Tuesday 14 May 2024

Roberto Rosetti: "At EURO, only the captains will be allowed to talk to referees, the other players doing that will be booked"

Roberto Rosetti wrote a piece for Italian newspaper "La Gazzetta dello Sport". Here the translation for you.

We will explain our decisions but the dialogue with the players must be respectful.

Being a referee in modern football is very difficult. Match officials make 200 to 250 decisions per match - that means one every 22 seconds - in difficult and sometimes controversial situations, under enormous pressure, and each decision is scrutinized and reviewed from multiple angles by fans and experts. We want referees with a strong personality who make even unpopular decisions on the pitch but, at the same time, we want them to be more open and explain what led them to make certain decisions. They receive a lot of information from the Video Assistant Referee (Var) and we are ready to talk and share more details with the players and coaches to help them understand how a certain decision was made.

The behavior of players and coaches is an extremely important topic in football. During the workshop of the participants in the final phase of UEFA Euro 2024 in April, the coaches agreed that they were ready to work to promote fair play. And this was one of the main topics at the recent UEFA Football Board meeting in Nyon. Both coaches and players have strongly welcomed and supported our new approach as a shared goal for the good of football. Explaining a decision with 22 players surrounding you is impossible for a referee. It can lead to a breakdown in communication, the beautiful game quickly becomes very ugly to watch. According to everyone, it is harmful to the image of football. Some decisions, of course, will always be discussed. However, in an attempt to improve the status quo, we want referees to explain their decisions more openly to all teams participating in the upcoming UEFA Euro 2024.

How will we do that? The idea is simple: we will ask all teams to ensure that their captain will be the only player speaking to the referee. We will ask captains to ensure that their teammates do not surround the referee, allowing direct conversations, so that the decision is communicated in a timely and respectful manner. It is important to underline that we want only the team captain who wishes to discuss a decision to be able to do that with the referee. It will be the captain's responsibility to ensure that his teammates respect the referee, keep their distance and do not surround him. Any player who ignores the role of their captain and/or approaches the referee showing any sign of disrespect or dissent will be cautioned. Evidently, if the captain is a goalkeeper, it will be necessary to appoint an outfield player who can fill this role in case an incident occurs at the opposite half of the pitch.

Referees will be encouraged to be open in discussions with captains to foster a healthy atmosphere between all parties. This will allow them to build trust with players and demonstrate the type of leadership required by modern referees. UEFA's team of referee specialists and, where possible, a tournament referee will meet each of the 24 teams to discuss this in more detail and share this information with the players. Embracing this approach and empowering referees will lead to an increase in the already very high quality of refereeing in our competitions and better matches for players and fans to enjoy during the tournament. If we can facilitate a constructive dialogue between referees and team captains, everyone will benefit and we will leave a positive legacy for the future of this beautiful game. The game we all love.

Roberto Rosetti


  1. Over/under on the number of games 'any player who ignores the role of their captain and/or approaches the referee showing any sign of disrespect or dissent will be cautioned' will last in the tournament? 😃

    Reading between the lines, this is basically 'conservative' UEFA's attempt to not (have to) replicate the more 'revisionist' FIFA in the public VAR announcements, and nothing more than that.

  2. Repetition of moves. The captain has always been the first point of contact and responsible for his team. Just a matter of emphasizing what we already knew :)

    The application is interesting when indeed a Goalkeeper is captain. In that case, an outfield player is appointed, the public doesn’t know who that is. I can see media, commentators and/or the referee fanatics make comments like: “Player X is not the captain; referee fails to follow up the instructions” :P

    And: "UEFA's team of referee specialists and, where possible, a tournament referee will meet each of the 24 teams to discuss this in more detail" - Could this mean that, for example, Marciniak will explain the rules to the Polish NT, Turpin to les Bleus, etc?

    1. About the last question, yes, before other tournaments in past for example, Orsato met the Italian national team to explain the rules.


  3. I'm anxious to see how it works, if the refs stick to it there will be 30 yellow cards per match.

  4. No way refs will follow these guidelines.

    Maybe first few games like it as at WC and then leniency at it's finest just like WC.

    If they were to change the rules and make it 3 cards to be suspension for players then the refs would not be hesitant to book players.

    This way it's 2 YC and you are suspended and refs have that on their mind for sure.

    1. Probably. And at the same time, the referees with a natural authority and best reputation don’t have to show YC’s to protect the football image, as they don’t suffer that much from dissents in the first place.

      I don’t see Orsato, Turpin, Marciniak or Makkelie issuing YC’s to every player that is talking to them, as long as the players do that in a respectful manner.

  5. OT: Willie Collum (SCO) to retire after 31 years involved in refereeing. He will become the new head of refereeing at the Scottish FA.

    He has refereed at UEFA EURO 2016, the 2015 UEFA Super Cup, in four Scottish Cup finals, two League Cup finals, and in over 250 FIFA and UEFA club and international competitions including the Champions League and Europa League, World Cup and European Qualifiers.

    Happy retirement and good luck in the new role.


    1. Surely the best name for taking this role, after the very long career as FIFA referee and UEFA Elite.
      A SuperCup in 2015, then EURO participation the following year, I think these were the best years for him, years in which he should have shown more to ensure continuity to his path. Nevertheless, I think that in some occasions he wasn't trusted at all by UEFA committee, with a rather unfair treatment. Long periods without Champions League assignments, even without poor performances, could have maybe regained trust being stimulated by committee, then the very last period until today he was Elite only on paper and we can say that committee was expecting only his retirement.
      All in all, a very long-time Elite referee, so definitely an important news. Good luck to him for the future.

    2. For me Collum was the "only on paper" Elite who deserved that treatment the least. Never a spectacular referee but always very solid. Very rarely losing a game completly.
      Even without the full trust after 2016/17 still a very impressive career with 100+ international games and a decent last season with a CL game and 2 knock-outs.

      37x CL (7 KO games)
      31x EL (17 KO games)
      26x EURO or World Cup Quali
      3x Junior Tournaments
      Super Cup 2015
      Euro 2016

    3. If the changes to the composition of the UEFA referees committee in 2018 helped some referees (eg. Del Cerro), exactly the opposite is true for Collum. Some wider reflections can be made from that too. His general treatment by UEFA, taking his whole twelve years as an Elite category referee, was absolutely fair imo. I didn't watch Collum's games much in recent times but he did an excellent job in the key exotic qualifier Moldova-Albania and it was a nice 'reminiscence' for me to watching his games in the years the Scotsman spent in the higher echelons of European refereeing. Congratulations for a great career!

  6. Interviewed by SKY Sport Italy during the Euro 2024 referees' Media Day, Daniele Orsato confirmed his retirement after the next EURO tournament.

    Being here is gratifying, perhaps even more exciting...
    "For me it is always an emotion and a pride to represent the Italian referees, it is an enormous responsibility. We are more a family than a team, so it was really emotional."

    Can we say that your career will end after the European Championship?
    "Yes, a wonderful experience ends and I'm proud of it, both for me and my family."

    Who are the people you want to thank?
    "All the refereeing technicians who have accompanied me and my growth in recent years, from Claudio Pieri to Maurizio Mattei up to Stefano Farina as well as Collina, Rosetti, Braschi, Rizzoli and Rocchi. All were examples I always admired and from which I tried to learn. The most formative experience for me was as an additional assistant referee at the 2016 EURO with Rizzoli, it was there that I understood many things and also the details that a referee needs to be on the pitch in important matches and to be accepted. It was an incredible experience."

    We don't wish it to Spalletti's Italy, but how wonderful would be for you to officiate the final?
    "Obviously we all hope that Italy wins the tournament. I would be proud and happy to blow the whistle in the last game of the tournament, but if Italy wins, that will be fine, too."

    Have you ever given yourself a goal for the European Championship?
    "I have never given myself long-term goals, I always and only think about the last match. When I'm in the changing room with my team-mates, we never know if we have just refereed the last match of the competition or if there will be another one We think step by step, to do the best."

    Marco Guida is also here with you as Italian referee at EURO. What advice do you feel you can give him?
    "I only complimented Marco because he comes from a complicated path. He had a bad injury that put him out for a long time, but he worked hard, he's a serious person and I'm sure this European Championship for him will represent the beginning of a long career in UEFA".

    Italian referees say that often abroad you can relax and forget about the Serie A "toxic" environment. Is this the same for you?
    "I wouldn't say that you relax, but you have surely less confidence with the players and you have fewer problems on the pitch, in Europe they know you less and you waste less time. In Italy you know the players by far more and the dialogues are longer, the protests more confidential. If you make a mistake in Europe, however, you are still very sorry, in the same way as in Serie A."

    Do you see yourself as head of refereeing after the retirement?
    "No, there's only my family, my wife and my children. I don't see anything else besides them."

  7. Some statements by the German EURO referees
    Zwayer: "The tension was powerful. We knew in advance when the squad would be announced. But everyone who made it was only invited to the video call five minutes before 10 o'clock. Of course, you then sit there from 9.45am and constantly update your emails."
    "Of course, you hope that you'll be allowed to be there - but when the time really comes, it's something else again."
    Siebert: "My way of officiating matches and my performances have led me to where I am now. It would be wrong to suddenly change everything before the tournament. My coach as a player always told me: 'You shouldn't do anything special before special matches'. That applies well to refereeing."
    "Every EURO match is great. In the team with Jan and Rafael, we are simply grateful to be part of this EURO and will approach the tournament full of anticipation and humility.
    "I just want to do my best and referee the games I get in the best possible way."
    Zwayer: "Managing (international) top matches was never a goal for me when I started out. I was simply interested and found the task of refereeing exciting, and then it always developed further. I kept taking steps forwards, but also backwards at times. You also have to draw the right conclusions from the less enjoyable moments and stick to your guns. In the end, anything goes if you're prepared to adapt to developments in football."
    "We worked on this together, without my assistants this nomination would not have been possible. Stefan Lupp has been nominated for a major tournament for the fifth time, that says it all. And Marco Achmüller fought his way back from injury, that was incredibly good."
    "All the EURO referees form a joint team and Daniel and I, together with our assistants and the three video assistants, represent German refereeing. We each referee our own games, but we still stick together as referees."
    Siebert: "I had an experienced colleague, Felix Brych, at my side during my first EURO, which helped me a lot."

  8. Guys what are your predictions for category promotions this summer?

    I'm skeptic there will be promotions from First to Elite (they were already done in winter), but for sure there should be several Second to First promotions.

    Possible candidates considering several factors (UECL GS, UYL, Euro qualifiers, talent & mentor program...): Karaoglan (TUR), Jablonski/Schlager (GER), Brooks/Jones (ENG), Ciochirca (AUT), Godinho (POR), Masiyev (AZE), Sylwestrzak (POL), Sozza/Maresca (ITA), Berka (CZE), Bogár (HUN), Kooij/van der Eijk (NED), Theoulí (CYP), Smajc (SVN), Barbu (ROU), Kikacheishvili (GEO), Frid (ISR), Al-Emara (FIN), Manouchos (GRE), Spasjonnikovs (LAT), Kopievsky/Derevinsky (UKR)

    1. I think you wrote a very good list of possible candidates, including the names in focus by committee, and the ones who were included in Talents and Mentors Program.
      Among others, given how he was managed in his first year as FIFA referee, one should definitely expect a quick promotion for Karaoglan.
      About Italy, you mentioned the right names, but I think that now it could be too late for Maresca (43 years old). Still, if we look at Orsato's age, we could say that he would still have many years ahead, but the reality can be different now. It depends on what AIA wants to do. Possible that Maresca will be retired at the end of 2024, together with Orsato, in favor of new referees. On the other hand, about the other candidates for a jump to Cat. 1 indeed we have only Sozza at moment, but his last game with Sajin was not good (maybe for this reason he wasn't promoted on December).
      At moment I can't see other referees from our pool of Cat. 2, Chiffi could have had a good international career, but now, apart from some poor performances, he is also suffering long injures. The next name in focus after Sozza could be Colombo, but of course after having been promoted FIFA referee only this year, it's now too early and he needs time.

    2. Karaoglan and Sozza look like the cleares candidates for promotion to First, I think.

      I also don't see a clear option for Elite promotion at the moment. Obrenovic, Rumsas, Frankowski, Petrescu, Mariani, Pinheiro and Kabakov would be the candidates though, I think.

    3. Yeah, great list Quilava!

      Karaoglan (appointments and federation), Sozza (clear Path and Orsato retirement) should be very save.
      Brooks (YL final, Taylors age) and Ciochirca (Lechner replacement, federation underrepresented) for me look quite save too.
      My gut says Spasjonnikovs too.

      About Elite indeed nobody looks ready. Frankowski would have been promoted in winter after the Rosetti observation. Obrenovic clearly is planned for big things, but the appointments yet are rather mediocre. Pinheiro and Kabakov for me missed there chances. Mariani we cant be sure, but rather no. Petrescu only if Hategan retires (impossible to have 3 Romanian Elite). The one where I am quite certain he will become Elite (besides Obrenovic) is Rumsas, but I guess rather after a good CL GS.

      If any Germans are promoted it should be Jablonski. But personally I am expecting a big change in German international referees in December with the new head of german refereeing. I could see Jablonski replacing Stegemann as First and Dankert, Dingert gone as referees at that point.

    4. @Stockholm some remarks:

      I don't think Pinheiro 'missed his chance', or at least, on the level Kabakov (whom I much appreciate!) did in 2020-22 when he was in a potential path for Elite. I think UEFA's plan is to have Pinheiro, Obrenovic & Rumsas promoted in December if things go well.

      I don't think Austria is that 'underrepresented' as a federation considering Weinberger & Gishamer are already First Cat, though the former based on appointments is only First Cat in name only & Ciochirca seems to get better games despite being a 2nd Cat. However, with Schüttengruber & Lechner's retirements, there's clearly a place to fill. One FA that is surely underrepresented is Czechia ever since Královec retired with no representatives above Second Cat, which could help Berka.

      We must take in account also potential 'swaps': Rosetti doesn't like demotions (so far he hasn't demoted a referee from Elite to First ever since he took office 6 years ago) unless they could be sold by demoting veteran referees with no promotion prospects who could be replaced by younger and upcoming compatriots. Examples from last year: Veríssimo/Nobre, Schüttengruber/Gishamer, Jovic/Pajac, Buquet/Delajod, Vad/Berke, Boiko/Balakin. Only Palabiyik was demoted last year without a replacement (that will probably be Karaoglan this year)

      I've always seen Jablonski & Schlager on a similar level, the former got talent mentored & U19 final but the latter has left a quite good impressions in the games I've followed him (Kazakhstan at home in EURO qualifiers, Fiorentina - Ferencváros, Olympiacos vs Panathinaikos Greek SL derby 2 months ago...) so they could be promoted together just like Stegemann & Osmers in winter 2021.

  9. The Athletic "Premier League clubs are set to hold a vote at their annual general meeting next month on a proposal to abolish the video assistant referee (VAR) system from the start of next season"
    Not if this will actually happen, but any comments on what it would mean for the EPL not to have the technology compared to other leagues?

  10. Does anyone know whether Vinčić will continue after this season?

    I know he attended the FIFA course in January, however someone also posted here that he got injured during the FIFA course and had a knee injury. Therefore he missed the first matchdays in PrvaLiga in 2024.

    His physical condition could have been a good argument to not let him wait any longer at the age of 44 y.o. And indeed as stated above, Obrenovic is following a clear path to a promotion.

    It is pure speculating of course, however most referees want to end their career at a high note. If things go well for Vinčić in his UCL final and at the EURO (e.g. a semi-final), I wonder if he will pass the baton to Obrenovic.

  11. https://sport.sky.de/fussball/artikel/uefa-euro-2024tm-em-schiedsrichter-ueber-den-workshop-die-neuerungen/13136317/35699

  12. Disgraceful behaviors of Juve coach Allegri after having been sent off in the Italian Coppa Italia final in injury time. He cynically applauded the referee, gave a thumbs-up and even made it look like he was about to furiously take off his shirt. If this is not going to produce a long ban…

  13. Willie Collum appointed as new Head of Refereeing at Scottish FA. Source: https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/news/willie-collum-appointed-as-new-head-of-refereeing/?rid=13929

  14. An injury to an assistant referee in the scottish premiership game between Hibernian and Motherwell meant Steven McLean as 4th Off had to come on as an assistant. Only surprise was that he ran as AR1

  15. https://www.uefa.com/news-media/news/028d-1ae56c3caded-786fcead52d5-1000--referees-set-for-euro-2024-adventure/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZsiVWKQs3dld6DURJvCCSXPzQENSoCmT_zMCxxHkVKZv8g-ETjRpxN4IU_aem_AXq4cxFWiAVcdzBj1eQmFsjjeu8-XCO0fATZRLZ_ys1DNqfSoqqXJl6wVDKXs4OXUDXixfO5-RIiHxUh1Ipc-5kt

    1. I like a lot the customized Macron kit for EURO with those golden details on sleeves/collar/pockets, wish they had shown the other versions and not only the black one.

    2. Well, on the yellow shirt it would be impossible to see the golden details, so either no yellow kit or even different colors in that one.

  16. Ante Čulina is another confirmed name for Under 17 in Cyprus.

  17. Interesting to read an make an analysis about the reasons for which a club like Wolverhampton Wanderers thinks that VAR should be abolished from football.

    1) They report among the first arguments: impact on goal celebrations and frustration mixed to confusion as result of a changed decision.
    So I ask them: better an irregular goal in offside with a full celebration?

    2) Hostile atmosphere due to AVR with chants against the technology and the referees.
    My answer is: wouldn't referees be blamed the same, if not more, in case of very evident mistakes without VAR technology?

    3) Overreach of VAR original purposes, now analyzing in detail every situation.
    Regarding this aspect, I can agree that if this is done, it's something that must be avoided, but solving this problem, shouldn't mean stopping VAR. Also, it can be a question of point of views, were the clubs can maybe think the situation is not VAR's worthy, but in reality it is.

    4) Diminished accountabilty of field referees due to the safe net of VAR.
    Here of course the answer is easy, a referee who acts in this way, is totally wrong. VAR shouldn't be in the mind when making the original pitch decision. The problem in this regard is about the quality of the officials who go to officiate a game, if they only rely on VAR without being decisions makers on the pitch, should be removed from their duties.

    5) Continued mistakes even from VAR, after watching and rewatching a situation.
    It's a technology, but there will be always a human person behind. Nevertheless, if a VAR makes a mistake and as result it's evident he did that, I can agree this could be the only argument for starting a discussion, but still, to have 100% accuracy is something impossible to reach and this should be clear. A few mistakes from VAR could be accepted, but it should be very isolated thing.

    6) Too long times, damaging Premier League famous flow of the game.
    In this case, the answer is similar to point 1, should we prefer quick but incorrect decisions? At the end it's all about what people want to see. I agree that times shouldn't be too long, but better long times and correct decisions than the contrary, for me.

    7) Too much talking about VAR, with the football game going in the shadow.
    This is not directly related to VAR, if people discuss it's because they want to do that, if a decision is correct, they can even discuss for a long time... but important thing is that VAR did what he had to do.

    8) Erosion of trust and reputation, with VAR increasing nonsensical alligations of corruption.
    Again, would be the same without VAR. If a person has a certain state of mind, he will always things about some arguments...

    1. If any club can have a go at VAR ,that is Liverpool.

      Mistakes and no interventions that happened in their matchesbare absolutely ridicoulous, from no penalty vs Arsenal,no penalty vs City and disallowed clear goal vs Tottenham.

      And if anyone cant talk bad about VAR that's City,cause I dont recall that they have been harmed this season by VAR.

  18. England currently have all 10 places on their fifa list for referees filled. However it seems like there will be significant movement on the list over the next 2 seasons due to age limits

    Here is my analysis
    Current elite

    Anthony Taylor
    Age 45
    FIFA Referee since 2013
    The vastly experienced referee was confirmed for Euro 2024 . This makes it the 3rd major international tournament he has attended in a row. After WC 2022 and EURO 2020 this will more than likely be Taylor's last tournament. Having already been appointed he will be hoping to get the final match at the Euros. If England do not get to the euros final he will have a great chance to referee the final and will retire at 45 having achieved everything he could.

    Major tournaments

    2016 Euro Additional Assistant
    2020 Euro Referee
    2022 World Cup Referee
    2022 FIFA club World cup
    Euro 2024 Referee

    Major finals
    2023 Europa league final
    2021 Nations league final
    2020 UEFA Super cup final
    2022 FIFA club World cup final
    2015 u19 European championships final

    Additional assistant referee
    2016 Euro Final
    2016 Champions League Final
    2014 UEFA Super Cup Final
    2015 Europa League Final

    Taylor will retire with 9 International finals

    FIFA list decision: retire at 45 may extend for 1 year

    Michael Oliver
    Age 39
    FIFA Referee since 2012
    The vastly experienced referee was confirmed for euro 2024. This makes it the 3rd major international tournament he has attended in a row. After WC 2022 and EURO 2020. At 39 Oliver has another 6 years on the FIFA list this should mean another 2 euros and at least 1 more world cup.

    Major tournaments
    2015 U17 World Cup Referee
    2016 Euro Additional Assistant
    2020 Euro Referee
    2022 World Cup Referee
    2024 Euro Referee

    Major finals
    2015 U17 World Cup Referee
    2023 Super Cup Final

    2023 Europa League Final

    Additional assistant
    2014 Super league final

    FIFA list decision: Oliver has another 6 years on the FIFA list. He will be aiming for the Semi finals at the Euros and potential in the frame for the world cup final in 2026.

    Current 1st category
    Craig Pawson
    Age 45
    FIFA Referee since 2015 
    Pawson has been on the FIFA list for 9 years and has managed to carve out quite a good FIFA career as England's undisputed No3 referee. He has found himself as one of the senior 1st category referees who will provide a solid performance in the Europa League without quite being good enough to get more than the 1 Champions League group game.
    Pawson is also a FIFA VAR for a few years which involved being appointed to a Champions League Quarter Final with Anthony Taylor and 7 games U17 World cup in 2019. However has only had 2 VAR appointment since 2022.

    2016 Euro Additional Assistant
    2019 U17 World Cup VAR

    Major Finals
    2021 Nations League Final

    FIFA list decision: Pawson will probably retire this year at the age of 45. FIFA might push Pawson as a VAR (not sure if there is an age limit). With 7 VAR appearances in U17 World cup and 7 VAR champions league appearances he has potential to continue to progress.

  19. Christopher Kavanagh
    Age 38
    FIFA Referee since 2019
    Kavanagh has been Englands no 4 FIFA referee and No2 VAR since his appointment to the FIFA list. He has suffered a lot from injury which seemed to slow his development and led to his focus on VAR. However he seems to clear from injury since November and has probably been one of the most in form referees in the premier league this season which resulted in his appointment for the League Cup final. At 38 he could still be pushed by FIFA to take pawsons place as the No3 english Referee

    With his 21 appointments as a VAR in the CL,UEL,ECL he is also still a valuable for UEFA but I wonder did his chance at another tournament get taken away by his average performance at the Euros with only 2 appointments.

    2020 EURO VAR

    2019 UEFA Youth League Final
    2021 UEFA Nations League Final
    2023 Europa league final

    FIFA list decision: If Kavanaugh can keep his form from this year there is no reason why he can not replace Pawson as England's no 3. However he has only had 6 international assignment as main referee in the last 3 years which would suggest to me that the committee does not have a load of trust in him (in comparison Pawson has had 23)

    Current 2nd
    Stuart Attwell
    Age 41
    FIFA Referee since 2009 -2012 & 2018
    Talk about the highs and lows of a career. Got promoted before he was ready to the premier league only to be demoted due to performance issues and then repromoted and added to the FIFA list. He performs admirably in the premier league not performing at the same level as Taylor Oliver and co but being no where near the worst a solid mid table referee. That has resulted in his appointment to the league final and probably FA cup this year. Attwells mediocre performances in the premier league has been reflected in his appointments as referee with UEFA having been appointed to 3 matches this year.

    However Attwell is without doubt the best VAR that England have and that has been proven by his appointment to 2 euros and a number of UEFA finals. He would have been disappointed to miss the world cup but has continued to impress the committee with his performances 16 VAR appointments across UEFA this year. With Taylor a candidate for this years Champions league final Attwell has a very good chance to be appointed to that match aswell

    Major tournament
    2011 Euro u19 Championship
    2024 EURO VAR
    2020 EURO VAR

    2011 Euro u19 Championship final
    2023 Europa league final VAR
    2021 Nations league final VAR
    2020 UEFA Super cup final VAR

    FIFA list decision: At 41 Attwell is not going to progress on the main referee list but Is without doubt on the Elite VAR list. With not a load of referees coming through and others not performing at his level. I would leave him on the list to keep him motivated and reward him for his performances as VAR.

    Robert Jones
    Age 37
    FIFA referee since 2022
    Having been appointed to the premier league with Darren England in 2019 he would have been extremely disappointed that England got on the FIFA panel before him. This decision was somewhat warranted as England was the better referee and had FIFA experience. However, in the last two years Jones has leapfrogged England to be one of the most trusted referees in the premier league over the last two years with multiple big appointments. This great form has translated internationally with Jones being appointed to a Europa league and a conference league group game in his second season. As one of 4 officials not appointed as VAR and referee on the FIFA list there is definitely alot planned for him.

    FIFA list decision: keep him on the list with any luck he will be 1st category in 2ish years

  20. Darren England
    Age 37
    FIFA referee Since 2021
    When it rains it pours. England got promoted to the premier league with Robert Jones in 2019 and had some really promising performances.This resulted in his inclusion on the FIFA list a year before Jones. England had a number of good performances resulting in his debut in the conference league group stage.

    England also excelled as a VAR and had a number of high profile matches in the premier league as well as a Champions League group stage game. Unfortunately disaster struck for England as VAR at Tottenham v Liverpool where he disallowed a clearly onside goal. It was described by the PGMOL as "significant human error" this  scuppered any hope he had of more UEFA appointments this year and spent a significant amount of time on the side lines.

    England returned and was criticised in a game between Brentford and Everton when Ivan Toney scored by moving the ball for a free kick when England had turned momentarily turned his back. He was also at the centre of attention when he gave Chelsea a completely unsupportable penalty and sent off the Burnley manager and defender.
    England has truly had a year from hell but I have hope that he can turn it around he got on the FIFA list for assistant referees culminating in working as Clattenburgs 4th official in the Supercup final. He then left and worked his way up as a referee and as VAR which is not easy.

    2014 super cup final

    FIFA list decision: keep him on the list I truly think that he can have a great season next. He can get too 1st category but it will take alot of work. I would give him 2 years but if no improvement in appointments I would make him a dedicated VAR

    Andy Madley 
    Age 40
    FIFA referee list 2020
    Madley was the only one of him, coote and bankes who showed signs of progress. This resulted in a debut In the conference league group stage however he has only had 3 UEFA appointments this year. This could be because of the focus on brooks and Jones.

    However as he gains more experience in the premier league he is receiving better appointments most noticeably the Merseyside derby which if I remember correctly was his brothers first big derby.

    In terms of VAR he hasn't been used once by FIFA so far which would suggest that there isn't confidence in his abilities as a VAR. But has been used quite often as a 4th official.
    FIFA list decision: take off the list next season if PGMOLs aim is to get as many referees to 1st or elite at 40 it doesn't look like Madley is going to be the one

    Jarred Gillet
    Age 37
    FIFA referee since 2013
    The Aussie came to England to complete a PhD and joined the premier league fairly quickly. With international experience in Asia he quickly got added to the FIFA list and VAR list and has done ok.
    This season has by far been his best domestically handling matches between the traditional big 6 man U v Chelsea.
    He has also had alot of big VAR appointments and Is definitely seen as one of the premier leagues best.
    However his issue at the moment is that compared to brooks and Jones who got promoted around the same time he is the one who hasn't kicked on as much. In a situation where a better younger referee comes along he could be taken off the list

    In terms of VAR he continues to get appointments which resulted in him being avar to David coote at the youth league final

    2024 youth league final

    FIFA list decision: keep on the list for the time being however if appointments don't come leave on just VAR list

  21. John Brooks
    Age 34
    FIFA referee since 2022
    The new kid on the block who is confident and calm under pressure. He reminds me alot of Michael Oliver when he joined the premier league. Brooks has already established himself as one of the leagues best and is the poster boy for the next generation. He is one only four on the list who does not appear on the VAR list despite the fact that he is also one of the leagues best VARs.

    Brooks is definitely seen as a future elite referee and being 34 he has 11 years to get there. After his appointment to the Youth league final id be very surprised if he isn't appointed to 1st group within the year

    2024 youth league final

    FIFA list decision: keep pushing brooks he is definitely elite potential and could be England's world cup representative after Oliver


    David coote
    Age 41
    Now this did surprise me. As a referee I feel he got added to the FIFA list to fill spaces he has never been close to being appointed to top fixtures rather he does medium to lower importance fixtures but someone has to do them. He was quite rightly taken off the referee list and I had a raised eyebrow when I realised he was on the VAR list.

    Coote has excelled as a VAR he has been consistently been getting bigger premier league matches and Is now getting recognition internationally. He was appointed to the U17 World cup final as well as the youth league final and has rounded off his great year with an appointment to the Euros.
    Id imagine it was never in his wildest dreams that he would have such success as a VAR but well done to him.

    Major tournaments
    2023 FIFA U17 World cup
    2024 Euros
    2024 Olympic's

    Major finals
    2023 FIFA U17 World cup final
    2024 youth cup final

    FIFA list decision: keep pushing with the progress he has made over the past 2 years he could end up one of the very elite VARs

    Peter bankes
    Age 42
    Bankes had a pretty good first season in the league but has slightly fallen away since then. He never really impressed on the FIFA list so it was decided that he would focus on VAR duties.
    While in his first season he managed 7 VAR appointments this season he has managed just one despite the fact he has over 30 domestic appointments this season

    FIFA list decision: Unfortunately for him if appointments don't come soon there won't be any justification for him to stay on the list

  22. Michael salsbury
    Age 39
    Salsbury was appointed onto the VAR list. However he has only managed 2 appointments in the last 2 years and that includes nothing this season. This indicates to me that UEFA have no confidence in his VAR abilities meaning there is no point in him being on the list.

    In terms of being appointed to main referee list. Though he is 39 (which might be too old) all current members on the list are better than him meaning there is really no justification for his inclusion

    FIFA list decision: take off VAR list do not recommend for referee list

    Potential FIFA referee
    Tim Robinson
    Age 40
    Has had an excellent 1st full season in the league being appointed to 20 games so Far and being the 4th official for the league cup final.
    His biggest issue is age. FIFA did drop the max age of first time appointments needing to be under 38 but I just wonder if the pgmil would appoint him for a 6/7 year  international career at best
    Robinson also only has 6 games as VAR in the premier League making him impossible to appoint to the VAR list

    FIFA list decision: misses out due to age. Doesn't have the experience to be appointed VAR

  23. Simon hooper
    Age 41
    After a few years near the bottom of the appointment list hooper has flown to the top constantly getting top appointments. He is seen as a safe pair of hands who causes little fuss.
    Unfortunately like Robinson age is really his issue if he had been a few years younger he would be an absolute definite to be added to the list
    FIFA list decision: misses out due to age

    Thomas Bramall
    Age 34
    In his second year and has received 10 appointments this year. That makes it quite hard to make a judgement however due to his age the PGMOL might take a chance on him
    FIFA list decision: appointment to FIFA list

    Tony Harrington
    Age 41
    In his third year in the premier League. He has performed fairly ok however he seems to get injured quite a bit.
    With only 18 premier League appointments and 9 VAR appointments combined with his age it seems very unlikely he will end up on the FIFA list

    FIFA list decision: Due to age and lack of experience. He could potentially get on the VAR list but that seems unlikely

    Sam barrott
    Age 30
    The surprise package of this season he only got promoted to sg2(championship panel) at the start of this season but by match day 8 he was in the premier League. With 15 appointments as well as a FA cup quarter final and a league cup semi final.
    I would be absolutely gob smacked if he is not promoted to the Premier League and the FIFA list next season

    FIFA list decision: promote to premier League and FIFA list at 30 he has 15 years on the FIFA list he should be at least aiming for 1st category.

    Josh smith
    Age 32
    Now has 5 premier League appointments to his name over the past 2 seasons. He was perhaps a bit unlucky to not be promoted last year with bond and Robinson but should be in the frame for a promotion at the end of this season
    With a full year in the premier League he could be in line for an appointment to the FIFA list.

    FIFA list decision: doesn't have the experience however with a season or two on the select group panel he could be ready

  24. Lewis smith
    Age 30
    What a story for smith 2 seasons ago smith was refereeing in the national League (5th division) and was only promoted to the national list this season (league 1 & 2)now he has 2 pl matches to his name.

    He is not yet ready for a place on the FIFA list however with more experience we could see him on the FIFA list in 2-3 years provided he gets more premier League experience

    FIFA list decision: not ready but could be in 2 years

    Sam Allison
    Age 43
    New to the premier League like barrott was only promoted to the championship last season. With his age and lack of experience unfortunately Allison hasn't got a chance on the FIFA list

    Rebecca Welsh
    Age 40
    The first woman to referee in the premier League and she has been brilliant in her two games. She also comes with a wealth of experience having been at the last euros and world cup along with a number of champions League matches.

    Will be a great addition to the premier League list over the next few years and will bring some much needed experience however at 40 I fear she won't get a chance at the men's list.

    Major tournaments

    2023 Women's world cup
    2022 Women's Euros
    2022 women's U17 World cup
    2018 women u19 Euros

    Major finals
    2023 women's champions League final (4th official)
    2024 women's champions League

    FIFA list decision: Welsh should be promoted ASAP with such experience she will be a great asset to the league. Unfortunately due to her age she won't get a chance on the FIFA list

    Robert Madley
    Age 38
    Burst onto the scene by correctly sending off 3 players on his premier League debut. Madley was making good progress having refereed in Europe before he left the Premier League due to a "change to his personal circumstances"

    He has returned to the league over the last 2 seasons it will be interesting to see if he is giving the chance to return to the top level

    FIFA list decision: will need to be promoted back to the select group first but considering he has already been on FIFA list I don't think he has a chance at rejoining the list

    Sunny Singh gill
    Age 39

    Only had 1 game in his debut season and is the only referee to only get 1 game in the webb era (madley got 1 this year and 1 last year)
    It will be interesting to see if he gets promoted this year. But I really do think there a lot of referees ahead of him

    FIFA list decision: I really don't think that gill will get a chance on the FIFA list he needs to get on the premier League list first and I just think that too many referees are ahead of him

    Mathew Donoghue
    Age 35
    He had a tough time on his premier League debut needing 2 on field reviews. However he has been given a second appointment on the last day of the season

    FIFA list: I'm not sure will Donoghue will get a chance on the FIFA list as like above he will need to be appointed to sg1 and then the FIFA list within 3 years which seems unlikely

    FIFA list 2024-2025
    Michael Oliver
    1st category
    Christopher kavanagh
    Robert Jones*
    John Brooks*
    Darren England
    Andy madley
    Jarred gillet
    Stuart atwell

    New entrants
    1)Samuel barrott
    2)Thomas brammell

    Tim Robinson/Simon Hooper could be appointed but will likely miss out due to age

    Potential remain on list
    Anthony Taylor could stay on the FIFA list for an additional year but I doubt it will happen

    1. I agree with a fairly large chunk of this, however there a couple of bits I don't agree on/ are wrong:

      Obviously Taylor/Attwell aren't doing the UCL final
      Andy Madley has the FA Cup final not Attwell.

      Attwell could/should come of the FIFA referees list, he could just be a VAR easily

      No chance Gillett comes off the list, he is starting to get better appointments

      John Brooks is definitely the future of english refereeing, personally he will be better than Michael Oliver who has been really poor for a while now (based on his prior level)

      Sam Barrott won't join the FIFA list this year, he isn't even SG1 atm. Give it a year and he will.

      Im not sure on Bramall, he barely gets any PL games, and looked flustered in his first match with a big 6 side.

      No chance for Robinson/Hooper (Hooper would be a dreadful International Referee, no chance he could keep up with Mbappe etc)

      The thing I disagree with the most is about Coote as a VAR. He is absolutely shocking and has been for years, he makes mistakes constantly, he never ever intervenes. How UEFA/FIFA use him I don't know. I reckon 7/10 worst VAR decisions in the PL involve Coote.

      No chance for Tony Harrington for either VAR/Referee, he is a decent referee but too old, and he is awful as a VAR (if he made the same error in a UCL game as he did in the West Ham game the other week, he would be straight off the list)

      Bankes/Salisbury can stay on the VAR FIFA list as AVAR options to Attwell and Kavanagh

      You say Rob Jones has potential but I am not so sure, he loves a soft penalty and dishes cards round like confetti. He won't make the FIFA VAR list as he rarely does PL games as a VAR either.

    2. Sorry some of this was written before those announcements (CL &FA CUP) and I just forgot to take them out. I also didn't get certain points across well looking back.

      I completely agree that atwell should come off but don't think he will for a while as pawson and Taylor will likely leave this year.

      Gillett will stay for another few seasons I agree that he is getting better appointments. I was only saying that if he didn't start getting better appointments he could be in jeopardy however I think atwell, madley (who has had a fantastic domestic season but not as great in Europe) and England (who has had the season from hell) would probably get the chop before him.

      I have been so impressed by Brooks he is confident under pressure and incredibly accurate. I wonder has Oliver suffered maybe a lack of motivation over the past season with Taylor not as good as previous seasons. Brooks could be the one to motivate him

      I wonder could he still appear on the list. He will obviously get promoted this season. From what I remember when attwell returned to sg1 the PGMOL tried to appoint him to the FIFA list straight away but it got rejected as he didn't have enough recent experience. This season barrott has had the following matches
      15 premier League matches
      3 fa cup matches including a quarter final
      2 efl matches including a semi final
      Championship play off semi final
      League one play off final

      He has also appeared 2 times as a fourth official in euro u21 qualifying. I completely take your point that he isn't even sg1 yet but I wonder is it a case like siebert that he is considered sg1 now without having been promoted formally.

      I'm not sure with brammell either but the PGMOL will always promote the young referees to give them a chance. It's also not a great look to have spots on the list that you can't fill.

      I agree no real chance for hooper and Robinson as I said earlier age is a factor for both of them. But as the max age of new entrants has been lifted there is still technically a chance.

      I have also been surprised with cootes appointments to be honest. As I said above I never really rated him as a referee and I feel he was on the list to fill a space.

      I'm still not convinced about him as a VAR but all I was saying is that he has had an incrediblly good season as a VAR. Any season where you start not remotely in consideration and you end with appointments at the Olympics, Euros, U17 World Cup final and the Youth league final has to be seen as a terrific season. Whether these appointments are warranted is a different story but the achievement has to be acknowledged.

      With Tony Harrington I agree he is a good referee but his age is an issue. In terms of the West Ham decision I believe the PGMOL analyzed the incident on the referee show with Howard Webb and it was deemed correct.

      With bankes I wonder has he lost trust from the committee last season he received 7 appointments as VAR or AVAR however this season he only 1. He will probably stay on for another year but if he gets the same appointments is it worth him staying?

      Salisbury only received 2 VAR or AVAR appointments in the last 2 seasons with none this year. I just feel he doesn't seem to have any trust from the committee so might be dropped

      Jones I feel he has something he has progressed well but we will see if that continues. I agree he won't be a VAR

    3. Keep an eye for Andrew Kitchen, currently SG2. I’d be shocked if he doesn’t referee the FA Cup final one day

  25. According to some sources, during the Media Day at EURO course, Marcinak was the only referee not allowed by UEFA to talk, so some German juornalists who wanted to ask about Bayern game, couldn't do that. Nevertheless, I don't know how much this information is reliable. Maybe somebody from Poland can confirm.

    1. Same reported in Poland:

  26. Here the most controversial incident from Coppa Italia final:
    Possible penalty, play on, no VAR intervention.
    I think that Maresca was focused on the upper contact and based on that it's easy to assess it as play on, but what about the contact between legs, with defender's knee clearly hitting opponent?
    Enough for an OFR?
    The VAR for this game was appointed again by Rocchi today for a serie A game, important for relegation, so this should mean the NO CALL has been at least supported, or maybe even assessed as fully correct.
    Very clear penalty according to media and fans, luckily this was not crucial for the final score. This was also among the reasons why Allegri lost his head at the end of the game.

    1. Even the upper contact is a clear push and should be a penalty...

    2. What are people saying about Maresca's performance cause on social media all I see are hate comments and criticism towards him.

  27. After Orsato, here also a short interview with Guida, three questions.
    Interesting that he mentioned Massa.

    The most obvious question. Did you expect this call?
    "The answer is no, honestly no, I worked hard, game after game my goal was to get the call for a big competition. Like me, other referees deserved that, and I'm referring first of all to Davide Massa. UEFA did such choice, and this makes me proud and happy."

    When Roberto contacted you for your first European Championship, what did you think?
    "UEFA sent us a link for a video call with all the selected referees, including the Argentinian. I was at home waiting for this email with my wife and my son, the other two girls were at school, at 10:00 in the morning. I will keep the memory of this waiting all life long."

    What are the main things that Roberto asked you?
    "It's very simple, before anything else, to take decisions on the pitch, to decide with personality, an essential skill for today's referees."

  28. For the last week of the Premier League season

    Arsenal (First Team) v Everton FC (First Team)
    Premier League
    Referee: Oliver, Michael
    Assistant Referee: Burt, Stuart
    Assistant Referee: Cook, Dan
    Fourth Official: Smith, Josh
    Video Assistant Referee: Attwell, Stuart
    Additional Video Assistant Referee: Greenhalgh, Nick

    Brentford FC (First Team) v Newcastle United FC (First Team)
    Premier League
    Referee: Hooper, Simon
    Assistant Referee: Holmes, Adrian
    Assistant Referee: Long, Simon
    Fourth Official: Ward, Gavin
    Video Assistant Referee: Tierney, Paul
    Additional Video Assistant Referee: Aspinall, Natalie

    Brighton & Hove Albion FC (First Team) v Manchester United FC (First Team)
    Premier League
    Referee: Pawson, Craig
    Assistant Referee: Perry, Marc
    Assistant Referee: Meredith, Steven
    Fourth Official: Langford, Oliver
    Video Assistant Referee: England, Darren
    Additional Video Assistant Referee: Davies, Neil

    Burnley FC (First Team) v Nottingham Forest F.C. (First Team)
    Premier League
    Referee: Scott, Graham
    Assistant Referee: Cann, Darren
    Assistant Referee: West, Richard
    Fourth Official: Webb, David
    Video Assistant Referee: Bramall, Thomas
    Additional Video Assistant Referee: Smart, Edward

    Chelsea (First Team) v AFC Bournemouth (First Team)
    Premier League
    Referee: Taylor, Anthony
    Assistant Referee: Beswick, Gary
    Assistant Referee: Nunn, Adam
    Fourth Official: Doughty, Leigh
    Video Assistant Referee: Jones, Robert
    Additional Video Assistant Referee: Eaton, Derek

    Crystal Palace FC (First Team) v Aston Villa FC (First Team)
    Premier League
    Referee: Bond, Darren
    Assistant Referee: Mainwaring, James
    Assistant Referee: Taylor, Craig
    Fourth Official: Whitestone, Dean
    Video Assistant Referee: Harrington, Tony
    Additional Video Assistant Referee: Wilkes, Matthew

    Liverpool FC (First Team) v Wolverhampton Wanderers FC (First Team)
    Premier League
    Referee: Kavanagh, Christopher
    Assistant Referee: Bennett, Simon
    Assistant Referee: Robathan, Daniel
    Fourth Official: Backhouse, Anthony
    Video Assistant Referee: Coote, David
    Additional Video Assistant Referee: Ledger, Scott

    Luton Town (First Team) v Fulham (First Team)
    Premier League
    Referee: Donohue, Matthew
    Assistant Referee: Hussin, Ian
    Assistant Referee: Smith, Wade
    Fourth Official: Busby, John
    Video Assistant Referee: Bankes, Peter
    Additional Video Assistant Referee: Massey-Ellis, Sian

    Manchester City FC (First Team) v West Ham United (First Team)
    Premier League
    Referee: Brooks, John
    Assistant Referee: Betts, Lee
    Assistant Referee: Howson, Akil
    Fourth Official: Allison, Sam
    Video Assistant Referee: Gillett, Jarred
    Additional Video Assistant Referee: Wood, Timothy

    Sheffield United FC (First Team) v Tottenham Hotspur (First Team)
    Premier League
    Referee: Madley, Andrew
    Assistant Referee: Lennard, Harry
    Assistant Referee: Hopton, Nick
    Fourth Official: Nield, Tom
    Video Assistant Referee: Robinson, Tim
    Additional Video Assistant Referee: Scholes, Mark

    Key games for Brooks and Oliver, as well as important ones for Hooper and Taylor.

    FA Cup final trio get a run out together in a dead rubber.

    Graham Scott, Darren Cann, Richard West possible retirement match?

    Chris Kavanagh with Jurgen Klopp's last match.

  29. Off-Topic: What do you guys think about this handball and red card whistled in MLS?


    1. My personal opinion on the matter is that this should never be a handball. The arm is clearly not making the defender's body unnaturally bigger, and he is moving the arm away from the ball so it is clearly not deliberate. There are, at best, very slim grounds in the Laws of the Game to punish this as a handball.

      However, for context, I will share this video explaining the referee organization's (PRO's) stance on a fairly similar incident from the playoffs last year, where a player blocked a goal with an arm that was very close to his body and the VAR did not recommend a review for penalty kick:


      PRO came out in this video and said that the VAR was wrong, because the defender's "overall actions are those of a player trying to prevent a goal," and that "there is an expectation that a player who blocks the ball from entering the goal, with their arm even by their side, should be penalized for handball." I think we can assume that this precedent likely influenced the this week's handball decision.

    2. I agree, that both situations should be seen as natural arm positions and therefore not punishable.

  30. Radoslav Gidzhenov at U17EURO, too.

    So, we have Ante Čulina, Pierre Gaillouste, Radoslav Gidzhenov, Nenad Minaković, Jakob Alexander Sundberg confirmed for now.

  31. Orsato has been replaced by Guida for serie A game Udinese - Empoli, crucial for relegation. That's definitely not a good news.
    Maybe some physical issues after the EURO course?

    1. If this injury is costly and longtime that can affwct his chance for Final at Euro,we need to see who can be other options for that...

      Marciniak I doubt cause he has been in plenty headlines this season(penalty vs Newcastle, offside vs Bayern).

      Turpin for sure if France will not be in the Finals.


      Hopefully it's not big deal,but with age that he's in and number of games he has under his bag,concern for Orsato and his safe Final is there for sure.


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