Saturday 15 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 Match 2: Hungary - Switzerland (discussion)

Second game of the tournament with Slovenian crew in charge of Hungary - Switzerland. 

Game 2, Group A
Cologne, 15 June 2024 15:00 CET
Referee: Slavko Vinčić SVN
Assistant Referee 1: Tomaž Klančnik SVN
Assistant Referee 2: Andraž Kovačič SVN
Fourth Official: Rade Obrenovič SVN
Reserve Assistant Referee: Jure Praprotnik SVN
Video Assistant Referee: Nejc Kajtazovič SVN
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Bartosz Frankowski POL
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Tomasz Kwiatkowski POL
UEFA Referee Observer: Costas Kapitanis CYP
UEFA Delegate: Paolo Rondelli SMR


  1. Clear YC in 4'. Well done by Vincic.
    The UEFA officiating has definitely changed!

    1. A change in the right direction, if I may say. This is very refreshing to see. Let's hope it lasts.

    2. Not so good at 9’… and Kovacic again! Time after time, unfortunately :/.

  2. Still not easy decision, but another VAR intervention so early in the second game is definitely something not good... the leg of a defender was keeping clearly, at least watching on TV, the attacker ONSIDE.

  3. Two offside mistakes in the first two matches. Not a good start.

  4. Poor offside given by AR, wasn't remotely close. 4 interventions already, officials need to sharpen up

  5. This has the makings of a challenging game

    1. I think so too!
      But Vincic is doing good so far, the early YC helped. But he must be focused, a lot of tacklings are boarderline and there was also a possible DOGSO situation...

  6. Now 27' would have been good if he showed YC,that wqy same criterium would have been applied.

  7. In general no real problems for the refereeing team. Vincic in full control. Foul detection a bit shaky to my taste though and I agree with M that the 27’ tackle should have been yellow carded as very similar to the Switzerland caution.

    1. Agree with you about foul detection: not exactly as sharp as it should be, with 2-3 clear fouls not given. Pulling seems to be a particular issue today, with missed fouls in favor of HUN in 9' and 45+2', IIRC. The one in 9' was a quite clear SPA for me, therefore a missed YC and a rather important mistake. And yes, I also agree about the tackle in 27' being worthy of a YC more than not.

      All in all, very good start of the game with a nice early YC, but then some issues in foul detection and disciplinary line.

  8. 69' correct YC for HUN 4. But if we check the APP Vincic made a managed mistake, as usually. This is why we dont talk about him as a top referee.

    1. Clear handball at SUI the last pass before given the YC

    2. IMO that was not a punishable handball, the ball bounced from the ground onto the arm which was in a natural position.

    3. Played onto the arm directly by the foot. Not a punishable handball

    4. Just here to say Hello and Thank You for teaching me so much about the game. I'm back after 2 years absence since World Cup, and enjoying all the useful comments. Shout Out to Chefren - still the best football blog for learning something about how the game is/ should be managed. Please keep commenting. Will post an interesting note about WC game later.

  9. Quite a mistake now to kill the advantage

  10. Vincic would be lucky if it was offside, otherwise an advantage is expected.

    1. The player who got possession and was in a scoring position was definitely not offside. His teammate was, but did not interfere with play nor opponent

    2. He is lucky that the Swiss won

    3. Incredible mistake with huge lack of feeling of the game. Luckily, a incident will be without fame - this happened in 88', and Swiss team won the match.

  11. I personally must praise Vincic from a refereeing standpoint for the YC to swiss coach. I am sure, Vincic knew in the moment he blew the whistle that he made a significant mistake there. But nevertheless he was aware of the guidelines and didnt accept dissenting behaviour (similar to his CL final) and now the tone fot the coaches is set too.

    1. It was an easy match. Without challenging moment. To be honest had some technical problems and missed foul. Foul detection is so quasteionable. Time wasting and the minimum additional times has no relation at Vincic. At all for me an okey performance on a quite easy game.

    2. It's the easy way out when a referee cautions bench personnel but is hesitant or fails to caution players during on the pitch.

  12. I thought it was superb from Vincic tbh hardly any mistakes

  13. Very good officiating of Vincic. Full under control,keep it going,calm. 8.0

    1. The comment "full control" is overstated and not much of a focus point anymore. It is obvious that the behavior directives are having the desired effect. Is it no longer a saving grace for referee's.
      Because of this, the focus for referee's should be correct decision making. Foul detection, onside/offside (AR's), disciplinary actions (yellow cards/red cards), and technical issues (advantages etc....).

    2. Early conclusion after only 2,5 games into the tournament. What if things become tight in MD3 and KO stage? Apart from that control does not only concern dissenting behavior towards the referee, but also relates to temperature of the match, amount of physical engagement, behavior of players towards opponents etc.
      With the same argumentation you use for devaluating the importance of having/gaining control one could just as well argue that technical decision making isn’t that important anymore because of VAR’s presence. And in the end control and technical aspects are of course strongly interrelated.

    3. Proper and good foul detection does much more in regards of maintaining a match at a certain level. The referee can talk, gesticulate, and smile all he want's. But if he misses a lot of fouls because he has poor foul recognition. No amount of blah, blah, blah is going to bail him out.

      I goes without saying that matches are going to get tougher as the competition progresses. Thus the reason why it's imperative for the Referee Committee to not change their directives. They should remain the same from the opener through the Final.
      As long as this happens, the players will more than likely continue to be on their best behavior. Those who decide to be naughty. Thankfully the shackles have be removed from the referee's and they can punish accordingly.

  14. Just checked carefully the situation in 87': it is an important mistake by the Slovenian, saved by the fact that Switzerland won the game. An attacker in regular position would have had a 100% obvious goal scoring opportunity. Difficult to read because at first it looked like the offside player was about to reach ball, but the Slovenian referee was definitely too hurry in whistling and booking the player. Maybe he wrongly thought about the other player reaching ball.
    This is a very masked big mistake, with an open score, big and big discussions. A referee must be also lucky, but again it is shown how much dangerous is a quick whistle.
    Here an advantage and then a VAR check to follow afterwards if goal scored, would have been the optimal and expected solution.
    As for the rest, normal performance by the Slovenian, but surely not superb in my opinion! A game must be more challenging to make such an assessment. And the Slovenian wasn't surely faultless, but still, OK performance at the end.

    1. Regarding missed advantage in 87', I agree it's definitely a mistake that shouldn't happen on such a level. With a tighter score, Vinčić could have landed himself in serious trouble. More refined reading of the game should be expected.

      As for Vinčić's general performance, I'm not quite satisfied, tbh. Besides the aforementioned advantage, all major complaints are from the 1H (similar to his CL final a fortnight ago): foul detection wasn't particularly sharp, a wrong offside by AR2 in 13' warranting a VAR intervention (should have been seen live, IMO), and a clear SPA pulling missed in 9'. Interestingly, that foul was committed by SUI8, the same player who got a YC for SPA in 59'; let's just say he would not have been able to make the same kind of action so freely in case of a correct decision being reached in 9'. Taking everything into account, just an OK performance for me, but with a clear area for improvement.

    2. 87': Yes, he should have waited, but IMO it's less obvious. On the one hand, at the moment of the foul, the other attacker is still far away (and probably not in Vincic's field of view), which makes it difficult. On the other hand, if you freeze at the moment of the whistle, it looks to me like one defender might have been able to intervene as he has a similar distance to the ball.

    3. We’re watching the EURO’s, where the best referees of Europe (the world) work their matches. Of course recognizing advantages can be challenging, but there the real top refs dinstinguish from the good ones. At this level not recognizing this advantage and not waiting for it to either materialize or not is just an important mistake IMO.

  15. Video clips:

  16. Re-watching the 1st Swiss goal. The goal is nowhere remotely offside as the AR flagged for. It should be an easy onside call for any AR at the elite level. It wasn't just the position of the foot, it was at least half a Hungarian body!

  17. Highlights


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