3. I would say with the line of VAR intervention here, a pk in Qarabag-Lyon would have been a mandatory OFR.

      And regarding Strukans management, we can discuss the decision but I think it was very convincing from his side and good to send a message to players that he is sure and no discussion.

      1:32 Bergomi (world champion 1982) says: "I'm not saying it's not a penalty...". What he said before is that he thought the ref was not going to whistle the PK interpreting the ref's mind, different from saying it's not PK. He said that because the ref had already seen the contact and said play on.
      IMHO, PK 100% and obvious mistake from Strukan.
      Marcus is in delay for the tackle, shoves Isaksen on the hip and makes him lose control of the ball that he had touched beforehand and removed from Marcus's control. The shove is full contact and the intensity great enough to cause Isaksen to fall to the ground. I wonder if the point of contact (0:49) which is clear and full was hidden from Strukan's sight. He had already pulled out 2 YCs on 2 Lazio players for dissent before VAR call, hence I imagine in that case very difficult to change opinion. IMHO 100% error and no hope to be a ref in CL.

    5. We know that German Var intervenes only for very obvious mistakes, and that Dingert is considered one of the best at the European level, while Strukan comes from a year of mediocre performances, to say the least: based on the value of the names as well as on the episode itself (easy to assess: it is a clear penalty), it is not difficult to see who made a mistake last night. To me this is a huge mistake, and I do not see confidence from Strukan at all: his attitude is not authoritative, but arrogant and authoritarian.

    6. The key point missing in this discussion is about positioning. Strukan is analysing the incident from a 'square-on' angle, ie a bad one. What the Croat sees is the Lazio player deliberately takes a touch away from goal (generally a signal that he is 'hunting' a contact) and then a dramatic fall. This gives Strukan the primacy bias that not only is it not a foul, moreover it is theatre by Isaksen. If the referee had taken a deeper, more diagonal position then he would have awarded a penalty kick. This is quite prescient point because Strukan in terms of positoning and movement is a carbon copy of a 1990s Italian referee, Ceccarini, who generally made intelligent decisions but struggled to 'cover' the whole FoP and thus his games never felt 100% under control (the crazy mobbing in the famous '98 Juve-Inter game was a direct consequence of this factor). Even though Strukan does possess clear qualities, one can doubt whether he will reach UEFA Elite due to this issue. Finally, I think that the UEFA Referees Committee will assess that Dingert was correct and Strukan wrong; a penalty kick should have been awarded.

    7. I think you're right Mikael. His position is definitely not favourable for a correct and complete view of the action, precisely the thrust from Marcus on Isaksen's flank.
      No attempt from Marcus to stop himself before barging into Isaksen. No question of step-on-foot.
      Nevertheless, there are also other factors to weigh up:
      Strukan's probable desire not to lose face after 2 YCs to Lazio players for dissent. This was probably the most important factor. Also, generally ref and VAR belong to the same nation, so they know each other well, they partake in trainings, etc.. But in this case one was Croatian and one German, perhaps not knowing each other well etc.. This may explain the lack of trust for VAR, as they should intervene only for "obvious and clear" errors, which IMHO certainly Strukan's decision not to give PK was.
      Also, was he shown the scene of the clash from several angles? Because from the footage from Sky Italy's angle of view, opposite from where Strukan was standing, it is clear it was not a simulation. Besides, I always wonder why in these cases, if the ref really believes the player threw himself on the floor on purpose, they do not pull out the YC? It's either or.
      Big mistake anyway. Let alone one big advantage for Lazio stopped for a previous foul.

  21. Carballo now removed as observer in Leipzig-AV (MD6)

    1. Leipzig-Aston Villa: Svilokos (CRO)
      Benfica-Bologna: Velasco Carballo (ESP)

      For some reason they made a swap.

    2. You can see how many changes they make before final assignments. And about almost of them, we can't know anything. In this case, maybe they thought the game was too much for the referee to be observed by Velasco, but being now Bologna involved, not possible to talk about Mariani.

    3. To add, Benfica - Bologna must be absolutely a game for a debut indeed, we have Bologna, a team that at moment can't ask anything to CL and on the other side the Portuguese, coming from a very lucky refereeing, let's say, in Monaco. So perfect game in which nobody can complain, in case, and maybe they took the opportunity for this reason.

  22. Sven Jablonski will be taking charge of the German Klassiker between Dortmund and Bayern for the first time in his career this Saturday. I hope he does well, as he's definitely one of the most promising talents in UEFA Cat 1.
    What do you think, could he even make his CL debut this season?

    1. Considering the swap of observers mentioned above, I think it may very well happen already in the next round

    2. Jablonski can’t be the initial appointed referee in Leipzig, thus if you are right Elliot, then they decided that Carballo had to observe a different referee.

      It is pure speculation, but I agree it does look like a debut;
      i) it could be the same referee as initially appointed in Leipzig but (as Chefren says), perhaps the game in Leipzig too big or the game in Lisbon now perfect for a debut after what happened in Monaco.
      ii) Or Carballo will observe a different ref. In that case, the initial referee may have failed a final test in the UEL/UECL on Thursday. But that seems a poor management to me, to already confirm the appointment prior to MD5.

      I would guess its a combination of circumstances (game in Lisbon now perfect for a debut and another referee had to slot in in Leipzig due to limited options, e.g. an Italian or Spanish).

    3. Having said that, there were a couple of very poor performances in UCL/UEL/UECL what definitely can trigger some changes. We will see.

      And one more detail to underline: referee for Juventus-City is not appointed yet :D

    4. Juventus - Manchester City very hot and delicate game.
      The difficult moment of English side doesn't help committee, otherwise it would have been a bit easier, but of course never very easy. After a Spanish in previous game we can rule out referees from that country, as well as English and Italians.
      One should discuss about Zwayer, but this could become a big trouble in case of poor performance, I would even say big trouble. I think one can't rule out Marciniak, the way committee uses him is particular but for sure the Polish has the needed experience and nothing to lose.

      About Leipzig - Aston Villa and the removed observation by Velasco, I just wanted to add that it's absolutely unexpected to see the German side still without any single point and all defeats, also for this reason Pinheiro was allowed to officiate an Italian team at home, observed by committee member, but now for me things can change. The game against Aston Villa can be stilol seen a rather quite good "German - English" clash, not fully away from the spotlights and honestly, even if there is this big difference between two clubs (10 points) I think it could be rather open. Aston Villa plays good football but in terms of big names, they are not like other teams, so committee could have changed idea based on all these elements, and, honestly Benfica - Bologna is a totally different affair.
      Now, the most reasonable explanation would be that the originally appointed referee with Velasco in Aston Villa - Lepzig was suitable for both this game and then the switched one, Benfica - Bologna, but it's very hard to find a candidate (very likely CL debut) coming from a different country than the four teams involved in these two games, and still not observed by another committee member recently.
      Maybe this is the chance for the Albanian referee I predicted for previous matchday? We will see. Otherwise, and that's possible as well, they also changed refeere when Velasco was moved to Lisbon.

    5. Marciniak in Juventus-City (MD6) and;
      Vincic in PSG-City (MD7) seems sensible to me. Yes, Vincic again (not much to lose). :)

      I also noticed that the Refcom was quick with Leverkusen-Inter appointment. It helps that both teams are doing well, but it must be an experienced name, because they already released the appointment before the MD5 games.

    6. @Ref88 Both are possible, let's see.

  23. Felix Zwayer in St. Pauli vs Kiel - penalty

    What do you think is it a YC?

  24. Please see this sum up with incredible gesture and attitude by Rade Obrenovic. Not supportable performance by referee. Shame put on all european refereeing with this kind of « referee »…

    1. I reported this gesture in my report, you can read in the CL relative page, shouldn't be done, it's mocking the player, but under the point of view of personality well, I liked it, because... how much players mock referees? and you know :)

    2. The mocking in question is doing the "you talk too much" gesture?

      I expected it to be much worse, have seen it plenty of times to 'publicly sell' bookings for dissent.

  25. OT. Anthony Taylor has just whistled a penalty for Arsenal deeming that Fabianski caught Gabriel with a late punch as both jumped at a corner. IMO somewhat harsh as both arrived at the ball at the same time, Gabriel arriving very slightly firstly. For me Fabianski was genuinely attempting to play the ball. Taylor’s whistle was late and not decisive also. West Ham v Arsenal.

    1. Very similar to the penalty Makkelie awarded to Argentina against Poland in the WC 2022 after OFR.

      I think a big problem with those kinds of situations, especially now in the VAR era, is that you have to be extremely consistent with how to interpret them, otherwise it's hard to get acceptance from players, fans and pundits. Remember Arsenal themselves also had a similar situation against Inter a few weeks ago which was deemed not a penalty on-field and no intervention from VAR

  26. OT
    Hot start for Tello in Copa Libertadores final with red card on 1'

    1. Yes, a terrible challenge. Studs to head with high force.

      Match will be extremely difficult for the Argentinian crew.

    2. Gregore was very reckless in this play. It is the first time a Libertadores final has seen an expulsion before 1 minute.

    3. Clip:

      Correct decision, but not the best optics by instinctively taking out the YC, seems like Tello changed to RC after either seeing the blood and severity of the injury or teammate input.

    4. He hadn't decided immediately after the foul, saw the injured player and the blood and showed too late RC. Extremely poor management, a case in which a RC can even lose its effect under the eyes of players.

    5. My personal favourite

  27. YC to Battaglia for stopping a promising attack

  28. Penalty awarded with VAR review. Ederson doesn't go for the ball and brings down Luiz Henrique.

  29. OT (my club in England 😅)

    1:30 How on earth is this violent conduct??

  30. Well, he pushed an opponent into the stands, when the ball was long gone. It's at least borderline, so you shouldn't be too surprised if they deem it as VC.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


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