Monday 28 June 2021

UEFA EURO 2020 - Referee predictions - Quarterfinals (I)

Quarterfinals, First part: predictions game about EURO 2020 referees.


You have to guess the exact referee for each game by filling in a form. Just insert your name, or, if you want, a nickname and then for each game just select the referee.  If you have already played for the previous rounds, please use the same name. We can't ensure too many efforts if you send predictions with a different name than the previously used one. If you are new and you want to have yout first try, you are welcome! 

Send your predictions here:
*** TIME OVER ***

Due to a too short time before previous games and the release of new appointments we have decided to split Quarterfinals in two parts, this is the first one.  Results for all Quarterfinals games will be published together. 
The deadline for the first set of Quarterfinals will be Wednesday 30 June 2021, 09:59 AM CET. Unless extraordinary announcement by federations the same day a few time before the official releasement by UEFA, in that case of course we couldn't accept your names. So the suggestion is not to wait the very last minutes to avoid troubles. The predictions sent after that (official time will be checked) will not be accepted in any case. 

Points will be assigned according to the following pattern:
10 points for having guessed the exact referee of a match
5 points if a guessed referee for a game will be appointed as fourth official
2 points if a guessed referee is appointed in the other game with the winners meeting on the next round*
1 point if a referee is appointed for the same round



  1. My 10 referees for the quarterfinals, semifinals and final:
    Cüneyt Çakır
    Fernando Rapallini
    Anthony Taylor
    Bjorn Kuipers
    Daniele Orsato
    Danny Makkelie
    Slavko Vinčić
    Michael Oliver
    Ovidiu Hațegan
    Daniel Siebert

    My choice for the rest of the tournament:
    Quarterfinal: Kuipers - Oliver - Vinčić - Hațegan - Siebert
    Semifinals: Orsato - Makkelie - Rapallini - Taylor
    Final: Çakır - Taylor - Rapallini - Kuipers

  2. Will the remaining 5 referees without a R16 match be used in the last 7 games or some of them will be out of luck?

  3. In 2012, Proenca did a QF and the final, both matches involving Italy.
    In 2016, Clattenburg did a less sonorous R16 and then straight the final.
    In 2021, will the final referee come from R16 or QF?

    1. The final referee will most definitely 100% be coming from the QF because Kuipers will be getting the final

  4. After France elimination yesterday, my first thought was that SUI - ESP could be for referees who otherwise wouldn't have got an appointment.
    This game is clearly different than the expected FRA - ESP.

    1. I thought the same thing. I think Michael Oliver might be lucky. And since Italy - Belgium will be the biggest clash in QF, I would say Kuipers is pretty certain for that one.

    2. I don't think kuipers will get Belgium.
      I think he'll get the QF with geany /England

  5. QF: Makkelie - Siebert - Hategan - Vincic
    SF: Karasev - Cakir
    F: Brych - Kuipers

    1. :)) Brych for FINAL :))

    2. Brych for final? I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky :) Rosetti had to resign that same day!

    3. Siebert with that ludicrous Red Card? No way!

  6. QF- Kuipers, Vincic, Hategan, Siebert
    SF - Cakir, Makellie
    F- Rapallini

  7. QF: Del Cerro, Kuipers, Vincic, Oliver

    1. I would like to see Hatagen replace Del Cerro and I agree with the rest

  8. QF predictions:
    SUI-ESP: Michael Oliver (England)
    BEL-ITA: Sergei Karasev (Russia)
    CZE-DEN: Slavko Vincic (Slovenia)
    SWE/UKR-ENG/GER: Björn Kuipers (Netherlands)

  9. Daily mail

    MARK CLATTENBURG: Danny Makkelie has adapted better than most to VAR and his experience is second to none - ahead of officiating England's clash with Germany, the Dutch ref in the middle has proven he is one of Europe's top operators.

    Dutch man in the middle Danny Makkelie is a real talent and someone who adapted better than most to the introduction of VAR.

    Holland was one of the first countries to work with the technology, so Makkelie's experience of the system is second to none.

    He was one of the video assistants working the World Cup final in 2018.

    Now he's going to referee a Euro 2020 knockout game between England and Germany, which is another huge honour.

    I've worked with Makkelie in Greece - he oversaw the final of the Greek Cup in Athens in May - and he's shown in his Champions League appointments how he's become one of Europe's top operators.

    Bjorn Kuipers, the Dutch referee who's now 48 years old, has widely been considered Holland's best for a long time now.

    But if and when Kuipers retires, Makkelie, 38, is ready to take over.

  10. QF predictions:
    SUI-ESP: Michael Oliver (England) - 4of: Sergei Karasev (Russia)
    BEL-ITA: Björn Kuipers (Netherlands) - 4of: Daniel Siebert (Germany)
    CZE-DEN: Carlos Del Cerro Grande (Spain) - 4of: Fernando Rapallini (Argentina)
    SWE/UKR-ENG/GER: Slavko Vincic (Slovenia) - 4of: Ovidiu Hategan (Romania)

    Simulated semifinals:

    ESP-ITA: Cüneyt Cakir (Turkey) - 4of: Slavko Vincic (Slovenia)
    DEN-GER: Anthony Taylor (England) - 4of: Sergei Karasev (Russia)

    Final: Björn Kuipers (Netherlands) - 4of: Danny Makkelie (Netherlands)

    1. Agree! Only I would swap the two SF referees.

    2. I do not know who this Anonymous is, but I had the very same predictions, after yesterday (brilliant performance Cakir). The final will be for a Dutchman, but do not exclude Makkelie as head ref for the final !

  11. Predictions:
    SUI-ESP: Ovidiu Hategan (4o: Daniele Orsato)
    BEL-ITA: Björn Kuipers (4o: Sergei Karasev)
    CZE-DEN: Michael Oliver (4o: Daniel Siebert)
    SWE/UKR-ENG/GER: Slavko Vincic (4o: Carlos Del Cerro Grande)

    SUI/ESP-BEL/ITA: Felix Brych (4o: Anthony Taylor)
    CZE/DEN-SWE/UKR/ENG/GER: Cuneyt Cakir (4o: Fernando Rapallini)

    Final: Björn Kuipers (4o: Danny Makkelie)

    1. Anonymous 29 June 2021 at 12:00, Brych will be lucky not to be removed from elite category. Cut the comedy!

    2. @Anonymous 14:31. Seems like you're a bit overreacting.
      Brych did well in a very heated match. Everyone knew it would be heated and some confrontations would be unavoidable, especially with Portugal. The team managed it very well and in the end nobody is talking about the referee. Brych is one of the best in the past 10 years and he's proven that again. He deserves another match

    3. If you don't want to stick to facts, it's your problem, you can't be taken seriously. Saying Brych "did well" is entering an alternative reality. Both Belgian and Portuguese press harshly criticized him as well as the overwhelming majority of this blog and several journalists and refereeing experts of other countries. If Brych is not going home, Committee loses all credit. What would referees like Turpin and Lahoz think of it?

    4. It's fine that you're not taking me seriously, I just can't take you seriously. The only thing you're doing is attacking me on my opinion, without explaining anything. I explain why I think Brych did well, you're just saying I'm wrong.
      I don't know who you are and where you're from, but you seem a bit frustrated about the bigger names leaving the tournament...

    5. Come on, just go read the discussion on this blog in detail about Brych's poor job and get out of your alternative reality.

    6. Oh yeah, of course. Reading a discussion > watching a game.

      But thanks, the fact that you don't want to get in a discussion proves me right

    7. Troll alert

      No, it doesn't prove you right. You are trolling around and not with much sophistication by the way.

    8. Then finally explain me why Brych should be sent home by Rosetti

  12. Prediction

    SUI-ESP: Michael Oliver (England) - 4of: Sergei Karasev (Russia)
    BEL-ITA: Björn Kuipers (Netherlands) - 4of: Daniel Siebert (Germany)
    CZE-DEN: Fernando Rapallini (Arg) - 4of: Carlos del Cerro (Spain)
    SWE/UKR-ENG/GER: Slavko Vincic (Slovenia) - 4of: Ovidiu Hategan (Romania)

    Simulated semifinals:

    ESP-ITA: Cüneyt Cakir (Turkey) - 4of: Slavko Vincic (Slovenia)
    DEN-GER: Anthony Taylor (England) - 4of: Sergei Karasev (Russia)

    Final: Björn Kuipers (Netherlands) - 4of: Danny Makkelie (Netherlands

    1. Would be another "just" semifinal after U-21 EURO 2009, U-20 WC 2011, EURO 2012, WC 2014 and WC 2018 for him ...

    2. Unbelievable if Çakir is not given the final. It would be cruelly unfair!

    3. @Peter: I am wondering whether the fact that Cakir is from Turkey will count the same as the fact that Faghani was from Iran (WC 2018) in not getting the final?

    4. Politics has to stay out of football. Based on performance, Cakir deserves the final.

    5. Totally agree with you, but the reality is, unfortunately, different.

    6. Except for UCL 2015 (final) and Euro 2016 (R16), Cakir ended up with 5 semi-finals, as mentioned above. There must be a (political) reason why that happened...

    7. Again, Committee should bring clarity and transparency to a tournament that is watched worldwide. Performance has to be the primary principle. And Cakir had the best display of the entire season in a quite challenging CRO-ESP. In normal conditions he should be given the championship game, all the more so that plays in the Committee's favor as Cakir gives all guarantees of a safe ending to the competition.

  13. My prediction:

    QF: Kuipers, Taylor, Karasev, Vincic

    SF: Cakir, Makkelie

    F: Kuipers

  14. My predictions:
    Oliver for SUI - ESP, in my opinion committee could use this game to appoint him
    BEL - ITA Kuipers, I can't see a different name here, considering how much difficult are Italy games (you know) and Belgium coming from the hot BEL - POR. Second option for this game Cakir: but I don't think he will be out again so early after yesterday...

    There are in my opinion by far more options for SUI - ESP than BEL - ITA.

    1. If Del Cerro was kept, he will get something important.

    2. He should be out from BEL - ITA and SUI - ESP due to Spain.
      He could then get CZE - DEN or maybe the game with Germany or England.

    3. I wonder whether Oliver will indeed achieve more than Taylor. The latter seems to be the clear front-runner of his country but could be out in the case that England will defeat Germany. And let's not forget his brave handling of DEN-FIN.

    4. It is not impossible to see him with Germany again but let me say that German media was not happy with his performance. Would not be the best decision to appoint him again after a performance below average.

    5. I think Taylor will appear again with a semifinal, but maybe then indeed too many English referees in KO stage? There are many factors we can't know about!

    6. Ref_1707, Taylor has been almost flawless in this tournament. And btw he did a brilliant job in POR-GER.

  15. My predictions:


    ITA - BEL Michael Oliver

    SUI - ESP Ovidiu Hategan

    ENG/GER - SWE/UKR Bjorn Kuipers

    CZE - DEN Slavko Vincic


    ITA/BEL - SUI/ESP Anthony Taylor

    ENG/GERM-SWE/UKR - CZE/DEN Danny Makkelie

    Cuneit Çakir

  16. Agreed. Would just swap Hategan for Karasev. The Russian has been in form and a QF appointment would more than deserved as a reward for his good performances.

  17. ITA-BEL Oliver

    ESP-SWI Karasev

    ENG/GER - SWE/UKR Hategan

    DEN - CZE Vincic


    ITA/BEL - ESP/SWI Taylor

    ENG/GER SWE/UKR - DEN -CZE Kuipers

    Final Cakir

  18. Final belongs to Kuipers period end of conversation. Cakir will get a SF which he deserves

    1. Was it established by decree? Based on performance, it must be Cakir. Kuipers can get QF and SF appointments since the Netherlands are out.

  19. I think ITA-BEL may be Vinic with Oliver on SPA v SWI
    Could well see Del Grande & Kuipers on the other 2 QF's (will wait after tonight to see which one gets what match)
    Cakir is sure to be involved in a Semi Final and the other again will be determined after the quarters IMO.
    Think we will see Karasev & Rapallini serve as 4th's in the latter stages

  20. Just one Man deserves the final,and
    everybody know who is he..just people cant confess.i hope he will get the final.

    1. Orsato, 46, Italy

    2. Should be next year's World Cup final then; currently he is only 45.

    3. At QATAR 2022 will be 47.

    4. So it should be no final for him.

  21. My predictions - part I:

    SUI-ESP: Michael OLIVER (ENG)

  22. Will the referees ‘not required’ as we reach QF’s be announced or will it just be tittle tattle and speculation?

  23. My predictions:

    BEL-ITA Michael Oliver

    SPA-SWI Sergei Karasev

    ENG/GER - SWE/UKR Ovidiu Hategan

    CZE - DEN Slavko Vincic

    SFS Taylor - Orsato - Kuipers

    Final Cakir

  24. Only one English referee will continue in the last 7 games due to England advancing to QF.

  25. After yesterday's - Rapallini for the final ;)

    1. This is not Copa America, with all due respect.

    2. I agree, it is not, however his performance was imho very convincing, and moreover I believe UEFA might want to 'embrace' relationship with CONMEBOL


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