Wednesday 26 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 Match 35: Georgia - Portugal (discussion)

Swiss referee Sandro Schärer will officiate Georgia - Portugal as second game in the tournament. 


Game 35, Group D
Gelsenkirchen, 26 June 2024 21:00 CET
Referee: Sandro Schärer SUI
Assistant Referee 1: Stefan Lupp GER 
Assistant Referee 2: Bekim Zogaj SUI
Fourth Official: Mykola Balakin UKR 
Reserve Assistant Referee: Oleksandr Berkut UKR 
Video Assistant Referee: Fedayi San SUI
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1:Willy Delajod FRA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Jérôme Brisard FRA
UEFA Referee Observer: Frank De Bleeckere BEL
UEFA Delegate: Iveta Bankova BUL


  1. So, Portugal is in blue and the refs are in blue.. OK!

  2. Ronaldo should be careful, could get sent off if he continues with this type of behaviour.

    1. Agree,but some refs can be quick on the cards when someone is protesting to them,even if it's team captain.

  3. 27 min How on EARTH it's not a penalty for ronaldo a cleaaaar pull on the shirt, Sandro Schärer with very bad position on the pitch didn't not notice it and Fedayi San on var didn't have the courage to call for a OFR This inconsistency in calling penalties in today's football is flagrant we watched the last world cup where argentina had very sooft penalties even the final one from marciniak i realy dont understand it

    1. Yeah clear pen. Its their last game for sure in this tournament. The way he is on the field of play is trash I agree with you too

    2. Well Last night it was more blatant PK for Serbia for pulling the shirt from behind and nothing! What a disgrace! These errors are very significant: Serbia is out, manager will be fired, potential problems in the squad and on relation manager-players - everything because referee has blackout and VAR didn't intervene! This already happened for Serbia in famous match in WC2018 when Brych didn't whistle blatant PK for foul again against Mitrovic!!!

  4. 34 min cleeear foul for potugal not called by Fedayi San with a veeeery bad positioning in the pitch one more time very bad 35 min for the referee even if it supposed to be a easy match

  5. Missed foul and probably YC for POR13 for striking.

  6. Definetly not a penalty. Very short and light pulling. We have seen much worse in this regard this tournament. The YC for dissent afterwards is not debatable.

    1. So if a player grab another player in PA for about 6sec its definetly not a penalty for Jonas..gtfo "very light pulling", its a clear strong grab Smh not debatable Unless U swiss ofc

    2. @Costello Do you feel like it’s justifiable using those words against a respectable member of this blog? Shameful to be honest, I agree with Jonas here that it’s NEVER a penalty.

    3. @MX what words? .. (gtfo(?)) give me a break cmon

  7. 38min cleaar elbow from danielo to Georgia player a clear one and apossible yellow caes not called by Fedayi san i think with all my respect this referee in not in elite level to have games in euro

  8. 38min cleaar elbow from danielo to Georgia player a clear one and a possible yellow card not called by Fedayi san i think with all my respect this referee in not in elite level to have games in euro

  9. YC for dive,but there was contact with legs?
    If anything no call...

  10. Refereeing Portugal, especially when they are losing, is always difficult. They build pressure on the referee
    So far, has done well. Ronaldo YC then the dive - brave AND correct

  11. The worst 45 min presentation from a referee in euro 2024 goes to Sandro Schärer bad calls bad position on the pitch missed pen missed 2 yellow cards and all of that for a supposed easy game the last match for him in this euro

    1. There is no way you are neutral here

    2. Stop trying to forge a narrative. Scharer is doing great so far. If Letexier, Orsato, Turpin can get away with blunders, why should Scharer be sent home when he's not committed any crucial So far, Scharer doing very well, actually, by the standards of refereeing at this Euro.

    3. Its the way he are in the field of play, worst than him only Manzano but yeah idgf really.. many mistakes have already been swept under the carpet in this Euro, so this is just another one..

    4. I am really tired of all the teamfans talking trash here, not even trying to stay neutral. Maybe one should exclude some of them from the page, esp. when they argue as aggressive as we had to read it here again. @Costello, you should at least apologize!!!

  12. Good YC for another Portuguese dive. Shameful the way they're playing, honestly. Good no-call on the penalty situation too.

    Tough and intense first half, got most things correct but lots of pressure on Schärer in second half after constant complaints from Portugal.

  13. Well done Scharer. YC for simulation was very brave and spot on. Portugal tactic will not change if they are still losing, and Ronaldo has to be careful, getting closer to a second yellow

  14. So far, I agree that this was a good performance. A very hot second half might he ahead, a big test for Schärer is coming

  15. I feel that this blog is gettind more and more biased to referee even if they are wrong when the lotg is clear no need to defend the wrong call the ronaldo incident is a cleaaaar pen for portugal a clear grab on the shirt that stopped the player from moving to the ball if this kind of incident is not called penalty its rugby then so please stop saying Bs

    1. It's all about opinions. I don't understand why some people must always look for something behind. Do you think all people can agree on everything?

    2. You don't exactly seem unbiased with your comments about "veeeeery cleeeeear" penalty.

      The shirt grab is obvious but it's the fact that he has no issue staying up during the worst tugging, and then sits down when the chance is over that makes it obvious he's looking for the penalty.

    3. Your not wrong chefren all people can have they're own opinion BUT i loved this blog when it was all facts and clear opinion with basic logic but for this Euro its getting more and more a fanpage blog for referees I'm very sure that if the ref called it a penalty the same people who said that he had a good half will say the same thing and defend the decision and this kind of opinions is Bs with all my respect

    4. MQ you have to separate the bad attitude from ronaldo and the clear penalty you can say all you want about the bad attitude but with lotg when yr doing a fault you get called for it if we go by yr logic the goal cancelled in france Netherlands game have to be a goal because the goalkeeper didn't have a chance to catch it BUT the law is clear so the attitude is not enough to not call the right decision

  16. Three simulations at the tournament so far, all three from Portugal.
    That's not good for them, absolutely poor image.

    1. Not that deep, from the moment Guida gave the first one, everyone fell on Portugal tbh. If it were any other team, Refs be all over them too..

    2. Also one simulation YC in ALB-SPA (Nyberg).

  17. It seems to me that Geekdeep is rather one-sided. Anyone who writes such heated comments against the referee in such a short space of time lacks the objectivity that is cultivated on this blog. I see a calm and determined Schärer who is not afraid of big names and consistently sets the bar. If he can be criticised for anything, it's the missed yellow card for Danilo in minute 38.

    1. What do you think about the decision not to caution Dalot (for SPA) in 35'? Thought it looked like a certain YC at first but you could argue it wasn't "promising enough".

    2. I think the point is that if he whistled a penalty it wouldn't have been wrongly awarded too tbh.. He grabbed in PA for like 6sec..

  18. Adriapadri for me you seems like a 👅 referee here and given a lot of bad takes in a short space of time lacks the objectivity and not the unbiased that is is cultuvated in this blog

  19. Scharer doing very well so far. Portugal are arguably the hardest team for a referee but Scharer is keeping his cool with excellent authority and foul detection.

    Maybe a missed YC for Dalot. Other than that, one of the best performances from a ref at Euro 2024 in a quite challenging game.

  20. Never ever easy to referee Portugal, and Scharer performing very well so far. Not allowing dissent and really sharp detecting simulation.

  21. Btw, excellent YC to Neto for simulation!

  22. Clear penalty now for Georgia

  23. A clear missrf penlaty for georgia in 52 min the referee miss a second clear penalty i the same match I'm on my same fisrt opinion The worst performance by a referee in euro 2024 and a missef yellow card from protesting by Georgia like he did by ronaldo

    1. Come off it! Seriously?? Your intention is too obvious. I wonder why your comments haven't been deleted yet.

    2. Man, what an agenda against Scharer. The PK is not that manifest, I can accept it but play on wouldn't be scandalous.

    3. True, and the way he says NO with the hand when the contact occurs Hahahah and then the VAR calls xd.........trash

    4. @Geekdeep @Costello Your comments tonight on this blog about Scharer has been disgraceful. No clue why they haven’t been removed yet.

    5. Look at this opinions PK is not that manifest, I can accept it but play on wouldn't be scandalous HOW ON EARTH is this logic there is a cleeeear laws that have to be respected the way he waived his hand like he is sure about the decision the the walk of shame to ofr to call it he is BAAAAAAD asf stop defend the clear thing

    6. @MX not that deep..idgf about his calls its the way he is in field of play that is something i see in G2..

    7. Actually, this PK is a hazy situation, nothing to do with real blunders from Turpin, Tello or Letexier. Those are really clear, this one not at all as I think some might find it a soft contact.

  24. Thta's a penalty kick for Georgia, indeed.

  25. A clear missed penalty for georgia in 52 min the referee miss a second clear penalty i the same match I'm on my same fisrt opinion The worst performance by a referee in euro 2024 and a missef yellow card from protesting by Georgia like he did by ronaldo thankfully the vard referee saved it by an ofr but seriously Sandro Schärer is bad in positioning how on earth he is an elite referee

    1. Please, have your opinion, but keep the respect.

  26. Totally wrong intervention. I was hoping Scharer would stick with his initial call

    1. Completely agree. Very minimal contact. I don't think enough for a foul, but clear and obvious? No. There have been two or three questionable VAR decisions this tournament, I think fewer and fewer choices for the committee in the later matches

    2. Bad decision from VAR indeed. Not clear, not obvious. Scharer got it right but once he goes to the screen he has grounds to overturn his decision.

  27. Why he didn't give a yellow card for georgia player for the same attitude of protesting that ronaldo did

  28. I am also not convinced about the penalty kick. I think the attacker is very much exaggerating the contact and I would not have blamed Schärer if the sticked with his initial decision. But of course, defender misses the ball and hits/touches the attacker so probably better not to overcomplicate things.

  29. Penalty for Georgien, compare no penalty for Serbia yesterday. Good Night!!

  30. Manzano vs Sandro, to see who's the worst in the way they approach pitches - gestures - the way they stand..Comitee need to teach them something in this points tbf..

  31. Why ofr this contact I can’t understand Var…
    (min contact even not pen IMO)
    Shcarer need to stay with his initial decision but maybe a lot of pressure as a young ref

  32. 59 min georgia is playing rugby to defend against portugal attackers a lot grab and push in the penalty zone and the swiss referee is watching it BRAVO

    1. Serioisly, this is getting way too embarrasing from this person. And I am accused of using offensive language!!

    2. Seriously go get a life and free of speech and stop crying over another men opinion

  33. I notice the creche has been conveened on the bench. Good management, he was going to get sent off

    1. Saying creche to a legend of the game is Mid to be honest specially when england team is the most diving and protesting team in this tournament with foden

    2. I have never condoned bad behaviour by England (Foden rightly got YC last night)
      However, for all his brilliance, CR7 is petulant, aggressive, demanding and if he doesn't get his way, childish - as demonstrated many times during his spell in PL

  34. I wonder if Schaerer was closer to this incident (although he was unblocked and in good angle to see it), would he 1) sell his decision better (whatever it may be - no foul or PK) and 2) make the same call?

  35. 72' no foul imo, incorrect suggestion by AR1

  36. The situation with OFR is very difficult to describe. If we look at the action as it happened, and a reaction expected by referee, one should always say: "100% penalty, very clear penalty", but the replay shows that the contact is absolutely close to minimal. But, as some of you already wrote, if we consider all the rest, apart from the intensity of the touch, very expected decision by referee, and Schaerer would have maybe made better in whistling it? What do you think?

    1. When the contact occurs, he signals with his hand "NO" and his facial expression erodes the gesture, moments later he sees the shot with a side camera that shows mini contact and already blows the PK whistle. This way of changing decisions in a few minutes is too embarrassing, it seems to be conditioned to the old story of the VAR calling - I have to agree 100% with him.. -

    2. Chefren I hope you would agree with me, as we seem to have similar views on VAR (only OFR if absolutely blatant and expected) - this is never enough for a review. Imo, not even a foul, too minimal contact to justify the Georgia player going down like that

  37. I'm sorry but what is VAR doing getting involved in that, attacker has exaggerated contact clearly by the way he has flung himself in the air. Ridiculous intervention.

  38. Last match for Sandro Schärer congrats for the worst performance by a ref in euro and good luck at Switzerland cup no champions league or elite cup materiel

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. You know what? If Turpin, Orsato or Letexier are appointed in last 16, then Scharer should get a QF match.

    Quite challenging game, I can only see a minor mistake - missed YC for Dalot in 1st half.

    Consistent foul detection, showed authority, did not bow to POR's pressure, punished simulation, kept his cool when things got heated.

    As for VAR review, I think, like many here, Scharer got it absolutely right in the first place, but of course, once he goes to pitchside monitor, he can give the PK too.

    All in all, a positive surprise to be honest.

    1. According to rumours, Orsato is in the home.

      Possible QFs:

      Wow. To be honest, if we take a possible temperature of these matches, only Makkelie is safe choise (if we exclude Orsato and Marciniak).

      To be honest, commitee should remember a case of Brych in 2021 (after poor match Portugal-Belgium) and with lack of option he will be needed and he get two another matches (specially Spain-Italy in SF).

    2. What's the source indicating Orsato is already home?

  41. My predictions for Round of 16:
    SUI-ITA: Soares Dias
    GER-DEN: Oliver
    ENG-SVK: Tello
    ESP-GEO: Letexier
    FRA-BEL: Vincic
    POR-SVN: Meler
    ROM-NED: Manzano
    AUT-TUR: Nyberg

    1. Tell? You should take performances into account.

    2. With the winner of Fra v Bel facing the winner of Por v Slov, I would not suggest Vincic appointed to this game.

    3. Letexier? You should take performances into account.

    4. Can't say anything about Tello but Letexier didn't perform badly in my opinion. He derserves a KO match.

    5. Letexier? He missed the most obvious PK of the tournament (Mitrovic).

    6. Tello and Letexier being allowed to continue after SCO X HUNG and SER X DEN would be absolute joke!

    7. My R16 predictions
      SUI-ITA: Marciniak - Kovacs - Kwiatkowski, Frankowski, van Boekel
      GER-DEN: Oliver - Vincic - Attwell, Coote, Delajod
      ENG-SVK: Tello - Nyberg - Hernandez, Martinez, Popa
      ESP-GEO: Soares Dias - Letexier - Martins, Dingert, Irrati
      FRA-BEL: Makkelie - Siebert - Dieperink, van Boekel, Dankert
      POR-SVN: Taylor - Kruzliak - Attwell, Coote, Fritz
      ROU-NED: Turpin - Schärer - Brisard, Delajod, Dingert
      AUT-TÜR: Orsato - Guida - Irrati, Popa, Martins

    8. Why was my comment deleted?? Frankly speaking, this is embarrassing.

      I just said it would be beyond comprehension to allow Tello and Letexier to continue following their blunders in SCO X HUN and SER X DEN.

    9. @Philipp S do you think Meler will go straight to the quarter-finals or is it over for him?

    10. Philipp S Tello with another British team after Scotland game is not very clever I don’t think.. The rest I can agree with, although Dias should be out

    11. Over, because I wasn't too convinced by his performances (general foul detection and I would have preferred no penalty for AUT) - only average level for me. Together with his relatively little experience not enough for a KO game IMO.
      However given the more positive reviews here, an appointment wouldn't really surprise me, maybe in ESP-GEO.

    12. Previous comment was an answer to HH regarding Meler.

      For Soares Dias, my evaluation is actually similar, however due to his experience I chose him over e.g. Nyberg and Schärer. But it's borderline and I therefore "gave" him the easiest R16 on paper.

      For Tello: No clear error in my opinion, but your remark regarding British teams might be correct.
      However, the options for ENG-SVK are a bit limited, it seems. Maybe Nyberg there though.

  42. A preposterous penalty award - utterly ridiculous.

  43. Anticipating the rumours about Orsato and Marciniak (because they followed their own traditional line, not Rosetti's new guidelines!), I would see for next round...
    GER-DEN Guida
    SUI-ITA Letexier
    ESP-GEO Meler
    ENG-SLK Tello
    FRA-BEL Kovacs
    POR-SLN Makkelie
    RUM-NED Zwayer
    AUT-TUR Soared Dias
    For Quarterfinals Oliver, Kruzliak, Turpin, Nyberg or Schärer

  44. My appointments for R16 fixtures:

    SWI X ITA: Soares Dias
    GER X DEN: Taylor
    ENG X SVK: Zwayer
    SPA X GEO: Meler
    FRA X BEL: Kovacs
    POR X SVN: Makkelie
    ROM X NED: Schärer
    AUT X TUR: Nyberg

  45. My thoughts
    Spain – Georgia: Halil Umut Meler
    Germany – Denmark: Anthony Taylor
    Portugal – Slovenia: Glenn Nyberg
    France – Belgium: István Kovács
    Romania – Netherlands: Facundo Tello
    Austria – Turkey: François Letexier
    England – Slovakia: Slavko Vinčić
    Switzerland – Italy: Szymon Marciniak

  46. Ecuador - Jamaica, clear penalty for handball in 72', correct call by VAR, but referee very unsure about what to do. End of OFR, he still waits without doing anything, then he announces decision to play on but audio doesn't work and you can't hear im. Extremely poor, this was a very clear call to make.

  47. This referee committee made a number of incomprehensible decisions in the group stage:
    - Schärer with Portugal while one of his assistants is ethnic Portuguese. Can easily be avoided and I feel very sorry for the assistant;
    - Orsato appointed to a match that determined the R16 opponent of his country Italy. He had a personal advantage in case Germany lost against Swiss, as Italy (#2) would be the next opponent of the Germans in the next round. May thank God on bare knees that the Germans equalized, because I also thought it was a missed penalty of Germany.
    - Kovacs leading a decisive match in Group F, while this match is also relevant for Hungary, leading to conspiracy theories. That always must be prevented. And why not a more experienced referee in that game? Experienced names such as Taylor and Turpin were allocated to the more easier games. Did they had to remain 'clean' of controversy as potential final candidates...?

    The format of this tournament is worthless btw, because the teams in group C-D-E-F had a significant advantage, They knew the points of #3 in Group A-B. No surprise we had so many draws and calm games in Group C-D-E.

    Regarding Kovacs in Czechia-Turkey; his biggest flaws are his positioning and inability to adapt his style. He is a pure raw enforcer and does not connect with players. Indeed he officiates games like a police officer. This only increases the temperature in a match. This also happens when he makes correct decisions, like in Barcelona-PSG. The style is not accepted. Too clinical.

    Sometimes you have to manage players with personality and use cards at the right times. Sometimes you should count to 10 and be a sponge, instead of being too sensitive. I recall Marciniak being criticized here after the Georgia play-off against Greece. He would be too angry and high in emotion. But it was necessary. He was in complete control of the very difficult, chaotic match. Look at Makkelie in CRO-ITA. He punishes technical and physical offenses at the right moments and can be angry at players when he needs to be.
    Control / no-control is very precise. Why does Vincic look 'shaky' in Italy vs Spain? Too much talking and physical offenses were not punished, but he did punish the dissents that followed. If the physical offenses were punished, the dissents would probably not exists (or at least to a lesser extent).

    For the record, I find it strange that Kovacs refereed 2 UEFA finals in 3 years, while Makkelie has been around for almost 4 years without any finals, while he is continuously used in the most challenging games without being rewarded.
    It’s a strange world where a final in 2021 can block a referee of the same nationality for years. Even worse is that also the ego of some referees bosses (Collina, Kuipers, etc.) is blocking referees to officiate finals, because they want to be remembered as the best in their country. But that is obviously a different discussion…

  48. Predicitions Round of 16:
    ESP - GEO Danny Makkelie
    GER - DEN Halil Umut Meler
    POR - SVN Daniele Orsato
    FRA - BEL Michael Oliver
    ROU - NED Francois Letexier
    AUS - TUR Artur Soares Dias
    ENG - SVK Slavko Vincic
    SUI - ITA Szymon Marciniak

    Straight into QF: Taylor, Turpin, Nyberg, Zwayer/Kovacs

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Prediction 29 June
    Switzerland – Italy: Letexier
    Germany – Denmark: Taylor

  51. Can we get all the video clips of the games please?

    1. Hello! I'm just catching up with highlights. I uploaded GEOCZE and TURPOR today. All the games will be ready in next days.

  52. As I had to watch the game during this 2-day rest period, I'll admit I was somewhat taken aback by the sheer amount and strength of negative comments on this performance. I'm sorry, but I cannot agree with the statements about it being some sort of catastrophe or anything like that. It's actually really far from that, given the amount of pressure Schärer had to endure, literally during the whole match. On the other hand, I also cannot agree with those stating it was clearly a good performance. In the end, I would deem the performance decent, especially given my opinion on the 55' OFR.

    Overall foul detection was mostly on a good level, but not impeccable, with the most notable mistake occurring in 40', with a missed foul in favour of GEO for an illegal use of arm. However, disciplinary management was not on an equal level IMO, with 3 possible YCs missed: 12' (GEO2, reckless kick below the knee), 35' (POR5, SPA) and 40' (POR13, reckless use of arm). While I can support Schärer regarding 12' (strong warning issued, probably a better option in terms of a stepped approach), I'd argue both other incidents constitute a missed YC, with 40' (although without using the elbow) being an example of a reckless striking offence, at least for my taste. On the other hand, 4 YCs that were eventually issued can all be described as correct: 28' (POR7, protest/dissent), 44' (POR25, simulation), 53' (POR18, LoR) and 85' (GEO20, late cynical foul, also issued after a good advantage for POR, with good game reading by Schärer). The simulation call in 44' is actually a very brave decision for me and I praise Schärer for it: IMO, the POR player unnaturally paused his movement and left his leg for the GEO player to crash into. The 72' foul by POR2 can also be mentioned as a good no card decision, given the light step on foot caught only the tip of the opponent's shoe.

    It is especially worthy to mention Schärer's management of dissent by Cristiano Ronaldo: giving him certain leeway at first (10', 16'; him being the captain of his team), deciding to caution him at the most obvious incident, but IMO failing to contain Ronaldo's misbehaviour. I'd argue it was a lost cause for Schärer right from the start: Ronaldo was never even willing to change his behaviour in this game, he was nervous from the start. Of course, some may say he had a good reason for it (I cannot agree on this), but it was certainly unsportsmanlike and unacceptable, also putting Schärer in front of a very difficult choice: either try and contain his dissent as much as he could or issue another card, thus expelling Ronaldo and literally ruining himself at the same time. Of course, this provoked other players into using the same "dark tactics" on the referee, putting him under very strong pressure and probably causing his weakest period in accuracy from 30' to 40'.

    1. Coming to PAIs, I'll try to give an opinion one by one:
      1) 28', potential penalty to POR for a holding on Ronaldo: although it cannot by denied that a very clear holding occurred, I would concur with some commenters that the real impact on Ronaldo remained questionable, due to the way he managed to stay on his feet without real issue and then fell rather unnaturally when most of the holding intensity already passed. Due to this, I think it was at least of supportable decision, with no room for VAR intervention (although many will disagree on this);
      2) 47', possible handball penalty for POR: definitely no handball, as the arm was "glued" to the body, in front of it, making no impact on play;
      3) 53', possible penalty for GEO, given after OFR in 55': although there is definitely minimal contact by the POR offender, I'd argue it was not enough to cause the attacker to fall, especially in such a manner. I strongly believe Schärer's initial impression was correct and VAR should have stayed out of this situation, as there wasn't enough proof for a clear and obvious mistake. Of course, once at the monitor, it was probably very difficult to stay with his original decision, which puts the VAR intervention even more in doubt;
      4) 60', possible penalty for POR: here I'd argue it was again Ronaldo throwing himself to the ground on the very first sign of a minimal hold of his arm. Therefore, it's a good play on for me.

      To conclude: the length of this comment (sorry about this) is probably enough proof for my opinion that this was a challenging game for the referee, made even harder by all the unwanted pressure from the players. Even though I disagree with the final decision for the 53' incident, as well as with some suboptimal choices in disciplinary management, I think it was still a decent performance, with many correct or at least supportable decisions in difficult situations.


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