Thursday 20 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 Match 17: Denmark - England (discussion)

Second game at EURO for Soares Dias, he is in charge of Denmark - England. 

Game 17, Group C
Frankfurt, 20 June 2024 18:00 CET
Referee: Artur Soares Dias POR
Assistant Referee 1: Paulo Soares POR
Assistant Referee 2: Pedro Ribeiro POR
Fourth Official: Mykola Balakin UKR
Reserve Assistant Referee: Oleksandr Berkut UKR
Video Assistant Referee: Tiago Martins POR
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Alejandro Hernández Hernández ESP
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Juan Martínez Munuera ESP
UEFA Referee Observer: Nicola Rizzoli ITA
UEFA Delegate: Konul Mehtiyeva AZE


  1. Was there a foul on Tripier at 7'? Looked like a simulation

  2. Unsure about the offside whistled at 12'.

  3. The only reliable British Airline so far are the English players. 3 weak dives with subsequent complaining towards Dias within 15 minutes...

    1. Yes, so far the english players are complaining, hopefully Soares Dias won't be affected

  4. Foul at 21' overseen before offside

  5. Correct YC at 27, I also think he was correct not to give anything for Denmark just before

  6. Pedro Proença supports Artur Soares Dias in the stands :)

  7. For me, unmarked foul on Højbjerg before the foul called on Saka. Artur Dias needs to pay more attention.

  8. Wrong throw in awarded to England then a Denmark goal

  9. Thats really poor no advantage played there for Denmark

  10. 31 minutes Wrong corner kick given to Denmark, referees make this mistake a lot in this tournament

  11. It will be even more challenging second half. Dias should rise to the occasion

  12. Very unfortunate missed advantage to Denmark there. Dias almost apologising to the Danish player.
    But good to see his is not falling for the theatrics of English players

  13. Another dive. Dias is falling for it sometimes...

  14. Which referees will now leave the Euro after the group stage?

    1. Way too early to say considering not all officials have refereed a game!!
      I would expect Letexier, Nyberg & Eskas to potentially leave at this stage due to the Olympics

    2. That's possible, but I don't hope so. They should have the same chances to "qualify" for a R16/QF by good performances like everybody else.

    3. I'd be very surprised if Letexier doesn't get a KO match

    4. Judging by their first match and if they continue in this form, I hope they do stay.

  15. Correct YC for ENG16 (stamp)

    1. Minutes later he had another risky tackle

  16. The state of the field of play is making this match more difficult for Dias.

  17. Not a foul in my opinion on 80' !

  18. Dias giving everything to England

  19. YC given at 89' seemed a bit harsh ( Or maybe I didn't see clearly )

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. The worst performance of a referee in euro 2024 goes to Artur Soares Dias a one side calls a lots of easy yellows to danemark and no yellow for the same fault to england players and not giving advantage for a clear attack play for danemark the Portuguese deserve to be dropped

    1. Didn't watched the match,but that's quite a statement.

      Imo,so far Guida had the weakest performance.

    2. Guida was Mid for me but dias was to inconsistent specially in term of giving yellow cards and a lot of soft calls to england if it was a big game it will be a disaster for him

  22. Dias controlled the game well, but I'm not impressed with how he just interrupted the flow of the second half with the constant whistling. Giving everything in favour of England, including harsh yellow cards to Denmark.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Inconsistent and to a good degree frustrating. So nothing new. (YC given in 87' but not for excessive holding in 90' is the best example.)

  25. For me the performance of Soares Dias was fine, probably 1 harsh YC to Denmark and a few wrong whistling towards the end, but it was solid enough. Even though the game was clearly an easy one. I think he'll get a Ro16 or a QF if he is lucky.

  26. On the day of its second match of Euro 2024, Serbia threatens to leave the competition if measures are not taken against the insults that occurred from the stands during the Croatia-Albania match played yesterday. The general secretary of the Serbian Football Federation, Jovan Šurbatović, raises his voice to demand a sanction against both teams.

    Serbia denounces that in the 59th minute both fans chanted some chants inciting violence. Specifically what they are complaining about is "killing, killing, killing the Serb".

    Given the seriousness of the issue, Jovan assured that he could withdraw the team from the European Championships if the incidents are not adequately sanctioned: "What happened is scandalous and we will ask UEFA for sanctions, even if this means not continuing in the competition. If UEFA does not will punish them, we will think about how to proceed."


    That's very interesting mostly because Jovan Šurbatović is a UEFA delegate himself, but it seems he doesn't have problems in sending such address to UEFA. I can't imagine an Italian official also involved in UEFA, doing that. Here there isn't all this attention regarding such events, but obviously it is up to the sensitivity of a people and I can't say anything against the Serbian request. We'll see how things will continue.

    1. It's incredible that no one from officials reacted during the match for this political chants! More incredible is that instead of supporting your national team in very important game - you chant: "Kill, kill, kill the Serb". What heads... Moreover, Croatian fans chanted "Serbs on the willows" (Srbe na vrbe), meaning that Serbs should be hanged. Also, there were messages on the banners "FCK SRB" an so on, and no one reacted!
      Today, before and after the game Serbian and Slovenian fans showed how fans should behave, they chanted together, drank together even sang old popular Yugoslavian (from famous Croatian band) song "It's so good to se you again" and many others... Many great videos and pictures from the streets of Munich, also from the stadium where they rooted for their national teams without provoking anyone.

    2. Nole How’s the officials meant to be focusing on chants from the crowd? Especially in unfamiliar languages

    3. The same classless and uneducated Serb fans who launched garbage projectiles at the Slovenian players anytime there were near them taking a throw in or corner kick?
      Worry about policing yourselves before you point fingers and whine about others.

  27. Good performance by Soares Dias. Congrats to him!

  28. The worst performance of a referee in euro 2024 goes to Artur Soares Dias a one side calls a lots of easy yellows to danemark and no yellow for the same fault to england players and not giving advantage for a clear attack play for danemark ine the fisrt half the Portuguese deserve to be dropped , this euro referee are giving the edge and protecting a lot big names and big football nation in term of calls there no balance at all

  29. Very good performance of Dias. Geekdeep is a person that is not necessary on this type of blog.. It looks like a poor person that have a bad mission.

    1. Anpicor Learn to have an opinion and stop 👅👅👅👅referees ', this is a blog where we share our honest reaction its not a fan page for yr favorite referee stop being annoying and start to have a real opinion anpicor

  30. I liked the performance of Dias. The English players and Yussuf Poulsen all felt gravity very strongly today, and foul identification therefore was very difficult. Overall, he did well in a game that was not easy.

  31. Frankly, I am far from being so critical about Dias's performance like some users. IMO, it was a good performance generally, with some minor issues I will try to address, but far from bad.

    Foul detection was mostly OK for me, although with some inconsistencies and somewhat easy fouls given to England towards the end of the 2H. He definitely missed a foul for DEN in 68' (Gallagher on Hojbjerg), which can serve as a good example for my previous statement if compared to some fouls given to England. Game flow could have been interrupted less, but his chosen line was mostly followed, at least for my taste. Of course, it's difficult not to mention the missed advantage for DEN in 37', it was a certain blackout in game reading for sure.

    In the disciplinary aspect, I am actually quite satisfied with his line and YCs given. Although some commenters don't agree, all the cautions given were correct for my taste, including those for Denmark late in the match (73' and 87'). However, certain inconsistency can be observed here as well, with a missed YC for DEN in 90', for an essentially same type of offence like in 87'. This was a pretty bad miss, honestly.

    Taking everything into consideration, it was mostly a good performance for my taste, with some complaints I presented, but I don't consider them to be so major, to be honest. Both ARs with a correct performance, although I cannot assess if there was a wrong offside by AR2 in 12' from the available replays, but it was certainly a very tight one.

  32. Soares Dias, the epitome of the "play on play on, nothing there" referee. The "you're not bleeding and it's not broken, so no foul" referee.
    Yet he inexplicably is unable to recognize clear advantage situations.
    Soares Dias is so far away from the elite level of a Facundo Tello.

  33. Anpicor Learn to have an opinion and stop 👅👅👅👅referees ', this is a blog where we share our honest reaction its not a fan page for yr favorite referee stop being annoying and start to have a real opinion

  34. IMO Soares Dias performed under average, his officiating lacked a consistent line of foul detection, he tended to decide in favour if England in the last 20 minutes, wasn't really accepted on the field, was struggling to keep control. On the positive side: Mostly correct disciplinary actions and an absolute acceotable first half. But I would not like to see him in charge of a deciding match.

  35. Highlights:

  36. Can we get all the video clips of the games please?


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