Friday, 2 August 2019

Stéphanie Frappart (FRA) in charge of UEFA Super Cup

Stéphanie Frappart has been appointed to handle 2019 UEFA Super Cup between Liverpool and Chelsea in Istanbul, Turkey. This will be first time ever for a woman in a UEFA Men's Cup Final. 

Stéphanie Frappart, after having handled 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup Final, has been rewarded with another great assignment. She will officiate the UEFA Super Cup in Istanbul.

2019 UEFA Super Cup
14/08/2019 21:00 CET, Istanbul (TUR)
Liverpool - Chelsea
Referee: Stéphanie Frappart (FRA)
Assistant Referee 1: Manuela Nicolosi (FRA)
Assistant Referee 2: Michelle O'Neill (IRL)
Fourth Official: Cüneyt Çakır (TUR)
VAR : Clément Turpin (FRA)
AVAR1 : François Letexier (FRA)
AVAR2 : Mark Borsch (GER)
AVAR3 : Massimiliano Irrati (ITA)


  1. WOW, I think no one expected this.

  2. I'm sorry but this is too much.

    1. I totally agree with you. I consider this to be unacceptable since there are many male refs who work hard to get these special games and refereed many difficult matches in UCL, EL and their home leagues. And after all their work this appointment got woman who have never refereed top male game (If I am not mistaken)
      I just would like to see reaction of public if man referee get Woman CL final for example...

    2. I agree, she should have make her debut with a CL or EL preliminaries then group stage, then KO Stage and then maybe a final just like every man... What is the point for a male referee to work hard mutiple years in European games if the finals are not rewards.

    3. Completely agree, this is too much

  3. And again political reasons.. for sure this will be a big disappointing for the men referees..

  4. Cakir is fourth official.
    Should we expect female officials in Champions and Europa League this season? Congratulations to Frappart, but I think there are some other big female names that should be appointed before Frappart (i.e. Steinhaus).

  5. I give up with predictions :) this time it was 100% impossible.
    Well, I could write a very long post about this appointment.
    For sure the first thing I can say is that it is something historical.
    Stéphanie Frappart, after having handled Women's World Cup final, will officiate Men's Super Cup. What can we expect for the future? Women in all men competitions? This is likely, but of course not sure. It is also possible that this choice is only something related to the specific game. You remember I posted the news about Italian women referees called as spectators for this match, maybe this is a campaign against discrimination and they used this game.

  6. VAR : Clément Turpin (FRA)
    AVAR1 : François Letexier (FRA)
    AVAR2 : Mark Borsch (GER)
    AVAR3 : Massimiliano Irrati (ITA)

    1. ARs are Manuela Nicolosi (FRA) and Michelle O'Neill (IRL) like during the WC.

  7. I was very curios about the referee of this game because I will be on the stadium. Honestly, I'm perplexed, this is too much. Ok, if you want to promote a women give her a game in CL or EL preliminaries, but not the UEFA SuperCup. It's Liverpool- Chelsea, a dream game for any referee, Elite or not Elite.

    1. Not to be in any way disrespectful for the achievement but the Super Cup is nothing more than a money maker for Uefa. It has no significant meaning and it's just a straight final between two teams. Nobody remembers these matches. It's like the Audi cup etc. So therefore they have used Frappart. It's just a practice match for the future. I am sure she will get CL knockout games in the future wich are way bigger than this match.

    2. Disagree, committee has taken this match pretty seriously in the past years. Best example was when Collum had a nightmare in 2015 UEFA Super Cup: in CL, he got only three moderate matches and one single KO match in EL in 2015/16. I had the impression that Collum never really recovered from that match.

    3. Agree with you) I'm also not so happy with this unexpected appointment

  8. What a surprise and I am happy for her. At the same time, Turpin will probably never have the chance to handled the Super Cup now right?

  9. OT

    Important IFAB Clarification regarding Law 16 - The Goal Kick

    1. Thanks a lot. Both topics were indeed much discussed among referees in the last weeks.

    2. If this should not be penalised then neither should a trickery back pass be during play since it never is made to waste time. Both this goal kick Benfica incident and those incidents when somebody trickery passes are ONLY for making it easier for their team so the GK can run with the ball without being contested. So either call both or neither...

  10. First of all: congratulations to Stéphanie Frappart and her team for this achievement, unique at the moment.

    This is what I think: UEFA plays here pretty much dangerous game. As I previously said: Super Cup has been taken pretty seriously by committee over the past years. If you perform well in this match, higher assignments in CL and EL will follow (e.g. Kuipers, Eriksson, Clattenburg). However, it can destroy you if things go wrong (e.g. Collum). So two possible scenarios:
    1) if everything goes well: UEFA will shine in a positive light, media will highlight their courage to appoint a female referee who did her job well in one of the most prestigious matches on the continent.
    2) if things go wrong: media will start to question why UEFA chose to appoint a referee who has never before refereed in group stage and knockout matches in Champions League and Europa League, who has only two Ligue 1 matches on her palmares (Amiens-Strasbourg + Nice-Nantes). If this single match goes wrong, Frappart will always be reduced to that match and not to other top-class performances such as the opening match of Women's Euro 2017 (Netherlands vs Norway) or most recently the Women's World Cup Final (which was easily one of the very few top-class performances at this tournament). Such a game can destroy an entire career (Collum actually never really recovered from Barcelona-Sevilla in 2015).

    Appointing female officials in male competitions is the right step, since refereeing should never be a question of gender, but rather of performances. But the same rules should apply to everyone: they should start EL, to ascend in CL, and so on. Performances should count, not gender: and this is what UEFA totally misses here in my opinion. Mateu Lahoz, Turpin and Hategan have every reason to be frustrated in my view.

    But: as usual, I'm with the refereeing team, so I hope for a good performance by Team Frappart in Istanbul.

  11. Strong reason behind is definitely promotion if women football as you can see from this words: As I have said on several occasions, the potential of women's football has no limits. I am delighted that Stephanie Frappart will be in the UEFA Super Cup together with assistants Manuela Nicolosi and Michelle O'Neal, "said Uefa Slovenian President Alexander Ceferin on this occasion.

  12. Lmao. Unexpected.

    Congratulations and good luck.

  13. I wish her luck, but I don't think it's a good appointment. Since when are two matches at the highest level enough to get one of the three big finals? Two years ago, we all considered Turpin not experienced enough, and at that moment he had done all big matches in France. Frappart never did any such game. That means she can only lose. If she does well, it was a deserved appointment, if she fails it will be a faillure for female refereeing.

    Than again - if the likes of Jon Moss can do it...

  14. But it's kinda stupid. So much male refs who work hard for accepting the appointment for such a big game, and finally we have what we have...

  15. IMO, this is sad for her. She has been appointed not for her merits in men's football (as has, for instance, Guadalupe Porras Ayuso, who has just been promoted to LaLiga as AR after going through all male categories), but for her gender. She has a lot of merits in women's football, but very few in men's. UEFA has taken a bypass with this appointment. As other have said, if the final objective is to have a unique list, and not one for each gender, why don't they start with preliminary EL or CL matches, or even with EL/CL group stage matches? Why directly a final? How has she been compared to her male colleagues in order to determine who has performed better and thus deserves an appointment for a final? Of course then you might agree or disagree with the weight of the factors, but at least a comparison is made. Here, my impression is that this appointment is exclusively gender based, and I find that sad.

    1. One must say that this appointement is unexpexted but not undeserved. She is probably the referee who performed the best in Europe this year, men and women alike.

      However, I must say that many male referees deserved it much more (e.g. Cakir, Hategan or even Turpin), but I don’t think that this appointment is exclusively based on gender : performances too.

    2. The question is whether you can compare men's football with women's football. If not, then the experience of Frappart is very limited, having only officiated games in Ligue 2 and two appearances in Ligue 1. She must for sure train in this "new world".

    3. +1. This appointment is unfair for Cakir, Lahoz and other male referees.

  16. Performances in which competitions? French Ligue 1 (2 games), UEFA qualifying games either CL or EL?
    If games are awarded entirely on ability then men should be appointed on the womens competitions too. Will we see a man referee womens champions league?

  17. Best option is this game with two English teams, they don't care about refereeing, and mostly you have fair matches. Also, level of PL officiating is very low, so they wont complain for sure!
    With teams from other countries? I would have had doubts about Frappart's appointment! Do you agree?

    1. Maybe I contest the word "very" but I absolutely agree with your words.

      On a more general note, I can't agree more with Stake and George said; of course though, all the officiating team have my best wishes.

      Stéphanie Frappart carries on her shoulders much, much more than just her own career; the course of female referees in the future might just have differed between her first whistle and her last.

    2. low instead of very low

  18. Off topic question but does anybody know whether there are referee categories in other confederations than UEFA? If no, have there been any in the past?

  19. We have women's champions league, women's world cup, if women are appointed for the preliminary round of EUL and Cl, they will participate in men's Europe competitions, men's domestic leagues, men's world cup?(if this goes on like that), women's Europe competitions, women's domestic competitions and women's international competitions, everything except international competitions happens at the same time, that means when a woman referee gets a men's match, she will miss a women's match, it sounds to me more like men's discrimination rather than human tolerance. You should have strong argument for such a decision.
    The thing with tolerance is somehow useless, because it is about working together in community, it would be for tolerance if a woman played in men's team. Moreover referees are not one from all(not ordinary human being), you can be referee if you are not one from all, yes there is referee team, but this team is not community, because should protect the community (same with the police for example). So if you want to show tolerance to the world, you should do it with footballers.
    Anyway, there are two big probabilities if we talk about the future of such an appointments, not one match: either women referees are too good for women's football, or lack of men's quality refs, first one does not offer much support, second is huge motivation for the younger refs, which got devastated at least witha bit with such nominations, they are referees, you can see them smiling and kind, but something inside them has changed, they can be kicked out only because of their gender.
    It is out of question that woman can deal with men, but there are biological differences, it will be interesting to see how Frappart's ARs will keep with the speed of Mane and Salah.
    The funny thing about women's discrimination is that it is temporary, if that is punishment, when discrimination is gone the women should be kick out.
    This is a big decision, which should be supported with really strong arguments.
    The best way to solve this matter would be to organize a meeting between top men's referees, top women's referee, top coaches and top footballers,speaking out their voices and reaching a decision.

    1. Your comment on keeping pace is remarkably patronising given that Sian Massey has been one of the top assistants in England for a number of years

    2. Agreeing about her quality, her concentration mostly, but had a wealthy scheduled matches. She has two derbies till now, with only the second sonorous - Liverpool against Everton, whereas Toffees had good deep defensive line, I can say as expected
      The only tense match with high offside trap I know she had is Southampton - Arsenal 3:2, with Arsenal poorly defending. She looked well, but that match is not enough to call her Sian Pacey-Keeper.

    3. Mind you the arsenal vs Southampton was a match that some male ARs would fail remarkably but she got all crucial decisions excellently. She has kept pace with the prem hence can be called Sian Pacey-keeper

    4. Cannot be that with only one testing match.

  20. This is just too much.

    IMO Lahoz should have been in charge,as this will be rare oportunity in which he could have handled the match.

    This is just wrong.

    Women should stick to womens football,men to men's.
    End of story.

    1. And a woman still have to cook while her husband watchs tv with a beer ? Come on, you are so ridiculous...

    2. Wrong comparison. As there are no women in men's football teams, there should be no women in men's refereeing. Or they should earn that by going the way step by step. In this case, it's nothing different to leftist ideology, if you ask me.

  21. Just to state in context that she has no champions league final to her name but that's a result of Lyons dominance and no short comings on her part. But I am totally in agreement of women officiating in men's game but there are more female refs out there more befitting of such an honour if the match was decided to be refed by a woman also. Good luck to her. Now I can't wait for CL appointments to begin from playoff round

  22. This is a joke. Robbed some highly qualified mens refs for some publicity stunt. Çakir deserved this in his own city. He has done 100x more for football than Frappart will ever do.

    1. Terrible decision..Not a fair decision. Frappart has not been the best female ref in the last few year. In addition to this, she has no experience in officiating high profile games. Inexplicable decision. One of the most controversial appointments in the last few years. What is the point of using 4 Vars? I think the idea of adding more Vars makes football less exciting. Adding more technology would not help an inexperienced ref on key areas such as controlling players and letting the match flow.

  23. Some infos and photos about the Pre-season Preparation Course in Croatia:

  24. Clarification: Law 16, The Goal Kick
    02 AUG 2019

    This year’s changes to Law 16 – The Goal Kick have often led to the game being restarted quickly and positively but there are two situations which have generated questions from across the football world which we would like to clarify.

    1. Goalkeeper ‘lifting’ the ball to a team mate who heads/chests it back to the goalkeeper

    There has been much debate about whether, at a goal kick, the goalkeeper is permitted to ‘lift’ the ball to a team mate to head or chest it back to the goalkeeper to catch and then put into play. The views of technical and refereeing experts about whether this is within the ‘spirit’ of the Laws is divided so the matter will be discussed by The IFAB. Until then, this practice should not be permitted nor should it be penalised. If it occurs the referee should order the goal kick to be re-taken (but without any disciplinary action).

    2. Opponent in the penalty area when a goal kick is taken

    Law 16 requires all opponents to be outside the penalty area until the goal kick is taken and if an opponent remains inside or enters the penalty area before the kick is taken and plays, challenges or touches the ball, the goal kick is retaken.

    However, Law 16 also applies the ‘quick’ free kick principles outlined in Law 13 – Free Kicks, 3. Offences and sanctions that if any opponents are in the penalty areas because they did not have time to leave, the referee allows play to continue.

    In practical terms, this means that referees should manage goal kicks (and defending team free kicks in their own penalty area) in the same way as they manage free kicks:

    - Unless the kick is taken quickly, opposing players should be required to be outside the penalty area and remain outside until the kick has been taken.

    - If the kick is taken quickly and an opponent genuinely did not have time to leave the penalty area, the opponent may not interfere with or prevent the taking of the kick but may intercept the ball once it is in play. This is allowed because the defending team, as at a quick free kick, tried to gain an advantage by taking the kick quickly and if this ‘goes wrong’ the Law is not there to ‘save’ them.

    - Players who deliberately remain inside or enter the penalty area before the kick is taken should not gain an unfair advantage, even if the kick is taken quickly.

    If an opposing player commits an offence (as outlined above) the goal kick is retaken; there is no disciplinary sanction unless the offence occurs a number of times (persistent misconduct).

    Referees are skilled at managing 9.15m at free kicks and they should apply these skills and principles to the management of goal kicks and defending team free kicks in their own penalty area.

  25. Thanks @Nathan M. for the link!

    Some interesting things: the training kits and the boots they wear are still Adidas, as is also the polo (is that word the english one too? Google says so). So, what is the actual relation that UEFA has with both Macron and Adidas? Is Macron just for match kits and Adidas for everything else?

    Another thing that makes me suspicious is the photo with all Elite referees. Who are in the center? Yes, Mateu Lahoz and Clément Turpin, who have been reported in the Supercup prediction post as the main candidates for the UCL/UEL finals this year by some readers. Very curious, IMO.

    1. BTW, Nike also makes an appearance in the form of training bibs.

    2. Being in the centre doesn't imply anything. It was just there and the picture was taken

    3. Nike is official sponsor od CFF, Croatian football federation. This is why Nike bids are on the pictures

    4. Why is Benoit Bastien absent from that picture ?

    5. Very easy to guess, you watched his game today :)
      He is in China now so he had to leave the meeting before other officials.

    6. Yes you’re right ;)

    7. Indeed, Benoît Bastien was authorize to not participate to the Course in Croatia due to the Trophée des Champions game in China ;)

  26. A very unexpected, undeserved and unacceptable appointment. It is clear that Frappart got this appointment only because she is a woman. UEFA decided to appoint a woman and they did. Yes, Frappart is one of the best female referees in the world. The deserved WWC final appointment proves that. But does she deserve this appointment more than everyone else? No and no. She isn't that outstanding to get a WWC final and then a Super Cup in one year.
    If a female referee deserves the Super Cup most, appoint her. If it's a male referee, appoint him. Don't take the gender into account! What I want to say is that it would be totally fine if Frappart deserved this appointment more than everyone else (considering both men, both women). But she definitely doesn't deserve it more than Cakir or Mateu Lahoz or even some other names (also other female referees are strong concurrents). Appointments must be made based on performances! Gender must not be a factor!
    I have always respected and I will always respect the equality of genders. With this appointment UEFA clearly disrespects all gender equality norms and puts women ahead of men. Sad to see that the organisation that should be promoting equality in football is disrespecting it. Unacceptable!
    Anyway, good luck to all the match officials!

  27. Although a more careful approach would be wise maybe, introducing women refs first in group stage CL and EL, then maybe some KO game and in few years supercup, the decision was made and we can only wish all the best to Frappart.

  28. What a load of BS been written here. Football has always been the slowest kid in the class. Lots of sports have seen refs of another gender, officiating matches. And mostly they do fine or even better. If you are the reff thinking you should be there, than it is simple, you were not good enough...period. A woman beat you to it and good on her. Now she could fail, she could do well, but so could the next best male reff. Don't just give her a chance, give the whole concept a chance.


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