Friday 28 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 - Referee appointments - 1 July 2024

Third set of referee appointments for Round of 16, games to be played on Monday 1 July. 

Game 42, Round of 16
Düsseldorf, 1 July 2024 18:00 CET
Referee: Glenn Nyberg SWE 
Assistant Referee 1: Mahbod Beigi SWE
Assistant Referee 2: Andreas Söderkvist SWE
Fourth Official: Donatas Rumšas LTU
Reserve Assistant Referee: Aleksandr Radius LTU 
Video Assistant Referee: Pol van Boekel NED
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Bartosz Frankowski POL
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Rob Dieperink NED 
UEFA Referee Observer: Costas Kapitanis CYP
UEFA Delegate: Adrian Ixari MDA

Game 41, Round of 16
Frankfurt, 1 July 2024 21:00 CET
Referee: Daniele Orsato ITA
Assistant Referee 1: Ciro Carbone ITA
Assistant Referee 2: Alessandro Giallatini ITA 
Fourth Official: Espen Eskås NOR
Reserve Assistant Referee: Jan Erik Engan NOR 
Video Assistant Referee: Massimiliano Irrati ITA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Paolo Valeri ITA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Marco Fritz GER
UEFA Referee Observer: Hugh Dallas SCO
UEFA Delegate: Konul Mehtiyeva AZE


  1. Still, we must wait the usual time for full assignments from UEFA.

  2. How can we read this Orsato's appointment? The end of the chances to handle final or hidden path to achieve main goal despite of missed penalty for Germany?

    A many rumours reports that Italian is in home (alongside with Marciniak), now he gets a low-profile match (probably one sided) but with most political influence (Portugal after Scharer's performance and Slovenia - Ceferin).

    I supposed that Orsato will get a sonorous clash in QFs, and this appointment is really strange.

    Im really curious about strategy by committee - maybe that want still Orsato, but this game? On the other hand, a really big names are waiting for possible hot QFs games (Taylor, Turpin, Vincić).

  3. Why they published all 8 Round of 16 appointments today?

    1. Rosetti announced them in a press conference.

  4. To me, a very good step ahead for Nyberg with this France - Belgium.
    It is more than the games he officiated in GS, of course.
    Nevertheless, it seems the Belgian side is not at very top level at this tournament, so maybe this allowed more the choice by committee, a win by France is still the expected outcome. I think we will see a nice game. I hope to see him challenged because for some aspects, the Swedish needs still to be watched in detail in certain games.

    About Orsato, particular remark, of course no problems in that, but after Slovenian committee member watching him, he gets Slovenia.
    Still kept away from big games but surely this one will be very interesting to watch, because Portugal never gave the idea to me of being a very strong national team... so on paper all possible.

    1. It makes sense for Nyberg to end up with a higher profile game after two great GS performances with no VAR interventions. Some posters inevitably point to them being "easy" games but that's a much more complex discussion about what actually constitutes an easy game.

      Also good to see it's not a safer choice such as ENG-SVK (remember he almost exclusively reffed English and German teams in the CL). You don't want referees too locked/attached to certain teams, especially not ones whose nationality rarely plays a part in appointments. At some point you have to give a new challenge to see how they handle it.

  5. Orsato's maybe given "easy" game here;but I don't think so.

    SLO is very organized team and the way this POR is playing they can hurt them and cause them problems.

    Also,you have diving factor and the fact that they protest on every decision and as a country they are one of the toughest to handle.

    We'll see how number 1 final candidate handles them.

  6. Well logical path for Orsato, during the circumstances expect him in quarter final with Tello,Taylor,Vincic, of course later in final if there is not final for Italy.

  7. Nice set of appointments by... Ceferin :P

  8. Thoughts on this:

    Usa vs Panama,I.Barton

    Violent conduct;


    What I dont get is how Pulisic managed to escape booking?

    He did exactly ehat Van Dijk did to Paredes in WC,barged into a player that fouled him and no YC was shown to him.

    Then we get mass confrotations and only 1 YC was shown..

    1. Love what CONMEBOL is doing with the VAR audio. Definitely a step in the right direction.

      As for the two incidents showed above, both correct (VC and SFP). As for the other situation mentioned where Pulisic escapes a yellow, the difference between this and Van Dijk is that Pulisic is the one receiving the tackle, this making his reaction more appropriate/reasonsble under the circumstances as opposed to Van Dijk who ran across the field into a situation he was not involved in to begin with. I didn’t watch the game but for me this is the explanation why no YC was given to him.

    2. Well maybe that's the case.

      But all of that happened in the 2nd half,there was goal celebration that also lasted for some time..

      4 minutes were added.

    3. Audio is a good step but they are still missing big calls. Violent conduct clear miss in Canada vs Peru, VAR reviews and somehow doesn't send to the monitor? Comical
      Incident approx. 3:12 in

    4. What's even crazier is that Escobar wasn't even going to call a foul on the play where he ended up Red Carding the Peruvian player for SFP.
      If you analyze Escobar's body language after the tackle. He looks towards AR1 and his left arm begins to go up to signal throw in for Peru. But he seemingly notices that the Canadian player stayed down so he blows his whistle after a delay. As he nonchalantly walks towards the incident he see's the Canadian player writhing in pain and decides well I guess I'll show a yellow card.
      And what does the combined Referee Committee do?
      They reward him by assigning him to a crucial must win game between Mexico and Ecuador.
      Madness I tell ya! MADNESS!!!

  9. France - Belgium: Glenn Nyberg (Sweden)

    Portugal - Slovenia: Daniele Orsato (Italy)

    Romania – Netherlands : Felix Zwier (Germany)

    Austria - Türkiye: Artur Soares Dias (Portugal)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Unfortunately, that's what happens every single time.

      Orsato and Letexier, who made crucial mistakes, were given a R16 match, while Makkelie, who performed sharply, is sent home. Just an example among many over the years. Rosetti has always been dictated to.

  11. Thun, sent home, how do you know??

  12. Why is Makkelie sent home? Didn't remember any major mistake by him

    1. I think the Long playback time in Italy - Croatia.
      This was absolutely inappropriste.

    2. I'm not an expert, but Playback time does not seem to be a bigger mistake for me like f.e. penalty

    3. He also missed the Croatia handball penalty live.
      And Gündogan vs Orban was seen as a clear error by some here - so maybe also by UEFA?

      But to be clear, I also disagree with the decision to send him home.

    4. Makkelie is akready a great showman. You think the Game is onl Happening because of him. Then maybe you dont habe many frieds.

    5. Is it possible that UEFA was not aware of Makkelie's private connection to Italy, that he should have reported it and that he would not have been appointed for any matches involving Italy in this case? I at least was not aware of this fact until a few days ago and if I were the Referees' Committee, I would not have appointed him in the whole group B.

    6. @Peter: Story in Croatian media is a made up story.

    7. I think Dutch media and public overexaggerated and gave importancy and matter to Croatian Federation like they have some kind of power.

      If we had power like that,we would use it for our own benefit and not to send some ref out of the EC.

      Let's also remember that Hungary coach(Yes,hungary NOT CROATIA)also complained about Makkelie.

      "The Hungary manager, Marco Rossi, accused the referee Danny Makkelie of a “double standard” after a controversial Jamal Musiala goal was allowed to stand in their 2-0 defeat by Germany."

      Then if we go by any theory,maybe they were the ones to complain?

      But no,Croatia is responsible that everyone's favourite ref is not there anymore.

      Or maybe it's the fact that he made mistakes and comitee assesed this mistakes as important ones?

      But,no let's stick to Croatia story and make them with Ceferin and Rosseti as villains.

    8. Please don't get me wrong: I hold Makkelie in high regard and have no doubts about his unconditional integrity. Nevertheless, I believe that the private circumstances that have been rumored are so relevant that they should either have been reported to UEFA or - if this happened anyway - UEFA should have reacted to them. My point is not to accuse anyone of being partial, but rather to prevent unnecessary discussions from arising. If there was a family connection to Italy, I would not even have nominated Makkelie for the Spain-Croatia encounter in the same group.

    9. It’s impossible for Uefa to react to every rumour or accusation which is dropped on the socials by a bunch of online savages AFTER they feel hurt by a ref.
      On the socials every random freaking id*** can anonymously write whatever he wants, and would be ridiculous if whatever organization should address all of that.

    10. Dear colleague bloggers.
      By repeating these accusations, people consciously or unconsciously stoke the fire further and does not add any value.
      IMO UEFA Ref Committee carefully analyzed and evaluated both Makkelie matches and came to their verdict. The Germany-Hungary match certainly played a bigger role than many people think.
      See Euro Soccer Ref file:
      Let's stop this discussion and accept the decision of the UAFA REF Committee and wish Makkelie all the best for the future.
      Drilling and insinuating further doesn't help anyone.

    11. Repeating your opinion about the Germany-Hungary game over and over again doesn’t help anyone either. Your opinion and point taken. It’s a discussion platform and matters can be discussed, also opinions you don’t like Profref.
      Besides, if Uefa were not happy with the Germany-Hungary game they wouldn’t have appointed Makkelie to one of the most sonorous decisive games in last matchday.

    12. Please forgive me! I thought until just now that this story was true. :-(

  13. When asked by kicker, Rosetti explained why Maximilian Beier was not awarded a penalty in the match between Germany and Switzerland when he was held by Sylvan Widmer in the penalty area. After all, referees are supposed to pay attention to situations like this at this tournament. "Daniele Orsato had the situation under control. It was certainly a debatable situation, but he decided not to award a penalty, it wasn't enough for him," said Rosetti, referring to a "possible penalty".

    1. 😂 How to say you wanted a penalty to be awarded without saying it…

    2. He had the situation under control. That is quite funny, to say the least.

      This is how a controversial incident is swept under the carpet, because his countrymen Orsato must get the final at all costs. 😉

    3. Rosetti was shocking yesterday, he reported all assessments by VAR in controversial situation, without taking a position, the same for HUN - SCO incidents, but at the end one must say tha a pair of OFR should have been done. He wanted just to protect the image of referees but nothing more than that. As long as there aren't experts reply to him, he can say everything and that's enough. This blog will last as long as I will have the possibility to do itexactly because we want to offer to our readers not a different point of view, but how exactly things work. Sorry, this is a very rare case in which I'm not humble, but I must say that.

    4. Maybe its time to replace Rosetti and give someone from another country the responsibillity.

  14. France vs Belgium: Nyberg - Beigi - Sodergvist (all SWE) - Rumsas (LTU) - Van Boekel (NED) - Frankowski (POL) - Dieperink (NED)
    Portugal vs Slovenia: Orsato - Carbone - Giallatini (all IT) - Eskas (NOR) - Irrati - Valeri (both ITA) - Fritz (GER)

  15. Referees
    Glenn Nyberg SWE
    Mahbod Beigi SWE
    Andreas Söderqvist SWE
    Fourth official : Donatas Rumšas LTU
    VAR : Pol van Boekel NED
    AVAR 1 : Bartosz Frankowski POL
    AVAR 2 : Rob Dieperink NED

  16. Referees
    Daniele Orsato ITA
    Ciro Carbone ITA
    Alessandro Giallatini ITA
    Fourth official : Espen Eskås NOR
    VAR : Massimiliano Irrati ITA
    AVAR 1 : Paolo Valeri ITA
    AVAR 2 : Marco Fritz GER

  17. The Polish Var is very often used, with good results it is a very good argument for Szymon Maarciniak, in my opinion a semi-final at least for the Polish referees

  18. Orsato basically confirmed now for the final.

    1. Maybe in the case that Italy will get eliminated against Switzerland. Otherwise, UEFA might have to consider whether they shall use Orsato again in the quarter-finals for the ESP/GEO - GER/DEN encounter before they "risk" that the tournament ends for him after the round of 16.

  19. don't know if it's confirmed yet that Makellie, Gil Manzano and Tello are on their way home, but if so, it's a wise decision. Tello and Gill Manzano were involved in controversial decisions that would make it difficult to go into more games with neutral confidence, and Makellie has given no sign of being inspired in this championship. A "tired body language" somehow. He is one of my fav,s But have made me disapointed this Tournament.

    I am convinced that the final judge is in the field judging the last 16, and that it is a high bidder. There is a some politics in the appointment of final referees, but I am convinced that it is the one who is the best in this particular tournament who gets the honour and that the decision will not be linked to either experience or politics. He’s not from italy.

    1. What were the controversial decisions by Gil Manzano? 🤔

    2. You are right Mikael. ”Controversial”was the wrong word when it comes to Gil Manzano. in his case it was rather that minor mistakes caused a lot of criticism from Austria's coach, and were written about a lot in the Austrian press in connection with the match against France. Regardless of how wrong or right one has done, it is almost impossible to regain trust during such a short championship and therefore understandable that they makes the decision. But there are absolutely referees that I personally think should leave the tournament before Gil Manzano (or in some cases shouldn't even have been there).

    3. Thanks for a very reasonable comment in response to slightly hostile one; absolutely +1 to everything you said.

      (but I want to put on the record while his treatment is indeed 'understandable', my opinion is that Gil Manzano was treated extremely unfairly in this tournament).

    4. Isn't Tello Marciniak's Fourth Official in a couple of minutes? He can't already be on his way home in this case.

    5. I don't change my idea that Gil Manzano was already planned for something like that before the start of the tournament, just look at previous treatment by UEFA. A corner kick decision can't change everything, to be honest, they would be fool to send a referee home for just "minor mistakes" For sure he was planned only for group stage, then it is maybe surprising only one game, but if you look at the number of selected officials, you must think something like that committee should have already known who to be appointed only once in GS.

  20. Before we can get our teeth into the knockout games in a couple of hours, I want to offer my view on 'the Makkelie affair' and how he was treated by UEFA in this Euro; there is nuance to the discussion, and it isn't as simple as 'CroIta was a masterclass and now he is at home'.

    One can start by saying: Danny Makkelie is not the same referee as (prior to and including) the 2021-22 season. As I explicitly stated in a post at the time and many times in the comments - it stank, and should be a point of genuine shame for UEFA and their refereeing operation (as per the Relevo/Marciniak article - it looks like a genuine goal of the current refereeing director to 'destroy' the best officials). However, we are where we are.

    Profref is right - Makkelie's performance was not good in GerHun. For what little my grades are worth, he was close to achieving the '5' score: an overall 6-level performance (troubles in foul recognition and disciplinary control) and then a quite dubious KMI episode. I found Makkelie's appoitment to the top game Croatia-Italy incommensurate to the level of refereeing his displayed in his first game. Privately, I commented to friends 'it seems that UEFA have sent Makkelie to his 'death' with this appointment'. It seemed to me a classic 'sacrificed' job.

    Then: Croatia-Italy was NOT a masterclass performance by Danny Makkelie. It was a generally good performance, with areas for consideration. In the first half, one can count against him the most blatantly ignored dissent of the tournament (Brozovic 19') solved by screaming at the players back, a small hint from somebody who probably wasn't De Vries that he missed a corner to Italy and a blatant kicking the ball away which he ignored (incommensurate with the 2H, but I would like to underline that he booked an Italian too under this heading after the break). The penalty miss was a relatively bad one, Makkelie had a free line of sight. BUT, as the match hotted up, the Dutch referee showed he had the 'cojones' for such a big/tough game, correctly cautioning Croatians for their rash tackles and generally assuring a sound level of refereeing. The 8' seemed exaggerated to me considering the approach in this tournament, my feeling (and it was just a feeling as I wasn’t counting specifically) was that 6' would have been more appropriate.

    In a sum, I'd reach a 7,9(3) mark with a 6 in my system, THOUGH it should be noted that the difficulty was very high compared to other matches in the tournament.

    To then jump back to Germany-Hungary as part of the reason for ejecting Makkelie is, in my view, completely bogus. It was MANDATORY for the Dutch crew to receive a third appointment after a) supporting their work in GerHun and b) as a consequence of the satisfactory job in the high-difficulty CroIta.

    I've been searching for quotes from the press conference, unable to receive the full video (happy to be helped in this regard... :P), and besides realising that a McGinn shirt pull simultaneous as Varga collapsing was the reason for Hernandez's rejection, the most interesting was this by Rosetti:

    Rosetti also stated that EURO 2024 is over for some crews. "It was very difficult to tell them that they are not continuing in the tournament, but this is football. It also happened to Turpin at the previous EURO, then he managed the Champions League final".

    Sorry, but this isn’t enough. Rosetti himself will know that, like in the 2020 Euro, they have managed to conjure up another deeply embarrasing internal episode and have, again, acted in an appalling way with their management.

    If UEFA had rejected him for GerHun, in my eyes it would have been an acceptable call. One can’t blame everything on the management too - Makkelie’s performance level has dropped, there is absolutely no doubt about that. BUT: taking everything into consideration, one can’t ignore that Makkelie was terribly treated again. Were the Dutchman to (excuse the poor language) say ‘one too many times, f*** this’ and move to KSA, he would be 100% justified from my perspective.

    1. As an appendix then, according to this...

      ... system, my scores*** for the MD3 games.

      SuiGer Orsato 6️⃣
      ScoHun Tello 6️⃣*
      AlbEsp Nyberg 7️⃣
      CroIta Makkelie 6️⃣
      NedAut Kruzliak 5️⃣**
      FraPol Guida 6️⃣
      EngSvn Turpin 7️⃣
      DenSrb Letexier 7️⃣
      SvkRou Siebert 6️⃣*
      UkrBel Taylor 7️⃣
      CzeTur Kovacs 4️⃣**
      GeoPor Scharer 6️⃣

      * it could also be possible to have a ‘7’ mark for the referee and a II/rejected mark for the VMOs in these matches

      ** detailed reasons for the rejected marks are given on the respective discussion posts

      *** it should be noted that there are only 4/12 scores which are at the full expected level for this round

    2. Have read your evaluation system on your own blog and already expressed my admiration and comments for your high-level referee work. It is merely based on facts and delivers as good as possible insight into the real performance of a referee. Compliments.

      I completely agree with you that the way Makkelie was treated by the UEFA Ref. committee certainly does not deserve a beauty prize. The interference of political considerations cannot be dismissed out of hand and should not play a role, but it is unfortunately a reality.
      Will study your evaluation system further as it is certainly a step forward. Thanks

  21. Hey folks. Guess this tropical is dead now, But do anyone know where to se Rosettis pressconference?

    1. Sorry for complete rubbish english, But writen in the sun and some bad autocorrects:)


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