Tuesday 18 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 - Referee appointments - 20 June 2024

Matchday 2 games, to be played on Thursday, 20 May 2024. 

Game 18, Group C
Munich, 20 June 2024 15:00 CET
Referee: István Kovács ROU
Assistant Referee 1: Vasile Marinescu ROU
Assistant Referee 2: Ovidiu Artene ROU
Fourth Official: Espen Eskås NOR
Reserve Assistant Referee: Jan Erik Engan NOR 
Video Assistant Referee: Pol van Boekel NED 
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Rob Dieperink NED
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Marco Fritz GER
UEFA Referee Observer: David Fernández Borbalán ESP
UEFA Delegate: Arturs Gaidels LVA

Game 17, Group C
Frankfurt, 20 June 2024 18:00 CET
Referee: Artur Soares Dias POR 
Assistant Referee 1: Paulo Soares POR
Assistant Referee 2: Pedro Ribeiro POR 
Fourth Official: Mykola Balakin UKR
Reserve Assistant Referee: Oleksandr Berkut UKR 
Video Assistant Referee: Tiago Martins POR
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Alejandro Hernández Hernández ESP
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Juan Martínez Munuera ESP
UEFA Referee Observer: Nicola Rizzoli ITA 
UEFA Delegate: Konul Mehtiyeva AZE

Game 16, Group B
Gelsenkirchen, 20 June 2024 21:00 CET
Referee: Slavko Vinčić SVN
Assistant Referee 1: Tomaž Klančnik SVN
Assistant Referee 2: Andraž Kovačič SVN
Fourth Official: Clément Turpin FRA
Reserve Assistant Referee: Nicolas Danos FRA 
Video Assistant Referee: Nejc Kajtazović  SVN
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Bartosz Frankowski POL
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Tomasz Kwiatkowski POL
UEFA Referee Observer: Frank De Bleeckere BEL
UEFA Delegate: Iveta Bankova BUL


  1. Predictions:
    SPA-ITA Marciniak
    SLO-SER Siebert
    ENG-DEN Kovacs

    1. I expect referee from upper elite group fpr SLO-SER, match is crucial for both teams and Slovenia has a special weight...

      My prediction is Makkelie/Marciniak/Letexier

    2. Letexier is impossible, he will be tomorow in Hamburg at Croatia with Albania.

  2. Luis Godinho promovido ao grupo 1

  3. Tiago Martins despromovido ao grupo 2

  4. Quem foi promovido à ELITE ?

  5. Alguém já tem as promoções e despromoções de árbitros da UEFA ?

  6. Slovenia - Serbia Kovacs ROU
    Denmark - England Soares Dias POR
    Spain - Italy Vincic SVN

    1. This is the most surprising set of appointments so far in my opinion.

    2. Turpin is the fourth official of Spain-Italy. At the least, we can say it is an appointment in this role that stands out…

    3. It seems that Rosetti doesn't have too many options for Italy's marches.

    4. Isn’t every referee used as a 4th official once? I remember even Kuipers served as a 4th official three years ago?

    5. Kuipers probably had a turn as fourth official, in England-Croatia it was, to give him a Wembley visit ‘before’ the big one for him. To me it is a whole different question with Turpin, there seemed a reasonable chance he would be rejected for the opener, now he is fourth only in a later match (on the other hand, Croatia-Albania’s fourth official tomorrow is Schärer).

    6. I think, Turpin might just be planned for an important game on MD3 (DENSRB maybe) - and then it makes sense to use him as 4th in between to not make the break too long. And of course, the top clash of the GS justifies a big name as 4th official anyway.
      I wouldn't be too surprised, if e.g. Orsato gets the same treatment, maybe as 4th in NED-FRA (if he doesn't referee it himself).

    7. Well there is no way Scharer can be rejected so clearly this is nothing major

  7. SLO-SER: Kovacs FO: Eskas VAR van Boekel
    DEN-ENG: Soares Dias FO: Balakin VAR Martins
    ESP-ITA: Vincic FO: Turpin VAR Kajtazovic

    source UEFA

  8. Definitely well-deserved appointments for Dias and Vincic, I was waiting for Kovacs in Spain-Italy but he was still assigned in a very difficult match. It is a matter of curiosity when Taylor, Siebert and Marciniak will be assigned

  9. In my opinion, Turpen was scheduled for this match... (ESP-ITA)This confused a lot of appointments, not only for June 20, but also for the next 2 days. Now for him follows a low-profile match and an attempt to rehabilitate in the face of the commission.
    The bigger mystery is Polish, especially if he doesn't show up until the end of Matchday 2.

    1. It would make sense to save the WC Final referee for Portual-Turkey? Today you'll experience what an atmosphere the Turks will make in this tournament :).

    2. Still are six games for MD 2, in E and F. And also will be three refs for MD1.

    3. Why do you think Turpin has to "rehabilitate"? His performance in the opening match was good, wasn't it?

  10. I predicted Vincic, in fact his lower profile MD1 already suggested that UEFA was saving him for something bigger. Spain v Italy made sense, with enough days of rest in between. Not a too risky appointment after both teams won their 1st game in fair and football focused games. Letexier might have a tougher task at hand in Group B.

    Same strategy with Dias - he started with a lower profile game, so I guess this game was planned for a longer time in advance.

    Perhaps, Marciniak in Turkey-Portugal (Saturday) and then straight to the R16?

    Taylor seems locked for Netherlands-France.

    Not sure what to think of Turpin as 4O instead of Obrenovic. We can argue that UEFA wants a big name as 4O there, due to the teams involved. However, if Turpin is appointed after the struggles in the opener, the most sensible is a ‘recovery’ game in MD2 (you don’t want to use a top referee in MD3 death rubber do you?). But a MD2 game becomes a bit difficult now, as Turpin will travel to Gelsenkirchen and return to Frankfurt on Friday? Unless he travels from Gelsenkirchen to Hamburg on Friday to officiate Georgia-Czechia on Saturday. That’s the only realistic option…

    Any idea where Orsato could land for his next game?

    1. Turpin could be appointed to Georgia-Czechia (on Saturday in Hamburg), with Letexier to stay in Hamburg after his Croatia v Albania game to be a 4O to Turpin. It makes sense, logistically.

    2. The ref who is FO in the MD2 like Turpin, he will not be appointed for the rest of the games in this round. He will appear in MD3, maybe in Group C.

    3. As written above: A MD3 appointment for Turpin seems completely logical and not too remarkable. I don't think, there is a reason not to trust him with important games anymore.

      For Orsato, nearly everything could happen: NED-FRA, TÜR-POR or anything on MD3 outside of groups B and C. Currently I would predict him for UKR-BEL.

    4. Normally yes... But I don’t think my idea is crazy when we consider the travel distance from Frankfurt to Hamburg and Letexier already present in the far north and a lower profile game suitable to recover. But it certainly would be a lot of traveling for Turpin within 3 days. Quite exhausting

  11. SLOVENIA - SERBIA is played in Munich not Hamburg

    1. I’m talking about Croatia v Albania (Letexier). He could stay there with Turpin officiating Georgia v Czechia

    2. No JK, my comment was about the title above, not a response to your comment. It was a mistake but Chefren had corrected it meanwhile.

  12. The strictest referee appointed to Serbia's game after Orsato. Perhaps a sign from Rosetti.

  13. Turpin appointment says everything, one should even wonder whether this could mean no more assignments for him as main referee, indeed...

    1. To me the French was clearly planned for ESP - ITA before the performance in the opener...

    2. Im not sure Turpin was planned. If so, he would be appointed to
      two sonorous ‘higher profile’ games and I don’t think this is the applied strategy by the Refcom. I rather think, they select one lower profile game and one higher profile one.

      Vincic starts in a lower profile game, then gets a higher profile one.
      Kovacs, Makkelie, Nyberg all start a bit more hidden, saved for potentially a more loaded 2nd game.
      Based on that strategy, I think Turpin was scheduled for a 2nd game important for the group standings but not a too sonorous one.

      However, it is indeed a bit odd to see him as a 4th to Vincic, who is obviously a lower rated official than Turpin based on experience in top games.

  14. Really interesting appointments for me. The next two days will be interesting.
    Marciniak I don't think is possible for 21st.
    I know someone said observers can change which is true. It is clear though they are staying in the city, so I would guess at for 21st

    Slk v Ukr with Dallas as obs - Siebert
    Ned v Fra with Vassaras as obs - Taylor
    The interesting one is Pol v Aus with Frolich as obs - I's say someone who has MD1 game early which leads to either Orsato or Nyberg for me .

    1. For 22nd
      Geo v Cze with Ceferin - Schrarer as he is 4th to Letexier would make sense.
      Tur v Por with Webb - Marciniak
      Bel v Rom with Capitanis - Oliver

    2. However, looking at this, if Turpin doesn't work on 22nd, as main official we may see 1 referee with 3 matches because they could run in with a problem in group A (unless they save Nyberg)

    3. you are wrong. Scharer will not be appointed in MD2. look at Kruzliak who was FO in many games and only in MD2 he have a game. So will be go also for Turpin

    4. At least 2 officials will only have 1 game - Kruzliak could be one of those. Turpin can work 22nd but him being 4th official on Spa v Ita is a peculiar choice for me if he works 22nd.

    5. But Turpin had group A already, so this doesn't make a difference regarding options in that group.
      Gil Manzano and Guida could work there without problems, I think. Yes, we have 2A vs 2B in R16, but at Sunday, the group B final standings would be unknown anyway.
      And personally, I see also no problem with Oliver in SUI-GER in spite of Scotland - but this could be wrong.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Whilst Manzano & Guida could be possible, why would you want to put undue pressure on them with the potential of teams meeting in the Ro16 on MD 3 - that would be poor appointments for me.
      Oliver could be appointed and may well need to be as options are limited

  15. Hopefully Dias doesn’t give another non existent penalty against England again

    1. Would have much preferred Kovacs over Dias, much better referee

    2. I don’t mind Dias to be fair, but that penalty he gave against Reece James in Budapest was totally wrong, as long as he doesn’t make the same mistake again😁

  16. Croatia vs Italy (MD3 - Monday) is a game with very limited options.

    Not possible:
    -The Italians and Gil Manzano (Spain in same group)
    -Marciniak will probably work on Saturday.
    -Vincic and Zwayer have officiated Italy
    -Letexier and Oliver have officiated Croatia
    -Taylor - no need to explain.
    -Turpin, assigned as 4O in ESP-ITA, before CRO-ITA is not logical?

    Moreover, we can make a remark about the stationed observer in Leipzig: Vassaras. Which could indicate “no Kovacs”. Although they can swap observers.

    The options are normally limited to Kovacs, Makkelie, Nyberg. And they all have started a bit more ‘lower profile’, so to say.

    1. As you mentioned Vincic: Soares Dias would also be possible - but of course unlikely with such an early 3rd game.
      But your three names look like a good set of options, so there shouldn't be a problem.

    2. Halil Umut Meler can also be an option

    3. Yes indeed, Meler has a good reputation with Italian club teams.
      But of course it will depend on the group standings. In case Croatia vs Italy is a battle between number 2-3, the game surely will be allocated to a referee with UEFA final experience (Kovács/Makkelie).

      However, if Italy wins against Spain, the Albania vs Spain tie suddenly becomes the more relevant one.

    4. I think Kovacs will have a game in MD 3, in Group D or F. It’s still a week before his first game. France vs Poland or Turkey vs Czech could be important games.

  17. Slovakia – Ukraine: Siebert
    Poland – Austria: Nyberg
    Netherlands – France: Taylor

  18. What strikes me is that the same observers are always assigned.Does UEFA have no other observers?


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