Saturday 15 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 - Referee appointments - 17 June 2024

Referees in charge of 17 June games at EURO 2024. 

Game 10, Group E
Munich, 17 June 2024 15:00 CET
Referee: Glenn Nyberg SWE
Assistant Referee 1: Mahbod Beigi SWE
Assistant Referee 2: Andreas Söderqvist SWE
Fourth Official: Espen Eskås NOR
Reserve Assistant Referee: Jan Erik Engan NOR 
Video Assistant Referee: Rob Dieperink NED 
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Pol van Boekel NED
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Jérôme Brisard FRA
UEFA Referee Observer: David Fernández Borbalán ESP
UEFA Delegate: Arturs Gaidels LVA

Game 9, Group E
Frankfurt, 17 June 2024 18:00 CET
Referee: Halil Umut Meler TUR
Assistant Referee 1: Mustafa Emre Eyisoy TUR
Assistant Referee 2: Kerem Ersoy TUR 
Fourth Official: Serdar Gözübüyük NED
Reserve Assitant Referee: Johan Balder NED 
Video Assistant Referee: Bastian Dankert GER 
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Alper Ulusoy TR
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Marco Fritz GER 
UEFA Referee Observer: Nicola Rizzoli ITA
UEFA Delegate: Konul Mehtiyeva AZE

Game 8, Group D
Düsseldorf,  17 June 2024 21:00 CET
Referee: Jesús Gil Manzano ESP
Assistant Referee 1: Diego Barbero Sevilla ESP
Assistant Referee 2: Ángel Nevado Rodríguez ESP
Fourth Official: Mykola Balakin UKR
Reserve Assistant Referee: Oleksandr Berkut UKR
Video Assistant Referee: Juan Martínez Munuera ESP
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Alejandro José Hernández Hernández ESP
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins POR
UEFA Referee Observer: Hugh Dallas SCO
UEFA Delegate: Adrian Ixari MDA


  1. Romania-Ukraine: Nyberg
    Belgium-Slovakia: Meler
    Austria-France: Manzano

  2. Had these predictions spot on!

    Bit more difficult to predict for the 18th
    I'd go for
    Tur v Geo - Letexier
    Por v Cze - Marciniak

  3. I don’t understand why Nyberg has Dieperink as his main VAR instead of Van Boekel. The Swedish referee has always cooperated with Van Boekel in UCL.

    At the same time, Dieperink as main VAR next Monday is a clue that we won’t see Makkelie before Thursday (Spain-Italy or Slovenia-Serbia?). Quite sure UEFA should first evaluate a VAR’s performance before the VAR is appointed to another game.

    I like the addition of Gozubuyuk as 4O to the Turkish crew.

    No Kwiatkowski on Monday can indeed be a clue that we indeed will see Marciniak on Tuesday (Turkey-Georgia or Portugal?). I would predict Kovacs as well. His law enforcing style will suit very well in this group.

    1. Although Guida should slot in somewhere too, as he wasn’t appointed with Orsato

    2. I think Guida will have a MD 2 fixture Group A (I think he may only be pencilled in for 1 match).

    3. I'd guess leading an all-Italian team of Ger v Hun as compensation for 1 fixture.

    4. I agree, that Dieperink instead of van Boekel is surprising - and that it is another sign for Makkelie in ESP-ITA.

      I don't think, no Kwiatkowski means a lot. However the Brisard and Fritz appointments could indicate no Letexier and no Kovacs on Tuesday.

      Guida for Tuesday seems logical, because otherwise he could have been 4th to Orsato instead of Kruzliak (who himself is therefore unlikely for group F).
      So I am going for Guida and Taylor, probably with Taylor in the more sonorous POR-CZE.

    5. Both Guida and Taylor could work - Taylor was something I thought of in group F rather than Guida tbh.
      VAR's have worked two consecutive days, so this isn't necessarily the reason to discount Letexier. With Fritz though, could well discount a German or Kovacs as this would be the 3rd stright game for him.

    6. Guida and Taylor for Tuesday? I don't understand your judgement. You predicted Guida because he is not 4th in Orsato's game which is logical. But why Taylor if he is 4th in Orsato's game?
      How about Tello instead of Taylor? And then the only referees not involved in MD1 would be Marciniak, Makkelie and Kovacs. It would make sense, this way the Com will use three of the best 5 referees in MDs 2 & 3.
      Will any referee get 3/3 group stage games? Last time it was Lahoz but it was a strategy that backfired horrible, I don't think it will happen again

    7. *Taylor 4th official in Oliver's game, of course

    8. Yes, Letexier and Kovacs can't be exluded based on VAR, they are just less likely, I think. Also they don't have to work with Brisard/Fritz, it could also be e.g. Delajod/Popa.

      Taylor is an option, because he already works as 4th today. With two full days in between, there shouldn't be an issue.
      Furthermore, what is the alternative for Taylor?
      Group A has SCO, which makes it unlikely according to some of you (For me, GER-HUN would be totally fine).
      B had Oliver on MD1, C has ENG. So the first options for Taylor would be on Friday - possible, but also quite late.

      But yes, Tello on Tuesday is surely possible as well.

    9. I can see Taylor as late on Friday but with an appointment in group D.

  4. Gil Manzano's appointment is similar to Oliver's: One of the biggest games on MD1 for somebody without a good KO stage in the cup competitions.

    Nyberg and Meler with relatively low profile games in their debut at a big tournament makes a lot of sense.

    1. I am not sure whether Nyberg's match should indeed be described as a low-profile game: According to paper form, it is the duel between the second and third seeded teams and therefore possibly decisive for the question of who will advance to the round of 16 and who will can indirectly make it as one of the four best third-place teams in the group or otherwise be eliminated.

    2. Yes, fair point.
      I was more thinking about no big team involved and the date at Monday afternoon - which probably means, it is the least watched game on MD1.

  5. Yes, agree with Philipp that you can call Romania-Ukraine a lower profile game, as far as EURO games can be considered “low profile”. What stands out to me is that some games are more “risky” than others when we talk about media exposure. The Refcom obviously has a strategy to protect some referees for the knock-out stages.

    - MD3 games are more risky than a MD1 game. A mistake in MD1 will generate less headlines than in MD3. At EURO-2020, Lahoz and Turpin were both sent home after MD3 games respectively.
    - Games that have one or more ‘top teams’ involved. The games of England, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Portugal will generate more media attention;
    - The time. Referees in afternoon games 14:00/15:00 are more hidden than those in prime-time evening matches;

    Therefore, you can allocate Nyberg’s game as a lower profile one, and a mistake will likely not cost his head immediately.
    Turpin’s game was obviously a higher profile one. The sonorous opener, prime-time Friday evening, Germany at its home soil, etc. But still, a mistake or VAR overturn is not a reason to send Turpin home, because of the scoreline and it being an early game, with probably a 2nd game to recover.
    Orsato’s game ticks two boxes - he has England prime-time, but still a safe choice. Early MD1 game and England should ‘normally’ win easily.
    Vincic is “hidden”. Early game, no top teams and a game at 14:00/15:00. Safe choices by the Ref com with the intention to keep Orsato and Vincic on board for a longer time.

    On the other hand, Spain vs Italy ticks all the boxes above. It will be interesting to see who will referee that game. It probably won’t be one of the main final candidates, is my assumption.

    1. Btw, the opposite is also true. An early appointment in something like in Spain v Italy (MD2) or Croatia vs Italy (MD3) is risky, however a masterclass performance and good reports in media can increase SF-F chances as well. It’s a win/lose situation.

    2. I sometimes can't believe how far we've contorted ourselves into believing the primary objective of the assignments is to "protect" certain referees rather than, you know, just make the assignments.

      Obviously there are some short- and intermediate-term plans. But the idea that the driving force is protecting certain referees (based on guess about the score and attention level of certain games--as if a huge mistake couldn't change those two factors!) instead of national conflicts, overall quality, internal politics, recent performance, etc. I don't know, it just seems like a lot of us have lost the plot on this stuff. We've turned like the 5th or 6th potential factor into the 1st one.

    3. Usaref, I share some of your thoughts, but, as very often happens, I'm rather in the middle about two opinions. It is true that UEFA committee makes some choices aware of the fact that a referee in a specific game could be saved for something, but of course, as you said, it is always impossible to know before what will happen in a game, and, most important, we shouldn't see such motivation as main reason for an appointment, there are other arguments before, and you mentioned them. Personally I think that committe tries to match all the interests when making an assignment, but surely they don't reason like: "Let's give him that game only because in this way he will be saved for the final". Impossible to do that.

    4. I don't think we disagree Chefren. Possibly protecting a referee or giving a first assignment when the second or third one is in mind... of course that happens. But as I said, it's like the 5th or 6th potential factor. Too many posts recently on this forum and others act like it's the only or primary factor.

  6. Predictions for Tuesday:

    TUR - GEO Guida
    POR - CZE Letexier

    1. Letexier was with Turpin. How could a FO to have two games in the MD1? One was rezerve and the second to be in front. I don’t think its posibile.

  7. Prediction 18 June
    Türkiye – Georgia: Marciniak
    Portugal – Czech Republic: Guida


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