Monday 24 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 Match 27: Albania - Spain (discussion)

Glenn Nyberg to officiate Albania - Spain, his second EURO game. 


Game 27, Group B
Düsseldorf, 24 June 2024 21:00 CET
Referee: Glenn Nyberg SWE 
Assistant Referee 1: Mahbod Beigi SWE
Assistant Referee 2: Andreas Söderqvist SWE
Fourth Official: Mykola Balakin UKR
Reserve Assistant Referee: Oleksandr Berkut UKR 
Video Assistant Referee: Christian Dingert GER
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: David Coote ENG
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2:Marco Fritz GER
UEFA Referee Observer: Hugh Dallas SCO
UEFA Delegate: Adrian Ixari MDA


  1. OT: CTA-RFEF announced the category movements for this season.

    Referees promoted from Segunda to LaLiga:

    -Alejandro Quintero González (Andalusia, 1993)
    -Adrián Cordero Vega (Cantabria, 1984, back after a previous spell between 2018-2022)

    Referees leaving LaLiga list:
    -Jorge Figueroa Vázquez (Andalusia, 1980)
    -Javier Iglesias Villanueva (Galicia, 1983)

    Both join the specialist VAR crew.

    ARs promoted from Segunda to LaLiga:
    -Rubén Becerril Gómez (Castilla & León, 1985)
    -Marcos Cerdán Aguilar (Castilla La Mancha, 1991)
    -Adrián Díaz González (Galicia, 1986)
    -Judith Romano García (Asturias, 1982)

    Referees promoted to Segunda:
    -Marta Huerta de Aza (Canary Islands, 1990)
    -Eder Mallo Fernández (Castilla & León, 1993)
    -Carlos Muñiz Muñoz (Aragón, 1995)
    -Sergiu Claudiu Muresan Muresan (Valencia, 1991)
    -Daniel Palencia Caballero (Basque Country, 1992)
    -Manuel Ángel Pérez Hernández (Madrid, 1989)
    -José Antonio Sánchez Villalobos (Andalusia, 1991)

    1. Cordero Vega again?........

    2. And "expected surprise" - Melero Lopez a next year without demotion - but in 2024 I didn't read a too many comments on this blog about his possible demotion :D

    3. In 2025, Cesar Soto Grado, Mario Melero Lopez and Pablo Gonzalez Fuertes will be a 45.

    4. Good demotions in my opinion. At least figueora Vazquez hast been one of the weakest referees since He became la Liga referee. Villanueva also Not really on the top but not worse than some other elite referees maybe. Muniz ruiz in my opinion would have been the optimal choice to demote together with Vazquez in my opinion.
      I am very happy for cordero vega also.
      One of the best decisions makers I ever saw. I am very excited to See whether he ist able to connect better with the players than in His earlier days and whether he is not a isolated person on the pitch any more

    5. Elite means just la Liga referee in my comment :)

  2. Easy game for Nyberg so far. Spain opened the scoring, with few fouls and if they continue like this, they will be able to officiate another match in the round of 16.

  3. Great performance, especially how he handled repeated simulation (mainly from Albanian players, for instance YC 66'). Good no-call for PK Albania 90+1'.

    You'd expect a good KO assignment after two convincing games from Nyberg & his crew.

  4. I think the first YC was a wrong decision! No simulation there ...

    1. Because of the very soft contact? He's going down before it, and the fall is heavily exaggerated.

      I'd love to see more of these ones being called. His heavy touch makes him dive for a free kick. Very good to spot it.

  5. Great onside call just before Spain's goal. Some players were a bit frustrated in 2nd half. Nyberg managed this with various solutions: YC for simulation on one player, sometimes he talked friendly to players and sometimes he gave them a very harsh look, using his body language to say enough is enough. At the end of the day, a solid performance without VAR interference and no controversial desicions.

  6. I've finally managed to watch this game in full and can therefore conclude it was a very good performance by Nyberg in a rather easy match if one watches it superficially, but at the same time a match with a few quite interesting situations to assess, 4 of which were PAIs.

    I think Nyberg's foul detection was overall good and optimal for this match, allowing him to stay in the background and step out when needed. As usual, his great communication and management skills were visible again and he used them in an efficient manner, ensuring full control over the game and players. The range of those skills is quite astonishing for such a young referee: from empathic smiles and chats to very stern looks when needed, and all of it enables him to actually connect with the players, earning respect on and off the FoP.

    Disciplinary wise, all 4 YCs were correct or at least supportable: 51' (ALB bench, protest/dissent), 66' (ALB10, simulation), 88' (ALB16, reckless use of elbow) and 90' (ESP5, SPA/LoR). I understand some may view the 66' simulation call as harsh, but I actually quite like it and would support Nyberg for this rather brave decision, as the very soft contact actually came after the offender had already started falling to the ground.

    In terms of PAIs, I'd argue all were solved correctly: 2' (no handball penalty to ALB), 5' (good play on on a minimal holding, the ALB attacker fell too easily), 23' (no penalty to ESP on an accidental running contact) and 90+1' (again no penalty to ALB on a minimal contact with the arm, the attacker again rather throwing himself to the ground). On top of all, it has to be mentioned that AR2 had an excellent onside decision before the only goal of the match.

  7. Can we get all the video clips of the games please?


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