Tuesday 25 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 Match 32: France - Poland (discussion)

Italian referee Marco Guida in charge of his second EURO game, France - Poland in Dortmund. 

Game 32, Group D
Dortmund, 25 June 2024 18:00 CET
Referee: Marco Guida ITA
Assistant Referee 1: Filippo Meli ITA
Assistant Referee 2: Giorgio Peretti ITA
Fourth Official: Rade Obrenović SVN
Reserve Assistant Referee: Jure Praprotnik SVN 
Video Assistant Referee: Massimiliano Irrati ITA 
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Cătălin Popa ROU
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Tiago Martins POR
UEFA Referee Observer: Howard Webb ENG 
UEFA Delegate: Peter Lundström FIN


  1. Missed YC right there at the end of the 1st half.
    Other than that,easy one sided match for Guida.

    1. Guida failed to caution a reckless stamp by FRA4 in 37' as well. Not much more to report indeed.

  2. Too much slackness on cards, South American refereeing. FR8 should be carded since 30 minutes

  3. And now when we see this we should aks ourselves what did Hernandez Hernandez see when he was in VAR room for SCO vs HUN?

  4. Is this correctly taken penalty from Leva? Both times! He stopped twice both time!

    1. Absolutely correctly taken

    2. I hate such scenes when a player has to kick a penalty, I'm sad because this is modern football in which the first goal of a player is to deceive opponent and not to enjoy a moment like kicking a penalty. There isn't sportsmanship in such behaviors for me, even if they are allowed by rules, we don't need that.

  5. First penalty not difficult to see, it would have been good for Guida to detect the second one live. Would have been a good performance in case, but in reality something is always missing to him, this was also shown at this tournament, despite one could say he can be satisfied with what achieved (this was the target, two GS games).
    I also agree that this intervention can say us more about the guidelines to VAR, and maybe also a comparison with Scotland - Hungary, at the end if a player is touched from behind, without a touch on the ball, it should be penalty. Spanish VAR didn't think the same in Hungary - Scotland. I think he was mistaken.

  6. Blatant yellow card missed for FR5

  7. Guida and ARs failed to correctly detect a corner or goal kick on 3 different occasions. Plus missing a clear penalty and about 2 yellow cards. Quite poor.

  8. Unfortunately, I have to begin this analysis by stating that Guida didn't have a good game, at least for me. Technical accuracy wasn't on the highest level, with too many individual mistakes, one of which was the missed penalty in 74'.

    His foul detection was actually good for the most part, with some minor mistakes here and there (e.g missed foul in favour of FRA in 62'). However, when it comes to assessing the severity of fouls and, consequently, his disciplinary measures, things become a little complicated, with, IMO, 3 missed YCs, all of which were mandatory for my personal taste: 37' (FRA4, reckless stamp on ankle), 45+2' (POL19, reckless trailing leg tackle) and 90+6' (FRA6, reckless tackle). While I can blame the miss in 37' on the fact that it happened behind the body of the fouled player (missing cooperation in the team), the rest were simple misjudgments on Guida's part, IMO. On the other hand, it needs to be highlighted that he correctly issued 4 YCs during the match: 24' (POL21, SPA/LoR), 43' (FRA14, reckless tackle), 89' (POL3, illegal use of arm) and 90+2' (POL7, SPA). To highlight the deficiencies in technical accuracy, it is worth to note missed CKs in 34' (in favour of POL) and 40' (in favour of FRA, although AR1 is to be blamed in this instance).

    Of the PAIs presented in this match, Guida correctly solved two, IMO: the penalty given to FRA in 55' was absolutely justified, there is nothing to add on this; furthermore, the play on decision on a possible penalty to FRA in 90+5' stays as a correct decision for me, as the POL player withdrew his leg on time and subsequent contact happened due to inertia. However, it is my belief that the penalty to POL, given for a careless kick to the heel from behind by the defender in 74' after an OFR, stays as a mistake that Guida could/should have avoided, given his position on the FoP. It is especially interesting to compare this incident with the 79' situation from SCO – HUN, as some commenters already did. This will probably be considered an unpopular or "exotic" opinion, but I'd argue that there is a key difference between the two incidents, which made me deem the one from Tello's game a good play on, while I consider this one to be a penalty. IMHO, in this situation, the only intention of the fouled POL attacker is to play/shield the ball, and he is actually the first to make a move and reach the ball, with the FRA defender being late and fouling him as a consequence. I do not see any intention of winning a penalty or initiating an unfair contact with the defender. Of course, I may be absolutely wrong, and this is certainly some overanalysing on my part, but I think this difference may be of a didactic value for some further similar incidents. Of course, the VAR team did their job well in this instance.

    All things considered, although Guida had his positive moments during the match and held undisputed control over the game and players, the observed mistakes in technical accuracy point to a suboptimal performance, at least for my personal taste.

  9. Highlights:

  10. Can we get all the video clips of the games please?


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