Sunday 16 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 Match 5: Serbia - England (discussion)

Orsato last international big tournament  starts with Serbia - England. 


Game 5, Group C
Gelsenkirchen, 16 June 2024 21:00 CET
Referee: Daniele Orsato ITA
Assistant Referee 1: Ciro Carbone ITA
Assistant Referee 2: Alessandro Giallatini ITA
Fourth Official: Ivan Kružliak SVK
Reserve Assistant Referee: Branislav Hancko SVK
Video Assistant Referee: Massimiliano Irrati ITA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Paolo Valeri ITA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Cătălin Popa ROU
UEFA Referee Observer: Frank De Bleeckere BEL
UEFA Delegate: Iveta Bankova BUL


  1. Replies
    1. On Bellingham during the goal? That's an absurd question.

    2. Not on Bellingham. On the defender.

    3. Not enough, only attempting to head the ball. Expected decision is goal.

    4. Nothing there for me as well, I think it's a valid goal.

  2. Oh what was that suddenly from Bellingham? Not that it's more than a word. But maybe a sign that tensionsight rise.

    1. Not so suddenly - clear Serbia game plan to ‘chip away’ at Bellingham. Excellently read by Orsato: a warning for persistent fouling, an explicit chat to tell ‘Jude’ that he saw this elbow on him later (YC?). Do you think the Italian dealt with the altercation in the best way?

    2. Yeah definetly, I liked that he didn't make too big a deal of it. But did use it to set a line. So as long as he doesn't let the next altercation go unpunished then I think it's a smart move by Orsato.

    3. You are absolutely right, Bellingham is a target for the Serbian team from the start. Let's see if the YC for Gudelj in 39' calms things down a bit.

      Mr. W, I agree fully. The line has been set, Orsato is using his personality to control the proceedings and it seems to work so far.

  3. Penalty missed? Push in the back of Walker?

    1. Too easy. Not expected and you can see that from the reaction of the players ;)

    2. I think we see this type of situation every now and then. And it is never given, so I think the football expectation is no penalty. Because of the footballing nature of it. A small nudge, having an influence as defender. without doing it in a careless way. But of course you can argue that it is a push with significant influence.

    3. Too soft of a push there to be punishable, at least for my taste. It may look like something on TV, but I don't think it's anything more than a nudge, normal for football as a game.

  4. 29' possible YC for Gudelj?

    Foul and protests after that...

    1. Not really any protest. Just little emotion and then move on.
      YC is possible, but I think managing this one is fine.

  5. Missed yellow card for me in '29.

  6. Another missed push, on Saka this time, foul detection a little off in this phase of the game

    1. I agree on this push that it is a foul. It's to much shove and not enough sholder.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. YC SER6. I think it's a smart one. Not the most clear (or 100%) YC, but one that was a good choice. As Bellingham has been 'attacked' several times in midfield. And that gives a message.

    1. Fully agreed. Smart YC after persisent fouling by the Serbian team on Bellingham. Good timing of the first yellow.

    2. Please, correct me if I am wrong but the YC should be issued for persistent fouls committed by the same player and not if the fouls were committed against the same player (Bellingham)? There are other ways of management referees use to protect the player (Bellingham) and issuing a YC for a careless tackle is not the one.

    3. Just geniunely curious what suck "other ways" would be?

    4. @Beta - just a few to start with: clear and concise verbal warnings issued prior to restarts and during the game (which particularly works with Orsato's authority match control), firm non-verbal communication i.e. body language, enforcing the respect from the beginning of the game... Hope this is acceptable ;)

  8. Flawless and smart Orsato so far.

  9. Stones blatantly kicking the ball away well after Orsato’s whistle caused some gesturing reactions by Serbian players. Not sanctioning those means still within the acceptable area?

    1. I do think that first burst of emotions are accepted. It's more the surrounding of the ref and not letting him be able to explain descision.

  10. IMO Orsato didn't do enough to protect the players by allowing too much, playing unnecessary advantages and keeping cards in the pocket for too long. Yes, the game is far more entertaining to watch due to his leniency but his approach is not in line with what we have seen so far from other referees (ie. very low threshold for a foul and card).

    1. Maybe the new line and instructions then are not helping the game to be more attractive, in my view the referees should be there for the players, not the referees to steel the show but the players, and Orsato does that in an more than excellent way! Referees are on their best when they referee their own style, not with the style uefabosses want, then they only fail! So please referees do it your own way!

    2. The Italian is allowing more dissent than other officials so far. He can naturally and easily deal with it on a presence level, but the zero tolerance against protests asked by Rosetti is nowhere to be found, honestly.

    3. Indeed, good analysis. This is the most important thing to underline after first half, and I think very clear to be noticed: totally different style by Orsato, than the other referees seen so far. If the latter followed the guidelines by Rosetti and committee, we can see definitely something different by Orsato, who is keeping his own style used in last games without too much engagement. One can still say he is allowed to do that, given the reputation he has gained, but still, making a comparison with other referees, somebody could be not satisfied.

    4. You are right about Orsato's approach, ESF. However, I have to admit I expected exactly this style from him. He's a natural authority and almost never has issues with match control and/or player management. Whether it's right to be allowed such a leeway is a question of its own, however I'm actually ok with letting someone like Orsato manage things in his own way, as long as it works. After all, if it fails, he will have no one else to blame but himself.

  11. Good performance indeed. Tough game

  12. Classic Orsato so far, weak (sorry) fitness and positioning, excellent match control. Did not understand the advantage given in 43‘ after a clear foul that occured far in England‘s own half.

  13. Generally good so far for me, although with some unnecessary advantages and usual fitness issues. Match control on a usually high level. Bellingham is a clear target for Serbian players, therefore a possible YC for SRB7 in 18' might have been preferable to calm things down, at least for me. A possible YC for SRB6 in 29' as well, although not mandatory for my taste and I'll give Orsato a benefit of the doubt here. However, a smart YC to the same player in 39', persistent fouling on Bellingham needs to stop. Lastly, definitely a foul missed on Saka in 32' for my taste.

    All in all, key players (Bellingham) probably could/should have been protected earlier and stronger, but still a positive performance overall.

  14. Serbian player made the VAR gesture, he should have been booked.
    Paradoxically, in this game the players, with a referee like Orsato, seem to be allowed to do more than in other matches without being punished :)

    1. Now I completely agree with you: it was too blatant to be ignored, therefore it sends a wrong message and potentially puts other referees in trouble when facing a similar situation with a different outcome. This no YC actually bothers me, unlike all the other situations so far.

    2. Agree. When a referee so blatantly ignores committee guidelines, can he be considered for another match?

      Moreover, wasn't that a trip by Trippier on Mitrovic?

    3. The penalty should have been confirmed only if whistled by referee, I think correct no intervention by VAR, no VAR stuff. Would have been soft.

    4. Mitrovic was pushing in is back and your foot was touched by the defenser. What is necessary to use the Whistle and call what is necessary to call?

    5. @Chefren, I agree, but watching from all the angles, I would prefer penalty over no penalty.

  15. Now Savic with hands gesture in 83',also nothing..

    Looks like Orsato wqs not at the meeting when they were discussing about yellow cards.

  16. Danny I don't care about what we have been told to do Orsato

  17. Very suprised about how much Orsato and his crew tolerate in respect to dissent. 83‘ dissent by action, now Serbian coach standing right in front of Kruzliak and asking "why, why, why"…

  18. How Serbian coach approached Kruzliak to protest, this was definitely something punishable by even a straight RC, YC surely the minimum and it was given. A head to head confrontation...

  19. Orsato needs to make a big change to his handling of dissent in the next game or it will be impossible to appoint him for a final after such obvious ignorance of guidelines

  20. I'm actually asking myself if Orsato just doesn't want to move on purpose? So many moments where he was in the way of the players, is he always like that?

  21. Orsato needs to change his approach to dissent rapidly in his next match, or he shouldn't be considered for a final

  22. So at the end of the game we can say that Orsato was the "different" referee so far. He didn't apply (at least strictly) the guidelines by committee, but rather he wanted to keep his "own style". Also in terms of foul detection. No major issues in the game, no penalty can be supported, but when it comes to makes a judgement, if one must compare him to the others, it's unfair that he can do as he wants. Even more if he will be the only one doing that (we should still wait for some other top Elite still not appointed).
    I think he is a referee who is unable to change the style or following guidelines, he must do as he wants, because otherwise, he loses the "magic". Still, an excellent control is ensured, but the discussion about the management should be main point here.
    How much Rosetti would find fair to assign him to the final, if the Italian will keep this style? What other referees could then think?
    Of course I'm not talking about him, but today this was too evident and one must be always objective. Another referees, surely all the ones we saw so far, would have managed in a totally different way this game.

    1. I think he is a referee who is unable to change the style or following guidelines, he must do as he wants, because otherwise, he loses the "magic". Still, an excellent control is ensured, @Chefren......... this is exactly what i mean with my previous post........Referees from different country have a different style....Nyberg is a complete other referee then Meler for example... they both manage the players in a complete other way, so why commitee always tries to give them so many instructions, stop the bullshit instructions, and let the referees be theirself, thats the way they become as good as they are...... as Rosetti says.... they are the best in Europe, and maybe the best in the world..... Just let them referee!

    2. Agree, different players, different team tactics and different referees, result in different refereeing styles. But to me, Orsato's refereeing style was acceptable as he kept absolute control over the players throughout the match.

  23. Good match by Orsato (management by reputation), No VAR, nobody will be talk about referee.

    Apart from this, his performance was too far away from committee's guidelines (too much leniency, its really strange), I am curious how his match will be accessed by committee.

    1. Agreed. Excellent player management like usual. A few too many advantages for me in times when a free kick would have been better. Movement is common Orsato - doesn’t run a lot. Way too far away from committee guidelines in terms of ”dissent”, way too lenient. Will for sure be interesting to see how they assess his performance despite Orsato having a good game in most other aspects.

  24. No additional play on after that timewasting during that +4?

    1. Felt the same. Weird that no extra time was added onto the additional time.

    2. He was hardly waiting to whistle the end of the game.

  25. Not as convinced as usual by Orsato tonight. Of course, full match control, but technically not accurate enough to speak of a great performance. Still, no big mistakes, his path can continue…

  26. Orsato pointed 6x times to his watch in tje extra time and added exactly 1 second extra. I always have discomfort with that

  27. Flawless perfromance. Best of tournament so far. Yes, there was some situations like VAR gesture(I dont know does Orsato saw it), or some small dissent, but, Orsato find way to solve it. Nobody speak to him on agressive way, and Orsato always find friendly way,and he did it. About is it fair to appoint him for final, one big YES! I think that he is not so stupid to do against himself. Go ahead Daniele!

    1. Fawless?

      Not punishing clear dissents after Rosseti clearly said that anyone who is not captain and has something to say will get YC?

      Not punishing timewasting after Pickford clearly timewasted plenty of times?

      Not allowing more time after England clearly stole some time in additional minutes?

      Not awarding RC to Serbian manager after 2 agressive approaches to 4th official?

      If that's flawless to you dear blogger,then I dont know what to say.

      Maybe I'm nit picking, but Orsato's level is like that.

      As someone who is clear favourite for Euro Final,we have to grade him strict.

    2. Yes, and I agree with what you say, we have to grade him strict, but I dont see that if one player,not captain, said Mr Orsato- immidiatley yellow. I think that we need to make diffrence between dissent and normal communication. At the end, he have top observer, and he will said him what to change in next game, so we should watch carefully!

    3. And yes, he stays as clear favorite for final!


    Here you can guess the ref for matchday 2. The result of matchday 1 will follow in a few days. Actually I have not a lot of time, so that you have to write the name of the referee by yourself.

  29. My MD2 predictions
    Croatia – Albania: Istvan Kovacs, Vasile Marinescu, Mihai Artene (all ROU), Mykola Balakin (UKR) – Marco Fritz, Bastian Dankert (both GER), Alper Ulusoy (TÜR)
    Germany – Hungary: Anthony Taylor, Gary Beswick, Adam Nunn (all ENG), Daniele Orsato (ITA) – Stuart Attwell, David Coote (both ENG), Bartosz Frankowski (POL)
    Scotland – Switzerland: Ivan Kruzliak, Branislav Hancko, Jan Pozor (all SVK), Espen Eskas (NOR) – Pol van Boekel, Rob Dieperink (both NED), Alejandro Hernandez Hernandez (ESP)
    Slovenia – Serbia: Francois Letexier, Cyril Mugnier, Mehdi Rahmouni (all FRA), Hamit Meler (TÜR) – Jerome Brisard, Willy Delajod (both FRA), Massimiliano Irrati (ITA)
    Denmark – England: Szymon Marciniak, Tomasz Listkiewicz, Adam Kupsik (all POL), Artur Soares Dias (POR) – Tomasz Kwiatkowski, Bartosz Frankowski (both POL), Juan Martinez Munuera (ESP)
    Spain – Italy: Danny Makkelie, Hessel Steegstra, Jan de Vries (all NED), Donatas Rumsas (LTU) – Rob Dieperink, Pol van Boekel (both NED), Stuart Attwell (ENG)
    Slovakia – Ukraine: Daniel Siebert, Jan Seidel, Rafael Foltyn (all GER), Rade Obrenovic (SVN) - Marco Fritz, Bastian Dankert (both GER), Alper Ulusoy (TÜR)
    Poland – Austria: Glenn Nyberg, Mahbod Beigi, Andreas Söderkvist (all SWE), Sandro Schärer (SUI) – Paolo Valeri (ITA), Catalin Popa (ROU), Fedayi San (SUI)
    Netherlands – France: Michael Oliver, Stuart Burt, Dan Cook (all ENG), Espen Eskas (NOR) – Stuart Attwell, David Coote (both ENG), Alejandro Hernandez Hernandez (ESP)
    Georgia – Czech Republic: Slavko Vincic, Tomaz Klancnik, Andraz Kovacic (all SVN), Serdar Gözübüyük (NED) – Nejc Kajtazovic (SVN), Bartosz Frankowski, Tomasz Kwiatkowski (both POL)
    Türkiye – Portugal: Jesus Gil Manzano, Diego Barbero Sevilla, Angel Nevado Rodriguez (all ESP), Irfan Peljto (BIH) – Juan Martinez Munuera (ESP), Catalin Popa (ROU), Fedayi San (SUI)
    Belgium – Romania: Facundo Tello, Gabriel Chade, Ezequiel Brailovsky (all ARG), Donatas Rumsas (LTU) – Alejandro Hernandez Hernandez (ESP), Tiago Martins (POR), Christian Dingert (GER)

    1. I'd say TUR-POR requires a bigger name than Manzano.
      Despite more sonorous clashes on paper at MD2 like ITA-ESP, TUR-POR could turn out to be the most impactful game of the entire group stage. The winner of group F has the easiest path to SF (Ro16 vs a 3rd, QF vs a 2nd) while the runner-up will face France in Ro16.

  30. Generally speaking, and taking away the dissent guidelines, a good performance for me. Lenient foul detection and many advantages, some of which were definitely unnecessary, but a clear line was present and maintained. I have to say he should have protected the key players earlier in the 1H, however he managed to achieve his goal in this regard also in the end (probably due to the smart YC for Gudelj for the foul on Bellingham in 39'). Absolute match and player control as usual, despite the protesting observed: players never really crossed the line (do they even dare?). As for the KMI in 59', definitely a possible penalty for Serbia on Mitrović, however I prefer play on in this case and would back Orsato on this one (a bit too soft for me). I also agree with Chefren about VAR non-intervention being expected here. On the negative side, fitness and positioning were bad as usual, although it seems everyone is used to it after all these years. To add, I think he may have missed a YC for SRB13 in 88', it looked like SPA-impeding, but I'm not sure if I evaluated the situation correctly.

    Special focus needs to be given to Orsato's management of protesting/dissent tonight: it was absolutely out of line with guidelines presented to the public earlier. As you can see from my earlier comment, I have nothing against Orsato maintaining his own style to a certain degree, although it probably isn't exactly fair to his colleagues. I must admit I was OK with it in the 1H. However, starting from the 59' and that no-PK decision against Serbia, things definitely went too far: blatant VAR gesture by SRB22 in 59', clear protest by Foden in 74', Dragan Stojković on the verge of a RC for his "clash" with Kružliak (YC was given), Savić with a dissenting hand gesture in 83'. All of these should have been punished with a YC; none eventually were. My opinion on this is clear: a YC in 59' for Serbia and in 74' for England would have calmed the players down and sent a clear message: "I gave you a certain leeway, but enough is enough." To conclude: I have nothing against Orsato maintaining his own style; after all, we are talking about one of the strongest natural authorities and leaders in modern refereeing (and my personal role model, to be completely honest). However, a clear line needs to be set and properly maintained, which Orsato failed to do tonight, and this is a clear negative aspect of his performance. It is also unfair to his colleagues, as it set a new precedent and can potentially cause unnecessary problems for them in future matches (which was easily avoidable). For me, it was the biggest minus point of his performance.

    To sum up this comment: a lenient but clear line in foul detection and solid (but not flawless) disciplinary line, excellent match control and player management (with some nice friendly chats after the game), but with a clear area for improvement in the application of the new dissent guidelines.

  31. Orsato nailed the first half but was very very sloppy in the second. Even without the ‘guidelines’ there wasn’t enough punishment of dissent

  32. No one said anything about punch from the Belinghem with his soulder in Kostic's chest without any reason. That is not for YC? How so?

  33. It's fine if most of you are okay with Orsato completely disregarding the directives. As you are each entitled to your own personal opinion.
    But, don't complain when referee's get confronted, yelled at, mobbed, or chased.
    UEFA finally opened their collective eyes and saw than there was a serious problem that needed to be dealt with and eradicated. Mr. Rosetti and his Referee Committee were pretty clear with their expectations in regards to dissent and boorish behavior.

    But, as others have said. Tournaments start so promisingly with these common sense directives and instructions. Inevitably they always fizzle out and things go right back to the lawlessness and leniency.
    As UEFA says, "Become a Referee"
    So you can be yelled at, cursed at, chased, and maybe even assaulted. Because that's what the players do and get away with on the TV, right?
    You can't want change and yet be okay with Orsato going completely off script today.

  34. Many of your comment sound like there were a lot of dissent cautions in the first six games of the tournament, because the referees were very strict in this regard.
    But isn't the truth rather, that there was nearly no dissent in those games?
    So do we really know, whether those referees would have acted differently than Orsato yesterday.
    I mean, we know the instructions and it is very good that the players reacted to them and are more careful - but we are yet to see situations were the referee actually acts strictly against it.

    1. Slovenia's coach was cautioned by Scharer for doing a lot less than unacceptable outbursts and confrontations the Serbian coach did. The Serbian coach belittled Kruzliak twice and nothing happened. That's a great image and message to send to the masses. Leniency and lawlessness.

  35. The strange thing with Orsato is, that I've often seen him (this season with PSV for example) where he dished out a lot of yellow cards for dissent.

    I didn't think he was great. Not bad, but I absolutely didn't like his performance. But, to be fair, I've never been a big fan of him, so I might not be objective.

  36. Orsato has always been a favourite for me. His movements and positioning are far from prefect, but I have always admired his star quality, his presence, his charisma and the way he communicates with players. That is the Orsato style, and that is what we saw yesterday. Having said that, no ego can be allowed to outshine the group. If Rosetti is to maintain credibiilty, he needs to send Orsato home. Sad but true.

    1. I wouldn't go to the extreme, like you did, reaching the conclusion of sending him home, but certainly the biggest problem after yesterday's performance is that Orsato completely disregarded the committe's guidelines, unlike all the other referees seen so far. Then we can talk about a good performance, without any problems, but from the point of view of human management, if Orsato makes two or three performances like the first one, and the other referees continue to apply the style requested by Rosetti, then to give the final to Orsato would be absolutely impossible for the management of the group. I'm curious to see his second appearance, where he could modify his style, aware of this aspect. But it's hard because I know his character.
      I wwant also to add that , to answer some remarks above in the discussion, he never loved to manage added time and always ended games before the required time. That's him, very difficult to see a change, we will see how things will go on next games.

    2. I hope you are right. Would love to see Orsato again.

    3. Like Chefren, I'm far from the notion of rejecting Orsato for the rest of the tournament. Actually, I cannot be more opposed to such an idea. He never came near any loss of control in his game yersterday and actually refereed it quite well, with some complaints we already spoke about. Of course, his failure (or refusal, probably) to abide by the committee's guidelines is a clear negative aspect of yesterday's performance and it has to be noted and properly highlighted in any reasonable analysis. However, at the same time, this is Orsato's style, one that obviously works and one that many people admire, myself included. I believe he will try to align this style to the guidelines as much as he can in his next game, or at least I hope so. But losing such an experienced referee and a strong personality for the rest of the tournament, without any actual controversy or serious mistakes on his part, would just be too much IMO.

  37. CRO - ALB Letexier FRA
    GER - HUN Makkelie NED
    SCO - SUI Kruzliak SVK

  38. Highlights:

    1. Can we get the link to the individual clips please.

    2. Can someone put a link to all the video clips of this match please.

  39. Can we get all the video clips of the games please?


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