Tuesday 2 July 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 Match 43: Romania - Netherlands (discussion)

Felix Zwayer in charge of Romania - Netherlands, the German referee at his thid game in the tournament. 


Game 43, Round of 16
Munich, 2 July 2024 18:00 CET
Referee: Felix Zwayer GER
Assistant Referee 1: Stefan Lupp GER
Assistant Referee 2: Marco Achmüller GER
Fourth Official: Daniel Siebert GER
Reserve Assistant Referee: Jan Seidel GER
Video Assistant Referee: Bastian Dankert GER 
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Christian Dingert GER
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Jérôme Brisard FRA
UEFA Referee Observer: Darko Čeferin SVN
UEFA Delegate: Arturs Gaidels LVA 


  1. How can someone as low-profile as Darko Čeferin be a referee observer in such important matches?

    1. Maybe he is a better observer than he was a referee. Yes, he was the first Slovenian to referee in CL group stage, but he basically blew his chances after two or three matches.

    2. Is he with that UEFA presedint related?

  2. keyNote, how many top referees are not referee observers right now. You must not be top referee, but you can be top observer. You just need to educate yourself permanent, to know football, rules, and the most important thing, to be a good communicator, and to be able to coach referees. On expamle, Vladimir Sajn is top observer, he was one of most propsective referee in YUGOSLAVIA,but decide to retire under some circumstances, never reach top international level. Wolfgang Stark was top referee,but not observer, although he have top career. The same is for Darko Ceferin! He was good referee, but he is top observer becouse of educational code that he have into himself.

  3. TV tip (mainly for Germans with MagentaTV). Benni Zander (commentator and also has a referee podcast) and Patrick Ittrich (Bundesliga referee) will commentate the match with a special focus on the referee team.
    I think it's great that we're getting more and more options like this.

  4. rare, why both goalkeepers have same shirt colour? i think grey

    1. The Dutch one is more of a turquoise color but yea they could have just used the green one they have.

    2. in far camera, both colour almost identic

    3. The ref team seems to be in orange colour shirts - the same colour normally used by the Dutch team. Could be avoided.

  5. Nothing to complain about in the first 30 minutes :-)

  6. So far the game seems Like a casual kick to the end of the season.

  7. Strange, nothing to say about Dumfries elbow? I can’t be neutral today, but I got the feeling that Netherlands are pushed a little by the ref.

    1. Then also mention the trailing leg tackle of Romanian Marin, forcing a Bergwijn substitution in halftime.

    2. but the romanian defender was changed after Dumfries elbow, and Bergwijn only in half time.

  8. Missed penalty for handball?

    1. No PK for me, ”too natural”.

    2. Though the arm was close to the body, the defender clearly threw himself deliberately in the shot and the ball directly hit the elbow.
      Supportable no call I think, but at the same time to a completely clean action.

    3. Corr: “At the same time not a completely clean action”

  9. OT:
    TBH, based on what I've heard, read, and/or been told (I made the "smart" decision to not watch these matches).
    The 2024 Copa America has exposed South American referee's and save for a select few (can be counted on one hand). The overall level of refereeing is poor. To say that CONMEBOL is only slightly behind UEFA in terms of refereeing quality is an overstatement and an outright lie.
    Combine this with the garbage that CONCACAF currently has and it's recipe for disaster in terms of officiating.
    It's unfortunate that these Confederations choose to move towards AFC and CAF instead of UEFA.

    1. UEFA has WC finals: 2010, 14, 22
      CONMEBOL: 2018

      I'm really curious if UEFA will have a final referee again, specially, that we can't see anybody outside Europe. (Elfath? Faghani?)

    2. I think due to enormous American lobby in FIFA, Elfath - after he was undeservedly given another games (and 4OF in the final) after a nightmare performance in his first game at the last WC - is already penciled in for the final...

  10. Another PK appeal 56’ from Netherlands, correctly rejected by Zwayer (a very soft and short pulling of the arm).

    1. I agree, definitely too soft for awarding a penalty.

  11. Offside and VAR intervention to disallow 0-2.

    1. Felt very clear at first glance, expected the AR to see this one.

    2. It looked quite obvious even live

    3. It wasn't obvious. Feet from both players were near each other

    4. according to the still image, very, very tight

  12. I think he is doing really well so far

  13. What are you expecting from a bribed ref? Look at this!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Was it a very poor mistake? Definetely yes. Does it has to do anything with the hoyzer scandale 20 years ago? Definitely Not!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Do you know what is said in criminology? Once a criminal, always a criminal ;)

    5. Furthermore, Dumfries's dive could've been his 2nd YC. Again... like Mourinho said 'I prefer not to speak, If I speak, I am in big trouble'

    6. Oh yes. Forgot about that.

  14. Crucial mistake. It is not a high kick. Possible goal chance ruined.

  15. 78’ YC for NED22 after slowing down play on a throw in. I think Zwayer could have potentially prevented this by whistling and telling him to start. Either way, with this potential way of solving it, the retake was very slow and was an obvious delay and therefore a correct YC.

  16. What a dive by Dumfries, Zwayer got deceived and Stanciu booked for protests. Not the best management at 81’

  17. Terrible error for a Netherlands free kick. Shame as he’s done well generally

  18. And now NED scored immediately after. Worst scenario for the German.

    1. No direct link, it would have been spoken about anyway.

    2. Yep bad scenario for Zwayer. Deceived at first and creating the YC and now Netherlands score. Although no direct link, it will be spoken about by media like @Oliver said.

    3. There was a chance of him getting away with it if ROU somehow equalised later on, now Impossible hence making his mistake even worse. Complete heartbreaker

  19. Phantom foul whistled at simulation by Dumfries, stopping a dangerous counter-attack.

    Same player dumfries who elbowed ROU #10 in min 3 and broke his head, then bodychecked ROU #22 who had to be substituted a few minutes after.

    Quite poor Zwayer, in a moderate challenging game.

    1. Quite poor Mobley in a moderate challenging comment section

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Incorrect IDFK for PIADM, depriving ROU of a dangerous counterattack, and leading to a YC for dissent. Shame for Zwayer, as it takes away from an otherwise very good performance.

    Correct KMD by AR2 that ball remained in play prior to NED's second goal.

  22. Erro feio de Zwayer ao sinalizar a falta. Poderia ser um contra-ataque da Romênia. Próximo minuto: gol holandês. Depois disso, a Euro acabou para o árbitro alemão.

  23. Overall Zwayer did well but that was a crucial mistake just a minute before the Dutch goal, he stopped potentially dangerous Romanian attack whistling imaginary foul.

  24. Two shoes inside of the penalty area when Netherlands scored 0-3. Made the Romanian keeper kick one of them away before the shot was made. What an unusual scenario to be honest.

  25. A pretty mistake, but the only one actually I think ovrtall It was satisfactory.

    1. Felt decent overall. Was a very calm and easy game so no major situations apart from two penalty appeals correctly rejected. Yellow cards all expected and sadly only thing out of the ordinary was the phantom foul whistled by Zwayer which created a YC for dissent (and indirectly lead to the 0-2 goal for Netherlands) which could put him in unnecessary media focus.

  26. While there was a minimum score, the Romanians had a chance to draw. Zwayer's completely wrong decision in the attack changed the course of the match in the next minute. What will Rossetti say about this move? Or will he get around the situation by being the referee for the host country?

    1. It was a mistake, quite a poor one indeed but you can’t enhance the single mistake by saying it took away a promising attack and indirectly creating a goal for the other side. Leave it as the only mistake in an otherwise good game from Zwayer @Lincoln.

    2. it was a pretty big mistake, that's for sure. But we don't need to exaggerate. It was a very long way to the goal, not exactly a goal scoring opportunity that was denied by Zwayer. At best a promising attack.

    3. I can understand your opinion, but on the other hand, a move like that tends to be a decisive factor in an elimination match. Otherwise, Zwayer's performance was very good.

    4. I’m with MX here, despite the (pretty clear) mistake it was nothing more than a promising attack. Some people make it look like there was a sure goal being denied…

  27. Could Zwayer get a semi- final ?

    1. IMO not a very big chance, but I wouldn't be surprised either. It depends of course on the progress of the German team. If they are out in the next round, Zwayer does have the home-nation-adventage.

    2. And Daniel Siebert? Does he have a chance in this tie or has UEFA already released him?

    3. Siebert was much better. Hopefully gets a game at QF

    4. Siebert was IMO significantly worse than Zwayer. OFR in both his matces. Especially his performance in Georgia - Czechia wasn't good at all.

  28. Regular performance by Zwayer. Satisfied with what he done at EURO 2024. In my view, he can also be happy with what he done. I suppose this is his final match at championship!

  29. The VAR protocol states that the whistle for offence can be delayed, so I wonder why this is not practiced by the referees. This was an avoidable mistake.

    Perhaps the thinking is that such cases are rare, but seeing it happen in such a big tournament may lead to a change of attitude.

    1. because referee try to make perfect judgement at that time, avoid VAR as you can.

  30. In general, I think we can say it was a good performance by Felix Zwayer, but with a rather poor mistake with the incorrect attacking foul in favour of NED whistled in 81', which somehow tarnished an otherwise fully OK performance in the eyes of the general public.

    Zwayer's foul detection was mostly good, with some nice no foul decisions (e.g. 27'). However, the most controversial incident of the match came with the mistake in this area: the incorrectly awarded foul for NED in 81' on what was actually a dive by Dumfries. Unfortunately, I cannot find clear proof of a dangerous play in the actions of the ROU player, nor was there any actual contact between him and Dumfries, which means that one bad call prevented what could have become a promising attack for ROU (certainly not OGSO!) and caused the subsequent YC for ROU captain (fully correct if analysed individually, Zwayer had to issue it to protect his authority as a referee, and players should actually learn that). A very unfortunate incident, both for Zwayer and Romania, but I agree with MX and Refwatch above that it should not be viewed as a critical error (as it led to subsequent NED goal indirectly at most, the opposing team had every opportunity to properly defend), but as a single mistake which has to be highlighted and incorporated into the final grade because of its visibility and potential of causing change in the match events.

    Disciplinary line was solid for the most part, with 4 issued YCs that helped Zwayer hold complete control over a match of normal difficulty in that regard: 67' (ROU6, SPA), 77' (NED22, really blatant DtR at a throw-in), 81' (ROU21, protest/dissent) and 90+4' (NED18, provocative celebration, with AR2 Achmüller clearly warning the offender and probably being the one to correctly report this caution). I would like to commend Zwayer for issuing a caution in 77': it was such an annoying case of DtR, with NED22 repeating the same unsporting behaviour on a number of occasions. However, I do think he actually missed a good moment to open the cards in 47', with NED6 being late on a tackle and kicking his opponent in the leg quite strongly; it was a reckless play caution missed for my taste.

    Zwayer had a number of PAIs to assess and I think he managed to solve all of them correctly: 3' (a very interesting potential illegal use of arm, but I think it was more a head-to-elbow case than the opposite); 45+4' (no penalty for ROU, without significant contact with the elbow of a NED player); 49' (an extremely interesting situation with the elbow of the ROU player "glued" to his body and no handball penalty for NED); 55' (no penalty for NED on a very soft holding). The situation in 49' is definitely worthy of some more attention: while no handball is certainly the expected decision for the reason stated above, it can also be argued that the ROU player threw himself into the trajectory of the ball and caused the subsequent contact with the elbow, thus gaining advantage of the mere biological fact that his protruding elbow actually enlarged his body surface and thus blocked the ball. It would be more than beneficial to hear an official explanation about these situations from the authorities.

    1. Two more KMIs fall into the coordination with AR2 area: VAR intervention to cancel a potential 0 - 2 by NED was a good and necessary work by the VAR crew on a really tight situation, with the feet of both players in close proximity to each other. Therefore, I wouldn't blame AR2 in this situation, it was a rather excusable mistake. On the other hand, I think he and Zwayer did very well by staying concentrated to the end and allowing the 0 - 2 goal by NED in 83', as the ball never went out of the FoP over the goal line, although it's clear that even the ROU defender expected such an outcome.

      Both ARs had a number of correct onside/offside decisions (11', 38', 74'), with AR2 Marco Achmüller clearly challenged more, by various other assessments and management issues (see the 90+4' YC to NED18). However, even without looking at the 63' VAR intervention too harshly, I do think he waved a wrong, but really tight offside of NED in 5', in a situation where it was clearly better to leave the flag down.

      Summing everything up, while I consider Zwayer's performance the least convincing in the Round of 16, I think it's still fair to assess it as an expected level performance overall, however tarnished by a rather visible mistake in foul recognition, with "visible" related to media and the general public.

  31. Here is my analysis of the game.
    It largely coincides with the observations made by Dukat 192. Apparently, our perspectives/experiences on refereeing and observation are quite similar.
    Part 1.
    0. Overall impression
    In this moderately challenging quarter-final qualification match, under the watchful eyes of UEFA's Ceferin, Zwayer stood resolute and upheld the necessary control. In my view, he made no errors that defined or influenced the match and addressed the infractions in the spirit of the game, without being overly strict. He appropriately adjusted his foul threshold as needed, keeping the game flowing, and relaxed his control where possible. IMO, he had the right "Fingerspitzengefühl" for the game. Whenever possible, he remained inconspicuous and stayed in the background for the most part.

    1. Match Management and Tactical Approach
    He managed the players adeptly and kept a firm, partly invisible, grip on the match from beginning to end. His strategic tactical chosen approach (see above) had a positive influence on the dynamics of the game.
    He enforced rules with dedication and consistency, avoiding unnecessary fuss over minor infractions. He made clear distinctions between tackles targeting the ball and those against the opponent. His "wall management" was also effective (67’), ensuring the correct distance for free kicks and facilitating the quick resumption of play. His decisions were communicated effectively, encountering minimal opposition, and he earned the players' trust as the match unfolded. (Exception 81’ see comment later)
    His body language and whistle were both effective and succinct, reflecting a composed "less is more" approach. Good decisions to deny and reject Dutch PK reclamations in 50’ and 56’ with appropriate hand/arm signalling.
    The support from both assistants was commendable, yet the offside goal by the Dutch team in 64’ should have been spotted and indicated IMO by Assistant Referee
    The interpretation of the Laws of the Game was convincing and consistent throughout the match, demonstrating keen judgment in identifying infractions such as pushing in the back, handling by an attacker, disrupting a promising attack, and taking pre-emptive measures against pushing and pulling before corner kicks (22', 42', and 90').
    He accurately identified both actual and 'imaginary' fouls without being overly critical, except at the 81’. Zwayer’'s decision to penalize the Romanian team for "high kicking" was, in my view and many others, a mistake as there was no actual foul. As a result, the Romanian player 21, who was understandably protesting, received a yellow card (YC) for dissent. This could have been avoided had the game been allowed to continue.
    While this incorrect FK decision and avoidable YC may cast a certain shadow on his overall performance, it cannot overshadow his generally respectable and good performance. In my view and many others, it was simply a mistake. Exaggerating its importance does not accurately reflect reality.

    2. Disciplinary Management
    Zwayer exhibited good concentration and alertness, acting proactively and often inconspicuously in interactions with players and officials. His early, proactive, and decisive actions set clear boundaries for acceptable behaviour, establishing expectations for the players within the first half time.
    He carried out necessary corrections with conviction and determination, fostering mutual respect and fairness. Zwayer effectively implemented a gradual disciplinary strategy, progressing from individual to public warnings before resorting to cards. (First YC in 67’)
    In this moderate challenging game, his nearly always consistent, predictable, and resolute manner ensured a fair and sportsmanlike contest.

  32. Part 2

    Card management
    A justified YC was issued to R. 7 in the 67’ for back-pushing (SPA), to N. Dumfries in the 77’ (for game delaying,) to R. 21 in 81’ (dissent) and N. Malen 94’ (provocation.) The last YC incident could have been prevented IMO with earlier and proactive intervention as the YC in 81’.
    In the 46’, it appeared IMO that a yellow card was justified when the Dutch player De Vrij (4) made a reckless tackle on an opponent. In my view, this was a missed YC.

    3. Physical Condition
    Zwayer demonstrated that he is in top physical condition, closely following the game from beginning to end. He exhibited a smooth and effective running style, which gave the impression of constant activity, fitness, and energy during the match. His readiness to stray from the diagonal route when needed guaranteed thorough supervision of the penalty areas.
    The lively pace of the game (counters) required substantial sprinting skills, which he displayed effortlessly. It was impressive to witness his sprint during a Dutch counter in the 93’.

    On the field, there was a referee who thrived in this game despite the moderate challenging disposition. He exuded such calm and conviction that he faced minimal opposition, even when making some tough calls.
    Zwayer emerged as a strong, motivated, and confident yet relaxed leader. His effective calm manner of enforcing and communicating his decisions solidified his role as the uncontested leader of the game. His predictable and transparent leadership style won him early acceptance from both teams' players and officials, with hardly any objections to his authority. (Exception 81’)
    He made decisions with assurance and poise, and his disciplinary approach was firm yet convincing, although some room for improvement (46’ missed YC). His actions were consistent, unaffected by external pressures, and he remained composed and predictable.
    Additionally, he demonstrated empathy, particularly regarding injuries and their necessary care. (21' and 32').
    It's unfortunate that the incorrect decision in the 81st minute slightly marred what was otherwise a commendable and good performance. Nonetheless, Zwayer can IMO take pride in his overall contribution to the tournament.


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