Sunday 23 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 Match 26: Scotland - Hungary (discussion)

The referee from Argentina will officiate his second game at the tournament, Scotland - Hungary.

Game 26, Group A
Stuttgart, 23 June 2024 21:00 CET
Referee: Facundo Tello ARG
Assistant Referee 1: Gabriel Chade ARG
Assistant Referee 2: Ezequiel Brailovsky ARG
Fourth Official: Espen Eskås NOR
Reserve Assistant Referee: Jan Erik Engan NOR
Video Assistant Referee: Alejandro José Hernández Hernández ESP
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Juan Martínez Munuera ESP
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Tiago Martins POR
UEFA Referee Observer: Tomasz Mikulski POL
UEFA Delegate: Per Svärd SWE


  1. Very active beginning minutes by Tello. First Hungarian player started too early before kick off and then two ”bigger fouls” with strong verbal warnings from Tello. Good and strong beginning to his game.

    1. I noticed this positive attitude by Tello as well, after the first fouls of the game he was aware and he showed a certain body language, that is definitely rare for UEFA referees. Difficult to explain in other words, but he showed his presence there.

    2. Now minute 11 another STRONG verbal warning for medium dissent from the Scottish player. Tello is really using good moments to show himself as a clear game leader.

    3. Rewatched the incident, it’s not a medium dissent, pretty big to be honest. While I’m an enjoyer for managing the game with body language, this looks like an expected ”UEFA Euro” YC for dissent. It’s more optimal imo to solve it the way Tello did but guidelines are guidelines…

  2. Was 4th Official who spotted early run
    Love Tello's facial expressions!!

  3. Massive dissent by Hendry and no YC. That’s disappointing

  4. This kind of waving and protesting with gestures should have been booked,no matter that it happened inside of minutes.

  5. 18' correct YC for reckless challenge.

    1. Yep,it's been builidng up.

      Looks like challenging match will be .

  6. Opening YC 18’ for Reckless. Correctly assessed, expected decision.

  7. Feels like a potential YC for SPA in minute 21’. Borderline imo, what do you guys think?

  8. 21' foul close to sideline, I think NO YC can be a supportable decision, player not in very quick action and position where the foul occurred to be considered. Nevertheless, the feeling after the whistle, was about a rather expected card.

  9. 26' foul similar to 1st one where he warned HUN player.

    This time it's YC.

    1. Looks like he is now more inclined to issue cards in maybe borderline situations, looking at the nature of the game, while in the past minutes he tried indeed to wait and see, at least for some incidents.

  10. 26’ next YC for Reckless. Another decision which I feel is expected/correct or atleast supportable, late challenge from the player.

  11. IMO penalty could have been given,reckles use of arm.

  12. Tello very slow to detect head collision there.

  13. In 29' an elbow, I can't explain no VAR intervention here, even YC for me, but OK, in this regard still borderline to careless, one could say. Nevertheless, surprising there wasn't any advice... to be rewatched, looked very clear.
    Now extremely hot game.

    1. +1, one of those that if it happens outside the box the referee always gives a FK

    2. For me clear PK. Hungary can be very unsatisfied with no call for an OFR.


      I expected an OFR, too!

    4. Watching the replays, clear foul + YC. Can’t explain no OFR here…

    5. To be honest I was wrong, rewatching it, that's clearly reckless, no borderline to careless.
      An evident mistake by Hernandez Hernandez!

  14. Next interesting situation 29’. Potential elbow by Scottish player, not whistled by Tello. I’m very torn in thinking this can be seen as a no-foul because it’s in the penalty area but seeing the replays it looks like a clear foul + YC. No intervention made.

  15. What do you think about the foot on the chest by a hungarian ? very limit for me

  16. And now dangerous play by SCO,no YC.

    Very lenient.

  17. High boot, no YC. After an assured start with 2 good YCs, Tello is becoming too lenient

  18. Correct IDFK playing in a dangerous manner (no contact)

  19. Perfect call by Tello followed the YC for dangerous manner!

  20. Tello is doing some very good things, but there are clear mistakes that I can't explain in other situations. Definitely a mixed bag so far, but looking at the difficulty of the game, one could still say decent in this first half. Would have been a very good performance, keeping the same style in all minutes.

    1. His style is great and he started very well with stepped approach (two warnings followed by two YCs) but several decisions could be questioned:
      28' - no penalty after illegal use of arm
      30' - if FK awarded it's SPA? the step on chest is rather accidental imo
      39' - warning to 2SCO after late challenge is fully OK isolatedly but a YC could've been issued for balancing purpose
      40' - we don't see YCs for dangerous play anymore and we should rather praise Tello for spotting there was no contact, otherwise even a RC was possible
      44' - another very good spot that it was 13HUN who fouled an opponent; isn't it close to SFP btw?
      45+1' - wrong play-on after reckless tackle by 21HUN

  21. Some will also say not the same criterium.

    9-8 SCO leads in term of fouls and HUN has all 3 YC's.

    And he had chances to let's say balance things out with bookings.

    Missed penalty,dangerous play,big protests by SCO in early minutes.

    Very mixed half,some decision are excellent and some are 1st grade mistakes.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Intense first half with multiple situations that happened in the first half.

    To begin with, good cooperation from 4th official and Tello with the Hungarian player starting his run too early on kick off, showing themselves as active early on. This is followed by two good and active verbal warnings from Tello, this was very good in my opinion.

    Minute 11' there was a dissent from the Scottish player after a foul was whistled, Tello did a BIG verbal warning which had effect imo - BUT I do believe UEFA expects a YC here because the action from the player was too obvious (clear protesting gesture). I think all in all this situation was solved in a good way although perhaps not like the committee wants it.

    18´- YC: expected and correct for reckless.
    21' - NO YC: my first feeling was an expected yellow but not mandatory, no YC is atleast supportable and was okay for the game in my opinion.
    26' - YC: another decision which for me is correct for reckless, similar foul to what the Hungarian player did in the first half, good approach by Tello to go from verbal warning to yellow card, it was also needed for the game.

    Minute 29' there was an elbow to the head/face of the Hungarian player by Scottish defender. One could understand why Tello might not feel like it's enough for a penalty live, but watching the replays it looks like a clear foul and YC (Penalty + YC) for reckless usage of arm - no intervention was made, mistake for me.

    39' - Another really strong verbal warning, I agree with the decision of careless (but YC here could be good for balancing purposes), this was followed by an IDFK for the Hungarian side for playing in a dangerous manner (high boot). No contact was made, no card is the best decision imo.
    43' - YC: Very good spot from Tello, fully correct in his assessment, one could ask for SFP but I believe YC was enough for this situation.
    45+1' - Tough scissor challenge from the Hungarian player, I think play on was supportable due to the fact that he won the ball (I know I know, it shouldn't "matter" but for balancing purposes, this felt correct). If whistled, no YC would have been my preferred solution.

    All in all, a tough and intense first half. I believe Tello did well early to put himself as the strong leader on the field which will hopefully set him up nicely for the second half. The missed PK and no intervention remains the biggest question mark for Tellos first half performance, otherwise decent leaning towards good first 45 minutes from the Argentinian.

  24. I saw that throw from Hungary, went over their manager’s head, and had a thought.

    Does anyone know what would happen, if after releasing the ball it hits someone before entering the field, but still bounces on the pitch? Is it play on?

  25. First YC for SCO4 in minute 50'. Correctly assessed as reckless for me, perfect for the game as well to balance things out a bit. Studs in first and although contact is not massive, it's enough for a yellow card in my opinion.

  26. Things calmed down in this second half so far for Tello.

  27. Very nasty scenes, hope the Hungary player is OK

    1. Horrible scenes. We can only hope the Hungarian player is okay.

  28. Now very crucial moment. We are all worried for the player, the situation doesn't look good. VAR also checking a penalty, but as for now absolutely unimportant. Let's hope he will recover soon.

  29. I think an intentional decision to delay check over until the player was off to minimise crowd noise and disruption

  30. Game continues without any consultation from both teams. The crowd, especially Hungarian, doesn't like that.

  31. Missed handball 76', lucky that there was a foul shortly after and a goal didn't follow

  32. How was the ball with Scotland when game was stopped? Surely a wrong restart?

    Starting to annoy with the incessant whistling

  33. Fouls given for less outside the penalty area in this game...

  34. Wow, that is surely a penalty!

  35. Now no PK whistled by Tello. Replays shown looks like a clear tripping on the heel of the Scottish player. No intervention made feels wrong, PK + YC expected for me.

  36. To be honest today there are many things to say about VAR work in both games...

  37. Scotland players arm goes across first (I am reaching for straws!)
    9 times out of 10 that's given as a penalty

  38. Another BIG dissent gesture by SCO13 in minute 81', no action by Tello. Feels like a clear YC especially since not given early in the game when game wasn't heated. Perhaps he ignored this for balancing purposes (doubtful penalty call and then didn't want to double punish) - but missed YC for me.

  39. Can only imagine its offside in build up. Clear clear foul

  40. 2 pk's missed,plenty YC's also.


  41. Then game should be stopped. Cannot play on through a foul just because he was offside

    1. Yes indeed, in that case Hernandez Hernandez should have called the offside to referee, showing the potential penalty to fans.

  42. Penalty incident:

    1. Sorry but I think that after today, if one can still think to see Tello, for sure we will not see Hernandez Hernandez again... 2 very clear penalties missed as VAR.

    2. Two CLEAR penalties to be whistled. One would want Tello to spot both incidents live BUT at the very least for Hernandez Hernandez to intervene both times. Very strange no interventions, massive mistakes.

  43. Leg contact. Knee to calf. Huge error

  44. Looked to be offside when Hungary scored. Let's check.

  45. Great onside by AR1, and good advantage from Tello from what happened in Hungary penalty area!

  46. I can not said how much Im proud on Tello performance in very hot game! Plenty excellent no calls, excellent AR decisions. Two potential penalty calls, in my view both are at least supportable, second one NEVER but NEVER a penalty. Tello definetely booked place in knock out stages!

    1. Ref Fot, i' m with you. Excelent no calls. Outstanding officiating of Tello

    2. Please explain how it was never but never a penalty. Scottish player got himself between the defender and the ball. There is no way to make a clear tackle for the ball. Lower limb contact. Penalty every day of the week and twice on a Sunday. Poor error by both the referee and VAR.

    3. How is no foul for the defenders knee to the attackers calf a supportable decision? Especially when softer fouls were awarded outside the box.

    4. I agree with No penalty call for Scotland. Attacker creates the contact and pulls the shirt of Orban, certainly not for VAR

    5. Well some of you guys must have watched a totally different game 🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️

    6. Oliver, have another look, the shirt grab comes after the defenders contact...

    7. The shirt grab is AFTER the shin to calf contact, it's a clear penalty and slightly worrying how some people on here are trying to justify it not being given

    8. Agree with Oliver. Look how deliberately the attacker puts his left leg on the ground, holding the defender's shirt too. In reality he Armstrong didn't fancy the 1-on-1 and preferred to play for the penalty instead; Orban never even made a challenge. Meanwhile the incident in the first half is a clear example of careless striking. Okay, you can say "not enough for an intervention (in a big tournament", but as a classroom example, it's a foul. To defend Hernandez, I can think of an example of an even more blatant striking penalty not being given simply because it was determined 'too soft for a penalty', Villarreal-Bayern CL QF with Taylor and Attwell. Generally I liked Tello's refereeing! Let's see how the future appmnts treat him - and Hernandez.

    9. He grabs the defender's shirt when he's going down after he's been kneed in the calf, that can't even be considered an argument. It's massively clumsy and ultimately a clear foul.

    10. Come on! If we start defend no penalty calls in such easy scenarios, then there will be no clear incidents anymore. People often say "do what football expects from you" to defend wrong technical assessments (like De Bruyne's goal yesterday). But here I'm sure penalties are clearly expected by most of football fans yet you go into tiniest details to defend the unexpected calls.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Fully agreed with @Euro Soccer Ref here. If we start overanalyzing intentions and start trying to read the minds of the players, we will just make a big fuss of everything. This is a crystal clear and fully expected PK with a mandatory YC to follow, no doubt.

    13. Michael and RG - Yes, but that suggests he was looking for contact anyway. If whistled on field, decision stands, but it’s never for VAR imo

    14. Well about the 2H scene, I'd say that I'm consistent in always judging these incidents the same (including even more 'blatant' cases like Mateu in M.Haifa-Juventus). I can easily imagine that UEFA will judge the Armstrong-Orban call as a clear match error! Villarreal-Bayern was immediately on my mind about the 1H episode, also as a hint perhaps to a potential assessment this time round, but you can't deny that it is a clear foul (didactically), even if it is definitely less than fe. Del Cerro's penalty at the last Euro, that was a very clear reckless striking offence.

    15. What occurred was an old old trick by the attacker. He had no chance to make a shot on goal. The ball was off to his side and bouncing. You will notice in the replay that he clumsily jump his body between the runaway ball and the defender AND to be sure of selling the call he grab the defender as he was falling off balance. pulling him down. Tello was in great position to see the attacker jump into the Lance of the defender. Great decision. One thing I have noticed in this blog, that there's very little knowledge on "tricks" use by players. I have done many games with older retired FIFA referees who gave, those of us who wanted to listen, great descriptions of trickery by players. Good decision Tello.

    16. IMO the first one is penalty, the second one is borderline, I am ok with no penalty.

  47. Hernandez Hernandez should be sent home after tonight

  48. At least a stonewall penalty, inconsistent foul detection, wrong and missed Ycs.

    Under normal circumstances, Tello should be sent packing and can cross the ocean back to Argentina.

    1. What??? Which "offensive language"??????

      You have no idea whatsoever. Facepalm

  49. Very intense game, a lot of things to discuss and analyze.

    To summarize the first half again, strong beginning and showcasing himself as a clear and natural leader for the game. Strong body language and a lot of verbal warnings - all good for me.

    Three correct YCs for the Hungarian players (minutes: 18, 26, 43) and overall good foul detection.

    The biggest mistake for me in the first half was the missing penalty for elbow to the face. No PK whistled but NO intervention remains a huge mystery for me, clear PK + YC to be expected.

    Second half begins well for Tello with a YC for reckless to the Scottish player in minute 50', necessary for game balance and a good decision in my book. This was followed by a hectic period where Tello overused his whistle in a lot of situation, to a point where it became tiring and lost its effect.

    Generally Tello's foul detection was good in the second half, it began very calmly and slowly built up and I think Tello adjusted and kept the game flowing while also identifying most punishable free kicks. Some missed fouls + a potential missed handball but in general it was decent. Also decent positioning, being in semi-close proximity of the fouls, especially in big moments. Good on Tello for this, expected performance in these regards.

    The big decision was the second penalty incident in the game, this time for Scotland in minute 79'. Crystal clear PK + YC if you ask me, once again not whistled and again NO intervention by Hernandez Hernandez. I am once again clueless to the arguments of why no PK was whistled and especially why no VAR intervention was made. Huge mistake in my opinion.

    This was followed by another dissent by gesture from SCO13 in minute 81'. To balance the game I feel like Tello 'ignored' this action as this was the same player who did a similar action in the first half (where I said only a strong verbal warning was an okay decision and good for game management but perhaps not optimal for UEFA guidelines). However, this time it was a mandatory YC to be given as it was the second time for the same player + not solvable with leadership.

    The game also included a YC in the 75th minute for Hungarian player on the bench - nothing to comment on here, as well as a YC for the HUN23 for the celebration - also obviously fully correct. To add to this, AR1 with a beautiful no flag just before the goal, looked off on replays but marginally onside, excellent!

    All in all, while generally it was a good display from Tello in regards to overall foul detection, leadership and game management, some of his decisions can for me not be explained, nor can the lack of VAR intervention be explained. In my opinion one clear YC missing for dissent on SCO13 and two clear PKs + YC missed, not saved by VAR either. This in combination with his second half performance generally feeling less authoritative and less usage of his strong body language from the first half and instead using and relying only on his whistle (which became extremely tiring) - it goes from a decent/good performance to a poor one with two crucial PK mistakes, none of which in my opinion are supportable play ons either. We shall see what the committee makes of his and Hernandez Hernandez performance today.

  50. Tello is very fit, that's his biggest strength.
    Apart from that, he shows pretty inconsistent foul detection and flawed disciplinary line.
    He allows too much dissent too.
    Tonight was poor - two PK mistakes, the one at 79' is inexcusable.

  51. Generally speaking, without analysing the two controversial incidents, I think Tello had a decent game overall. I actually liked his overall foul detection, especially if combined with his strong management and authority from the 1H. He seems to be a really good referee, with nice feeling for the game, a good amount of natural authority and some strong body language skills, which enables him to actually be a real leader on the FoP. However, it has to be noted (what MX did very nicely in his excellent analysis above) that those mentioned skills kind of disappeared during a rather hectic middle period of the 2H, and were replaced with a certain overuse of his whistle, which is a pity for a referee with such strong leadership abilities.

    Disciplinary wise, I actually liked his stepped approach in the beginning of the game quite a lot: two clear warnings to Hungarian players seemed to have reached their targets effectively and without too much fuss, but also establishing a rather clear line. This was observed almost immediately, when a reckless tackle by HUN17 in 18' earned him a correctly issued YC. Such a line was mostly maintained throughout the game, with the rest of the YCs issued being more than correct for me (26', 44', 50', 75', 90+10'). As for the potential ones, I think that no card decisions in 21' (McGinn running towards the corner flag, so rather no actual SPA) and 40' (good IDFK decision) were really good. Although the same can be said about the 39' no card from a technical point of view as well, it is more than beneficial to ask was it really a wise decision to miss an opportunity to book SCO2 for this borderline careless-reckless foul, in order to balance the cards for game management purposes. Although Tello's decision is surely supportable, I would have liked if he had actually taken the opposite one. However, mistakes have to be noted as well, and here I would highlight the missed YC for HUN21 in 45+1' (reckless tackle) as the one of particular note. I also think that HUN3 escaped a YC in 90+3' quite luckily (an SPA-like foul with some reckless characteristics), but I admit I'm maybe overreacting on this one a bit.

    While player management and control were generally Tello's greatest assets tonight (even taking into consideration the weaker period in the 2H, which is a real pity), I do believe that it was quite a big mistake to let SCO13 get away with two very clear and strong cases of dissent. Although it's fully ok to support Tello's choice of managing the first incident in 11' (it was a really strong warning, with a full effect for quite some time), the next instance in 81' had to be punished with a caution. Tello, and UEFA's general guidelines, somehow lost credibility there.

    1. It has to be noted that Tello faced quite a lot of PAIs in this game, which makes it a difficult one in this regard. IMHO, he was fully correct in three of them: 56' (no punishable handball for me on a penalty appeal by HUN), 68' (a very nasty, but unlucky incident IMO) and 90+9' (again no punishable handball, this time on the other side). As for the two most controversial incidents, I'm going to take a very unpopular stance and say that, while I regard the 28' incident as a big and important mistake, I'm not so sure about the 79' one.

      Let me analyse them one by one: the incident in 28' is simply a missed penalty for an illegal use of arm. Although bordering on careless, I'd say it's still on the reckless side, meaning a YC was missed to SCO5 as well. As for the missed VAR intervention, I have no clue about their reasons for such a decision, but it's certainly a very wrong one, at least for me. As for the potential penalty to SCO in 79', it's certain that the first decision that comes to mind is a rather clear penalty and YC, but I'm actually following the same line of thought that Mikael did in his comment above: I have a very strong feeling the attacker was doing his best to deceive Tello and win a penalty there, drastically slowing his movement and planting his left leg quite deliberately into the path of the defender in just the right moment for it to look like a clear foul and penalty. Let me be perfectly honest: in such a situation, I would have whistled a penalty instantly, there is no doubt. But still, I somehow believe Tello was having the same feeling about the situation, thus making it difficult for the VAR to intervene. Although most of the commenters disagree, I would give the whole crew a benefit of the doubt in this particular situation and regard their decision as supportable (although the Committee probably won't be so happy).

      To conclude, what was in general a good performance by Tello has, unfortunately, been tarnished by a very important mistake of a missed penalty to HUN in 28', as well as 3 YCs that I think he missed overall. If we add another potentially missed penalty, that most of the commenters agreed upon, the overall performance has to be described as negative, unfortunately.

      P.S.: I would like to wish a speedy recovery to Barnabas Varga; it was a huge relief to read that he is in stable condition after the serious incident in 68'.

    2. Always a pleasure to read your analyses!

  52. Has anyone read the comments by Scotlands coach Steve Clarke regarding Tello's nationality? Uefa must IMO sanction this heavily...

  53. No they shouldn't he is spot on.

    Clear PK missed a ref that had a very poor game and should not have been used for a crucial match.

    This token gesture nonsense of having a non UEFA referee must end now.

  54. Video clips:

  55. Highlights:

  56. Yes, Tello might be fit but clearly he lacks good eyesight.


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