Sunday 16 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 Match 7: Poland - Netherlands (discussion)

Artur Soares Dias in charge of Poland - Netherlands in Hamburg, the first game of Sunday 16 June.


Game 7, Group D
Hamburg, 16 June 2024 15:00 CET
Referee: Artur Soares Dias POR
Assistant Referee 1: Paulo Soares POR
Assistant Referee 2: Pedro Ribeiro POR
Fourth Official: Irfan Peljto BIH
Reserve Assistant Referee: Senad Ibrišimbegović BIH
Video Assistant Referee: Tiago Martins POR
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Christian Dingert GER
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Marco Fritz GER
UEFA Referee Observer: Darko Čeferin SVN
UEFA Delegate: Mark Evans WAL


  1. Former FIFA-Ref (and refereeing expert for German TV) Manuel Gräfe once again with questionable remarks towards Zwayer....

    1. Manuel Gräfe is one tiresome individual, full of resentment and with a personal agenda. Against Zwayer, DFB’s refereeing department,… The story he keeps bringing up is ancient history. DFB and UEFA have made up their minds and kept Zwayer in. Then the latter should be assessed as any other referee and as such I think he deserves to be in EURO’s.
      Cynically enough Zwayer IMHO delivered the best performance so far.
      I know many (populistic?) German people cheer with Gräfe, but for me (non German) he comes across a resentful and pitiful person, never being able to achieve very top level.

    2. I've responded to Gräfe on Twitter. It's ridiculous. It's a bit like Dutch media constantly pointing out Feyenoord - Roma with Turpin.
      Zwayer made a big mistake and paid for it. He's worked harder than others to get here after that past. Woohoo for second chances and indeed: he just had an excellent match.

    3. Whoever finds the topic tiresome, ridiculous or questionable should really take their time reading into the topic. Start e.g. with these investigative pieces of German newspaper ZEIT (or the DeepL translation of their choice):

      Gräfe is 100% right. Zwayer was involved in the Hoyzer affair and got covered up by DFB because they wanted to avoid further scandals prior to home WC 2006. All of it is public knowledge, none of it is controversial.

    4. And for how long should we hear the same story over and over again? For what purpose? Gräfe made his point, sanctions have been issued, everybody has to move on. What does he hope to achieve?

    5. Ok kaer but it's ENOUGH he keeps saying all the time. Won't result in nothing. The case is closed for years. I know you are a hater of Felix but it's enough my bro.

    6. Very simple: if you are an advocat of a zero tolerance policy regarding match fixing (which is the official FIFA guideline), the passed time is not a valid argument.

      Consequently, Gräfe is totally right repeating the story 19 years later. Zwayer shouldn't have had a future as referee after 2005. Not at grassroots level, not in professional football, and particularly not as Germanys representative at EC.

  2. I don't understand the choice for blue here. Wouldn't orange or gold have been much better?

    1. Yes, I agree.
      The blue is distinct enough, but your suggestions would have provided more contrast.
      Maybe you don't want to wear orange as referee in a Dutch game though...

    2. Exactly. Besides, I just also want to see the other shirts 👕 in action.

  3. Mistaken identity for Soares Dias with VAR intervention, definitely not the best start...

    1. He gave the YC to Reijnders first but it was for Veerman. They also look quite different...

      This was an intervention he should not have needed.

    2. Yes, that was my initial reaction as well. Veerman and Reijnders look very different, the latter with Indonesian roots.

      Reijnders also communicated with Dias despite the policy, although in a calm matter.

    3. Ok, sorry, then I missed that. Mistaken identity is actually one of the worst case scenarios.

    4. TV didn't do a good job there informing on this mistaken ID.

  4. That call for the yellow seemed to have come from the 4th or AR1. Soares Dias looked ready to move on with no foul.

  5. He obstructed the play and made a gesture like it was players fault. Not good for me!


    More from Macron

    1. The very top Elite referees are again on the scene, and again, unless Orsato. I think I know why no Orsato...

    2. UEFA/FIFA always tend to keep the #1 final referee away from media and PR…

      And tbf, I thought he (Orsato) also looked a bit shy in UEFA’s Man in the Middle, not sure he likes the attention :)

    3. The second reason you mentioned and something more related to that :)

    4. I can't remember any interview with Daniele Orsato in English. What about his English skills (fluency of speech, accent, etc.)?

    5. You are very clever, Peter...

    6. How does he communicate in UCL then

    7. Perhaps this also explains why Jonas Eriksson was seen so often in interviews: His command of English was absolutely perfect!


    9. In near future, I guess we will see Nyberg regularly in such videos. He’s a personality and his English is very well too.

    10. But Zwayer is shy as hell too and he appers there. 🤔

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. From what I’ve heard on UEFA man in the middle, Orsato is not fluent but knows more than enough to get by on the football field

  7. It's a great touch that Dias gets to officiate in Hamburg, the city with the largest Portuguese community in Germany (approx 10k people).

    1. And the city where Netherlands won the 1988 EURO final against Germany :)

      On-topic, I would compare Soares Dias with Vincic. Never flawless, never impressive, they make mistakes every game that Top Elites don’t make, but nothing major/match deciding.

      This is the 7th game and so far, I don’t think Orsato, Marciniak, Makkelie and Taylor are really impressed or concerned by the level of others…

  8. For me, good first half (good foul detection and respect by players) by Soares Dias, with one strange situation (YC). We are waiting for second part.

  9. ‘53-54, the Dutch captain visibly annoyed with the foul criterium.

    1. And rightly so in my opinion, I really dislike the foul selection in this game. And the illegal use of the elbow should have been a clear yellow card in my book.

    2. Not only the captain. And i can understand them.

  10. Weak advantage application in 88‘, whistling when Frimpong went through on the right.

  11. The best match management so far belongs to Dias, I think it was good

  12. Again, no talk about the referee. In respect to media attention, UEFA will be satisfied so far. Not impressed by Dias' foul detection and disciplinary control, still a solid performance overall. Good to see that the teams focus on playing football rather than protesting.

    1. I have the same opinion about Dias today. Somewhat questionable foul detection throughout the whole game, with no clear criteria and/or line. Definitely a missed YC in 52' for a reckless elbow to the throat, 1-2 more possible or even preferable. I also observed a pretty passive attitude in situations where he needed to step out of the shadow, at least for me (for example, the mentioned situation in 52'). However, that's his style and I cannot say it led him into any serious problems, far from that. A word about positioning and movement on the FoP: somewhat weird and at times obstructing play and/or players, especially in the 1H.

      The mistaken identity situation in 15' remains the biggest mistake of the match: something that definitely shouldn't happen on this level, however it seems no one outside the refereeing community even understands what exactly happened. Good job by the VAR, a clear area for improvement and a lesson for Dias. All in all, an OK, solid performance, similar to Vinčić yesterday, but no more than that for me.

  13. Solid refereeing, zero protest, UEFA will be satisfied with Soares Dias performance.

    Second match without VAR intervention, second consecutive.

    1. Wrong. MI case needed to be corrected for the only card of the game.

    2. Agree! So I forget about this and I suppose that a nobody will talk about this (meaningless, quick and without OFR and media attention).

      To be honest, Zwayer remains a only referee with no VAR intervention.

    3. On the other hand, Zwayer had the easiest game so far (far less incidents to assess than in GERSCO, HUNSUI and ESPCRO), so we should have that in mind.

    4. The fact that an UEFA referee is incapable of telling players apart and books someone first who is meters away from the foul is meaningless? Maybe in the "big picture" people seem to prefer these days, on a basic level: poor.

  14. So far:

    Germany - Scotland 3 VAR interventions (inside / outside, penalty, offside)
    Hungary - Switzerland 1 VAR intervention (offside)
    Spain - Croatia 1 VAR intervention (irregular goal scored after penalty)
    Italy - Albania 0 VAR interventions
    Poland - Netherlands 1 VAR intervention (mistaken identity)

    6 VAR interventions in 5 games is definitely too much, even though you can consider some corrections as "minor", but still corrections.

  15. Here the clip, you can see VAR gestures by Soareas Dias (only his arms) for a second before the replay.

  16. Solid performance by Soares Dias. 8.2

  17. Video clips:

  18. Highlights:

  19. Did awarded a yellow card to the wrong player.


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