Tuesday 25 June 2024

UEFA EURO 2024 Match 29: England - Slovenia (discussion)

Clément Turpin is back after the opener Germany - Scotland. Second game for him, England - Slovenia. 

Game 29, Group C
Cologne, 25 June 2024 21:00 CET
Referee: Clément Turpin FRA
Assistant Referee 1: Nicolas Danos FRA
Assistant Referee 2: Benjamin Pagès FRA
Fourth Official: Halil Umut Meler TUR 
Reserve Assistant Referee: Mustafa Emre Eyisoi TUR 
Video Assistant Referee: Jérôme Brisard FRA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: Willy Delajod FRA
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2:Rob Dieperink NED 
UEFA Referee Observer: Costas Kapitanis CYP
UEFA Delegate: Paolo Rondelli SMR


  1. a some redemption for Turpin, after first game that disappointed

  2. Good YC for Trippier
    Now also YC for rather deliberate hold

  3. Good start both YCs deserved

  4. The thumb over the shoulder to signal direction after Walkers foul made me actually laugh out loud.

  5. No wonder they chose this match to punish Turpin. England play so boring 😂

  6. A lot of boring games in this Euros. Especially in first half. Lull

  7. These were the most boring 45' I've seen at this Euro. A little out of the ordinary were the 2 YC showed considering the style that the French is usually labeled with, both of them correct. Turpin was good so far but not challenged at all. He seems decided to not let things get of of control. Let's see how the things will change in the 2nd half. I think Slovenia will take a risk if the score will change in the other game of the group

    1. Other 2 YCs, both of them were absolutely mandatory

  8. do you really enjoy this soft football where every tiny touch is a foul??

  9. So many fouls whistled. Very boring game.

  10. I thought Turpin had a VERY average second half. Foul detection was not perfect (leading to a Foden dissent YC) and Slovenia left back got away with delaying the restart multiple times already on a card..

  11. Probably the worst game in the EURO on the football aspect but quite good performance by Turpin, good managment some miss foul but overall performance is good especially after his first game.
    on the fact that he whistle more than usual it's probably due to his first maybe he wanted to reassure himself.

  12. A solid performance by Turpin in a rather boring game, IMO. His chosen line in foul detection was probably aimed at preventing any loss of control no matter what, which led to a rather high number of fouls (20 IIRC), some of which were probably a bit soft/unbalanced, but I don't think he should be subjected to any harsh criticism.

    Disciplinary wise, Turpin issued 5 absolutely correct YCs: 17' (ENG12, absolutely mandatory for a very dangerous challenge), 22' (SVN13, SPA/LoR, deliberate holding), 68' (ENG6, SPA), 72' (SVN6, SPA) and 77' (ENG11, protest/dissent). The 17' YC came after a nice and well applied advantage for SVN, which is useful to note. On the other hand, I've counted three more YCs that could have been given: 27' (SVN17, potential reckless tackle), 38' (SVN6, hard tackle from behind, of a reckless nature IMO) and 58' (ENG7, kick to the head). While he can be supported for the no card decisions in 27' and 58', I'd argue that the 38' one was definitely missed, at least for my personal taste.

    Two PAIs of note were correctly solved, IMO: a potential penalty for SVN was rightly rejected in 38', for what was essentially throwing to the ground of the SVN player after a minimal holding by the defender; furthermore, I don't think a foot contact, caused mainly by inertia of both players after clearing the ball away by the SVN player in 58', was reason enough to award a penalty to ENG.

    Taking everything into consideration, a solid performance for my taste.

    1. Agree with your analysis, he surely decide to blow his whistle more than usual because of his first game but a the end good management of the game and pretty good foul detection. Overall performance way better than the first and that should guaranteed him to go further in this tournament

  13. Again Turpin showing to favour the bigger team in tight situations.

  14. Can we get all the video clips of the games please?


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