Friday, 11 June 2021

UEFA EURO 2020 - Referee appointments - 13 June 2021

EURO 2020,  appointments for the third day of the tournament, with three games to be played on Sunday 13 June 2021. 

Group D
London, 13 June 2021 15:00 CET
Referee: Daniele Orsato (ITA)
Assistant Referee 1: Alessandro Giallatini (ITA)
Assistant Referee 2: Fabiano Preti (ITA)
Fourth Official: Björn Kuipers (NED)
Fifth Official: Sander van Roekel (NED)
Video Assistant Referee: Massimiliano Irrati (ITA)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1: João Pinheiro (POR)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Filippo Meli (ITA)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 3: Paolo Valeri (ITA) 
UEFA Referee Observer: Francesco Bianchi (SUI)
UEFA Delegate: Myrsini Psarropoulou (GRE) 

Group C
Bucharest, 13 June 2021 18:00 CET
Referee: Andreas Ekberg (SWE)
Assistant Referee 1: Mehmet Culum (SWE)
Assistant Referee 2: Stefan Hallberg (SWE)
Fourth Official: Sergei Karasev (RUS)
Fifth Official: Igor Demeshko (RUS)
Video Assistant Referee: Bastian Dankert (GER)
Assistant  Video Assistant Referee 1: Christopher Kavanagh (ENG)
Assistant  Video Assistant Referee 2: Benjamin Pagès (FRA)
Assistant  Video Assistant Referee 3: Jérôme Brisard (FRA)
UEFA Referee Observer: David Fernández Borbalán (ESP)
UEFA Delegate: Rotem Kamer (ISR)

Group C
Amsterdam, 13 June 2021 21:00 CET
Referee: Felix Brych (GER)
Assistant Referee 1: Mark Borsch (GER)
Assistant Referee 2: Stefan Lupp (GER)
Fourth Official: Bartosz Frankowski (POL)
Fifth Official: Marcin Boniek (POL)
Video Assistant Referee:  Marco Fritz (GER)
Assistant  Video Assistant Referee 1: Christian Dingert (GER)
Assistant  Video Assistant Referee 2: Lee Betts (ENG)
Assistant  Video Assistant Referee 3: Stuart Attwell (ENG)
UEFA Referee Observer: Vítor Manuel Melo Pereira (POR)
UEFA Delegate: Milovan Đukanović (MNE)


  1. A very experienced referee for ENG-CRO, although many may have expected Orsato for FRA-GER. Pretty sure it's going to be Kuipers now on Tuesday.

    Ekberg for the second match on sunday imho a reasonable choice.

    I'm a little surprised UEFA is sending Brych to Amsterdam as it's not the tightest or most hot blooded match on paper in group stage.

    1. I agree with you as I do not see Netherland-Ukraine is a challenging match. I would like to see some "middle-profile" names in this one, such as Del Cerro, Vincic, or even Cakir. The other two appointments made a lot of sense for me.

  2. I think that NED-UKR will be a very challenging match and that the appointment of Brych is a wise decision

    Kuipers for FRA-GER is a certainty indeed

  3. I guess Cakir is in charge of France-Germany.

  4. Interesting set of appointments.
    Brych back in the Netherlands, he has officiated Dutch teams in CL very often, with many games in Amsterdam with Ajax. I think that the match NED - UKR will be very challenging and I like this choice by committe.
    The first Category 1 to get a game is Ekberg. We can clearly understand the reasons behind this choice, it is an appointment based on the level of the teams involved.
    Three nations in VAR room with German main VAR, English AVAR and then French officials as AVAR2 and 3. Again, I hope that language will not be a problem there.
    I also expected Orsato in England - Croatia, good appointment. A very interesting clash. Particular to see Kuipers as fourth official, before the competition one could have maybe guessed that some very high ranked Elite wouldn't have worked at all in this role, but committee absolutely denies that by appointing the Dutch close to benches.
    Now, Kuipers should be the only option for France - Germany two days later, indeed, but I wouldn't exclude at all, as possible "surprise", Cakir. Relatively a surprise, because in past this game would have been the standard for him, but now, after some difficult years, it would be an excellent signal. Let's see. However, I think it will be Kuipers.

  5. Yep I agree Chefren, would they appoint Kuipers again in such a short space of time or save hime for a game in that group in MD2 or 3?
    Cakir would be my other prediction.
    I had Orsato & Lahoz the other way round - sensible appointment.

  6. Another prediction I got right! Andreas Ekberg for Austria vs North Macedonia.

    I would have liked Cakir to get England v Croatia but it is what it is. Kuipers will almost certainly get France vs Germany now.

  7. I also think that NED UKR will not be easy, so good choice to appoint Brych.
    I have one logistic question; where are based referees duirng such period ? Are they in Istanbul travelling everytime to the venue of the match ?

    1. I think they are in Istanbul. I read an article about Daniel Siebert's surprising nomination for Euro and it contained the information, that normally every referee was expected to have arrived in Istabul on monday, but Siebert is becoming a father for the first time these days, so Rosetti allowed him to arrive later, if necessary.

    2. Yes, they are all in Istanbul and fly to the venues when appointed. Istanbul is like 'base camp' for them :-).

    3. Thanks for the information; since VAR are on other hand base din Nyon, would be nice to know who of the referee commettee is Instabul and who is in Nyon with teh VARs. I guess that Rosetti, Batta, Dallas and Werner Helsey are in Istanbul

    4. Turkish airlines has been "the airline with highest number of flight within Europe during pandemic" according to Eurocontrol. Istanbul seems like a fair choice.

  8. Regarding England - Croatia, today I read that Croatian players will not make the kneeling gesture before kick off, while England will do that.
    Croatian federation has stated that they condemn all forms of racism, but they want to leave freedom to single people and players.
    So it will be a very particular situation for Orsato, in all cases, he will do something that one of the two teams will avoid.

    1. Croatians are taking knee only in front of God

    2. Lets better not go into details to avoid Hategan-Coltescu situation on the blog. But indeed, interesting remark regarding the referee.

      It was also reported that Scotland wont kneel, and I believe also some other nations. England fans are also strongly against it, even though some of their players see it as important gesture.

  9. All the top-top class referees are in charge. Who will be at the big FRA-GER ? I think Cakir or Hategan.

    1. I see a 95% chance that it's Kuipers.

    2. I don`t think so, mate. He is the 4th official at London just 2 days before the game at Munchen. In my opinion small chances. If UEFA would wanted him at FRA-GER it would be logical to chose another one at ENG-CRO.

    3. I agree, this is the biggest argument against Kuipers there.
      He could maybe travel directly from London to Munich, but it still seems unnecessary.
      However, there is also no really suitable match for him on the first half of MD2 - Makkelie had group A, NED is in C, FIN-RUS appears too small and using him for BEL seems avoidable (but not impossible). And if he is kept for ENG-SCO, why appoint him for the first ENG match already.

    4. London Munich is a 1 hour flight. Don't see this as a significant argument against appointing him. Also, I might agree if Orsato or Lahoz would be available. Rosetti clearly doesn't have trust in Cakir (no CL game in the late stages) and there is just no other big name left...

  10. Sanchez Martinez is the only VAR, who has not been appointed so far - although it would have been logical to use him instead of Pinheiro in BEL-RUS.

  11. Good choices by UEFA on all 3 matches. I think that the committee doesn't want to risk anything.

    Kuipers appointment as FO is not logical if he is planned for FRA-GER. But he could go directly to Munich.

  12. I still see Kuipers would be the most possible person to in charge Germany-France. If this is not the case, I think committee is likely to surprise us, so my prediction will be Rapallini or Vincic.

    1. Rapallini is 4th already, Vincic is at first euro. It would be somehow risky and illogical giving to him the hardest game. My guess is that it will be a referee who was at 2016. As I write early today Cakir or Hategan.

    2. You might be right, I prefer to make some risky prediction if Kuipers is not appointed in this match haha

  13. My first correct prediction with Ekberg in AUS-MKD.

    Logically, you would now think Kuipers for FRA-GER, but seems peculiar to appoint him as 4th official two days before then. The only other name I can see for that game is Cakir – it would look really, really strange for UEFA to use all their "big guns" in mid-tier games and then go with someone like Hategan (for example) in the biggest match of the first round.

    Would be amazing to see Cakir get the game, especially after being ignored for most of the UCL knockout stages, but let's be honest – it will probably be Kuipers (not undeservedly, it must be said).


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